Valentine's Surprise

Fandom : Diagnosis Murder
Pairing : Steve/Jesse
Series : No a Holiday Piece
Rating : R for romance
Feedback : Please I love to know what people think of my stories.
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Jesse hurried home from work to prepare the rest of Steve's Valentine's Day surprise. He had taken the afternoon off from work, and with help from Mark, had finished the beach part of the surprise. Jesse put out the incense and lit the "love's Flaming Passion" flavour so the scent was the first thing that hit Steve, when he walked in the door. Jesse set working in the kitchen preparing the red wine and meal especially for the evening.

The phone rang from the delivery company, saying that Steve's package had just been delivered to Steve personally at the station. Jesse asked what Steve's reaction to the gift had been? He was told that Steve had gone beet-red at the sight of the box, which was a deep red colour wrapped with a large red heart with a large red satin bow. The card accompanying the gift was a red Heart and said: " Do not open till home and just outside the door. Put on the outfit and be prepared for a night of sensual delights." Love J.

Jesse had prepared the package and the outfit inside it himself. He had a matching set already to put on when the time came. He hurried about the kitchen and in the bedroom putting on the final touches to the night. He quickly changed into his own clothes just before Steve was supposed to arrive.

Steve got home and finally opened the package that had been delivered to the station by a Cupid dressed in diaper, complete with bow and arrow, and covered with red body paint. He almost died when he saw this character walking to his desk and making him sign for the package. All the other officers, including his boss, commented that he looked as red as the package even without any makeup at all. His curiosity almost got the better of him all afternoon. Noon to five was a long time to look at the box without not being able to take a peek. Even though he had tried, the guys in the squad room wouldn't let him.

So here he was, parked in his driveway, finally able to open it and examine what Jesse had given him. Steve gingerly opened the gift not knowing what to expect but warm at the thought of what Jesse had gotten him, laughing at the way it was delivered. Steve opened the gift and removed all the tissue paper, which was red in colour as well. He looked at the red satin top in the box and let out a whoosh at how beautiful and sexy it looked. He then removed the bottoms from the box, he had to look twice to actually believe what he was seeing. The boxers were a filmy red satin, that matched the shirt, with a thong like piece on the inside that was opaque but not totally see-thru. they were also red in colour.

Steve just sat there for a minute looking expectantly at the outfit and thinking, "Jesse expects me to wear this!!" Fingering the exceptionally soft material, Steve got out of the car and went to the enclosed front door of the condo and put on his outfit. Steve couldn't believe the soft and flowing feel of the top and the shorts that he was wearing. It felt like he had nothing on and yet everything moved so freely. He loved the feeling even if he was self-conscious of how sheer the material was and that he still could see through everything.

Steve took a deep breath and thought, "What the hell, I can just imagine what Jesse's reaction will be. He must have been thinking up this one for awhile." Steve opened the door to the apartment and caught a whiff of the wonderful incense that Jesse had lit earlier and it smelt wonderful. Steve looked around for Jesse and saw him relaxing in the center of the bearskin rug in an outfit identical to Steve's own.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Jesse called with lust in his voice. He drank in the sight of Steve in the outfit and knew it was worth all the time and trouble to get the preprations ready for tonight just for the sight of Steve the way he looked right now. He felt his own cock grow hard at the sight of his lover and saw with a knowing smile that Steve had had the same reaction to him.

Steve looked at Jesse and his cock became hard as rock, and threatened to jump up out of his shorts at the sight of Jesse dressed in matching silk. Steve went to Jesse and picked him off the floor and into his arms, and molding their satin covered bodies in a long body-hugging passionate kiss. When they both could breath again, Steve lustily said, "If this is just the appetizer, I can't wait for the for the main course."

"Don't forget about dessert," Smiled Jesse as he carressed Steve's beautiful chest through the shirt. Then, he took Steve's hand in his and said "Come on let's have a quick dinner."

"Okay," smiled Steve.

They made their way hand in hand to the kitchen, where a meal was set for two. They ate and occasionally reaching around and kissing and caressing each other. They finished the meal, Jesse took Steve's hand and said, "Let's go for a walk on the beach for a campfire, okay?".

Steve looked at Jesse, and kissed him and said "Not in these outfits though".

"Okay, that's an even better idea" Jesse.

Jesse immediately began to take off his shirt and slid his shorts down his slim and muscular thighs. Steve watched in amazement as Jesse began to unbutton his shirt, lingering a little longer with the detective's clothing than he had with his own. He carressed Steve's nipples with a little tweak to each one and taking off his shirt to expose his lover's muscular and tight chest with all the wonderful hair on it. Jesse then put his hands in the waistband of Steve's shorts and pulled them down. the shorts fell to a pool of red at both there feet.

Once he'd gotten them both nude, Jesse wrapped his arms and body around Steve and kissed him passionately. Both there hard cocks moving in a naked dance by themselves.

Jesse let go of Steve and then took his hand and told him, "Come on, let's go for that walk on the beach".

Steve stood still and didn't move a muscle. "If you think that we are walking on the beach like this, you are out of your mind" he replied.

"Oh really? What if I convinced you to go like this, would you?" Jesse commented huskily.

"It would have to be a pretty convincing, to make me try something like that" Steve replied throatily.

"Well let me put it to you this way: There is a very comfortable surprise waiting down the beach for us" smiled Jesse as he began to caress Steve's hard cock.

"That's not quite doing the job yet, I think I need more convincing," replied a smiling Steve.

"What about if I say the warm and comfortable PRIVATE spot on the beach that I have in mind has a truly wonderful dessert waiting for us there?" tugged Jesse as he began to lead Steve out the back door to the beach.

"Well, you know one of my greatest weaknesses is dessert, so, okay, let's go," laughed Steve as he watched Jesse's small delicious bubble butt ahead of him.

They left the beach house and walked hand in hand. Both men's cocks were hard, as they headed down the beachtoward the dunes and the place that Mark was waiting for them.

"My God, you actually did convince him," said an amazed looking Mark as he gawked at the sight of both Jesse and Steve walking hand and hand toward him along the beach.

"D-D-Dad, what are you doing here?" stammered Steve as hebecame aware that his father was seeing both him and Jesse naked on the beach.

"Just making sure that no one got here before the two of you, that's all" smiled Mark at Steves's red-faced embarassment.

"Oh Jesse" smiled Mark

"Yeah Mark" sniggered Jesse

"Take two days off. This was a blessed sight so enjoy a mini-vacation" Mark shook his head laughingly as he walked back toward the beach house smilling.

"What, was that all about?" questioned Steve as he looked at the impish smile on Jesse's lit face.

"Oh, that meant I really won a good bet and I can't wait to blab to Amanda that I actually beat Mark and her both. That is where the extra day came from" smiling evilly Jesse laughed.

Steve grabbed Jesse into a bone crushing embrace and started to tickle him.

"If you don't start to tell me what is going on, I will continue to do this all night and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it." tickled Steve.

"Okay, okay... if you don't stop, I won't be able to say anything anyway. I bet Mark a day off with pay that I could get the two of us to walk down the beach naked and Amanda heard me say it," explained Jesse. 'There is no way you can convince me that Steve will walk naked for you down the beach -- he doesn't even want to take his clothes off for a Medical Exam. How are you going to do this wonder?" Amanda had replied inquisitively.

"I have my ways, I told her" smiled Jesse

"If you can make Steve do that, I'll give you a day off with pay myself," Amanda had said speculation in her voice.

"So, I said that Mark could be the judge and that he would tell Amanda whether I won the bet or not." kissed Jesse into Steve's well formed chest.

"Well, I do have a couple of vacation days coming up myself, so let's use them and go away next weekend, shall we?" laughed Steve.

"Yes, let's. But we'll discuss where later. Now if you will kindly lay down, I have some sumptuous desert for you," Jesse announced while pressing his hand down on Steve's wonderfully muscled fur covered chest.

Steve laid down on the plush, red heart-shaped towel that had been placed on the beach and Jesse started a small fire to keep them warm. He then went to a cooler and brought out a black forest cake in the shape of a heart with extra cherries on top.

Jesse cut a piece for them each and they ate the cake out of one another's hands, slopping bits of cake and icing over each other. Jesse took a dollop of icing and proceeded to cover Steve's rock-hard instrument with it, putting one of the extra cherries on the hard tip. Jesse began to lick and swallow the icing off Steve's tasty organ and to the moans, of esctasy of his partner, began to swallow both the cherry and his cock.

As hard as Steve was, it did not take him long to give Jesse the extra special dessert that had been promised. As Steve began to fill Jesse's mouth with a large amount of sweet tasting liquid, Jesse swallowed and didn't miss a drop. Steve then collapsed onto the towel and Jesse began eating his way up Steve's chest devouring the leftover cake and icing as he did so. Afterwards, as he lay on Steve's chest and said in a contented voice "Happy Valentine's Day, Steve"

"Happy Valentines Day, Jesse" Steve smiled contentedly and they fell asleep in each others arms, basking in the warmth of the fire on the beach.
