Kitchen Kinks
by Sarah Saint Ives

The hospital's ground-floor kitchen was closed for the night, but Dr. Jesse Travis, working an all-nighter in the emergency room, was starving. Looking both ways to be sure no one would see his trespass, he slipped quietly in and closed the door behind him. From previous sneak-ins, he knew which of the four refrigerators contained desserts and made a bee-line for it.

Eight equal slices of cherry cheesecake decorated a tray on the second shelf. He licked his lips as he took one, then paused when his eyes fell on a pan of uncut chocolate cake on the lower shelf. With a tortured groan, he weighed the cheesecake in his right hand while inching the pan from the refrigerator with his left. Which one?

After a moment of indecision, he pushed the chocolate dessert back into place and closed the door to unwrap his stolen cheesecake. He could always come back later and get more. He took a bite and savored it.

"Okay, hold it right there!" came a stern male voice, and Jesse froze in mid-chew.

Lt. Steve Sloan, of the LAPD, approached him, shaking his head. "Jess, why didn't you just buy something out of the vending machine?"

"Because the vending machine doesn't have *this*." Jesse passed the cheesecake under his nose. "Take a bite. It's delicious."

Steve studied the dessert and bit off a huge section. "Mmm. That *is* good." he said. "Is there any more in there?"

"A bunch." Jesse answered, smiling. "Plus chocolate."

Steve took the cake, hand and all, and took another bite, barely missing a finger. "In the meantime, I'll have to think of a proper punishment. You broke and entered the kitchen and liberated food."

Mimicking fright, Jesse threw up a hand in protest. "Oh, no, Steve! Please don't punish me!" He bit off another chunk and chewed it with a gratified little smirk.

"Brat. You need a spanking." Steve admonished, catching him by the wrist.

Not deterred, Jesse finished off his dessert and licked his fingers clean. "Oh, please, no, not a spanking!" he begged without the proper inflection. "Oh no! Someone help me." He sucked the filling from his thumb.

Steve towed him across the room to the dishwashing area and found a stepladder hiding beneath a shelf. Pulling it out, he turned Jesse, pushing him so his hands rested on the top step. "I'm sorry, but this crime requires a punishment. I've been too lenient on you in the past. I have to make an example here."

Jesse, grinning like an idiot, wiggled his hips for him. "Oh, please, officer! Don't spank me! I promise I won't do it again!"

"No, you won't do it again because you're going to remember this." Steve said fiercely. He reached around those wiggling hips with both hands, gripped the waistband of the scrub-pants and pulled them down to his ankles. Then, down came the underwear, exposing a round, white bottom. He patted each cheek, issuing his order. "Stay just as you are. Don't move. I'll be right back."

"Oh, please." Jesse begged, unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'll be good, I promise!"

Steve was gone a few seconds, and when he returned, he laid a rubber batter-scraper, a basting brush in a pan of melted margarine and a bowl of powdered sugar. "Now, you little insubordinate!" he chastised. The rubber scraper made contact with the soft flash of his right cheek.

"Ow!" Jesse hadn't expected the lick. "That kinda hurt, Steve."

"You think it's supposed to feel *good*? A spanking is *supposed* to hurt!" Steve thwacked him again.

"Oh. Oh, yeah." Jesse whimpered. "Ow. Not fun."

"You'll remember this next time you decide to snitch some cheesecake, won't you?"

"Yes, sir. I will. Absolutely."

The next sensation was the brush delicately smearing margarine on both cheeks, into the crevice and onto his scrotum. It tickled. Jesse jumped, but the brush was merciless. It continued on with its application, covering his half-hard cock. He could not hold still.

The scraper whacked his butt again, stilling him. "No fidgeting!"

"Yes, sir." Jesse agreed, trembling.

The brush began to retrace its way back the way it had come, pausing at his anus. The bristles twisted and pressed in just enough to cause him to jerk again, which provoked another light spank from the rubber gadget. "It's a good thing you brought the soft scraper instead of the metal one." he said. "Otherwise, I'd have spatula marks all over my ass."

"Shut up, you little brat." Steve said, smacking him again. "I didn't give you permission to talk."

Jesse obeyed, waiting in anticipation.

He felt a dusting of powder covering his backside and turned his head to see what Steve was doing. "Are you making icing back there?" he asked with a giggle.

He was awarded another spank.

More dusting, and the scraper began to smooth circles on his butt. "Steve, what if someone comes in?"

Another whack. "No one will come in." Then, the policeman leaned down to assist him. "Step up on the first step and let me get your scrubs off." he said gently. Shoes, scrub bottoms and underwear came completely off and were pitched aside. "Now, straddle the ladder, one foot on the bottom rung of each side." Steve instructed.

Jesse obeyed, ending up in a pervious position. Steve bent him forward, holding his hips so he didn't plunge face-first onto the concrete floor, and leaned to taste the dessert he had created. Licking the batter from his butt, he nodded in appreciation. "Yes, good." he said. "Very good stuff."

"I guess I won't be telling you to kiss *my* ass." Jesse giggled.

Steve opened his mouth and bit the right cheek.

"Ow! Damn it, Steve!"

Then the left cheek was bitten, harder.

"Steve! Stop it!"

More licks and moans of the delicious confection-covered ass, then the cop's tongue slid into the moist crack and slowly moved from back to front until it touched the buttered balls. "Mmm." he commented.

"Steve, that's nasty. Stop it."

"No way. Hold still." Steve sucked one ball into his mouth, rolled it around with his tongue, then switched to the other one.

Jesse whimpered louder. "Oh, god, Steve, you're doing it again."

Steve repeated the action a few times, then licked his way down to the inner thigh, and took another bite.

Jesse hissed and cursed. "You're going to have me so marked up I'll be sore." he fussed. "Be careful, okay?"

"Fuck you." Steve said, and bit the other thigh, harder. Then, before there could be more objections, he slid his tongue into the crack again, found the anus and plunged inside.

"Oh!" Jesse's voice came out hoarsely. "Oh, god! Yes! Fuck me!"

The big man, after a few moments of sweet torment, stood straight and unzipped his own jeans. Positioning himself directly behind the young doctor, he freed his aching erection and pressed it into the butter-and-spit lubricated opening. He entered before Jesse was ready, which induced another long hiss, but it was accepted without objection.

One smooth thrust and the tall man was inside. Slower, he pulled out, squeezing the muscles of the round butt, lifting them higher and separating them. Then, he thrust in again, a little too fast.

"Careful, Steve." Jesse warned, drawing away.

"Sorry." Steve bent forward and pulled his back up against his chest, tugged his chin around and kissed his lips passionately. "I love you, Jesse."

"I love you, too, Steve." The kiss was awkward, but it went on for several seconds while the smaller man adjusted to the huge cock invading his ass. Steve's hand slid inside his shirt and plundered his chest. Fingers found nipples and wrenched, pinched and kneaded them. "Oh, god. Oh, yes. You can go now, Steve."

With the go-ahead, Steve began thrusting rhythmically, pumping into him, kissing his ear, his neck, whispering over and over, "I love you, baby." When his time was near, he reached down and began to stroke Jesse. "Okay, baby, let's do it." he prompted.

They shared a powerful orgasm, that nearly caused them both to tumble from their tedious support of the stepladder.

"Oh, Steve, my god." Jesse panted, as they stood there afterward, dripping butter and cum on the clean floor. "Look what a mess we've made."

"We can clean it up." Steve whispered in his ear. "Then we can get a couple more pieces of that cheesecake. What do you say?"

"Sounds good to me." Jesse turned in his arms and wrapped both arms and both legs around him, kissing him again. "I've got to be sure to tell the kitchen staff to keep plenty of it on hand."

"Yes, they can never run out." Steve agreed, rubbing his butt as he held him.

"Oh, Steve, my punisher." Jesse smiled at him as they pulled apart and began to get dressed. "I'm glad you know exactly how to turn me on. That was fun. What about tomorrow night? Same time, same place?"

"Maybe tomorrow night we could check out the laundry room?" Steve suggested. "What do you think?"

"Hmm. That could be another great adventure." Retrieving the broom, Jesse added, "But bring that batter scooper and the brush, okay?"

the end