Image Hosting

A formal email will go out to Image Hosting users soon, but I’ll make a statement here first. Anyone who uses Squidge Image Hosting should do so with the intention of using images they upload for fandom in some way. Examples include photo manipulation and artwork of fandom works, gifs of favorite scenes, artwork of any type related to fandom, and personal images that you intend to share in some sort of fandom related way – be it a Dreamwidth or Tumblr blog post or something similar.

What Squidge Image hosting is NOT for is

  • For anything commercial or related to marketing or similar use
  • For anything, overtly or covertly related to CSEM, including child sexualization, pro-pedophilia, child-love advocacy, or anything related.
  • For posting porn for the sake of posting porn. has banned two users from image hosting.  The first was using image hosting to sell their IT consulting services to others.  The second, today, was due to pro-pedophilia imagery.

A statement now exists on Image Hosting, stating the following:

Image Hosting from is for fandom use. If you’re using this service, the images you upload must be fandom based in some way, whether photo manips, gifs of favorite scenes, or personal pictures you want to use for your blog, etc. This service is not for hosting porn (pure adult sexually explicit content not related to fandom), and it certainly isn’t to be used for anything to do with sexualizing minors, overtly or covertly. That does NOT belong anywhere near fandom and is not welcome here.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

edit/update to provide clarification:

  • Furry art is allowed.  Adult-themed is also allowed as long as the intent of the art is to depict all characters in it being people 18 years and older
  • D&D art is allowed.  Adult-themed is also allowed as long as the intent of the art is to depict all characters in it being those of 18 years and older/those beings considered adults
  • “lolita” or “shotacon” which depicts those under 18 in sexually explicit or sexual situations, is not allowed.
  • “Porn for porn’s sake” – this is for the people that screen capture porn for personal and shareable “spank bank”.  Think about it as if looking at a wall of picture and saying “These 50 pictures would be more appropriate on the wall of an adult bookstore” – that is porn for porn’s sake, and is not allowed.  It’s like porn bots on Tumblr or other services where the person posts porn just to post porn.  Their only intention is to post porn that has zero to do with fandom.  Just because Squidge Image hosting allows adult images doesn’t mean we allow porn for porn’s sake.
  • Anything, including drawings and anime, that depicts humans under 18 years of age in sexually explicit or sexual situations is not allowed. Period.
  • Anything, including drawings and anime, that depicts child or child-like non-humans in sexually explicit or sexual situations is not allowed. Period.

5 thoughts on “Image Hosting

  1. Hello! I like to upload images of my original characters, and share them with other people with OCs. Would OCs be considered a fandom in the same way as the furry fandom?

    1. Thank you so much for the answer 🤠

      On another question: will the “no underage character” rule also apply to the squidgeworld fic archive?

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