Month: April 2023


Spam/Scam Alert

Being part of the Internet for almost 30 years makes Squidge an easy target for scammers solely because of longevity.  I’ve had the same email address since 1994, and still use it to this day. This email (and the image shown) got through spam filters, but of course I knew it was a phishing attempt […]

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Welcome Fandom Imgur Users!

For the last week or so, we’ve noticed a large influx of new people on our Images server. Whereas we would normally get a new user every other day or so, we’re sometimes getting dozens an hour – and that’s okay! The image server that has in place is here for that use. Due […]

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Squidge Image Hosting – Completed & Changes

The image hosting package updated much faster than I anticipated, so people are free to use the service again (, and images that are displayed elsewhere like AO3, SquidgeWorld, Dreamwidth, etc. are displaying once again. Please skip the next section between [****] for folx who may be triggered by sexual assault. [****] I’ve made one […]

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Squidge Image Hosting Upgrade

This weekend, during the routine maintenance window, we’ll be upgrading the software behind Squidge Image Hosting. Lots of new features and security issues and bugs squashed. Normal window is every Sunday at 07:00 Pacific to 07:30 Pacific, but for Image hosting, expect to be down between 07:00 Pacific and 09:00 Pacific. If you need […]

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