Month: June 2024

administrivia fundraising

Summer of Ships Donation Details

Our Summer of Ships fundraiser is up and running, and a huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far! As mentioned in the original post, we will be offering gifts for those who give at certain levels.  Here are the final details: Everyone who gives will get a copy of our Summer of […]

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administrivia fundraising special events

Summer of Ships Fundraiser!

It’s not only summertime up here in the Northern Hemisphere, but it’s also time for’s annual fundraiser!  This year, we’re going for the theme of Summer of Ships!  It’s Summer, and fandom is almost always about ships – whether it be the popular Jack/Daniel or Sheppard/McKay from the Stargate series to the not-so-subtle Myka […]

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administrivia downtimes

Back up!

We are finally back up!  There was a car accident that took out power at almost 8am Pacific to 1,800 residents and businesses – including us.  But after a long, arduous day (it must have been a horrid accident!), we came back at about 4:30pm Pacific.  Everything but SquidgeWorld Archive is up at the moment, […]

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Short Downtime

We lost power for about 2 hours (11:15am Pacific to 1:15pm Pacific) due to a localized traffic accident.  We’re good now, but had 2 hours where the systems were up, but the network connectivity went down due to power issues.  Everything is back up now.  If you have issues or problems, click here to leave us […]

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