explained downtime


Short Downtime

We lost power for about 2 hours (11:15am Pacific to 1:15pm Pacific) due to a localized traffic accident.  We’re good now, but had 2 hours where the systems were up, but the network connectivity went down due to power issues.  Everything is back up now.  If you have issues or problems, click here to leave us […]

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Short Downtime

We just experienced a short downtime due to power issues.  Power went out about 4:20pm Pacific and came back at 5:15pm Pacific.  All services should be up and running.  If you see any oddities, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

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NCISFiction.com is down

FYI, a security analyst found a major issue with the eFiction code which was a loophole to hackers.  In an abundance of caution, I’ve decided to take NCISFiction.com down for the time being to see if eFiction comes up with a fix, and if not, import the works into SquidgeWorld.org.  If you an accountholder and […]

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