Privacy Notice

This page is to let you, the end-user, know the privacy practices of  In a nutshell, we are here to serve fandom.  There’s very little data that we collect.  Here’s a bit of a rundown:

  • For all sites presented to end-users via a webserver (Apache Foundation’s httpd and F5’s nginx):  As is standard with webservers, your IP address (either real or proxied if you use a proxy service) and client type information (browser, operating system, etc.) is logged, along with what webpage you went to and the status of that request (200 for “Success”, 404 for “Not Found” and such).  This information is collated into statistics at the end of the day, collated into statistics, and then deleted.
  • For any website that uses WordPress frontend: No additional information is collected unless you register for an account or comment on a blog post.  Whatever minimal information (named entered – which is not necessarily your legal name, along with username, email, and a password) is collected and stored securely in a database specific to that WordPress instance.  Any cookies set are specific to that WordPress instance.
  • For any website that uses eFiction frontend:  Anonymous commenting would require a name of your choosing, an email address of your choosing, and your comment.  Registered users can register those plus additional information such as Dreamwidth account, instant messaging communication identifier, etc..  For authors, the additional information about your work (fandom, pairing, etc.) is collected and stored.  All of that information is kept within a database entry specific to that eFiction installation.
  • For Squidge Images hosting, using the frontend “Chevereto”:  Registering for an account takes several bits of your information, including chosen name, email address, account name, etc. and stores it in the Chevereto database.  The images that you choose to upload are also tied to your account.  All that information is stored within the Chevereto database.
  • For SquidgeWorld Archive: Anonymous commenters must input an email address, chosen name, and their comment.  Their IP address is also logged as part of that information.  Registered users that comment will have that same information logged into the database.  For registered users, there is additional information that is logged into the system when you register for an account if you choose to input that information, including a freetext section where you can type in your own biography.

As for what is done with all this data?  Nothing.  Nothing beyond whatever statistics are collected with visit information.  Your data is your own.  We do not share this data with anyone – and never would.  The only exception would be if you owned a website on and choose to move it to another server; we would have to share your data with your new host.  However, we do nothing with your data because it’s frankly none of our business.  You are entitled to your privacy and we respect that.