The BLTS Archive - The Sarah Vignettes: Sweet Surrender by Sileya ( --- Disclaimers: All hail mighty Paramount. They own it all, I just aspire to. The inspiration for this vignette was the song "Sweet Surrender" by Sarah McLachlan. She owns the lyrics, I just stuck most of them in some sort of order in here. --- Tom lay exhausted, flushed, in his lover's arms. His gleaming blue eyes seek some kind of reassurance, searching for an answer. "But what will people say, 'Kotay?" His arms tighten possessively around Chakotay's waist as they lie atop the mussed sheets. "Any opinion other than yours doesn't mean much." Chakotay shrugs. "Doesn't mean anything at all," he reassures his new lover, someone he'd never dreamed Tom Paris could have been. He smiles gently. Tom sighs and snuggles up against Chakotay. "I can't believe my luck. All these years of loneliness, and desperate fumblings... that life, the one I've left behind... it was like a cold room compared to the warmth of your arms, 'Kotay." Chakotay smiles and hugs Tom close. One hand snakes up to brush back Tom's rumpled hair. "All the way back to when we were Maquis, all that time, I'd never have thought that we would have been so perfect together. You've ruined me, Tom. I've crossed the last line, and I can't return. It can't go back like it was. I won't let it. You mean too much." Chakotay's eyes darken with old memories. "When I think of..." His voice breaks a bit, "Seska..." Tom's arms squeeze Chakotay closely for support. "Where every choice I made, every step I took in faith... she betrayed me, Tom, led me astray, away from my heart's home. And can't take it again. " His eyes look solemnly down into the sea blue depths of Tom's. Tom looks just as seriously into Chakotay's eyes, his own emotions shining brightly. "My surrender... sweet surrender it is... is all that I have to give, 'Kotay. But it means everything to me to surrender my trust... and my love... to you." Tom sits up, obviously taking this commitment seriously. "After all I've done over the years, you take me in, no questions asked. I find that incredible." He sighs. "And after that prison horror, twice even, and I couldn't stand the thought of another man touching me... you stripped away the ugliness that surrounded me, and I've been born again in the light of your love." His words come so softly, as if he's afraid Chakotay will leave upon hearing them. Tom reaches up to lightly caress Chakotay's tattoo, voice wondering. "Are you an angel? Am I already that gone into dreams?" Chakotay chuckles and gathers Tom close up against him, laying a light kiss upon his lips, which in turn moves down to his chin, the stubbled curve of his neck, his erect nipples. His voice roughens as desire again grows in them both. "I only hope I won't disappoint you, since I'm down here on my knees." Chakotay slides further down to pleasure his lover. Tom's breaths grow short and quick as Chakotay expertly brings him to a shattering scream of sweet surrender. "All I am... I surrender to you..." Tom manages between breaths. Chakotay licks his lips after rising from between Tom's legs. "And a sweet surrender it was indeed, lover." Tom sighs in wonder. "I just don't understand... the touch of your hand is all it takes to make me shiver and scream... I never thought I'd be the one to fall for another man," he admits, eyes warmly appraising his lover's face. Later they leave Tom's quarters for the mess hall, walking closely together. Tom's hand keeps brushing Chakotay's hip. Once they gather their trays and sit at a table, Chakotay shares a thought with Tom. "I never thought I'd miss the little things... a look, a smile... I missed everything and didn't know it." Tom smiles warmly and reaches over to squeeze Chakotay's hand. A clatter comes from nearby, and they both look up to see Harry and B'Elanna staring at them, B'Elanna's tray splattered on the floor. Chakotay looks to Tom and shrugs. "Doesn't mean much." Tom grins and answers, "Doesn't mean anything at all." They continue their meal in companionable silence, Tom's thoughts set in his mind. "The life I left behind... I'm never going back. It was like a cold, solitary room... compared to the warmth of 'Kotay's love." --- The End