Title: ANYTIME Author/pseudonym: Candy Apple Rating: Pre-Slash, G Pairings: J/B Status: NEW Date: 5-2-00 Archive: YES Archive author: Candy Apple Series/Sequel: Prequel to "Going Home", part of the "Camille Series" Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction produced solely for the entertainment of fans. All characters having appeared in "The Sentinel", belong to Pet Fly Productions. The original characters belong to the author. Notes: Way back when, some folks asked about this story--about what happened when Blair was sick and Jim took care of him. Always one for a good H/C wallow, I wrote it. Two years later. (Who says I don't respond to feedback? ) Summary: Blair is sick, Jim comes to the rescue. Warnings: Shameless h/c, a very sick guy with nasty symptoms, glomming...(is that a warning or a promise?) *************************************** ANYTIME by Candy Apple Jim picked up the phone ringing on his desk. "Ellison." "Jim, it's me," Blair's voice greeted him. Immediately, Jim could detect that something wasn't right. "I need a ride home." "What's wrong, Chief?" "I'm really sick, man. I don't think I can drive on my own." "I'm on my way. Do we need to head to the hospital?" "I think I just need to go home and go to bed--and possibly throw up a half dozen times along the way." "Okay. Sit tight, buddy. I won't be long. I'll come up to the office and get you, so don't wait outside for me, okay?" "Thanks, Jim." "Anytime, Chief." ******** Jim pulled into the loading zone parking near Hargrove Hall, putting the police vehicle ID on the dashboard. He'd used the lights and sirens to cut through the major intersections between the PD and the university, but had opted for a less ostentatious presence once he reached the campus. Hurrying up to the third floor, it wasn't long before he was at Blair's door. He knocked lightly, then walked into the office. Blair was at his desk, head down on his folded arms. "It's me, Chief." Jim walked over to the hunched form and laid his hand in the middle of Blair's back, rubbing just a little. "Come on. Time to go home." "I need my stuff," Blair said weakly, raising his head and looking at the mess of papers on the desk. "You won't be working on it tonight. If you're feeling better tomorrow, I'll come and get it for you." "I have to grade these, Jim," he protested. His face was ashen and warm to the touch, his eyes bloodshot. "Not tonight, you don't. Come on, buddy, let's go." Jim supported the unsteady rise from the chair, and Blair paused, resting his hand on his stomach. "Need the bathroom before we leave?" "Guess not. Man, I feel so *nauseous*." "Can you walk?" "Oh yeah. Just stay close, okay?" "How's this?" Jim asked, one arm around Blair's waist, supporting him as they moved toward the door. "That'll work," Blair said, managing a smile as he leaned into the support. "I'm dizzy." "We already knew that, Sandburg." "Sure, insult a guy when he's sick," Blair joked feebly as Jim steered him into the elevator. "I don't think I ever was this sick before." "Looks like a monster dose of the flu. Remember the bug that Brown and Rafe both had last week? This looks like it." "Remind me to thank them for sharing." "You've got a little temp going there," Jim said, resting the palm of his hand on Blair's forehead. "You'll be okay, buddy." "Sorry I had to bother you. I know you're busy with the Holt homicide." "Not a problem. That's what partners are for, huh?" Jim said, smiling at the sick man still leaning against him for support. "You're a good partner, Jim. You're always there when I need you," Blair said, his voice oddly serious. "What you need is some bed rest." The two men made it out to the truck, and with Blair loaded into the passenger side, they headed for the loft. Blair dozed in his seat while Jim dialed Simon's number. "Yeah, Simon, it's me. Blair's very sick, and I don't think he should be alone." There was a pause. "Right. I don't know about tomorrow, but I know I'm not leaving him this afternoon." Another pause. "Great. I will. Thanks." With that, he hung up. Two bleary eyes were watching him. "You're going to stay with me?" Blair asked, a little thread of hope in his voice. "Until you're a lot steadier on your feet than you are now." Jim reached over and caressed Blair's hair, feeling the warmth of the fever emanating from his skin. The touch seemed to soothe Blair, and his eyes drifted shut again. Keeping his attention mainly on the road, Jim managed to keep up the motion, smoothing Blair's hair back, his cooler hand a welcome sensation on fevered skin. By the time they arrived at the loft, Blair was sleeping soundly. "Smooth, Ellison. Now you can carry him," Jim chided himself in a whisper. Getting out of the truck, Jim walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. He unfastened Blair's seat belt, and was greeted with a grumpy stirring and some mumbled words from the patient. "Home sweet home, Chief." Jim gathered the languid body into his arms and started to lift. "I can do it," Blair mumbled, and Jim withdrew his arms, instead offering support while Blair crawled out of the truck on his own. Jim moved them along at a fairly good pace, figuring the brisk, cold outdoor air wasn't the place for someone with a fever to spend a lot of time. Once they were in the elevator, and Jim had started them toward the third floor, Blair wrapped an arm around his stomach, his other hand holding Jim's tightly. "Blair, what's--" Jim's words were cut off by a violent bout of retching. ******** "I'm so sorry," Blair said, for probably the tenth time since they'd left the spattered elevator. The elevator hadn't been the only victim of Blair's own little version of acid rain. Jim's shoes and new suede jacket were promptly bagged and set outside the door of the loft until he could figure out what to do with them. "Not your fault, Chief. Let me get you cleaned up and into bed." "I ruined your coat." "It's just a coat. Not the end of the world," Jim smiled as he parked Blair on the toilet lid and stripped the stained sweater and shirt off him. He turned on the space heater and closed the bathroom door to keep out the drafts. "Feel any better?" "Not really. Just...emptier." Jim filled the tub and when he was satisfied with the temperature, he hauled Blair back up on his feet and helped him shed the pants, shoes and socks, and guided him down into the tepid water. "I'll get you another coat," Blair said as Jim pushed up his sweater sleeves and started bathing his lethargic partner. "It's not that important, Chief. Coats can be replaced, and I really didn't need that one anyway. I've got other coats." "But you liked it," Blair responded sadly. "Hey, look at me." Jim took a hold of Blair's chin with a wet hand. "It was an accident. I'm not mad about the stupid jacket." "I nailed your shoes, too." "They were old ones anyway." Jim patted Blair's face and finished a quick wash job, his main goal with the bath being to relax Blair a little and to get any remnants of the mishap off him. After drying Blair off, since Jim was unable to find his partner's robe, he wrapped his own gray robe around him and steered him through the French doors to his bed. "I want some sweats. I'm *cold*." "I'll pile a lot of blankets on you, Chief. But I want to be able to sponge you off and fight that fever. Here, put these on." Jim handed Blair a pair of boxers and steadied him while he stepped into them. "In you go." He held up the covers and Blair scooted under them gratefully. "I'll grab a throw from the couch, okay?" He patted Blair's shoulder as the other man simply shivered and nodded. Returning, he spread the blanket over the huddled form in the bed. "Jim..." Blair's desperate tone and attempt to sit up launched Jim into a fast and effective intercept maneuver with the wastebasket. When Blair finished, Jim grabbed a couple of tissues and wiped his mouth, then set the basket several feet away. "You're a pretty sick guy, huh?" he said gently, sympathetically, rubbing slow circles in the middle of Blair's back. "It's gonna be okay, Chief." He used his free hand to push the loose curls back from Blair's face. "My stomach hurts," Blair groaned, shifting in the bed. "Oh, man..." He grunted again in discomfort, wriggling around miserably, and then looked at Jim through wide, panicked eyes. "Looks like it's going to attack you from both sides, buddy." "I'm sorry, man. Oh, geez, that's gross." "It's not the first time I've been exposed to it. I had hazardous waste training in the Army," Jim quipped, and Blair actually chuckled a little weakly, despite his disdain for being moved again out of the warm bed for another, still more unpleasant clean up and his embarrassment at having made the mess at all. "I can do it," Blair protested feebly, trying to get up on his own. Jim didn't doubt that he could stand up, and probably stagger to the bathroom as long as he held onto something. He had serious questions that he'd complete a clean up mission successfully without falling on his head. "Room still spinning?" Jim asked as he supported Blair by the arm while he tried standing. "I gotta go." The speed and firmness of the statement moved Jim into action, and once Blair was where he needed to be to take care of his needs, Jim changed the bed and this time, lined the center portion of it with a soft bath towel. He filled a cooking pot with cool water and brought it and a wash cloth into the bedroom. He cleaned out the wastebasket and located a small dish which could be more easily used for that unpleasant purpose in the future. Then he collected his partner again, got him into clean boxers and ushered him back into bed. "I'm sorry," Blair groaned as Jim started bathing his face with the cool cloth. "You're sick, Chief. Nothing to be sorry about. I don't think you'd do this on purpose." "Not hardly," Blair muttered. "God, my stomach just keeps... *going*. I don't wanna lose it again." "You wash, I wash, the underwear washes and the bedding washes. There's nothing you're going to permanently damage if you spring a leak." "Thanks for taking care of me," Blair said quietly, reaching for Jim's free hand, which he willingly closed around Blair's. "Partners in all things, right?" Jim said, smiling. "You were there for me when I had the flu last year." "You didn't throw up on me--and, you know, let it rip all over everything." "So you're an overachiever," Jim quipped, smiling as Blair grinned a little. "H and Rafe had this, and they lived, huh?" Blair asked, disbelieving. "That's the rumor, Chief." Jim refreshed the cloth and went back to work on Blair's neck area, trying to dispel a little of the feverish warmth there. "Stomach still hurting?" "Just cramping up all the time. I don't even know which way to go with it." "I don't think we can get you anything from the doctor. Rafe's doctor told him it was viral, so all he could do was tough it out. Good news is he was better after the first 24 hours, and back to work after being off a couple of days." "My head hurts from throwing up." "Yeah, you went at it pretty hard." Jim set the cloth aside for a minute, using his cooled hand to stroke Blair's forehead, then back into his hair. "I don't wanna be sick again," Blair moaned miserably, right before moving up on his elbow and doing just that, with Jim and his trusty bowl on duty. Setting the bowl aside, Jim wiped Blair's mouth and on an impulse, pulled the lax body into his arms, sliding one hand into Blair's hair, letting the other one rub his back slowly. Despite how lousy and drained he seemed to feel, Blair's arms latched onto Jim tightly. "I know you feel rotten, Chief. It's going to get better soon," Jim said softly, holding Blair close and gently massaging his back. "Feels better when you hold me," Blair said, some of the tautness going out of his muscles under the relaxing massage. "Yeah, it feels okay to me too," Jim admitted, not actually intending to say the words out loud. He grabbed the discarded robe and put it over Blair's back to keep him from getting chilled. "That's it, just rest. I've got you." "Maybe getting sick isn't so bad," Blair muttered, his voice sounding a little slurred. Jim's heart warmed at the words, and he rested his head against Blair's. "Shhh. Relax and close your eyes, baby," Jim said in a whisper, then felt his own body seize up with panic at what he'd said. He'd meant to say "buddy", and then "baby" had been there, right on the tip of his tongue...and coming straight from his heart. Blair's response was to nestle closer and hold on tighter. Relieved that he hadn't just made a major faux pax, Jim relaxed a little himself, and soaked up the sensation of having Blair dozing off to sleep in his arms. //Wish we could do this when you felt good...// On that thought, Jim kissed the sleeping man's temple and continued to hold him, grateful that the misery had eased enough to let him sleep. ******** Blair really didn't want to move. His head wasn't pounding, and for one blessed instant, his stomach wasn't churning. Whatever was under him was firmer than a pillow, and now that he really became aware of his surroundings, he noticed that his "pillow" had a heartbeat. Opening his eyes, he found himself in his bed, in his room. And cuddled up against Jim, head resting on the larger man's chest. He remembered feeling so sick that he didn't think he could stand it, and then the blessed relief of Jim holding him, massaging his pounding head, rubbing his back, and just offering the warmth and love of his embrace. //And I dreamed he called me "baby"...// "How're you feeling, Chief?" A sleep-husky voice asked as Jim came around now, obviously having picked up on Blair's waking. "I think better. I still feel...pukey, but not like before. My headache's better." "I'm glad. You're feeling a little cooler, but I should probably sponge you off a little and check it." "You'll probably catch this now," Blair said, sighing. "I'm *so* sorry, Jim. I didn't mean to--" "To what? Get sick? If I catch it, you'll have to help me out. It's not your fault, Chief." Jim patted his back. "Thanks for holding me when I felt so awful," Blair muttered under his breath, somewhat self-consciously. "I'm glad it helped." With that, Jim patted Blair's back and withdrew, getting out of the bed and checking the temperature of the water in the pan nearby. "I want to check your temp, buddy." Jim put the thermometer in Blair's mouth and went out to the kitchen to get some ice water to start replenishing the lost fluids. He returned and checked the reading. "Well, you're still up near 100, but I know you were worse than that earlier. Here, take a drink of water." At Blair's scrunched up face, he persisted. "You've lost a lot of fluids, Chief. You don't have to chug-a-lug it. Just drink what you can." After Blair did his duty with the water, Jim set the partially empty glass aside and started sponging Blair down, determined to conquer the last of the fever. //How sick is it to have enjoyed holding your deathly sick partner in your arms? How selfish is it to be thankful for the chance to hold and caress him while he slept, feeling his heart thumping rhythmically against me... Pretty damn selfish and twisted, Ellison. He's sick, he depends on you for help, and you let your fantasies run wild. Some kind of friend you are...// Blair relaxed against the pillow, letting the cool cloth move languidly over his face and neck, then outward toward his shoulders. In the last several hours, he'd probably been at his most disgusting, spewing ungodly bodily emissions all over everything. Jim, with his sentinel senses, had put up with all that, cleaned up the messes, cleaned *him* up, and held him and comforted him until he could sleep. //I love you so much, Jim. Maybe someday I'll get up the nerve to tell you... Nobody's ever loved me like you do, and nobody's ever been so patient with me, or worried about me so much... God, I hope I never lose you. I don't think I'll be able to say goodbye...// Shaking off the more emotional thoughts, Blair forced himself to concentrate on the mundane. "Do you think the coat can be cleaned?" Blair asked. "I don't know. I'll take it into the cleaners and see what they think. The shoes I'm just gonna toss. They were due for the boneyard anyway." "I'll pay for the cleaning. I'm *so* sorry about that coat." "Will you quit worrying about the coat? You mean a hell of a lot more to me than a coat, Chief. Coats can be replaced." "Thanks," Blair responded, smiling. "Anytime, pal." //Yeah, anytime. It's that simple--anytime I need you, you're there.// Blair smiled and closed his eyes, reveling in the doting attentions of the man he loved. ******** The End