More Member Plot Bunnies

Free to a Good Home

Magnificent 7 - In Pursuit of Honor AU Bunny

I have a plot bunny challenge that deserves a good writer. I am not a good writer. My stories are choppy and lack too many things to name. So here is the Bunny:

My favorite line is what the Lt. says to the Col.- "We have a tradition, and a duty to protect them. They fight and die beside us, they deserve the same respect and..... the same honor as any soldier." and on the front of the DVD case it says. "As soldiers they were taught to fight for honor." "As men they were willing to die for it."

It made me think of our guys. Josiah, Chris, and Buck as the old wardogs. Vin and JD as two new guys and Ezra as the brash young Lt. Since the army was still segregated Nathan would not have been with them at the beginning but one of them could get hurt or any number of other things could happen to pick him up along the way. Judge Travis as the Col. and of course Mary as the reporter. I can see the seven all lined up facing the pit, the horror on their faces changing to rage and determination.

I can see the story in my head but nothing I have come up with can do justice to this movie.

The movie is called "In Pursuit of Honor". The Lt. was sent to that out of the way post for striking a superior officer. He did it because the officer was abusing his horse. The old wardogs were sent there for refusing to follow orders two years before this. They were sent as crowd control in Washington, DC, they refused to draw their sabers and use them on unarmed civilians. All through the movie the senior enlisted a sergeant (top kick) keeps giving quiet advice and encouragement to the Lt. The top is always very respectful and calls the Lt. nothing but Sir.


What follows is how it was in the movie. Change as needed for the seven


It is the year 1940 and the Army is replacing the Calvary with new tank forces. The War Department has ordered the destruction of 500 horses. A brash young Lieutenant and four enlisted (old wardogs) are ordered to take the horses across the border to Mexico for destruction. When they arrive they discover a huge pit has been dug and two gatling guns set up. They are ordered to cut out a hundred horses and to herd them into the pit. They watch in horror and disgust as the guns fire. The sounds of terrified and injured horses hang in the air as a squad of marksmen are ordered to pick their targets and fire at will. At last the pit is silent and unmoving. The next hundred are about to be called forward.

Our five men can't stand by and let this happen. The enlisted want to do something. The Lt. agrees and orders them to save the horses. The enlisted rope the gatling guns and drag them away. They ride out with the surviving 400. The men are declared deserters and thieves.

The mechanized units set off in pursuit. The Lt. tells the men to continue on and he will meet them the next day. The Lt. travels to the home of a retired Calvary Colonel to ask for advice. The Col. doesn't see how he can help but gives the Lt. a compass and a map. His daughter, a reporter, persuades the Col. to head to Washington, DC to try to get the War Department to lift the orders. She writes a column that no US paper will print. She gives it to a London corespondent.

Our boys head north through canyons, deserts, and mountains.

US papers begin to pick up the story.

Two thousand miles and several near misses, including sending the whole heard through the camp of the mechanized unit to get past a trap, they reach the Canadian border. Several of the horses had to be put down on the way due to injuries or illness.

They are in sight of Milk River which marks the US/Candian border. On the left four huge artillery guns at the ready. At the rear the mechanized column is moving up fast. The Lt. sends one of the enlisted to take point. The enlisted pulls out his bugle and plays. The surviving horses tense and move forward as the bugle sounds.

The artillery commander orders an adjustment to the guns.

The bugle sounds again summoning the horses to charge.

The daughter pulls up and says the President has given the men a full pardon but it is too late.

The guns let loose. They fire high and wide missing the herd completely.

The horses thunder across the river and to safety. Our boys nod gratefully to the artillery commander.

Some Mounties that were waiting, ride up and agree to give the horses refuge in Canada...


Based on a true story. Any takers? -Shadow the silly

Sentinel - Undercover Bunny

Plot Bunny for undercover investigation into someone (a group) that milks mature (retired, financially comfortable) women (and poss men) with no families dry and then disposes of them. They discover that this is happening when a dear friend (mentor, unofficial "Aunt or Uncle") of one of MC either spots a pattern among acquaintances or is a victim. Perhaps someone that Blair was left with when he was young who nurtured him and he stayed in lose contact with. Or an older neighbor lady that B has befriended (and J has become fond of too) who is very upset over a dear friends death under puzzling circumstances - the guys try to get some info to put her mind at piece and stumble on the rash of deaths that look more and more odd the closer they look. The guys are upset that these people were victimized and no one saw or cared.

J and B go undercover at the resort / retirement community One of the ritzy ones that provides everything from play to med services and people live in condos, separate houses, assisted care all the way to full care, has full rec facilities stables, upscale health club, restaurants and lounges, golf course, tennis etc. (I have a friend mid 60's young whose moving to their own customized house in one of these with her new husband. She's sharp and active but was sooooo lonely after her husband of 40 years died.)

I can see the guys undercover as multi use personnel: J as riding master (oh yeah good visuals) who doubles as piano bar and dancing partner/instructor (getting warm in here); B as fitness/yoga/exercise instructor who teaches genealogy/research classes and also doubles as a dance partner in the lounge (after all the mature crowd is heavily female slanted after a certain age). [It's definitely warm now -B in exercise clothes, bending stretching...J in riding close fitting riding clothes or sweaty feeding and brushing the horse...both dressed to kill for dancing and a little flirting...yeah waaarm...]

Sorry, mental movies, sometimes I just get carried away...sigh.

-pam h

Xena-seaQuest Crossover Bunny

Here's a story I started writing a couple of years ago, and just couldn't get any further. I had a scene I just had to write, but when it was finished, I couldn't take it any further.

I'm posting it here in the hopes it might inspire someone to finish it.

Fandom(s): Xena:Warrior Princess/SeaQuest crossover

Concept: What if, instead of being imprisoned in ice for 25 years, Xena and Gabrielle were imprisoned for something like 2500 years - and instead of in a mountain, Ares called in a favour from Poseidon and placed them under the ocean?

Obviously, this was an attempt of mine to gloss over the terrible events at the end of Xena's 6th season.

Conditions: If you adopt this, you may take it wherever you like; however, I only ask the following. 1) that I am given credit for what is posted below if included, and the idea if it is not. 2) that you not mind if, someday in the distant future, my muse actually wants to finish it and I have my own version :)

That's it! Now here you go, and I hope it gets someone's creative juices flowing. -JaimeBlue

* * *

(Quotes between *"x"* is spoken in the ancient Greek dialect)

"Uncle, never in my life have I asked you for anything. I'm asking you now to allow me this one favour."

"And why should I do anything for you, Ares?"

"I've just lost the only mortal who meant anything to me. Let me honour her properly."

The elder God looked at his nephew, then nodded. "Remember, you owe me now, Ares."

"Thank you, Uncle."

The dark God flashed away from his uncle Poseidon's temple to retrieve the bodies of his beloved and her closest friend and take them to their final resting place.

* * *

Over 2000 Years Later...

"Chief, we've got it open!"

Security Chief Crocker smiled as he watched the ensigns pull open the large slab of rock covering the door to this underwater cavern. The seaQuest's probes had made visual contact with an unusual structure far beneath the ocean's surface, and when Lieutenant O'Neill had recognized various scribblings as being ancient Greek writing, Captain Bridger had immediately sent an expedition to find out what it meant. The group, led by Chief Crocker, had discovered that the writings encircled the door to an underwater cave, and having secured the shuttle's docking ring to the entrance, had begun cutting away at the rock.

The rock was pulled away to reveal nothing but darkness. The ensigns entered, oxygen masks in place with their outstretched hands holding high-powered flashlights, and immediately began shivering. The room felt like a freezer. They almost dropped their lights when the beams lit up a pair of coffins made of ice.

"Wait 'till the Cap sees these," the Chief mumbled to himself.

* * *

The Captain watched as the medbay staff hovered over the two bodies that had been found in the ice cave. They had been held in a sort of stasis and nobody could tell for how long. The costumes worn by the bodies of the two women pointed to ancient roots, however the likelihood of Ancient Greeks having made it to these depths was null.

"Doctor Westphalen!" one dark-haired doctor called out. "They're coming to."

"Doctor Levin," the red-haired doctor replied, "will you please go to my office and fetch a recording device?"

"Yes, doctor."

As the man left the room, everyone watched as the two women's eyes began to open, slowly moving around the room until they rested on each other. Doctor Westphalen and one of her nurses rushed to the women's sides as they tried to rise from their beds.

*"Thank you,"* the dark-haired woman said, much to the confusion of all in the room. They looked at her as if she had spoken in a foreign tongue. *"Gabrielle. Are you all right?"*

*"I'm fine, Xena. At least, as fine as I could be. What in Tartarus happened to us?"*

*"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."*

"Doctor," the Captain said, pulling Westphalen aside, "can you understand a word of what they're saying?"

"No, Captain. I think you should call in Mr. O'Neill to help us communicate."

The Captain nodded, walking out of the room just as Doctor Levin returned with one of Doctor Westphalen's recording devices.

"Here you are, Doctor."

*"Eli!"* Everybody turned to the blonde woman who was making her way to Doctor Levin. *"What are you doing here? We saw you die! Has the Light brought you back to help us?"*

"Do you know these women, Doctor?" Westphalen asked suspiciously.

"I have no idea what's going on," Doctor Levin replied. "I've never seen these women before in my life."

Doctor Westphalen turned, watching as somebody snuck into the room and started whispering with one of the nurses. "And what are you doing here Mr. Krieg?"

"Me? Well, I was just, um, concerned with the welfare of our visitors," Ben replied with one of his patented grins.

"You don't fool me for a second, and for your information, no, we did not find anything of value in the cave."

The man's face fell, disappointed. His eyes flickered over the room and rested on one of the women who was approaching him. "Is there anything I can do for you, miss?"

*"Ulysses?"* the dark-haired woman, Xena, asked.

"Um, are you talking to me?"

"We don't know what they're saying, Mr. Krieg," Doctor Westphalen informed him. "We're waiting for Mr. O'Neill to arrive. Hopefully, he'll be able to translate for us."

"He should arrive shortly, Doctor," the Captain said, returning to the room. His eyes fell on the scene before him.

"It appears our visitors find Doctor Levin and Mr. Krieg to be familiar somehow, Nathan," Doctor Westphalen provided. "They, however, do not seem to reciprocate."

The two women moved away from the others, standing next to each other.

*"What's going on, Xena? Eli and Ulysses? We must be in Elysian fields if they're here."*

*"I don't think so, Gabrielle. If that were the case, then we'd be able to understand what they're saying. I just wish I knew how to talk to them."*

"Umm, Doctor?" a shy voice asked from the doorway. "You asked for me?"

The two women's eyes widened suddenly, and they both rushed the man at the door, wrapping their arms around him. For a moment, the man's bespectacled eyes grew wide with surprise, but soon a smile appeared on his still-confused face.

"Umm, this isn't exactly the welcome I'd expected," he stuttered, "but it'll do."

The two women released him immediately, looking at him with pained eyes. The dark woman felt around her waist to find her weapons missing. She grabbed her blonde companion, backing toward a corner and pushing the woman behind her. She stood in a crouch, ready to attack should anyone in the room prove to be an enemy.

"Mr. O'Neill," Doctor Westphalen began, "we cannot understand a word these women are saying. Apparently, they find yourself, Dr. Levin, and Mr. Krieg to be familiar. We were hoping you could translate."

The man nodded, pushing his glasses further up his nose. He took a step toward the women, only to move back as the dark woman made a growling noise.

"Umm, they were found in that cave, right?" Everyone nodded. He began searching his mind for the oldest dialect of Greek he knew, then made an attempt to speak to the women. *"We are not going to hurt you. We only want to help. Who are you?"*

The dark woman relaxed slightly. *"I am Xena, and this is my companion, Gabrielle. Are you another of Joxer's relatives?"*

*"I don't know who Joxer is, but I'm guessing he looks like me."* The woman nodded. *"And would I be correct in saying you know people who look like two of the other men in this room."* She nodded again. *"Okay. We found you in a strange place, far beneath the ocean's surface. Can you tell me where you are from?"*

*"Under the ocean?"* The woman's face grew annoyed and she rolled her eyes. *"Ares. He must have taken us down there."* The woman paused a moment, then glared at Tim. *"If we were under the ocean, how did you find us? Are you priests of Poseidon?"*

Tim shook his head. *"No. I think it's safe to say a long time has passed since you were placed down here. Now, if you'll wait a moment, I have to speak to my Captain."* The woman nodded and Tim turned to Bridger. "Captain, she says their names are Xena and Gabrielle, and she suspects a man named Ares of placing them in the cave. She asked if we're priests of Poseidon, so I can only assume she believes she is from ancient Greece - over two thousand years ago."

"You know that isn't possible."

"I know, Sir, but that's what she says."


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