Fandom: Magnificent 7
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Josiah Sanchez
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Still poor, Still don't own them, Still making monthly payments on my way cool car ;)
Notes: Thanks as always to Solace for being the best beta ever.
Series: Faith, Hope and Love
Warnings: Always make sure you clean your refrigerator out because if you don't you might find some things that even your own brother-in-law won't do research on for his job. :)
Summary: see challenge *g*

Challenge: To write a story dealing with Faith, Hope and Love.



by Lady Q

Josiah let out a tired sigh as he brushed his hand across his sweaty brow.

The dry summer heat was definitely starting to get to him, he thought as he put his tools down on the hardwood floor of the church.

He looked up at the window then. 'Faith,' he suddenly thought to himself, 'is in everything.

'It takes faith to believe that no matter what happens in life everything will come out right.

'It takes faith in knowing that there are things that can be changed and faith in knowing there are things that never will change.

'Love takes faith,' he reflected as he watched the man he was secretly in love with walk across the road and into the saloon.

'Yes,' Josiah finally admitted to himself, 'I am in love with Ezra.'

Now Josiah needed his belief in faith more than ever.

'For,' he thought, 'it takes faith to admit to someone that you are in love with him.

'Faith in the thought that he might feel the same for you.

'Yes,' he thought again. He needed his belief in faith more then ever now as he wiped his hands with an old cloth and walked down the stairs to finally tell Ezra that he was in love with him.

The End


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