Fandom: Monk
Pairing: Leland/Adrian
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Still poor and I still don't own anything.
Notes: I would like to thank Kris for taking the time out to fix all of my errors. This story was inspired by a challenge and as all ways for Marley, who is with out a server. I hope you get it fixed soon.
Warnings: Never go trick or treating without your clothes on... Unless you are going as a Nudist ;)
Summary: see the challenge

Challenge: to write a story where a kiss and a phone call change the lives of your main characters.


A Kiss and a Phone Call

by Lady Q

Leland sighed as he looked out of the office window into the work area of Homicide. He silently watched Sharona Fleming lead what was once the best detective on the force, Adrian Monk, out of Homicide.

He shook his head in wonder as he watched them leave. As he turned to face his desk he remembered those three years past when he left Adrian Monk in a coma at a Nursing home. Oh, he visited every day in hopes that Adrian would wake up, would get better and would solve his late wife's case. That he would remember the last event that took place before Adrian went into a coma.

Their first and only kiss.

It happened the night of the explosion. The kiss was an accident. But it was the most powerful accident that ever happened to Leland.

They were in his office working late on a very tough case. When Adrian turned to look at Leland, to point out some important item, Leland tripped over the chair leg of his office chair. It knocked them both down on the floor of the office. It was then that the kiss happened. There they were, Leland had landed on top of Adrian, and without knowing why he did it, he just leaned over and kissed Adrian Monk with all the passion he felt for the man. It was a kiss filled with love and passion. A kiss that told Adrian that Leland was falling in love with him. It was kiss that ended a friendship and never started relationship.

For when that kiss had ended was when the argument started. They had argued heatedly after that kiss. Leland pointed out to Adrian that he wasn't trying to ruin Adrian's and Trudy's marriage just that he wanted Adrian to know how he felt about him.

Adrian pointed out that nothing would come out of that kiss. His love was for Trudy and that he only thought of them as friends.

Then that the phone rang and little did we know how much that phone call would change our lives, the lives of everyone around us.

A kiss changes our relationship by ending a friendship and now a phone call changes our lives. No one ever realizes how these little moments in a person's life can change or influence major events.

The phone call changed Adrian's life. He went into shock after I told him and then the shock turned into a coma that lasted three years.

The phone call changed Leland's life as well. Three years of wondering if it was his fault for kissing Adrian. For wanting to change their relationship, guilt for telling Adrian the truth on the night that his wife was killed. For wondering if it was his fault that his friend was in a coma.

It took three years for Adrian to wake up and to begin to live again. A phone call once more took to changing Leland's life and this time it gave him hope.

Hope that Adrian will be able to learn to love again. Hope that they will have a relationship together down the road and hope that one day Adrian Monk will return the love that Leland held for him.

The End


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