Writer's Resources

Writer's Block? * Resources * Reference Materials * Beta Help

Most of these are off-site links.

Writer's Block?

Writer's Block Links and Advice



Writer's University:

The most comprehensive guide to fan fiction on the net.

Aunt Sarah's Handy-Dandy Plotting Recipe

The Art of Writing's Instant Muse Story Starter:

The Story Starter is designed as a writing prompt tool based on the creativity technique called random input. The idea is to get writers thinking "out of the box" by injecting random elements into and existing story, or to help blocked writers jump-start a brand new story using the "givens" generated.


National Novel Writing Month Nov 1-30
Participants write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

Word Painting:

The Word-Painting list is for fan fiction writers who want to improve their writing and discuss writing in general, with a focus on description and style and using two books as starting points: "Word Painting" by Rebecca McClanahan and "Steering the Craft" by Ursula Leguin. Some writing exercises will be used from the both books. For more information, contact the list owner.

The Erotica Readers and Writers Association

Minotaur's Sex Tips For Slash Writers

Fanfic_ Reference lists:


to ask any historical questions-- what the Washington Post headlines were in December 1941, when the latest year the Vikings would have been raiding Scotland was, when the hoopskirt or the bustle went out of style in Europe or the US, who the Soviet Premier was in 1972, or when Notre Dame became co-ed, for example.


to ask any geographical questions-- If your characters are in Chicago, what El stop do they need? If they're on a whirlwind trip to Paris, what hotel might they stay in?


to ask any translation questions-- If you're writing a story, and need to know how to ask the location of the bathroom in German, or Klingon, ask here. If you need a spell translated into Latin, again, this is your resource.


to ask any questions regarding the law-- when characters are arrested, arresting, on trial, or involved in investigations; for use in fanfic about lawyers, police officers, investigative agents, etc.; or as part of historical information in period pieces.


to ask any medical questions-- when characters are injured or ill, for use in fanfic about doctors, or as part of historical information in period pieces.


to ask any science questions.


to ask any supernatural questions.


for help concerning the profesional aspects of your character's lives.


Reference Materials:

Firearms, Weapons and Tools links

Forensics links

Medical Links

Western Slang and Phrases:

A writer's guide to the Old West, 1860's - 1880's


Beta Help

Dr. Grammar


Grammar, Punctuation and Capitalization

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