The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Remember, Remember

Number of comments: 6

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From: Vicki
Date: 07/16/2010
hi my name is Vicki i've just read your story Remember Remember and i loved it and i really love how you wrote both Ben and RayK my fav pair in love. I would love,LOVE to know how it went telling his parents about them and how well Ben got on with them and more of his brother i hope. keep up the fab work.

From: phil jones
Date: 12/20/2007
Thanks to all of you for buying my book this year. Some of the proceeds of the book sales will go to "Prisoners Abroad" charity,who in turn send out Christmas packages to those who are still inside prisons worldwide this time of year. Please check out my web site:under the name of the book. Please pass on my book after reading to others,I hope in time the book will touch many hands worldwide,and hopefully some much needed changes will be made in the future of all prisons.
From: phil jones
Date: 02/12/2007
"DIARIES OF DOING TIME UNTIL THE ICE MEN COMETH" Will be published by athena press for people to read what goes on in the U.S.A. prisons. Phil.
From: phil jones
Date: 02/12/2007

This is the story of how prisons for profit run in the U.S.

What would be a good way for the people of the world to know what really goes on? Phil.
From: Debris (
Date: 01/15/2005
That was a lovely story. Hope to read more from you soon!
From: beverly (
Date: 01/13/2005
just wanted to let you know i enjoyed your story very much, hope there are more to come!
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