The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Freaks

Number of comments: 2

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From: Springwoof
Date: 02/27/2005
"There's no one who'd be surprised at what he likes to do with his mouth. That kink is too big to hide behind the Mountie suit that's for sure."


Warm and funny and sweet with a few drops of angst for balance. Very nice.

I also liked:

"Made me kinda crazy but Vecchio is good at working people and he worked me good. It ain't love, we ain't exactly friends but I don't pull a fit when he comes by for a visit anymore.Maybe it's all the friendly slaps and hugs--I like getting touched too."

A nice insight into how Kowalski & Vecchio would learn to get along....

This story felt you packed a multi-volume epic into a really small space. It worked, but I would have liked the multi-volume epic a lot, too...

From: shayheyred (redchance@AOL.COM)
Date: 02/24/2005
"Inspector Tongue." Heh.

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