The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on It's a Wonderful Christmas Carol

Number of comments: 5

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From: Jesse the K
Date: 06/05/2008
Again with the crying and the laughing. Also Dief defecting from Fraser to Ray, presaging future!fascist!Ben's kicking his dog.

Damn I loved this one, I'm printing it out for my "See, there's a reason why I read fanfic" notebook to show my friends.

Thank you kindly!
From: Angel
Date: 05/29/2007
Awesome, truly awesome!!!!!!!!!
From: Lady Ra
Date: 03/30/2007
Loved this story. Every word of it. Poor Fraser getting dragged through the muck of his might have beens. So glad Ray's plugged back in!!!
From: slashslut
Date: 02/04/2007
*squee* fluffy goodness! loved, loved, LOVED it!!
From: Phenyx
Date: 01/31/2007
I freakin' LOVED THIS! When Fraser saw his pathetic future self, I started to cry. When he saw Ray's I was bawling and I've run out of kleenex. I had to wipe my eyes on my shirt sleeve. But then Ray's conversations with Dief made me laugh.

I laughed. I cried. This story ROCKS! You did a fantastic job in capturing Fraser's style of talking and thinking. And you've got Ray down pat too. Great. Great. Great.

If you don't mind, I'd like to post a link to this story on one of the Live Journal communities I frequent. Sweets like this must be shared.

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