
by Andrea

Author's Website:

Disclaimer: charecters not mine.dont sue. I will try to return them where I found them, hopfully unharmed.

Author's Notes: As always I HAVE to thank Lisa because she makes me.

Story Notes: This story is post COTW and part of a series I am making called "I will survive".


I'm sorry, so sorry Benton buddie. I didn't have a choice. I knew you never wanted it like this. God, sometimes you can be so nieve.

You just thought you were hanging out with your good friend Ray at his apartment.

What the hell did you think I ment when I said leave the wolf at home? You trusted the wrong person Benton buddie. You should have known.

At first you were just helping me move furniture in my bedroom. I'm sorry. It was just too tempting, you had no fucking clue. You should have seen your face when I slapped my handcuffs on you. I am sorry but I had to put the gag in, you were screaming 'NO' too loudly.

I couldnt believe you were so innocent, I still dont know why you cried. I didnt hurt you that much. I am sorry but I had to. I knew you had never been with a man.

DONT YOU SEE!?!!? I HAD to be the first and last man you would ever be with. Don't worry Benton buddie...I'll take good care of you. Now that I've had a taste I want more, I need more.

Two things are clear to me now, one you will never leave here while I am alive, and B....I love it when you scream.
