"She'd better be here." "She's here." "She's
armed..." "You son of a bitch! I should have shot you!" You
still might... You
still might... Keep calm. Maintain eye contact. The gun! Get the gun. "...'cause I'm getting on this train!" You won't get away. Not this time. "Come with me!" Ray? "Come with me!" I'm sorry... He's
got the gun... Ben, you wouldn't dare! They'll shoot her... "Fraser!" He couldn't shoot me from there... She'll shoot him! Shit! Get outta my way! Don't let her outta sight. Fraser, don't do it! Ray! No! Victoria... "She's got a gun!" Ben... don't shoot... I can't stop shaking... aim for her shoulder. Calm, calm, calm, deep breath, don't pull... squeeze... the trigger... aim... got her! Got her! Victoria? Ben? Fraser? Benny! Oh, shit, shit, shit... Ben? Oh, my God, Ben! That was meant for her... They shot him... why? I can't hold on... He'll fall under the train. Were they going to kill her? He's falling... I must let go... "Ben!" Hit the ground and roll. That was meant for her! Benny? "I should be with her." "Damn you, Fraser, why?" "Call an ambulance!" "I'm so cold... why is it so cold?" "I can't understand you..." Cold. "It's snowing." *
"Did she get away?" "She got away." They shot him... "She was going to shoot you." "She didn't have the gun." "She did, I saw it." "No." "I saw a gun!" "I had the gun." "Oh, God." "It's not your fault." "I thought she was going to kill you." "I thought... thought you were... going to kill... kill her." "Were you gonna...?" "I'm not sure." Ben, I'm sorry. Victoria? "Benny, I'm sorry." Ray? "Hey! Stay with me here, Fraser." Where else can I go? Please let him be all right. "It'll be all right." It will? "Yeah, you'll live." I
will? *
Originally archived 15 October 1996