Fraser needed to let Victoria go, but only Ray's intervention finally made it happen.
Confronted with a frighteningly similar situation, will the outcome be the same?


Trinity – The Final Act


                "Doctor Carter..."
                It is not Victoria... it's not.

Jeez, Benny, are you crazy?

                "... put the gun down."

What the hell are you doing?

                "You hurt her..."
                You hurt me.

                                "You don't understand anything..."

                Did I understand you?
                "...sometimes you can love someone so much..."

She's gonna shoot! Fraser, I can't do this again...

                "...that you're willing..."
                Come with me, you said...
                " do almost anything for them."
                ... would I have gone?

Get out of the way of the damn gun, you moron!

                " tried to do the only thing that made sense."
                It didn't make any sense... Victoria, why did you do it?
                "You tried to destroy yourself."
                I wasn't thinking... Ray, I'm so sorry... I wasn't...

It's suicide!

                The gun. Get the gun...

Oh, God, that's it... Benny, you can't!

                                                "Drop the gun, ma'am."

Fraser, I won't let her hurt you again.

                No... Victoria...


                Ray! Oh, my God...

She shot me!

                That was meant for me... you would have killed me...
                "Ray, are you okay?"

"Yeah... I think so..."

                "I'm sorry..."

"It wasn't your fault."

                It was... it was... I knew what was happening...


                Dear God, let him be alright...





                                                "Lie still, sir. Okay, let's go!"

"Um... you gotta let go my arm now, Benny."


"I said you gotta let go... "

                Yes, let go.

                Let go...





Originally archived 25 October 1996

Disclaimer: Due South is the property of Alliance. This is non-profit fan fiction written for private consumption only. Any violation of any existing copyright(s) is not intended.