Very moving and intense story with complicated relationship dynamics. Great job all around.
From: Nancy Date: 04/15/2010
I agree with Nina's comment. I've read your stories, and while they're well written, I just don't quite understand what you have against Fraser being best friends with Ray Vecchio while Ray Kowalski is his lover.
Many people who are married or in a committed relationship with a lover still make room in their lives for a best friend - someone who does not view him or her in a sexual light and whom the person can talk to and spend time with without sexual tension being a problem. I think a person is healthiest emotionally when he/she has a best friend like this to help him/her through life and to listen to him/her as well as having a lover who helps and listens. And after being a loner for so long, Fraser needs the emotional health provided by both RayK AND RayV.
Early in the series, Fraser told RayV that he was his best friend - so why couldn't the message he left for RayK acknowledge that he was "his partner and lover" and not mention "best friend," since RayV is that to Fraser? Or why couldn't he have said that RayK was "one of my two best friends." If I was RayV and heard that message, I would be terribly upset - as if all that I had done for Fraser (and it's canon that he did many loving things for him unconditionally) counted for nothing.
The Ray Wars are supposed to be long over - so please try to acknowledge RayV as Fraser's dear friend and his contributions to Fraser's life in future stories. Go back and watch Seasons 1-2 if you need ideas on how RayV did this. Don't write his friendship with Fraser as if it was nothing to Fraser - because it definitely wasn't!
From: Nina Date: 04/21/2009
You got one thing terribly wrong in this story - the voice mail message that Fraser left for RayK. RayK is NOT Fraser's best friend - RayV is!
What do you F/K writers have against RayV? Can't you even admit that even if Fraser was with RayK, RayV would remain his best friend? Watch Seasons 1 and 2, and you'll see the evidence for a strong friendship, even if you're so blinded by RayK's looks that you don't see the potential for F/V slash.
From: Vicki
Date: 11/06/2008
Excellent story both Ray's working together to help Ben. Ray V having to do what he did nice one. I'd love to know how it did effect their friendship. Thank you for sharing.