I'm tired of the RayV haters who want to get him out the picture to make way for stupid Kowalski. You haven't watched the entire show, have you? Because Fraser DID LAUGH with Ray Vecchio - so how can you say that Fraser had only been heard laughing with Kowalski?
From: dsfan Date: 10/18/2012
It's terrible that the only other comment about this story is about Kowalski! WHAT ABOUT RAYV - and the fact that he was the one who died in "JIB"?!
I'm so sick of this fandom being so Kowalski centered that poor RayV is ignored, or, when he's killed off as he is here, not one person except me cares. And where is Fraser's grief in this story? RayV was his BEST FRIEND! Fraser should be grieving a lot more than he is, and not even notice Kowalski as anything except the investigating officer. I hate the Fraser who decides to jump Kowalski's bones instead of grieving for his best friend, who was so loving to him.
From: Vicki Date: 03/16/2009
Great story i love the flow of it. I thought Ray K was perfect it in and the bond they got was lovely and sweet.