Okay, here it is... my very first attempt at fanfic. Please be gentle!

Sunday Evening

by Suzanne ccs@accessus.net

"Hey! Stop there!"

Fraser was flipping through the television channels at blinding speed. He stopped on "The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Suess"; he glanced at Ray, clearly puzzled.

"No, not that...back...no, one more."

Fraser looked at Ray, more confused than ever, "Touched By An Angel?"

Ray blushed slightly, "Yeah. It's Ma's favorite." He cleared his throat, "Besides, that angel's really something."

"Yes Ray, Della Reese is quite a talented actress." Fraser answered with a twinkle in his eye.

"No, Benny the *other* angel!" Fraser raised an eloquent eyebrow. "Just watch the show, okay?"

The two friends settled back in the Vecchio family room to watch the show, having been joined by Ray's mother. About twenty minutes into the show, during the first commercial break, Fraser looked over at his friend on the couch. "You know Ray, that character, James, he reminds me of you."

"Benny! He's a criminal and a con artist!" He affected a hurt look, but added, "He does have quite good dress sense."

The show resumed. They watched the drama unfold and neatly resolve itself by the end credits. While the credits rolled Fraser repeated, "James Block reminded me of you Ray. It's amazing."

Ray considered this. "In what way?"

"I suppose in his flair and bravado, as well as the cynicism."

"Raimundo, you know he's right.", a calm, gentle voice beside him.

"Not you too, Ma," Ray whined.

"That character, he is what you would be if you'd listened to your father, may he rest in peace."

"*I* think that you're both wrong." Ray stood up and stretched. "I could never..." he trailed off, considering.

"Yes, Ray?" inquired Fraser, urging him to continue.

With a devilish grin and a wink, much like his televsion double, he did so. "Now that you mention it, he was quite charming and an excellent dresser and..."

"Ray, I really should be going now. Would you be so kind as to give me a ride home?"

Ray rolled his eyes and whimpered, "But you didn't let me finish."

