This is a poem inspired by dueSouth written for an original story titled "In The Absence of the Moon" which, in turn, was inspired by a DS fic I wrote with the same title. A big thank you goes to Sama. The poem wouldn't be finished without her. And also thanks to the serge list sibs who started the poetry posting trend a while back thus giving me courage to post this.

Nov 99

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In The Absence if the Moon: Poem.
By Eugenie Chua

Sound of thunder reverberated through the room,
Full moon half covered by dark clouds.
From the piano melody of the moon,
Filled the dark space.

Images of the past,
Voices of the future.
Alone in a candle lit room,
With thoughts of darkness.

Where am I?
Who am I?
Why am I?

Those were the questions.


Images vanquished,
Voices silenced.
Thoughts melted away with
Candles in the darkened room.

Sound of thunder died,
As the melody faded in the distance.
Dark clouds lifted from the moon,
Once darkened space now filled with silvery moon light.

The End
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