Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, Alliance does, more's the pity.
(c) May 18, 1998
I sit here by the pool,
The hot Florida sun's
Brilliant rays bathing
My near-naked body.
The palm trees are swaying,
My drink is cool,
So why I am I so
Unhappy in Paradise?
Why do I feel your lips
Caressing me like
These hot Southern breezes?
Why am I haunted
By the memory of your touch,
So firm and so gentle?
Why does my mind's eye
See endless vistas
Of blinding snow and ice?
Why does my blood burn
For harsh Arctic cold
While sitting in hot climes?
Why do I see you
Suddenly appear,
Shimmering like
Some ethereal mirage?
Why do I see you
In all your
Smooth-bodied glory
Slicing through water
That's as blue
As your eyes?
Broad shoulders break
A mirrored surface,
Your smile dazzling,
Brighter than
This blazing sun.
Why do I hear your voice,
Soft and sweet,
Whisper against my ear,
Your warm breath
Tickling my chest?
My heart aches,
My eyes widen,
(You always called me
Gorgeous Green Eyes
When I did that)
As the truth I've buried
Bursts forth
Like a dolphin,
Breaking glassy blue.
Hang on, Benny,
I'm coming.
Have snowsuit,
Will travel.
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