by Archet

People forget. It is the way of things. Time blurs memory, perhaps so old wounds might heal, might at last cease to ache. It does not care that one might wish to hold tight to such wounds. Time does not care that some might wish not to forget, and so, I defy time. I will not forget.

Let the years turn, let the winds come and try to topple this high place, this brave city, if it can. Let your name be lost to the pages and pages of history that, even now, are still being penned somewhere down below in one of the lower circles. I will hold tight, to it and to you. Hearts love and hearts break and sometimes hearts even forget, yet I will not. I honor you in this, yes, but in truth I am a greedy man, and it is that I simply will not part with the memory of you.

Look at the sun, Boromir. Can you see her? She rides low on the horizon, her light a golden glow trapped, so fleetingly, against the clouds, her fierce, failing touch glinting as gems against our standard of the White Tree that flies free, unfurled upon the winds. It flies free, and has done so for many a year.

I have kept my word and kept your city safe. I have become a king to your people, made them my own and I have done my best to be a good king to them. I have loved and lost and I have had a wife and queen that has brought me unending happiness, a family that I love beyond measure. I have had all this and more, and I have remembered where others have not.

People forget. That is the way of things; it is as it should be. My name has joined yours in the pages of history, and one day it too will fade from memory. I would have it no other way. Let us be forgotten together, my love.

I am an old man that stands here on your White Tower, an old king that looks out at the dying of this day's light and that shivers in the chill autumn air. I will be finished with this world soon, this autumn will be my last, and as a dry leaf fallen to the ground, I too will be laid to rest. I say let us lie down in the pages of history and be forgotten and finally find ourselves free to love. My life has been full. I have lived well and have been honored with the love of many good people, and though leaving those that love me best pains me, sometimes beyond measure, my time is drawing to a close and I cannot deny it. This is as it should be.

I stand here in this cold, high place and I want to ask, can you see me yet, Boromir? I am making my way to you, though slowly. The years have been long, and these last have been kind to me, so I come to you with a full and happy heart. I have not lacked for love since I lost you; I have only lacked having you with me to love, and so I have loved you from afar. But you have not been far away, have you? Not too far, I think, for I have felt you every time I've looked down upon our city. I feel you now, as I face this fading sunset.

Watch for me, my Boromir. I will come find you soon, and then all will be as it should have been. I have not forgotten. I will not forget.


Title: Sunset
Author: Archet
Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir
Rating: PG
Summary: Aragorn has lived long, and has not forgotten.
Disclaimer: these characters are not mine, I did not create them, I only borrowed them and made this ficlet.
Feedback: welcomed and appreciated!
Archive: Fellowship, my livejournal, , Rugbytackle, anyone else interested please ask

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