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Hiding Both sat with shoulders hunched, their faces turned to the ground. Firelight
danced upon their faces, making an eerie play of light and shadow. The
waves of sadness coming from the bent shoulders were enough to cause the
elf a tinge of pain that was grew daily, turning almost to physical illness.
They carry so much love, yet they do not rejoice in the knowledge.
They hide from love's warm embrace, hoping to escape her notice.
Legolas chuckled mentally at the thought; no one could escape love. He
sighed in confusion at the thought that anybody would want to.
"Aragorn." Legolas waited patiently for the man to lift his head in acknowledgment
of the softly spoken name. "I would talk to you in private if you do not
"Of course Legolas." Fallowing the elf a little ways from the camp, out
of hearing distance but not out of sight. "What is it that you wish to
speak with me about?"
"Boromir." Watching the man flinch at the name he laid a hand on his
friend's arm, squeezing lightly in reassurance before he dropped it and
continued. "I know that there is something on your mind and I would like
you to share the burden with me, for if you do not it will only drag you
down farther. And that would be trouble not only for you but for the rest
of the company, and I will not have that." Although he spoke softly there
was a layer of steel in his voice and Aragorn knew better than to refuse
the elf's request.
"I am not sure of what troubles me exactly." Sighing he ran a hand through
his hair before continuing, "There are strange feelings claiming my heart,
yet I do not know what they are or how to stop them."
"Describe your feelings. Maybe speaking them aloud will help quite the
turmoil I sense in your soul."
"I feel... I feel as though someone has stolen my very breath from my
body. It is though the light in his eyes rivals that of the sun. I know
I love him but I do not know yet how I love him, these feeling are unknown
to me, it is not the way a brother loves his sister or that of a son loving
his father. I am confused; I think I am trying to deny that I love him
as a true lover because I know that he could never feel the same way about
me. I am the man who will eventually take his father's place as ruler
of Gondor. I will be the one he must bow to. He will no longer be able
to make decisions for the kingdom he holds so dear without my consent."
"You do not make the rules of love for there are none. Do not presume
to know if Boromir can love you or not, for if you do you may miss out
on a love to rival that of Celeborn and Galadriel." Saying no more than
that Legolas walked back to the campsite. Ignoring the curious looks he
was getting he unrolled his blanket and prepared for rest. Smiling, he
heard the heir of Isildur speak Boromir's name, beckoning him into the
"Boromir I have called you here to discuss a very important matter...
A matter very close to my heart." Pausing to breath deep, hoping to get
courage along with air, Legolas' words floated back to him. 'Do not presume
to know if Boromir can love you or not' I hope he is right for if he
is not I fear my heart shall never heal.
"I fear after I speak my piece nothing will ever be the same between
us. You have grown close to my heart, and your friendship means much to
me, but we cannot go on as we have. There is something that weighs heavily
on my mind and I do not think it will stop until I have put words to the
feelings." Aragorn knew as soon as he spoke there was no going back, steeling
himself for the harsh words that would surely fallow he resumed speaking.
"In my past I have felt many things for many people, but never has my
heart spoken to me the way it speaks of you. It whispers to me of things
that could be, of warmth, comfort of caresses in the dark, of kisses and
passion. I have craved these feelings for many a long year, and now my
heart says that these things can be mine if only I tell you what I want.
I love you Boromir, my body craves you, my heart yearns for you, and my
soul screams for the passion we could share.
Title: Hiding
Author: Cally Pairing: B/A Warning: Slash ahead Distribution: I you want it you can have it but tell me were it's going Disclaimer: If I owned 'em it would be based on real events Feedback: mmmm, getting a happy even thinking about it. Notes: I would dearly love it if someone would write the conversation between Aragorn and Boromir, and would love it even more if it was a happy ending. |
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