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I Fear
I cannot deny my desire for the Ring, although my purpose for
desiring it has shifted somewhat since this ill-fated quest began.
In the beginning, I only wanted to save my beautiful city. I know
that Minas Tirith is failing. Gondor will soon fall and I cannot
save it alone, no matter how much I would wish to. But I cannot
help but feel that the Ring could save my homeland where I alone
would fail. However, that is not the only reason that I would
desire the Ring.
I would have the Ring in order to keep my king safe. It was only
last night that I was able to in some way acknowledge him as such
with words, but I have felt it for many days now. A man as noble as
Aragorn could be nothing less than a great king of men, and even if
he never does claim the throne of Gondor I would follow him wherever
he would lead me. I love him, though I fear to tell him that. He
has his Elven maid, and after this war is over he will have no need
of me in his bed, though I do believe that I would remain in his
heart. But I do not know if I could return to being merely his
friend when I have already been his lover.
But I fear... I have nothing to lose,
I have fought the call of the Ring because I know it is what he
would have me do. I have given so much of myself to fighting its
song, and the rest of me I have given without reservation to
Aragorn. My resolve is weakening, and I fear that I have nothing
left to give. Even now I am forced to give less of myself to him in
order to continue to fight the Ring. And I do not know how much
longer I can continue.
My desires are pulling me apart, and I fear I will soon go mad.
Frodo is right to look on me with fear, and Legolas to look on me
with distrust. I no longer trust myself, either. My only trust, my
only hope is in Aragorn, and I fear that it will not be enough to
save me. I must choose either the Ring or my king, and I must
choose now.
Wind in time rapes the flower trembling on the vine,
I glanced up at his face still relaxed in sleep, and my choice was
made. It was that simple. Perhaps the Ring could save Gondor, but
the price would not only be my soul, it would also be his. While I
would gladly offer my soul to save my city, I could not do so with
his. And so we will destroy the Ring and save Gondor, together.
And when he marries his Elf maid, I will take whatever place is
offered to me in his life. As long as he is near me, I can learn to
be content.
I closed my eyes, sleep beckoning now that the song of the Ring was
fading from my mind. I had feared that my temptation would destroy
me, but it did not. My hunger for the Ring did not overpower my
love for my king. My choice was right. And I will fear my fate no
longer. For my fate is to be by my king's side, for as long as he
will have me. And I feel that he will have me for the rest of my
Date: December 21, 2002
Title: I Fear Author: Jade Rating: PG Pairing: A/B Warnings: none Summary: Boromir thinks on the Ring and Aragorn in Lothlorien. Archive: Library of Moria, FellowShip; all others please ask Author's Note: The song lyrics are Sarah McLachlan's 'Fear.' Wonderfully angsty song, that. |
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