The Clash
Normally, he would have covered up right away, but it seemed sort of pointless to do so after what had happened between them. He turned his head towards the faint light coming in through the old, greyish blue curtains. "Open the window, will you?" Faramir asked him. "Why?" Faramir leaned over Aragorn and began to rummage around in the bedside table instead of answering the question. "Isn't Galadriel going to know?" Aragorn asked when Faramir pulled out a pre-rolled joint and a lighter from the messy drawer. "Open the window and spray some air freshener and we'll be fine" Faramir assured him as he stuck the joint in his mouth and coated it lightly with saliva. "Besides, we need to celebrate." Aragorn blushed. "Fine" He replied as he got out of the bed and walked over to the window. "I will remember this though." Aragorn told Faramir before he threw open the drapes. "Holy mother... Aragorn! What the fuck are you doing?" Faramir exclaimed as he watched the utterly naked Aragorn calmly open the window with careful and precise movements, not caring of the fact that he was flashing the entire neighborhood by doing so. "Opening the window." Aragorn replied before he finished his task. "You did tell me to, after all." Aragorn replied as he casually sauntered over to the bed and got in, ever so careful to arrange his long limbs i the most wanton and appealing way as possible. "Christ man." Faramir whispered as he took a long appreciative look at Aragorn's pale skin, noting the light dusting of hair on is belly that led down to a thick nest of dark brown hair and a dormant cock that he had had the pleasure of just ten minutes ago. He thought he was all but spent. After all, they had fucked like bunnies again and again until Aragorn had ripped the pillow he had stuffed in his mouth to keep from screaming out loud. Aragorn didn't want to stop once he had gotten a taste of what it was like. He had wanted very much to stay in bed the whole day and fuck until neither of them could sit down. It was nice. There was no way that he was going to deny it. But he also knew that he wasn't going to do either him or himself any favours if they stayed at home and tried to function in the microcosm that they had created that day. School had called and Faramir was sort of thankful. They sinmply had no choice but to stop and go to class. Even though they had missed two blocks already, they would still have to go or face the wrath of Haldir and Elrond the next time they went to class. So they had to get ready to leave soon. After the joint was smoked of course. Galadriel would drive them, so they'd be on time and things would be cool. But now that temptation was being laid out for him on a platter, Faramir was seriously wondering if the trouble that he would get into later would be worth the lay that his mind was now totally focused on. "So how bout it?" Aragorn asked, his voice sultry as he spoke. Faramir response was to swallow. Hard. "School." Faramir finally croaked out, jumping out of bed and depositing the joint and lighter onto the dresser with one fluid motion. "Positive?" Aragorn practically purred as Faramir struggled into a pair of boxers and jeans. Who knew that Aragorn would turn out to be both a sex maniac and a champion seducer once the walls had been breached? Certainly not him. "Yeah." He ran his hand through his hair before he looked at Aragorn. "It's tempting. Don't get me wrong. But we have to go out there. Not just because of school, but also cause we can't hide." Aragorn sat up then, and looked at Faramir, his eyes dark with bitterness. "You always have to be the voice of reason, don't you?" Faramir closed his eyes and turned away from him. He was so cold all of the sudden. "I wasn't once and look what it got me. You weren't it either and look where we stand. One of us at least should make the effort to be it." Faramir said as he wrapped his arms around himself, his hands rubbing over the scar tissue on his body as a means to stave away the cold. He heard Aragorn get out of bed, but he wasn't going to move. Let him leave. He was sure that things were just a break. He didn't care. He wasn't going to break. "Where do we stand then?" Aragorn whispered harshly as he wrapped his arms around the younger boy. "I don't know." Faramir replied, curling up against the warm flesh. "Somewhere?" Aragorn laughed a soft, sharp laugh. "It's a start, I guess." End
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