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The Clash
"Tell me a story
Aragorn had been drinking steadily ever since they had arrived at the
bar a couple of hours ago. He'd only stopped long enough to go to the
can and to sob bitterly into his drink once or twice.
"I still remember m' name, so no, I don' think so." Aragorn replied,
his words slightly slurred as he spoke.
Faramir bit his lip at this reply. He had been uneasy about
accompanying his brother's boyfriend to the bar. He had gotten really
bad vibes the minute that Aragorn had literally whirled into the
bedroom after going to visit Boromir.
His fears had been correct the minute Aragorn had thrown his jacket
at him and ordered him to be ready as quickly as possible.
"Why?" Faramir had asked, not picking up the jacket and just staring
at the coldly angry Aragorn.
"We're going to a bar where we're going to feel sorry for ourselves
and get smashed while we're at it. So get dressed."
Faramir had honestly wanted to protest this request. After all, it
was a school night and finals were looming on the horizon. Finals
that he needed to prepare for to do his best in.
But the look in Aragorn's eyes had kept him quiet about his
Aragorn's eyes looked like shattered glass. That was the only thing
he could compare them to. There was no actual light in them. Just
small shards of it whenever they happened to catch the light from the
bedside lamp.
No emotions flowed in their fractured depths. All he could see within
them was blankness. A terrible blankness that came from either being
dealt a mortal blow, or having one's soul shattered into a thousand
pieces that cannot be easily put back together again.
Faramir had only seen that look in one other person's eyes, and that
had been Thom Yorke. Thom was the only person that Faramir could say
was emotionally dead. He felt nothing. Cared for nothing. Lived for
He'd never thought he'd see that look in anyone's eyes again and
seeing it in Aragorn's had just scared the living daylights out of
That fear had been the reason why he had grabbed his jacket and
shoes, taken twenty dollars and had meekly followed Aragorn out to
the car.
Aragorn had driven in silence to Whyte Ave. In fact, Faramir felt the
older man had forgotten he was in the car. Not only had he not spoken
to him, he hadn''t even glanced his way as the car sped off into the
trendy avenue.
The silence had remained in place until they had entered the Elephant
and Castle, found a dark table in a corner and ordered drinks: A Long
Island ice tea for Faramir and a pitcher of Caffrey's ale for Aragorn.
That had been three hours ago. The table was now littered with empty
pitchers and glasses. Even though Aragorn looked worse for the wear,
he kept stubbornly drinking to erase Boromir''s words from his mind.
Oh yes. Aragorn had told him every single word Boromir had told
Celly. Faramir felt like giving his brother a good shake for being so
stupid and committing the same mistake he had been chided for earlier.
Though he felt sorry for Aragorn, he knew deep down, Boromir was only
making that huge of a sacrifice because he felt he was justified in
doing so. And Faramir really couldn't argue with his brother's logic.
Aragorn was a different sort of person than the ones they had grown
up with and dealt with for the majority of their lives. Aragorn,
compared to them, was a total innocent. Sure, he had the loss of his
mother and the abandonment of his father in his past, but he was
certain Aragorn had never gone to bed hungry. Nor had he ever fallen
asleep with shrubbery for a cover and his brother's grungy sweater
for his blanket. Nor had he ever nearly been picked up by strange men
offering money for a "ride" in their cars.
Aragorn had privilege and ease in his life. He had his family. Even
though he had been torn apart, he hadn't lived with the heartaches
and obligations that had plagued Boromir all his life. He had no idea
how much Boromir had to give up, to guard, in his life.
Boromir had not once broken when faced with all the obstacles he'd
had to deal with. Sad to say, or think about, but when he really
examined the situations that Aragorn had faced and the way that he
had reacted to them, Aragorn had failed. Boromir never had.
"Except when Casey raped him," the evil voice in his head muttered.
Faramir shook his head to shut the voice up. Yeah, his brother had
broken. But that had been after how long? What, ten years was it? It
was a miracle that he hadn''t fallen to pieces much earlier.
The only person that came close to knowing that was Legolas. Faramir
frowned at the thought of his ex-boyfriend. Shit. He had been an
utter fool to think that he would be able to offer Legolas a sense of
security and well being. An utter fool.
When he really thought about it, Legolas and Boromir did belong
They both had been through hell and back. Both had so many burdens to
carry. Burdens that he had unwittingly added to. As much as he hated
to admit it, he had done nothing but to make their lives harder.
He sometimes wished that he hadn't been born at all. If he hadn't
been, Boromir wouldn't have had so many obligations and duties. He
also wouldn't be plagued with the worry he wasn't taking well enough
care of his little brother. And of course, Lee wouldn't have gotten
pregnant if it hadn't been for him and his cock.
He winced at that thought. If only he'd had more foresight! If only
he had stopped!!
He shook his head and looked at Aragorn. He didn't want to think
about Lee and the child. Nor did he want to think about how much he
had fucked up Lee's life. He shouldn't have said anything when Lee
had spilled the news. He should have kept his cool and later decided
on what course of action would have been the best for him to take.
But he hadn't. Instead, he had panicked. Panicked because he felt he
was too young to be a father. Panicked because he knew he had screwed
up. Panicked because he had just gone ahead and done the exact same
thing that the asshole who had been his father did.
He hated himself for that. He had told himself a long time ago, when
Boromir had first told him about their putative father he'd never,
ever father a child and then leave him and the mother. Never. If he
ever had a child, he was going to be responsible. Be a father.
Faramir bit his lip. But he had lied and broken his word the minute
that he had been faced with the possibility. And he doubted that
Legolas would give him time to make things right. Especially not
after he suggested the child wasn't his.
He sighed and rubbed his face. Maybe he should do the same as Aragorn
and drink himself stupid. At least that would be a release of some
sort. If it wasn't, then Aragorn wouldn't be so keen on drinking as
much as he was. Maybe there was some truth in beer making you forget
stuff. Well, it sure looked like Aragorn was willing to test that
He was certainly giving it his all, Faramir noted a bit sourly as he
finished his fourth drink, which was already making him blink
owlishly at the dim fixtures in the bar.
He smiled a bit when he had to blink again. Damn. That was a sure
sign that he was on his way to getting totally slammed. On a school
night. Fuck.
"You wan' an'ther drink?" a slurred voice asked him.
He looked up at the speaker and met with dark blue eyes studying him
carefully. Too carefully.
He shrugged to ease his discomfort at being stared at so blatantly.
"I'll get it for ye." Aragorn slurred before unsteadily getting to
his feet and stumbling off in search of a server to get more drinks.
Faramir watched him go with a sense of both relief and worry. On one
hand, he didn't have Aragorn checking him out like a piece of meat.
On the other hand, he was getting him more to drink, which meant that
Faramir would be so incoherent and out of it he would probably end up
doing something terribly stupid sometime soon.
He wasn't sure which of the alternatives was better. Neither of them
sounded terribly appealing to him at that point. Especially the being
ogled one, since Aragorn was still with Boromir as far as he was
concerned and he would never infringe on his brother's boyfriend. Not
even if he had been forced to.
He loved and respected his brother too much to be such a prick and do
such a low trick.
Even though Aragorn was looking terribly good, and he was as lonely
as heck ever since he had committed one of the biggest blunders of
his entire life, he was certain that he would be able to resist the
temptation to do so.
Or could he?
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was so not going to go
He wouldn't have gone there if it hadn't been for two things. The
first thing was hearing Aragorn say "Here ye go." before a drink was
plonked down in front of him.
The second thing was having Aragorn nibbling on his earlobe as his
hands then slid down the entire length of his torso to stop just
above the waistband of his jeans.
"What are you doing?" Faramir croaked, cringing at the question that
had just slipped out of his mouth.
As if it wasn't bloody obvious as to what Aragorn was doing to him.
''Yeah, smooth conversational tactic there, Faramir,'' his mind
jeered at him as his body remained frozen in his seat.
Luckily, or unluckily, Aragorn was either too drunk, or too intent on
his goal to notice the question. His hands moved lower and his mouth
moved from his earlobe to the line of his jaw.
Faramir gave a sound that was half a strangled moan, half strangled
yelp as he felt Aragorn's attempts to get into his jeans.
He was both enjoying and hating the emotions coursing through him. On
one hand, he was thoroughly getting his jollies by having Aragorn's
hands nearly down his pants. On the other hand, this was his
brother's boyfriend.
"Stop!!" Faramir exclaimed, pulling away from Aragorn's hands. "Stop
it right now!!"
Aragorn looked at him for a few seconds, his eyes dark with strong
emotion. He paused in his movements and just stood there behind
Faramir took the opportunity to take a deep breath to calm his raging
hormones before he faced Aragorn. Before he told him what they were
doing was wrong and that he wanted to go home.
Once he had finally managed to do that, he faced Aragorn, who was now
standing with his arms crossed and a cool, very sober look on his
The look surprised Faramir, since he knew that the older man had
drunk enough to put him, Max and Boromir under the table easily. How
the hell had he done that? It was as if the last few minutes hadn't
happened at all. As if Aragorn had just pulled off a mask that had
been in place all this time. A mask that Faramir had let slip under
his radar.
The thought scared him.
If Aragorn noticed his discomfort, he didn't give a sign of it. He
just coolly looked at Faramir before he began to speak in that
frigid, dead voice that he had been using since he had come home and
ordered him to come along to the bar.
"Why should we stop?" He asked, his eyes sliding into a blue so dark
that it swallowed the pupil.
Faramir gulped in some air.
"You're with Sebastien. You aren't free and neither am I. We are very
wrong to do this."
Aragorn laughed, his laughter short and bitter before he spoke again.
"We are free!! You let my brother go and your brother has let me
go!!" he hissed, eyes narrowing to thin black lines in his angular
"We can't be sure of that," Faramir replied, his eyes going to the
wooden tabletop.
"I think you made it clear to Legolas that day," Aragorn replied
sharply. "Just like your brother made it clear to me today."
Faramir closed his eyes then opened them again. His patience was
slowly draining and he needed time to regain his composure before
things went to hell in a handbasket.
"You can't jump to conclusions, Estel. It's true that we have all
made a hell of a lot of mistakes in these past few months, but we
CANNOT do this!!" Faramir nearly yelled as he slammed his hand on the
table. He couldn't fucken believe that this was actually happening!
What the hell was going on? Did one of the barmaids put some funky
shit in their drinks while they weren't looking? Was he going mad?
What the hell was going on?
People just didn't do this type of shit! Especially not when they
were dating other people!
"Why not? You don't find me attractive enough?" Aragorn asked,
leaning in predatorily, his eyes boring into Faramir's own.
Faramir's tongue felt as if it had stuck to the roof of his mouth.
What the hell was he supposed to say to that? He moistened his lips
and tried. Honestly tried to be tactful. After all, he hadn''t gotten
his nickname "the diplomat" for nothing. He had managed to get
himself and Boromir out of more scrapes than he could count on
account of his skill with words.
"Yeah. Actually, I do. Hell, If I didn't have such strong morals,
deep love and respect for my brother, you and Lee, I'd nail your ass
on this table right here, right now. But I do. And so that means
nothing will happen."
Aragorn's eyes widened at that remark and Faramir inwardly cringed.
Oh that was great! Just fucken great! Lovely! Maybe they should call
him out to negotiate the peace treaty between the Protestants and the
Catholics in Ireland. Oh yeah. He was so brilliant!
"You...you think that of me?" Aragorn asked, his voice losing its
frostiness as he spoke.
Faramir nodded. What else could he do? He had already stuck his foot
in it. He had no choice but to do his best to fix this situation.
"Yeah," he replied. "I do." He sighed heavily.
"Look man. Things have been really fucked up lately between all of
us. Believe me, that I regret the way things are right now. I wish
that we weren't so ragged and bloody with each other, but we are. And
we gotta fix it if we're going to be happy."
He took off his hat and ran a hand through his multi-coloured hair.
"We also have to make the effort for Boromir, Estel," he said the
names softly.
"This is hurting us badly, being that much apart from each other,
speculating things about each other. How do you suppose this all is
for him? We aren''t making his life any easier. Not only does he have
the burden of his health to contend with, he also has to baby-sit all
of us as well."
Aragorn's mouth opened and closed, but his brain had gone into
neutral as the impact of Faramir's words struck him.
How the hell did the kid come up with this stuff? Aragorn asked
himself as he digested the points that Faramir made. Faramir hadn't
been like this before. Sure, he was a smart kid, but he hadn't done
anything to cement that impression on Aragorn. His treatment of
Legolas and his running away from his brother had made Aragorn wonder
whether the kid was as smart as he was reputed to be.
So it was surprising that he was the voice of reason right now. The
one that was laying out the cards and explaining why the fling that
Aragorn had half-heartedly planned on wasn't the best thing they
could possibly do. Even though it might take away the burning pain
that Aragorn was feeling at being rejected by Boromir, it just
wasn''t going to happen with the emerald-eyed philosopher sitting in
front of him.
"He never complains about stuff, Aragorn. I can only imagine how he
feels when he takes the weight of his responsibilities on his
shoulders. He has always been the one to make the sacrifices that are
needed. Even when it has cost him so much."
Faramir paused as he tugged on his hair.
"If he said that to Celly, then he must love you that much. He would
never want to do something so drastic unless he saw a very good
reason for it. He loves you. Even though you may decided to walk
away, or he may decide to push you from him, you will still be bound
by that love he has for you."
Aragorn blinked at the words. What could he say to that? Nothing. He
couldn't counter it with anything, despite the fact that he was still
hurt and resentful of Boromir's words. Not to mention the fact that
he still wanted to have a taste of those cherry lips that were still
damp from the ice tea he had bought him earlier. But it all still
It rankled badly because he knew that Boromir didn't believe he was
strong enough to face things. That he was nothing more than a spoiled
rich boy that couldn''t take anything and would fold at the slightest
sign of danger. That he had no strength to stand up and face what
life threw at him.
They were in love, he knew that. But it had always seemed that there
was this wall between them that no matter how much time they spent
together, Aragorn would never be able to breach. He had felt the wall
when things had been going all right between them, but had never
thought of it until the accident had occurred. He hadn't needed to
think of it before because he hadn''t needed to be tested.
That was were the problem lay. Boromir had tested him and had decided
already that he had failed the test. And now he wanted to get rid of
him to be with Lee, the person that he felt would be strong enough
not to fail him.
Aragorn bit his lip as the thoughts slammed around in his head in a
sickening moment of clarity. Shit! He just had to go and find the
fucken secret of the universe the minute he had decided to drink
himself into a bloody stupor and have a meaningless fling. Shit!
He wanted to scream right then and there. Wanted to tell Faramir to
shut up and just go home. He didn''t want to make anything right.
Didn''t want to think about anything. Didn't want....
"Uh...Aragorn?" Faramir asked, his voice low as he spoke. He had
noticed the emotions that had quickly played over the dark-haired
man's face and didn't care for what he was seeing. He hadn't really
felt all that safe with Aragorn when he was being all touchy feely,
but he really didn't like him when his eyes were going this intense
purplish-blue and his lips thinning into a line so tight that it
makes his lips disappear.
Faramir swallowed when he noticed the change in his expression.
Aragorn shook his head and smiled bitterly.
"I want to believe you. I really do. But you are his brother after
all. How do I know that you aren't just saying that to smooth things
Faramir winced at the tone that Aragorn was using. It was harsh.
Meant to wound and cut to the quick.
"I'm not," Faramir defended himself, his voice calm and even.
"Oh no? Why not?" Aragorn asked, his voice still angry. Still a
"Because I know that it's true. I know my brother, Aragorn. I know
that when he cares about someone, he will try do anything in his
power not to hurt them. That''s how I know."
Aragorn raised an eyebrow at the statement. Part of him wanted to
believe Faramir. Wanted to believe that it was true. That Boromir
loved him that much.
But the other part of him, the one that was being overwhelmed with
his temper and resentment couldn't believe it. Wouldn't let him
believe it.
"Really? Then why would he be pushing me away and killing me if he
loves me so much?" he asked the younger man as he then reached out
and grabbed Faramir's chin, forcing the blond boy to look at him as
he spoke.
"That...that's just the way he is. He'd rather have people he cares
about leave than be burdened by all his problems." Faramir stammered.
He was getting freaked out by this. Seriously freaked out.
Aragorn''s eyes darkened even more when he heard this, making him
look even twice as freaky as he did when they had begun to change the
first time around.
"What if the people want to stick around and share the burden? What
if they care so much about him that they are willing to go through
hell with him even though they know the price that they have to pay?
What then?"
"He...he doesn't want that. He doesn't want them to worry about him.
Doesn't want them to break when they found out they aren't strong
enough to carry all those extra burdens. Because he has been
abandoned before when it has happened that way," Faramir replied, his
voice low as he spoke the suspicion that he was sure he shared with
his brother.
Aragorn's eyes narrowed at the statement before he let go of Faramir.
"Is that what you both think of me? That I am that weak? That I am
like a little child that needs to be protected?"
Faramir closed his eyes at the anger and hurt he heard in the other
man's voice.
"That is what you think, isn't it?" Aragorn asked, his voice so soft
and cracked that it made Faramir's heart clench in his chest.
How the hell could Boromir and himself be so thoughtless? How could
they have not figured out that Aragorn was going to feel hurt and
"Aragorn..." Faramir tried to explain, but Aragorn''s bark of a laugh
cut him short.
"Don't. Justdon't." He shook his head. "Look, just finish the
fucken drink and get your coat. I''m going to the lavatory. When I
come out, I expect you to be ready to go."
Faramir opened his mouth to either protest or apologize when Aragorn
just fixed those piercing dark eyes on him, effectively silencing him.
"Don't okay? Just don't," he told him as he grabbed his jacket and
hurried off to the men's lavatory, leaving Faramir staring at the
Long Island and feeling more miserable than he had felt in a while.
He sighed as he looked at his drink. Why the hell did everything he
touched turn into shit?
He wanted to leave and go straight to his brother and tell him he was
moron for hurting Estel. Right after he found Lee and apologized. But
he decided against that hasty course of action after he realized that
he would just do more to gain Estel's enmity when he was trying his
best to make amends.
So he stayed and finished his drink like he was told to. An action
that he was to regret soon enough.
Aragorn slammed the door to the lavatory and pushed his back against
it. He let his head roll back and he tried not to cry as he stared up
at the cream tiles in the ceiling.
"FUCK!!" He yelled, punching the wood behind him hard enough to make
his fist tingle with pain.
Where the hell had it all gone wrong? Why the hell was all this shit
just falling apart on him?
Why was his life such a fucken mess? Why? Was someone out to get him?
First his mother had decided to kill herself. Then his father had
calmly blamed him for indirectly killing her before he placed him in
a psychiatric hospital before running off to his mistress in Spain.
Now Boromir had decided Aragorn wasn't strong enough for him and he
had failed miserably at seducing Faramir. He could hardly wait to see
how that would wreck the relationship they had.
"What did I do to deserve this?" he hissed as he punched the door
He wasn't a bad person. Honestly. He wasn't. Misguided, maybe. But
then who wasn't at times? So why the hell was all this shit happening
to him?
But no one was there to give him an answer. So he punched the door
again in his frustration.
"Oww." He lifted his hand and sucked at his reddened knuckles. That
wasn't too smart.
He studied his knuckles as he moved away from the door. Shit. He
could see they were swelling already. Damn.
"Stupid. Stupid," he muttered as he moved to the sink and turned on
the tap. Once the water was at a good enough temperature, he scooped
some onto his face to take care of the last signs of his drunkenness.
Drawing in deep breaths to ease the shock of the cold water on his
system, he then ran his wet hands through his hair.
"Better." he told his reflection. He was ready to face the music now.
Sighing, he then grabbed his coat from where it had fallen beside the
sink and went to the door.
Now to fix the rift between Faramir and himself. He knew that it was
going to not be enough to make everything be better, but he had to
try, right?
After all, that was what Faramir said. They had to start fixing shit
up whether they wanted to or not.
"Smash it up." Aragorn muttered as he pushed the door open. Only to
hear: "Get the FUCK off me!!! HELP!! ARAGORN!!"
Legolas arrived at the Elephant and Castle with Duo Maxwell on one
side and Yohji Kudoh on the other.
"Just who exactly are we looking for here?" Yohji asked the thin-
lipped elf as they swept the interior of the pub.
"Faramir and Aragorn," he replied, his voice low. Yohji raised an
eyebrow at the answer.
"I didn't think that they were the irresponsible types, Lee," he
commented as he looked at the waitresses. If Catherine, Sally or Noin
were around maybe they would be able to locate Aragorn and Faramir
sooner than just sweeping the entire frikking pub.
"I thought so too, before. But that was then and this is now and we
have to look for them before they do something stupid," Lee replied,
pushing the single braid he had put his hair into behind his shoulder
as he went deeper into the pub.
"What kind of stupid things?" Duo asked as he too, kept his eyes open
for their prey. Part of him thought that Lee was taking it a bit over-
board as he searched for his brother and ex. After all, Faramir was
Satan's brother and even though he was epileptic, the little bastard
could defend himself terribly well. He didn''t know Aragorn as well,
but he was sure that the older guy was a good enough fighter to take
care of anyone that would be dense enough to piss him off.
But part of him knew that Lee sensed danger. That there was something
in the air that only he could decipher. And that was why he had
willingly followed him.
In all his experiences with Lee and Satan, he had never know the elf
to be wrong. He had been the one to save them with a well-time
intervention or a well placed back-up whenever they had been involved
in a fight. So he trusted him. Even though they lived in different
worlds know, that trust would never be diminished.
"I don't know. I don't want to know and that is why we have to find
them," Lee replied tersely as he pushed his way deeper into the bar.
"Hey! Yotan! Duo! Lee! What the hell are you guys doing here at this
time? Shouldn't you be in school or something?"
Yohji grinned as the slim brunette made her way towards them, an
empty serving tray in her hand and a chiding smile on her lips as she
recognized her brother's friends.
Yohji laughed as he took his sunglasses off and put them in the
pocket of his blue Board Doktor jacket.
"You aren't skipping again are you?" Catherine Barton chided them as
she picked up a couple of empty glasses from a nearby table. Her boss
didn''t mind that her friends and Trowa's friend's dropped by on
occasion. But she couldn't be seen not doing anything while she spoke
with them lest the other customers get mad and think she was slacking
on purpose.
"Us? Why Cathy! I'm shocked that you would think that! We'd never
skip and you know it! We''re good little boys!"
Catherine paused in her task before giving Yohji a look of
disbelief. "Please, Yohji! Don't try that with me. I know you far too
well to believe that."
Duo and Lee snickered and Yohji pretended to be wounded by Cathy's
"Well, okay. You aren't skipping. What brings you here then?"
"We're looking for Faramir and Aragorn. Have you seen them here?"
Lee asked, his words sharp and serious and completely killing the
joking mood that Yohji and Catherine had had between them.
Catherine frowned as she searched her memory.
"Um.. I don't know, Lee. I just got here half an hour ago. I might
have served them. But I'm not sure."
She bit her lip as she thought before abruptly snapping her fingers
and almost running to the back room, leaving the three boys staring
at each other with identical looks of confusion on their faces.
"Oookay." Duo muttered as he shoved his hands deeper into his black
winter jacket before he cast a look at Yohji, who shrugged in return.
The confusion wasn't cleared up until Cathy reappeared with Sally in
"Hey guys, " she greeted them as she adjusted her coat. "Who is it
that you're looking for again?"
"Faramir and Aragorn. You know, kid's about ye high, has blonde hair
with red and blue streaks in it, wears a green baseball hat and a
black Doktor?"
Sally bit her lip. "Maybe. What did Aragorn look like again? I only
saw him once at that party."
"Oh. Right. Well, he's about my height. Dark brown hair, red streak
in the front. Skinny. Dark blue eyes. Red Doktor. Ring any bells?"
Sally thought for a few seconds before snapping her fingers, making
the boys wonder if it was a thing that all of the waitresses did at
the Elephant and Castle.
"Yeah! Now I remember. They're upstairs. I think they came in like
two hours ago. Right after Casey Masen andää" Her face suddenly went
white when she mentioned Casey.
Lee's eyes narrowed at this bit of news, while Yohji and Duo looked
at each other and shook their heads. This was not good news at all.
"Shit," Catherine muttered as she clasped her serving tray to her
chest. " Why didn't you kick him out?" She asked Sally, who swallowed
"I couldn't! Mr. Loire wouldn't let me! Especially after he bought
three pitchers in one go!"
Sally defended herself. Cathy sighed and looked at the boys with a
resigned_expression on her face.
"Look guys. I don't want any trouble. Just get Mir and Aragorn and
get out of here. I know we all have a bone to pick with that asshole,
but it can't be done here, Okay? Just take them and go."
Lee nodded. "Done deal, Cathy. That was all I came here to do."
He looked at the angry, closed off faces of his friends before he
headed to the stairwell in the corner of the bar.
"Come on. You heard her. Let's go."
Duo and Yohji nodded before they followed the elf. They wouldn't
cause any trouble. But if trouble came looking for them, they would
gladly give it back. In spades.
Lee knew that he wouldn't be able to stop his friends if anything
happened, but he also knew that it wouldn't be very likely that they
would tear the bar down while they fetched Faramir and Estel.
Casey just had it in for Boromir. He didn't even know that Faramir
was related to him, since he never really took any notice of anything
that didn't either catch his eye or concern him directly. Chances
were if he did remember Faramir, he would just remember a little,
messy, dirty boy and not associate him with the Faramir of the
present. So Lee was sure that nothing was going to happen.
His illusions were shattered when he heard the screaming.
That was then followed by the sounds of breaking glass and Aragorn
yelling out: "FUCK!!"
"SHIT!" Legolas yelled as he and the other two guys ran up the stairs.
"I'll call the cops!" Sally shouted to their retreating forms while
Catherine went to fetch Mr. Loire, who was busy doing inventory in
the back room.
"Do that!!" Duo yelled from the top floor before the sound of more
glass breaking filled the pub again.
"Fuck!! Fuck!!" Sally muttered as she quickly got out phone and
dialed 911.
"Why the hell did that shit-head have to come today? Why?"
"Gerroff! Gerroff!" Faramir yelled as he struggled to get free from
Seabrook and Ezra Trant, who were holding him while their friend
Casey dealt with the dark-haired intruder that was determined to
spoil their fun with the scrawny little skater they had caught.
"Shut up!" Ezra, a tall boy with dark brown hair and pale brown eyes
snapped. Faramir's response was to struggle even more, which earned
him a hard punch in the gut from Jonathan, a blonde, scrawny guy with
sharp, wintry blue eyes and a mean left hook.
"Let him go," Aragorn ordered them, his blue eyes black with anger.
He had winced in sympathy at Faramir small squeak of pain as he then
crumpled in the boys' grasp, his chest heaving with effort as he
fought to catch his wind, but the sympathy had evaporated in anger at
the three men before him.
How dare they touch his friend that way? The anger made him forget
the well of self-pity that he had been gladly sinking into. His petty
problems could wait. Saving Faramir from getting his face carved up
by these arrogant pricks was his number one priority right now.
The tall, golden brown elf smiled at him as he raised a honey-
coloured eyebrow that helped to strengthen the impression of angelic
perfection that the arrogant prick gave off without even trying.
"Why? Does he mean anything to you?" he asked, his violet eyes
insolent and full of mocking laughter as he spoke.
He nodded his head and Ezra hit Faramir again. This time, the blow
landed in the boy's side, making him cry out. But the cry wasn''t
loud enough to cover up the sound of ribs cracking from the hit.
Faramir''s eyes widened at the pain and he sagged even more. He was
done for.
Aragorn's mouth thinned at the question and at what the boy had done
to Faramir. The elf's actions had hit a nerve in him. Just what the
hell did Faramir mean to him? He wasn't really sure that he wanted to
ask himself that just then, with things being all weird and all that.
So he settled for the best answer at that time.
"Yes. Now let him go before I force you to let him go," Aragorn
warned the elf who grinned bitterly at him.
"And I should be afraid of you because?" he asked as he pulled off
his dark blue uniform blazer and threw it on the table.
Aragorn smiled before he too, followed suit and threw his jacket
behind him.
"Because if you don't I will kill you. Now let him go."
The elf scoffed at this. "Better men have tried to kill Casey Masen
and failed bitterly. What makes you think that you will be the one to
Aragorn's anger congealed into ice at these words. So this was Casey?
He flexed his hands as he stared at the elf before him.
Casey Masen certainly was NOT what he expected. He expected a pretty
boy human with devastating dark eyes and black hair and a permanent
sneer on his lips. A tall elf that looked like a fallen angel with
violet eyes and a braid of honey brown hair was very far from what he
had imagined.
He could see how Boromir would lose his heart to this elf. Not only
was he beautiful, Aragorn was sure that he could be a smooth and
terribly charming when he put his mind to it. Sweet, but with little
or no concern for anyone or anything except himself. He seemed like
that type. Hell, he even smelled like the type, Aragorn thought as
he caught a whiff of expensive Ralph Lauren cologne.
If he had met him under different circumstances, he was positive that
he would have fallen head over heels for him. He was just that type
of guy.
"Namely cause you owe me. Big time," Aragorn replied before he lunged
for the elf.
Casey should have been able to either dodge the blow or counter it,
but he hadn't any warning that the lean human was that fast. Nor that
he would be able to hit that hard.
Casey grinned a bit as he wiped the blood from his nose. The shot had
made him snap his head back and from the wet, snuffling sounds he was
making, he rrealized that his nose was broken.
That realization made his eyes narrow and darken to a maroon. The
little shit was going to pay.
He didn't make any noise as he attacked Aragorn. He just literally
flew in, his fist landing on the other boy in a flurry of hard, fast
blows meant to hurt the recipient enough for him to give the killing
blow and claim victory.
He didn't count on Aragorn escaping the blows and countering the
attack with a hard kick against his ribs before rushing in, grabbing
him by the hair and smashing his face into his knee.
"Fuck!" he hissed a he reached up and dug his nails into Aragorn's
Aragorn yelped, but he wouldn't let go of the hair, nor did he stop
hitting Casey.
He punched and kicked the elf even though the stinging pain in his
wrist had turned into a full-scale flame that was licking at his hand
and arm as well.
He had drawn blood from the fucker and he wasn't going to give up so
Casey growled and wrenched his fingers down-wards, making nasty
gouges in the skin that quickly filled up with blood. Aragorn yelled
at the pain, but still kept on fighting. Furious, Casey reached out
blindly and dug his nails into whatever exposed flesh he could find.
A kick and a scream later, he found himself free, since Aragorn had
pushed him beside a table as he nursed bloody scratch above his eye.
He was just about to go tear into him for another round when he heard
that lazy, familiar drawl right behind him.
"Still up to your old tricks, Casey?"
Frowning, he turned to see the owner of the voice.
"Legolas." Casey made the elf's name sound like he was saying the
dirtiest thing in the world, which made Aragorn's, Duo's and Yohji's
hackles rise. But it had no effect on Legolas as he stared at Casey.
"Glad you remembered my name." Legolas replied, his voice calm.
"This isn't your business, Legolas. Go away and bother Boromir some
more. After all, you were always hot for the worthless little bitch."
Aragorn growled, a soft low sound that was full of both anger and
danger. Duo and Yohji only stood behind the elf, their eyes blank,
but their bodies spoke of their readiness to do battle.
"You would say that." Legolas replied, his voice still calm as he
spoke. "After all, you always did have to see your own faults in
everyone else."
Casey laughed. Right before he grabbed Legolas and punched him deep
in the belly with all the strength that he could muster.
"And you always thought you were too good for everyone else," Casey
whispered when Legolas fell onto him, his eyes wide with pain as he
did so.
Casey frowned when he felt the full weight of the Sindarian elf on
him and shoved him away from his person as if he was nothing more
than a piece of rubbish he was getting rid of. He watched with a sick
satisfaction as Legolas fell bonelessly onto the floor before he
turned and faced an attack from his supposedly half-vanquished foe.
"NO!" Aragorn howled just seconds before his fist met with Casey's
jaw, making the elf's head snap back from the force of the punch.
"Lee? Shit! LEE!!!" Duo yelled as he knelt beside the elf that had
curled himself up into a ball, his arms wrapped tightly around his
middle as he moaned in pain.
"What's wrong with him?" Yohji shouted as he effectively grabbed Ezra
and shoved him away from where Casey and Aragorn were still
struggling with each other.
"I don't fucken know! Do I look like a doctor to you? Fuck man!!" Duo
shouted, his dark violet eyes darkening with worry. He looked down at
his friend again and saw that Legolas' brown eyes were vacant and his
face was ashy and not at all healthy looking.
He didn't want to leave him there to suffer, but he also realized
that if he didn't get some kind of help soon, the elf was going to be
worse off.
"Lee, listen. Hang on man. I'm going to get some help, okay?" Duo
told him as he stroked the golden and black hair to give the elf a
small bit of comfort.
But Legolas was so far gone into his pain and fear that he didn't
He just kept on holding himself tightly and praying to the Valar that
he wouldn't lose the baby.
Duo had just punched Jonathan in the head and shoved him into the
wall for good measure and was now heading for the stairs when he saw
"What the hell is going on here?"
Duo sighed before he placed his hands behind his head. Game over.
The phone rang. Once. Twice.
"Hello?" Celeborn answered the phone politely, even though his supper
had just been interrupted.
"Hey, Um.. Mr. Lothlorien?" a small, hesitant voice asked, making
Celeborn frown.
"Yes? Who is this?" he inquired, not really sure if he wanted to know.
"It's Yohji Kudoh, sir." Celeborn sighed. Yep. He had been right in
not wanting to know.
"What happened, Yohji?" He asked patiently. Yohji sighed.
"We got into a bar-fight. Faramir and Legolas got hurt. Legolas worse
Faramir. And me and Aragorn need for you to come and pick us up from
the police station downtown."
Celeborn pinched the bridge of his nose before he replied. "I'll be
there in ten minutes, okay Yohji?"
"Okay. Thanks a lot Mr. Lothlorien." Yohji replied gratefully before
he hung up.
Celeborn sighed heavily before he hung the phone up and went back
into the dining room.
"Who was it?" Celebrian asked as she put a plate of food down in
front of Merry.
"Yohji Kudoh."
Celebrian bit her lip before she went to her father. "What happened
this time?" she asked softly.
Celeborn frowned as he went to the hall to collect his coat. "Nothing
good. I gotta bail him and Aragorn out and go to the hospital." he
called out as he pulled on his winter coat.
Celebrian's eyes widened at this terse comment.
"Why? What happened? Was one of the boys hurt?" she asked, knowing
full well that whenever Yohji Kudoh called the house, Lee, Boromir
and Faramir had been involved in something.
"Lee and Faramir were."
Celebrian swore softly at these news. If Lee had been hurt... she
smiled bitterly at the wall. It was sure going to be a Merry fucken
Christmas indeed.
More notes: Yes, the fight WAS taken from real-life events. I think
it was more violent in real life though, cause we used teeth. It was
a tie though. I got a nice black eye and he got a bloody nose. he.
And no, I wasn't arrested. Luck. he he.
Hey! Hello! Damn...it's been ages. Well, here's the next part and I'm
going away to pass out and think up of more ideas for NV...
Disclaimers: Don't own. Don't sue. Prose is the only thing I claim. Warnings: Angst..Yes. Lots of it. Violence, Swearing. My High School epxerience. Pairings: Aragorn/Boromir, Legolas/Faramir, many others as well. Archiving: At Soccer and Shades, Fellow_Ship, Nadja's site, ff.net..anywhere else, ask. Feedback: We are all sluts for it and adore it. Notes: A huge Thanks to my Kotori-hime, who has betaed this part for me. This part is mostly for her. Ai Shiteru, Kotori. Also, thanks to everyone that is still reading this fic. Greatly appreciated that you have stuck around for this long. Here's hoping I get up to speed and manage to finish it before Halloween. He he.. Ouch.. |
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