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The Clash
"Boromir?" Aragorn spoke again, making Boromir jump slightly.
"What's going on?" Galadriel asked at the same time as she walked up to her
foster sons.
"Uh, listen. Aragorn, can you call me back in ten minutes?"
"Why?" Aragorn asked, bewildered at the request. After all, things had seemed
to be going well, or so he thought. Why was Boromir giving him the brush-off?
He looked at Legolas, hoping that maybe his brother could shed light on the
situation, but the elf shook his head. He too, was clearly mystified by
Boromir's behaviour and could do nothing more but watch as the events unfolded
in front of him.
Boromir sighed deeply into the phone."It's not you. Mate. It's... It's just
that it's sort of a bad time right now. I have some things to straighten out,
that's all."
Aragorn bit his lip at the answer. "So when should I call you back?" He
asked, his voice low.
"Can you give me... Um... Twenty minutes?" Boromir asked softly.
"Sure. No problem." Aragorn replied, his voice steady as to not betray the
turmoil he was in.
"Thanks. I really appreciate it, Aragorn. Talk to you in a bit, mate."
Aragorn smiled slightly, even though he knew that his love wouldn't see it.
"Sure babe."
Boromir laughed gently, making Aragorn's disappointment fade somewhat. "Bye
then, Meleth nin."
Aragorn blinked at the word. He was so stunned by what Boromir had rang off
with that he didn't notice that he had hung up until Lee pried the receiver from
his hand and gently placed it on its base.
"Hello!! Estel! Helloo! Anyone home there?!" Lee asked, waving his hand in
front of Aragorn's face. Aragorn blinked once or twice before turning to his
"Stop that!" He told the elf irritably before he ran his hands through his
hair in order to sort his thoughts, which were running around like speed-crazed
rabbits in his skull.
Lee raised an eyebrow at the gesture and sort of snickered to himself. Even
though he had been living with humans for quite some time, it still surprised
him to note how susceptible they could be to the Elvish language. Especially
when it came to teenage humans.
And even though he loved Estel with all his heart, it still amused him
severely as to how his hormones could occasionally take over his mental
abilities. Even though he was better than most humans, Lee could still see faint
traces of the glazed eyes and the slack-jawed look of a lovesick fool who has
just been told something sickeningly romantic and is slowly melting into a gooey
puddle. The only comfort in this was the fact that he wouldn't have to wait too
long for Estel to regain use of his faculties. If he was right, it would only
take five... four... three... two...
"I can't believe he said that!" Aragorn finally choked out to a very amused
Legolas, who, by this time was leaning against the fridge with an amused look on
his elfin features.
"Angry, are you?" Legolas asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest as
he waited for the rest of Aragorn's blood supply to make it up to his brain.
"NO!" He paused. "Well, kind of!" Legolas' tried really hard not to smirk.
Tried is the operative word here. But an elf has only so much self-control in
one day...
"Stop laughing at me!" Aragorn cried, trying to frantically gain his
composure after getting two shocks from separate corners of the emotional
spectrum in less than twenty minutes.
Legolas waved his hands in front of him in what he hoped was a signal of
"I'm not!" He tried to defend himself. But Aragorn gave him a pointed look
that told him his act had fallen flatter than three day old coke.
Lee grinned and gave his brother the "Look, I'm a cute elf!" act in case
Aragorn decided he wanted to do something painful to him for laughing at his
sudden romantic crisis.
Aragorn's glare held out for just several more seconds before it cracked into
a rueful smile.
"I give up!" He growled before giving Lee a half-hearted punch on the
shoulder. Lee's grin grew wider at this admission and he put even more effort
into the act by fluttering his impossibly long eyelashes. Aragorn, in turn,
rolled his eyes and hit him again.
"Okay! The cute elf act is getting old, Lee!" He told his brother in a
serious tone that was belied by the small smile hovering at the corner of his
"So Boromir isn't coming?" He asked, his face serious once again. Aragorn
"Don't know yet." He replied, his voice flat. "You heard, he asked me to call
him back."
"I know." He frowned. "As much as I hate to say it, chances are he won't show
Aragorn scowled before he looked up at the ceiling. "You know, I'm convinced
someone up there doesn't want me to even get into a relationship, never mind get
Lee was glad that Aragorn wasn't looking at him at that particular
moment, cause if he had been, chances are he would have gotten hit. Although he
knew he shouldn't laugh, what Estel was saying was true. He was pretty sure that
he and his brother were the only people in the school with the worst luck when
it came to their romantic lives. Aragorn had the ill-luck to have Arwen and
Eowyn trying to molest him at practically every turn and he hadn't had a
boy-friend since he and Ken Hidaka had called it quits during the summer. He
still winced when he thought about that particular relationship. It wasn't that
Ken wasn't nice or anything. Rather, it was the opposite. Ken was... perfect.
They probably would have stayed together if it hadn't been for Ken's
soccer-scholarship to St. Aiden's University, which put a major strain on them
being able to meet and spend time together. So they had agreed to part ways.
Lee shook his head. No sense in dwelling on the past when there more
pressing demands on him at this particular time. Like Aragorn muttering dire
threats against the deities for his current luck.
"It sure seems that way, doesn't it? The fates not wanting us to have fun
at all." Legolas commented as he turned back to the neglected pan of brownies.
Giving them a poke, he then chucked them in the oven and turned back to Aragorn.
"Tell me about it." Aragon muttered as he tore off the frilly-apron and
threw it on the floury counter before he hoisted himself up on it.
"This party was supposed to be a fun! Now chances are I'm going to have to
fight the wicked witches of the East and West in order to preserve my virginity
the whole night!" Aragorn complained bitterly. Lee winced. He totally
sympathised with Aragorn there, since he knew that what he was predicting was
probably going to happen whether he liked it or not.
"I know man." Legolas said as he joined Aragorn on the counter. "But I'm
sure that if Boromir doesn't come, it will be because of a very important
reason." Aragorn raised an eyebrow at this.
Lee sat back, his back against the wall before he spoke again.
"A couple of things I know about Boromir. One, he never goes back on his
word. Even if it kills him. Two, Family is one of the most important things to
him. He'll push everything away if his family is facing a crisis of some sort.
No questions asked."
He turned to look at Aragorn, who was nodding slowly at this information and
feeling slightly ashamed at his childish outburst. Even though he was feeling
terribly let down at the possibility of not having Boromir come to the party, he
realized that it was petty to have reacted that way at the news. Especially when
they had just met and were on somewhat undefined ground as to whether they were
"together" in the official sense of the word.
"Yeah. I kind of gathered that when he beat the crap out of Eomer after he
hit Faramir." Aragorn admitted as he pushed his messy brown hair back.
Legolas snorted. "Eomer's lucky he didn't kill him. Fucken idiot." He
muttered something else, but it was too low for Aragorn to hear exactly what it
Aragorn laughed. "I take it you still haven't forgiven him for the hair
incident last year?"
Lee gave him a withering look, which made Aragorn laugh even harder.
"Ha ha ha. Estel." Legolas replied sourly. "I'm sure you wouldn't be laughing
if the little bastard had poured blue tempera paint onto your hair."
Aragorn was laughing so hard that he was coughing, prompting Legolas to whack
him one on the back and making him nearly fall of the counter.
"It... Was... funny" Aragorn managed to gasp out as he regained his balance.
"You have to admit it."
Legolas frown deepened at this comment. "Not for me. It took me months to get
that crap out of my hair! And it was all weird for ages afterwards! It wasn't
Aragorn grinned and nimbly jumped off the counter when he saw the little red
gleam in Lee's eyes.
He was about to open his mouth, and maybe get himself into a deeper hole
when the timer from the oven buzzed loudly, making both elf and man look at the
clock on the oven.
Lee grinned when he realized exactly how much time had passed since Aragorn
had set the timer at the same time that his brother did.
"Didn't you have to call someone back about now?" Lee asked sweetly,
effectively cutting off any other comments Aragorn would have made.
Aragorn's eyes narrowed at this comment, but he said nothing as he grabbed
the phone while Lee only watched him, an amused look on his elfin face as he did
Galadriel poured the hot tea into a large ceramic mug that had crudely
painted cats and pumpkins on its surface before setting it down before Boromir,
who was sitting in his customary place with Pippin now curled up against his
chest. Although he wasn't crying anymore, he refused to relinquish his tenacious
hold on Boromir. So now he just sat with his head against Boromir's chest, his
eyes closed from exhaustion and his cheeks stained with tears as he sucked on
his thumb.
Boromir muttered something that could have been "thanks" and gingerly
sipped at the hot liquid. Galadriel only nodded before she poured herself a cup
and sat down across from her son. Sipping at it, she then looked at the small
hobbit before she spoke, adroitly ignoring Lembas as she lay curled up on the
table-top purring contentedly beside the teapot.
"Did something here touch a nerve?" She asked him, her voice quiet, almost
emotionless when she spoke. Boromir looked down at the sleeping hobbit before he
gave his mother an answer.
"He asked me about my father. Then he told me about his." Boromir replied,
his voice harsh as he spoke, since he was trying to keep his emotions in check.
"He then showed me this." He carefully took Pippin's arm and gently rolled
the sleeved back to show Galadriel the circular welts that Pippin had shown him
"After that, the phone rang and he began to freak out when I was going to go
answer it, since Faramir is still busy with the water-proof boy upstairs. And I
think that was about the time that you came home" Boromir replied as he rolled
the hobbit's sleeve down with a tenderness that didn't escape Galadriel's eye.
"I feel bad about it. I had forgotten that he was so vulnerable." Boromir
whispered as he stroked Pippin's light brown hair. "I should have been more
careful with him."
Galadriel sipped her tea thoughtfully as she listened to Boromir.
"You didn't know. But now that you do, you won't make the same mistake
Boromir shrugged. "I kind of realize that, but I still feel bad about this
whole thing."
Galadriel nodded. "I know. But the thing you have to remember, Boromir, is
that you didn't know. You didn't live with Pippin or Merry before they came
here. You just met them. You can't be expected to have known what would trigger
memories and what wouldn't from the first meeting."
Boromir sighed and Galadriel reached over and patted his hand in
"Although it may not be much, I can assure you that it gets easier with
time." She assured him.
Boromir didn't reply right away to this. He knew that Galadriel was right.
Hell, as much as he hated to admit it, he knew that her advice was right. But
his conscience wouldn't give it a rest, since he still felt horrible for having
made the little hobbit cry.
"Believe me. I felt the same way when you first came to us. A less than
perfect past is not the easiest thing to deal with. Believe me, I know."
They sat in relative silence, since Faramir was still upstairs with Merry
and occasional yelps and smothered exclamations could be heard coming from down
the hall, until Galadriel asked the very thing Boromir hoped she wouldn't ask
"So who was calling?" Galadriel asked softly. "Was it for me or Celeborn?"
Boromir shook his head and just looked down at the sleeping hobbit, knowing
full well that his face was turning a nice shade of pink at his mother's
"Um... It was actually for me." He replied softly. Galadriel put her cup down
and looked at him as she waited for him to elaborate on the answer. Unlike other
mothers, she wouldn't ask pointed questions that would exasperate or annoy the
living fuck out of their children. She would just wait until the person gave her
the answer out of their own volition.
"It was a guy I met at school, his name's Aragorn Strider and I think he
lives with Legolas Mirkwood and they were just wondering if Faramir and I wanted
to go to a party at their place."
Although Galadriel kept her face pretty neutral, she couldn't help but to
give a little prayer of thanks at this piece of news, since it showed that today
actually went better than she had expected.
"Did you give him an answer?" she asked as she took another sip of her tea.
Boromir shook his head. Galadriel nodded.
"So do you want to go?" She asked him, making him nearly fall out of his
chair in surprise.
Boromir's mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't, for the life of him say
anything. He was just utterly stunned that she would ask him, since he had
pretty much been under lock and key ever since he, Faramir and Thom Yorke had
stolen the principal's car at St. Kilda's and gone joy-riding in it.
"Are... are you for real?" He asked when he had finally gathered enough of
his wits to speak.
Galadriel nodded. "Call it a gift for good behaviour, if you will. Your day
actually went better than what I expected, so I'm willing to bend the rules for
you and Faramir a bit. So do you want to go?"
Boromir gulped. Shit. This was hard. On one hand, he could go and hang out
with Lee once again, ass well as finish what he had started with Aragorn in more
ways than one. But on the other hand, Pippin needed him. Even though the small
hobbit hadn't said so in so many words, the way he was practically super-glued
to him was a fair indication that he didn't intend for him to leave anytime
soon. And he also could guess that Merry had somehow developed a bond of sorts
with Faramir. Leaving right now, no matter how tempting the reward, would be a
betrayal of sorts. And if it was one thing that Boromir didn't do, was betrayal.
Even though he may have wanted to fight it at first, he knew where his loyalties
"As much as I'd love to go, I can't." Boromir whispered softly as he looked
down at Pippin. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just took off while
he needed me."
Galadriel nodded in quiet understanding. She was about to comment on his
decision when the phone rang again, making Lembas jump in surprise.
"I'm guessing that's for you?" Galadriel asked, making Boromir nod. She
smiled before she got up and carefully took Pippin from him.
Nodding his thanks, Boromir then made a mad dash into the living room.
"Hello?" He asked a bit breathlessly, since he had tripped over the
coffee-table on his way there.
"Boromir?" Aragorn asked, his voice a bit stilted as he spoke. Boromir gulped
in a breath.
"Yeah, it's me, Aragorn."
"So can you guys make it?" Boromir frowned to himself. Even though he had
made his choice, it was still going to be awfully hard to resist the temptation
of not having the opportunity to have Aragorn kiss him like he did in the
hallway. Well, life was never, if ever, easy. Nope.
"I'm sorry, Aragorn. I can't leave the house tonight." He apologized.
Aragorn sighed.
"I would have liked to come, but a family emergency came up and I really
can't leave."
"That's okay. I understand." There was a silence between them as Aragorn
fought with his disappointment and Boromir fought with himself to take the words
"Uhm. Maybe we can go do something tomorrow?" Boromir suggested hopefully.
"It's the least I could do to make it up to you for not coming out tonight."
"Aa... Really?" Aragorn immediately perked up at the suggestion. Hell, that
would probably be better than the party if he was going to get together with
Boromir. At the party, he would have to worry about drunken come-ons from both
Arwen and Eowyn as well as people walking in on opportune moments. Even though
Boromir himself may not have known it, the suggestion was an utterly perfect
"Yeah. I'm serious. I know you want me to be there and believe me, I
DO want to be there, but it's just that... well... family..."
"I understand." Aragorn cut him off firmly. "You don't have to explain
anything more to me. I'll just be glad to meet you tomorrow. Where do you want
to go?"
"Would Whyte Ave. be okay? We could meet at the Sugar-bowl café on 109st."
Aragorn laughed softly at the suggestion. "Sounds perfect. What time do you
want to meet?"
"How about noon? That'll give you plenty of time to sleep the party off."
Aragorn laughed softly. "Good thinking. So I'll see you there, love. Bye"
"Yep. See you there." Boromir whispered before they both hung up.
Why the hell did being moral have to be so hard?
"So he's coming then?" Lee asked as he walked back into the kitchen, having
vacated it in order to give Aragorn some privacy. Even though he was mad at the
little twerp, he still figured that he needed some privacy to charm Boromir into
coming tonight.
"Nope." Aragorn replied, a sweet smile on his face as he took the brownies
out of the oven and put them on top of the stove to cool. That statement made
Lee's eyebrows shoot up almost into his hair.
"Why are you so happy then?" He asked as he opened the fridge and pulled out
a can of Cherry Coke that had been a part of a belated birthday present from
their father.
Aragorn turned around and grinned at Lee in a combination of love-struck
fool and sheer bliss.
"He just asked me out, that's why!" Aragorn replied, his eyes glowing a
bright blue as he spoke.
Lee smiled. "Hey! Cool! So where are you going?"
"We're meeting at the Sugar bowl, but we're going to Whyte after." Aragorn
replied, a silly smile on his face as he went to the fridge and pulled out a can
of Pepsi twist.
"Lucky bastard! He never took me to Whyte ave! If you weren't my brother, I'd
be tempted to hurt you, you know!" Legolas exclaimed, giving his brother a soft
punch in the shoulder.
"Hey! Watch the drink!" Aragorn yelped, raising his can out of his brother's
"You're so fucken lucky! You've got him all to yourself!" Lee told Aragorn as
he took a sip from his pop.
"I know!" Aragorn grinned. "It's almost perfect, isn't it!"
Lee laughed. He was about to reply when the door-bell rang, rudely reminding
them of the time.
"Shit!" They both yelled as they put their drinks down and rushed to the
"Hey! Strider! Lee!" Duo Maxwell grinned up at them when they opened the
door. Behind him, silent as always, stood Trowa Barton, he of the impossibly
bizarre hair, Cat Winner, Marie Krushenada, Sally Po and Milliardo Merquise. Who
was, as always, was making out with Sally Po.
"Duo! Good to see you man!" Lee greeted the smaller boy, pulling him into a
tight embrace before letting him into the house.
"Hey Aragorn!" Trowa greeted Aragorn quietly, making the other boy wonder
again, exactly how Trowa could make his way through life with most of his hair
hanging in front of his face like that.
"Yo, Strider!" Quatre, or Cat as he preferred to be called broke his musings
with his cheerful voice.
"Cat! Good to see you man!" Aragorn greeted the small, blonde boy who looked
like he was having a hard time calming down. In ways, Cat reminded Aragorn of
Sam. Both were skaters with lots of energy, who were friendly with everyone they
came across. The only difference was that Sam was a hobbit and Cat was a human.
And straight, as was evidenced by the possessive way that Marie, yet another
petite skater, hung off of Cat.
"Hey Stri!" Marie chirped in as she pushed her bright red hair back. Aragorn
smiled at her as she entered the house before he waved at Sally and Merquise,
who stumbled inside.
"Hey, Lee! You mind if we put some Strokes in?"Duo yelled as he bounded into
the living room, his long braid bouncing merrily behind him. Trowa only shook
his head as he followed his hyperactive boyfriend into the room, his
gravity-defying hair staying in place as he did so.
"Yeah! Put it on `Hard to Explain', okay?" Lee yelled as he headed into the
"Okay!" Duo yelled back. In seconds the grooving riffs filled the house,
making even the stoic Aragorn bop his head to the beat.
"Hey! Estel! Wanna help me here!?" Lee shouted from the kitchen.
"Sure!" Aragorn yelled, still bobbing his head to the undecipherable lyrics
of the song.
"Get some chips and beer out there! Coke too!" Lee added as he frantically
got the refreshments ready for the hungry people out in the living room.
"Yep." Aragorn agreed, for once not giving Lee a hard time as he got the
stuff together and quickly got it to the living room, where everyone swooped on
it, leaving Aragorn free to enjoy the song.
I missed the last bus, I'll take the next train
"The Strokes rock man!" Duo exclaimed, bouncing up from his seat and dancing
around the living room while singing the catchy chorus of the song.
Trowa watched his boyfriend with an amused smile on his stoic face, while
Marie and Quatre joined in cheerfully.
"He always like this?" Aragorn asked Trowa, sitting down next to the tall
boy. Trowa's visible green eye glinted before he spoke.
"This is nothing. Trust me. He gets wilder as the party progresses." He
assured Aragorn, who only nodded.
"Hey, is it true Satan Denethorson transferred to St. Ig's this year?"
Merquise asked after having pried himself off of Sally long enough to grab a
Coke and talk to Aragorn.
"Is it true?" Trowa asked, turning to Aragorn in barely disguised curiosity.
"Hell yeah!" Lee shouted as he came into the living room. He put the stuff he
was carrying down on the coffee table before he hurled himself at Aragorn and
wrapped his arms around him.
"And he's going out with my little brother here!!" Lee told everyone too
cheerfully, making Aragorn wish that he could get swallowed up by the floor and
wonder if his brother had gotten into the brownies already. He was in the
kitchen for a fairly long time...
"Is it true?" Trowa asked Aragorn, turning to him with a very curious look on
his face.
"Really?" Cat and Marie chorused together while Merquise and Sally stared at
him with looks of open shock and surprise.
"Shit! How did you manage that?" Duo asked as he flopped onto Trowa's lap. He
gave Aragorn a long, speculative look, as if he was would be able to find the
answers he was seeking just by looking at him closely enough. Even though it
wasn't rude by any stretch of the imagination, Aragorn still felt uncomfortable
at having those bright violet eyes scanning what felt like every inch of him.
"What do you mean by that?" Aragorn asked, genuinely puzzled over the
"Exactly that." Duo replied, his heart-shaped face suddenly serious. "Satan
was like ice when we knew him. No one could touch him. Only this one." Here he
broke off and pointed at Legolas, who was still draped over Aragorn, but without
the smile that had graced his features earlier.
"Was the only one that broke through the ice. So it just makes me wonder
about you. What was is it that you have that managed to break through his shell?
It's just puzzling, really."
Aragorn swallowed. What the hell was he supposed to say to that? He had only
known the guy for a day, give or take. And he had only small pieces of his past.
Not enough to actually build a complete portrait, only enough to get a basic
idea of who Boromir was. And if he was right, it was at complete odds with the
person that Duo was describing.
"Cool it, Duo." Lee ordered quietly, his eyes closed. "He's different now."
Duo opened his mouth to reply to that, but Trowa silenced him by giving his
braid a hard yank and shaking his head in a quiet reproach. Duo obeyed the
gesture, but the tension in the room was still fairly high for everyone to just
simply sit and stare at each other uncomfortably until the bell rang, letting
Aragorn make his escape from a situation that he wasn't really sure that he
truly understood.
"Strider!" Danny hooted as he jumped into Aragorn's arms and gave him a
sloppy kiss. "Good to see you pal! I've missed you!" Aragorn rolled his eyes at
this, since it only meant one thing. Danny was utterly baked already.
"Danny! Get off him! He's got a boyfriend!" Glor yelled before whomping him a
hard one.
"Jeez! Danny! Get offa him you slut!" Elrohir, or `Max' joined in, a smile on
his face, which was a mirror image of Danny's. Behind him, Sam snickered as he
watched Aragorn try and peel Danny off as he half-dragged, half-carried the
manic elf into the living room while the others quickly followed behind in a
motley and loud trail.
The others we're still sitting in a silence that ended up being broken only
by the sight of a resigned Aragorn walking around with an elf super-glued to him
followed by two other elves and a hobbit who where laughing themselves sick.
"Whoo-kay..." Trowa muttered. Despite being Duo's boyfriend and having had
endured numerous weird sights engineered by his other half, that particular
sight was enough to make him feel odd.
"Good to see you here. Where are the wicked witches of the east and west?"
Legolas greeted the new guests as he casually walked over to his brother and
peeled the smug Danny off of him and set him down beside Duo and Trowa.
"Went out with Eomer and Brad Crawford." Max replied as he sat down on the
couch next to Cat and Marie. Sam giggled as he plunked himself onto the floor
and Glor calmly sauntered over to Danny and curled up in his lap like a
contented cat.
"Sweet." Legolas said. "At least we don't..." Whatever he was going to say
was interrupted by someone pounding loudly on the front door.
"I'll be right back." He disappeared and the two groups only looked at each
other, not quite sure as to what to make of each other, since they went to
separate schools and moved in different circles from each other. The only thing
they had in common was Legolas and not much else.
"Hey look who the cat dragged in!" Legolas joked as he entered the room with
a cute brown-haired Japanese boy that was followed by taller, blonde haired boy,
a silent, violet eyed red-head that was almost girly in appearance, and a tall
brown haired man. Duo grinned at the sight.
"Hey! Kenken! Yo-tan! Kenshin! Sanosuke! What's up?!" Max greeted them. Ken
smiled and Yohji grinned at them. Kenshin waved while Sanosuke called a greeting
to Merquise and Cat.
Duo's eyes widened. "Lee! You never told me you knew these guys!" He
Lee laughed. "Duo, come on!" The elf chided the violet-eyed boy.
"How many schools have I gone to? Of course I'm going to know a whole lot of
"Kamui and the St. Al's crowd here yet?" Yohji asked as Ken and Aragorn
greeted each other and the other guests began mingling with each other while the
stereo was turned up to play Weezer's blue album.
"Nah. Not yet. Neither are the Weasleys or Pott-head." Lee replied as he gave
Yohji a Heineken.
Yohji nodded and opened his beer. "They'll show. I think. Whatever"
He took a sip and looked at Lee. "So tell me, what the hell have you been
doing with yourself? It's been awhile since we were in Youth Centre together."
Lee nodded. "Nothing much you know. Staying out of trouble, working towards
university. You?"
Yohji shrugged. "Heading over to the tech school. Gonna be a mechanic. You
heard from Thom York lately?" He asked as he took another drink.
"No. You?" Yohji shook his head.
"Sanosuke says he's back in Juvie again." Lee shook his head at the news.
Thom York had been a good child-hood friend of his and the Denethorsen brothers.
But as things usually went, he got mixed up with a bad crowd and had nearly
succeeded in dragging him and Boromir down. Luckily Legolas had Arathorn Strider
to take him out of it, while Boromir had relied on his brother and the
Lothloriens to help him get out of that lifestyle.
"Shit man. That sucks. What's he in for this time?" Yohji shook his head.
"Dunno." Yohji said. "Sanosuke doesn't know either. He got the news from
Thom's sister Kylie."
"Yea." They remained quiet for several minutes before Duo pulled them into
party, which had somewhat gotten underway after Duo's suggestion of playing
strip twister.
Boromir felt kinda weird. It had been awhile since he had shared a bed with
anyone at all, but Pippin, then Merry, had refused to go to sleep without him
and Faramir. That problem would have been easily solved if it hadn't been for
the fact that Pippin was afraid of basements and Merry refused to be separated
from his brother. After seeing him worn-out and tear-stained, Merry refused to
leave his little brother alone.
So after a ten minutes of arguing, they found themselves, along with Faramir
and the reluctant Boromir, lying in Celeborn's and Galadriel's huge bed.
Although he felt horrible about it, his parents laughed it off before they
settled into the sofa-bed in the living room. Which left him lying in a
semi-uncomfortable position and somewhat unable to sleep. On one side, he had
Pippin curled up against him, on the other was Faramir, with Merry wrapped
around his middle. To top things off, Lembas was lying on his hair, chewing on
And he couldn't really do anything about it since they had just finally
gotten the hobbits to sleep and he knew if he moved the slightest bit that he
would end up waking all of them and getting hell for it. And even though he was
mourning his poor hair, he knew better than to piss off two hobbits and his
little brother when they needed sleep. He had done that once and had ended up
getting stitches in the emergency room after Faramir had nailed him with a
hockey stick right in the forehead. Seventeen stitches later, he'd learned his
lesson well.
So he settled for watching the moon rise while he thought about meeting
Aragorn the next day and picturing the way Aragorn looked after they had kissed
in the hallway. Even though he could somewhat still feel the touch of Aragorn's
lips on his own, he couldn't seem to convince his brain that it had really
happened. Things like that didn't happen to someone like him.
He had to smile in the dark as he recalled the intense emotion in Aragorn's
blue eyes when he had held out his hand. That was proof enough for him that it
had happened. Proof enough that Casey was wrong. Had always been wrong about
The Clash
Jim Morrison Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. Anything that appears here belongs to their creators. The Prose and Lembas the cat are mine. Warnings: Moodswings. Nothing more. Pairings: The usual suspects. Feedback: Begging on my knees! Archiving: Fellow_Ship, BoromirA hero's Journey, Ff.net, whoever else wants it is welcome to it. |
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