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The Clash
"Nah. I gotta stay after school today." Aragorn replied as he picked up his
notebook and stuffed it into the green depths of his rucksack.
Boromir pushed his hair out of his face and frowned at the answer.
"Did you get in trouble somewhere?" Boromir asked.
"Nah. It's just that Elrond is holding the play rehearsals today and rumour
has it he's going to have Shakespeare this year."
Aragorn explained, running his hand through his messy brown hair which now
sported a thick, blood-red streak in the front, his three-month anniversary
present from Boromir.
"Aa." Boromir replied before slapping himself in the forehead, making Aragorn
roll his eyes.
"What is it now?" Aragorn asked good-naturedly.
"Faramir is going to be there. With Lee. And knowing those two, He'll be late
and I'm going to have to deal with the chibis all by myself until he gets in!"
Boromir groaned theatrically and threw himself on his boyfriend, batting
those long eyelashes of his for all he was worth as he wrapped his arms around
Aragorn sighed heavily. For someone that said he couldn't act worth a lick,
Boromir was doing a hell of a job at playing his beauty up to get whatever it
was that he wanted from him. Usually, it worked. He'd give him that. But today,
the try-outs were the only thing on his mind.
He loved plays and would participate in them whenever he got a chance. Last
year, he had been Jean Valjean in the school production of "Les Miserables" and
he had loved the role immensely. But his real ambition was to be in a
Shakespeare play. He didn't care which one it was. All he cared about was
getting a role. And even though Boromir was wetting his lips and batting those
eyelashes like he was thinking of doing very, very, naughty things to him if he
gave in, the reward of being in a play was more tempting than his boyfriend's
"Estel..." Boromir breathed out, his mouth moving dangerously close to
Aragorn's own. In turn, Aragorn moved away, since he knew full-well that if
Boromir kissed him, his mind was going to go to other places and the play would
be forgotten. Or...
A light came on, making him grin wickedly to himself. He could have it both
ways. He could get Boromir to do those delicious things to him after they
both went to the try-outs. Perfect.
"Boromir..." Aragorn purred, pulling Boromir closer to himself.
"Yes?" The blonde man asked, his mouth mere centimetres away from Aragorn's.
"I'll do whatever you want, and that includes watching the Chibis and
getting a taste of that mouth of yours if you go to the try-outs with me."
Boromir's lips were already on Aragorn's and he knew that he had sealed the deal
that had been offered to him without saying a word. Once he had realized what he
had done, Boromir pulled back and furiously began to scrub his lips while
glaring at Aragorn, who was grinning like an idiot.
"You are such a sneaky little twerp." Boromir stated softly. Aragorn grinned.
"But you love me anyway." Aragorn replied, coyly batting his own lashes.
Boromir snorted before he gently pushed the other man away from himself.
"Don't push it." Boromir teased him before reaching out and messing up
Aragorn's hair.
"So you'll do it?"
Boromir looked up at the ceiling as if he was trying to get an answer from
the deity that supposedly lived up there before he looked at his boyfriend.
"Yeah. Why not?" He shrugged, shouldering his old rucksack.
"What's the worst that could happen?" He asked cheerfully.
"You might get some culture." Aragorn replied sweetly. Boromir glared at him.
"Wimp. Let's go find a phone to let my mom know we're going to be a bit
"Okay, who else is trying out for the role of Rosalind?" Elrond asked as he
looked over his notes.
The students that had come to try out where sitting around the drama room
either reading the play they had just been told they would perform, laughing,
talking or in some cases, sleeping. Practically no one was paying attention to
him or Mrs. Luthien, the drama teacher, since they had all had their turns and
were just waiting for the adults to tell them to go home.
So it was no surprise that Mr. Elrond didn't get an answer right away.
There were only three girls left to try for the role and so far, he hadn't
found anyone that would really suit the role of the feisty, outspoken heroine.
So far, the girls just hadn't had the fieriness needed for the role or they
simply couldn't command the language. Especially when it came to the longer
speeches. He needed to find his romantic lead soon, or else he would have to can
the idea of using "As You Like It" and instead using his second choice, which
was "Macbeth".
"I am, Mr. Elrond" Arwen spoke up as she stood up, her copy of the play in
one perfectly manicured hand that was tipped with an innocent looking pastel
colour that matched her sweater and pants perfectly.
"Very well. I want you to come with me and Mrs. Luthien to the other drama
room and read out Rosalind's part in act 3, scene 2, starting from line 361."
Arwen nodded and followed the two dark haired elves out of the room, her
expression unreadable as she passed Aragorn and Boromir, who were sitting close
to the exit as they ran lines.
In those three months that they had been together, Arwen had done her best
to try and sabotage their relationship. She had pretty much outed them to the
whole school and had done her best to spread rumours about Boromir and his
supposed shady past as well as tried to trap Aragorn and making it look as if he
was cheating on Boromir with Eowyn.
But each of the attempts had failed, since Aragorn and Boromir had just shrugged
the incidents off and gone on their merry way as if nothing had happened, thus
strengthening the respect of most of the students in the school.
Even Eomer had backed off. Even though he personally hated Boromir for the
humiliation he had suffered at his hands at the beginning of the school year, he
had gained some grudging respect for him after they had played indoor-soccer
together. He also had known Aragorn ever since they were kids and even though he
sometimes was a wanker, he somewhat honoured old ties and flat-out refused to
get involved in Arwen's snipe-war and had forbidden his sister to do so as well.
Eowyn, to everyone's surprise, had not followed Arwen's lead at all. Mostly
because of her brother's mandate, and mostly because Arwen had used her as her
pawn in trying to trap Aragorn. That incident had strained the relationship
between the two and even though they did spend some time together, the intimacy
that had existed between had been seriously damaged. So now, Eowyn was finding
herself either hanging out with Eomer, or Glorfindel and Danny, much to the
disgust of Arwen, who had taken up with Estella Bolger and Rosie Cotton.
And so Arwen had to admit that it had been a spectacular failure and had
finally stopped her little war. Now, all she did was ignore Aragorn and Boromir
when they were in public. In private, she seethed at having Aragorn taken away
from her by that scruffy bastard. As far she was concerned, Aragorn had always
been hers. Ever since they had been children, she had planned on having him as
her own. No one else had come close to being what she wanted. Only him. And
Boromir was going to spoil that dream of hers. A dream she simply couldn't let
go off, no matter how much she may have wanted to.
But right now wasn't the time to dwell on it. She had a part to win and win
it she would.
"Her highness has passed." Faramir muttered as he and Legolas took a break
from reading the play. They had already tried out for the parts that they wanted
and were just waiting for Aragorn to go out and try for the part of Orlando,
which was going to be held after the trials for Rosalind's part had been held.
"Thank God!" Lee muttered as he stretched out and lay down on the floor, his
eyes half-closed, but still focussed on Faramir, who looked up at the exposed
beams and lights stuck in the ceiling.
He sort of felt like a bit of a perv when he was surreptitiously looking at
Faramir, since the boy had just recently turned sixteen and he was quite a lot
older than him. But he couldn't help but to admire him. He was fairly pretty,
with his flaming green eyes and soft blonde hair and still-boyish features that
had a very delicate quality that made him appear extremely fragile.
A quality that made him want to take him, embrace him and protect him from
all the evils that would try to hurt him. Even though he knew that Faramir was
as feisty and tough as his older brother, maybe even more so. He still couldn't
get over the time that he, Faramir and Boromir had gotten busted for flinging
paint-filled balloons at traffic. He was fairly sure that it had been Faramir's
idea to do that in the first place and Boromir's quirk to fill them up with
tempera paint.
Recalling that escapade made Legolas smile as he kept on studying the boy in
front of him. It was sort of funny that he was seeing Faramir in such a
different light now. Before, when they were much younger, he had merely seen him
as Boromir's little brother who tagged along at every opportunity. The one that
could come up with wicked inspirations once in awhile, the one that kept Boromir
sane. He had been so wrapped up in Boromir, especially when Faramir came down
with encephalitis, that he never really took notice of the younger boy. Even
when he got better and the whole fiasco with Casey and their relationship had
occurred, he just thought of Faramir as someone that hovered nearby.
But now, after being in drama, art and literature with him, Legolas was
beginning to notice Faramir was his own person. Even though he hovered near his
brother, he wasn't just another version of his older brother.
What he noticed about him was that he was thoughtful, and quiet, but not as
intense as his older brother. He was also more comfortable with himself and it
showed with the easy way that he would give a smile or a gesture. Unlike
Boromir, who only lost his reserve around a handful of people, Faramir was
always warm.
"Like Spring." He had written in his notebook once as he had watched him bent
over his work, his baseball cap sitting slightly askew on his streaked blond
hair and an adorable frown on his face as he concentrated on his writing.
It was funny, he realized as he tore himself away from his observations.
Boromir had been born in April, and should have brought spring up in his mind,
but he didn't. He reminded him of late fall, a coldness that signalled the
beginning of winter. A remoteness that couldn't really be breached. Although
Estel's influence was changing the impression, it was still there.
"Which part where you trying out for?" Faramir asked as he studied the dark
"Hmm. I don't know what I'll get. I tried out for Corin and Touchstone, but I
guess it'll be either or. You?"
Legolas asked as he tried to keep his tone and face neutral as to not give
him a hint as to what he was thinking.
"I tried out for Jacques and Duke Senior, but Mrs. Luthien was giving me
these odd looks that I can't make head or tail out of, so I have no clue what
kind of part I'm going to get."
It was not surprising that Faramir had tried out for those parts. More often
than not, he thought that Faramir did fulfill the role of wise councillor in his
own life. Not often for good purposes, but he still fulfilled it. He also had a
hidden passion for Shakespeare that made his command of the language apparent,
making Legolas think that he would most definitely get a plum part in the play.
Legolas frowned at the mention of "weird looks" sent out by the drama
"What kind of looks?" He asked as he sat up and looked closely at the younger
"I dunno. Kind of like she's plotting something that I may not like very
much." Faramir replied as he turned to look at Legolas.
"Kinda like this." He said before giving Legolas an approximation of the look
the drama teacher had given him as he read his lines, which was a very
thoughtful, yet calculating look.
"Oh yeah. It sounds like she's planning something." Legolas agreed, trying
very hard to keep the smile off his face as he looked at Faramir.
"Gack! I hope it's nothing evil!" The younger boy exclaimed, laughing
slightly at the thought of gentle Mrs. Luthien doing something evil to him.
"You never know with those drama teachers." Legolas replied, his brown eyes
shining with mirth as he looked at Faramir. "They have plans that us mortals do
not know about."
Faramir snickered before he reached out and gave the elf a small shove. But
the elf was ready for him, having guessed what his reaction was going to be and
had reached out and grabbed Faramir's wrist before he could touch him.
It probably wouldn't have amounted to much, but Faramir had put more force
than necessary into the shove and that added with Legolas pulling him forward
only served to make him fall onto the elf.
So it was quite a shock to Faramir to find himself lying on top of his
friend and secret crush, their mouths just a finger's width apart.
Neither of them moved. Or blinked. Or even breathed. If it had been other
people, they would have just laughed it off and pretended nothing out of the
ordinary had happened. Despite being an elf, Legolas had a tendency to be
clumsy, so he probably would have played that up to ease the embarrassment that
this particular incident was bound to cause.
But both of them knew that clumsiness hadn't been in a factor in this
situation. And even though neither of them had given hints to their emotions,
there was a decidedly thick tension as they stared at each other as they decided
exactly what to do regarding this little situation.
Legolas was undecided mainly because he didn't know if it would be a good
idea to hit on one of his best friend's little brother. Although he was finding
Faramir attractive, he didn't want to do anything that would cause a rift
between himself and Boromir. They had finally re-kindled their dormant
friendship and were as close as ever. And Legolas was damned if he was going to
fuck it up. And sure way to do it was to make an unwanted pass at Faramir.
Faramir couldn't make up his mind mainly because he wondered if Legolas
would see him as a weird little kid. Ever since he found out what sex was, he
had fantasized about Legolas. Not directly at first, since his first images
always had him as a girl dressed in a long, medieval dress. But the images then
began to change, and bit by bit, the image of a male Legolas began to replace
that shadowy woman.
He then knew, when Boromir had come home with the elf, that he had
desperately fallen for him. He tried not to show how he felt for the elf, but it
hurt to see them together. But there was nothing he could do, since he wasn't
about to steal his brother's happiness away, especially after what Casey had
Faramir pushed that thought away as quickly as it came. He didn't know the
details, but he suspected that Casey had done something terrible to his older
brother. Terrible enough to have driven Boromir to attempt suicide and nearly
succeed after he was torn away from Legolas and sent to St. Joseph's.
He didn't want to think about it since he knew that Boromir refused to say
anything about the incident. He had accepted the comfort given to him, but
wouldn't really open up about it. It was an issue that he really didn't want to
ever touch.
Okay. So what was he going to do with Legolas? Should he take the risk and
do what his libido was telling him to do? Or should he get off and chalk it up
as something not to do again?
Unfortunately, his libido wasn't listening to what his mind was saying at all.
Especially when Legolas impatiently squirmed underneath him, making their groins
brush against each other. The friction cause Faramir's better judgement to fly
out the window and for his lust to take the gears.
Which explained why when Aragorn and Boromir were called to read their parts,
they were treated to the sight of Faramir and Legolas making out as if there was
no tomorrow.
Aragorn and Boromir only looked at each other as they saw the sight before
them before Boromir tapped his boyfriend on the shoulder.
"Cough it up." He told the dark-haired boy, holding his hand out for the
twenty dollars.
Aragorn groaned. He was so sure that he was going to win this bet! Ever since
Aragorn and Boromir had noticed the subtle and not so-subtle hints that the elf
and Boromir's brother had been throwing at each other, they had made a bet as to
who would initiate the relationship. So far, Aragorn was positive that Legolas,
who had seemed the more aggressive one, would be the one to do it. But he had
been proved wrong, as the sight before them showed, so he owed twenty bucks to
"You're not worried about them?" Aragorn asked as he reached into his pocket
to produce the money.
"Faramir's old enough to make his own decisions. I can only do so much to
protect him and this is one area where he should be left alone without having me
"Check it out." Glorfindel whispered to Danny as he then pointed to Lee and
Faramir making out at the far end of the drama room.
"Sweet." Danny smirked as he watched the human and the elf get it on.
"I was wondering when they'd finally stop circling each other and actually do
something about it."
Max added his two cents in as he flopped onto the ground and watched Eomer
and Eowyn whisper to each other at the opposite end of the room. Even though
they weren't a threat any longer to him and his own, Max was a firm believer of
keeping an eye on potential threats at all times.
"Yeah. It was utterly sickening to watch them giving each other the googly
eyes and not do anything at all about it." Danny muttered as he lazily ran a
hand through Glor's hair.
"Well, not everyone else is as horny as you brother." Max pointed out, a
smirk on his face as he spoke.
Danny spluttered at this, knowing that he couldn't say anything regarding this
comment. He was about to tell Max to fuck off though, when Glorfindel spoke
"Hey, just out of curiosity, is Legolas a Sindarian or an Eldar elf?"
Max and Danny looked at each other before shrugging. They had only known Legolas
for two years, and in that time, the subject of their heritages had never come
up. Aragorn, who had always been the closest to the blonde elf didn't know
"Don't know. Why do you ask?" Glor shook his head and laid down in Danny's
"Just wondering." He replied as he then began to play with the end of Danny's
long braid.
Danny and Max tried to get the elf to explain his reasons, but Glorfindel
refused to tell them, aggravating his boyfriend and brother to no end. For
someone as mellow and easygoing, he could be totally stubborn at the most
unexpected times.
"So, Elrond. Have you found your Rosalind yet?" Mrs. Luthien asked as she
made some notes on a sheet of loose-leaf after Boromir and Aragorn had left.
Elrond frowned and shook his head as he read over the list that he had
"No. My first pick was Arwen, but she just isn't suited for the role.
Something is lacking within her." He sighed.
"But I have no other ideas for the role. But if I cast her as Rosalind, we
lose our Orlando, since she would probably throw a fit over having to play
opposite Aragorn. And that would wreck the entire play, since there si no one
that could play the part as well as Aragorn can."
Mrs. Luthien nodded as she nibbled at the end of her pen. She had an idea
how to fix the problem, but she didn't know whether Elrond would be open to her
"What about Boromir Denethorson?" She asked Elrond, tapping her pen on her
sheet of paper.
Elrond looked at her thoughtfully.
"What about him? Do you want to put him in the place of Aragorn, even though
he isn't too keen on being in a play." Mr. Elrond reminded his fellow teacher.
Mrs. Luthien frowned slightly at this piece of information. She had forgotten
about Boromir's reluctance to read for a part, since he had done so well at
playing opposite Aragorn as the other boy read his lines.
They had such a natural chemistry together that it had been a pleasure to
hear them playfully banter as Orlando and Rosalind. As she had watched them do
that, the idea had come to her. Instead of having a female do Rosalind, they
could have Boromir play the part instead. And if anyone complained, they could
back it up with the fact that the plays had been performed by men and boys in
drag and they were just harking back to tradition with this particular move.
"I think we can sidestep that." Mrs. Luthien replied, waving her hand away
at that small obstacle.
"As for your earlier question, I don't think we should replace Aragorn as
Orlando. Rather, I think we should have Boromir be Rosalind."
Elrond raised an eyebrow at this suggestion. He had been toying with the
idea when he saw the boys in the room earlier and had briefly considered it as
an alternative after having six girls read for the part, but had dismissed it
when Arwen had read. Arwen had usually been good enough to have the leads in
the two prior plays, and he had been counting on her to be good enough to take
the part. But she had fallen short and the idea that was now being presented to
him was terribly appealing. Especially when he realized that this was the only
way that he would be able to salvage his play.
"Do you suppose he'll be open to wearing a dress onstage then?"
"Boromir?" Boromir looked up from the novel he was reading to kill time as he
waited for Aragorn to use the can. Rehearsals had been over for ten minutes, but
they hadn't left since Aragorn had first forgotten something in his locker. When
that had been fetched, he needed to use the john. Boromir had opted to wait
outside with a copy of "Oscar and Lucinda" and a discreet cigarette, since he
and Faramir had made a deal not to smoke anywhere near the chibis, since Pippin
had a terrible fear of cigarettes and would freak out if he even smelt them on
either of them.
He smiled inwardly when he saw that it was Legolas. A fidgety, mussed-up
Legolas who was looking as if he was expecting punishment. A very painful
"What is it Legolas?" He asked, his eyes automatically returning to his book.
It wasn't that he was being rude or stand-offish, but rather, he wanted to give
the elf time to compose himself before he told him about what had already
happened between Faramir and himself.
"Ah." Legolas could be fairly eloquent when the occasion called for it, but
when he was nervous, his vocabulary was reduced to about a seven-year-olds. Make
that a human seven-year-old. And he had every right to be nervous. Despite the
fact that he had vowed to himself not to make a pass at Faramir, he had broken
that vow the minute that he had shifted under the boy.
It was true that he hadn't been the one to start anything. He had only moved
because he believed that Faramir hadn't wanted anything in return and just
wanted to get up. Even though the boy was light, it was still a trial to have
him on top of him. So he had moved.
He had never guessed that it would have led to Faramir suddenly turning
aggressive and nearly sucking his face off. He couldn't say that he didn't enjoy
it. No. Quite the opposite. He actually enjoyed it immensely. Especially when
Faramir had brushed his hand against the tip of his ear and nearly made him
lose control on that cement floor.
They probably would have ended up doing something naughty on the floor of the
drama room if it hadn't been for Elrond and Mrs. Luthien coming in and pretty
much telling them that the list of parts was going to be placed on the bulletin
the next day and it would be nice if Mr. Denethorson and Mr. Mirkwood would stop
trying to copulate on school grounds as well. Even with that barb, it had been
hard to tear themselves apart from each other.
They had finally managed it though, when Faramir pulled him outside and told
him that he loved him. Crazy as it may have sounded, he did love him.
Desperately. Ever since he had set eyes on him all those years ago. He wanted
him for himself.
"The only thing I need to know." Faramir had stated, his light green eyes
suddenly darkening with pent up lust, desire, love and hope as he pressed the
elf against the cement wall of the school.
"Is whether you feel that way about me, or whether you still carry love for
my brother. If you do, I won't press this issue again. But I have to know
whether you care for me or if you care for him."
Legolas had nearly cried with happiness when he heard those words. It was
sort of a strange reaction to have to such a thing being said to you, but he was
happy. There was no other way for him to feel. He wasn't going to be alone any
longer. Nor was he going to be just the watcher.
With those emotions swirling about in his brain, he had leaned forward and
given Faramir one of the deepest kisses that he had ever given anyone. It was so
full of raw passion, sexuality and desire that it had taken Faramir at least a
couple of moments to get his bearings back
"Holy Shit." Faramir had whispered as he had reluctantly pulled away from the
Sindarian elf.
"My god. I think I need a cigarette just from that kiss." He had muttered as
he fished around his pockets for the crumpled half-pack he kept in his front
shirt pocket.
Watching him go through those motions made Legolas laugh lightly. Even though
Faramir was his own person, he still shared many quirks with his brother. One of
them being the habit of giving compliments without making themselves or the
person receiving it feel self-conscious. A habit that warmed his cold heart even
more than the first brush of Faramir's lips had, a warmth that made him truly
smile since the last time that he had been with Boromir.
As he had then watched Faramir smoking his cigarette, his green eyes still
wide and dark, he had been seriously thinking about asking Faramir to come back
to his and Aragorn's home to possibly do something very carnal and something
that involved a half-empty bottle of Baja Rosa and being totally naked on the
kitchen floor. But before he could actually get around saying those things to
his new lover, Faramir had thrown water on that idea by commenting that he
wouldn't mind it if Legolas came home with him, Boromir and Estel.
Hearing those two names made Legolas realize that he was going to have to
find Boromir and explain what exactly was going on between him and his beloved
younger brother lest Faramir decided to get frisky at the wrong moment and incur
Boromir's wrath at anyone touching his younger brother in an overtly friendly
So that was the reason why he was standing in front of a seemingly
disinterested Boromir, completely and utterly tongue-tied as he tried to find
the words to approximately say:
"Yeah, well, you know, Boromir, we have been good friends for a long time.
Hell, I even lost my virginity to you when we nearly exorcised your demons. But
see, I am about to start screwing your little brother. You know, Faramir? The
one we both love unconditionally? Yeah. Him. And I was just wondering if that
was going to be okay with you or if I should just keep all knives and other
weapons away from you before you decide to permanently destroy me. So what do
you say about that?"
Never before had he been caught in such an uncomfortable and script less
situation. But he felt that he had to do it no matter what. He had to know
whether it was fine to express his emotions to someone that was so close to his
once great romantic love and now, his great love. He had to know whether having
a romantic attachment was to mean him sacrificing the other person he cared
about. Because if it did, he would gladly exchange the romantic passion for the
more stable and more secure one that friendship and fraternity offered him. And
so he must take that step into the unknown and hope that everything would turn
out. Or deal with the fall-out that it would create. Whatever that may be. A
possibility that scared him more than he cared to admit.
There was no way to predict the variables in this equation. He hated going
into any situation without at least two plans up his sleeve. Having lived with
no mother and a violent and erratic father and absent siblings not there to
protect him had given him a need for stability that had to be satisfied at any
cost, lest he lose control of himself and plunge into the horrifying panic
attacks that used to plague him when he was younger. Like the one that was
encroaching on him right now.
"Leaf, if it's about my brother, don't bother." Boromir spoke up, breaking
through the silence that had fallen between them as Legolas tried to work out
the variables and consequences of his actions. Somewhere in the tangled messes
that his mind had decided to divide itself into, he was aware that Boromir had
stepped in at the most opportune moment.
It had always amazed him that Boromir had somehow always known when exactly
to speak when he had begun to slip into that dazed state and bring him back from
the swirling red abyss that made up his panic attacks. It was funny that he
could do that for him. He never questioned the connection that enabled such a
thing to be possible. He just accepted it. And sorely missed it when he and
Boromir were torn apart from each other.
Although his attacks had been infrequent in the last few years, he
occasionally had them. And he dreaded them, since there had been no one to
prevent them once they had set in. Not even Aragorn in his concern had been able
to banish the horrifying images and emotions that accompanied them.
So it was a good thing that even though the unavoidable situation with
Boromir had sparked off his attack, that the human was there to snap him out of
Legolas swallowed hard and opened his mouth to speak when Boromir shook his
head, put his book away and reached over to embrace the shell-shocked elf who
was seemingly been turned to stone.
"I know. Even though you both have tried to hide it, I know that you care
for each other. There is no other person that I would have with my brother, nor
is there another person that I would have be with you, Leaf."
Boromir told the elf as he comforted the elf in order to make him escape the
harsh wasteland that his mind became on these occasions. Boromir wished at that
moment that Legolas hadn't brought up the topic. For god's sake! They weren't in
some sappy Victorian novel where the eldest male relative needed to give consent
every time his younger siblings were being sought after!
Sometimes, elves and their mannerisms really irritated him. Even though he
had been adopted by a pair of them, there were things that they did that really
got on his nerves. And the ritualistic formality that they infused practically
every aspect of their lives was one of them. Especially now that it had made
Legolas nearly enter another one of his attacks.
"You... You mean it?" Legolas breathed out, his hands grasping the folds of
Boromir's leather coat so tightly that he was leaving fingernail marks in the
old leather.
"Yes. I would never have said it otherwise, you dork!" Boromir chided him
"You're like my flesh and blood, you dolt! There is no way that I would turn
away from you."
Legolas pulled away from him and looked up at Boromir's face. He then
laughed, feeling slightly stupid at having even doubted for a moment that
Boromir would be upset over his relationship with Faramir. But then, maybe his
judgement was impaired by all the endorphins being released by his brain at the
advent of being with Faramir in that way.
"Ah. Yeah. I forgot." He admitted a bit sheepishly as he scratched at his
messy hair. Boromir smiled before he pushed a bit of his hair away.
"Don't worry about it." Boromir replied, gently caressing the elf's face. "We
all do, sometimes."
Legolas nodded and embraced Boromir once again when Aragorn and Faramir
showed up from opposite directions.
"Damn. You guys find terribly interesting ways to keep busy." Faramir noted
as he came up to them, his voice holding no note of jealousy, only quiet
amusement as he watched Legolas blush prettily before he came towards him.
"Yeah, well, you guys take long time to do anything. We had to do
something." Boromir teased his brother as Aragorn punched him hard in the
"Wanker!" Aragorn cried as before Boromir yowled out in pain, making his
brother and Legolas laugh softly.
"That hurt you know!" Boromir protested indignantly as he rubbed his
shoulder. Aragorn smiled.
"I know. That's why I did it." Boromir scowled at his boyfriend.
"You're terribly sadistic aren't you?" Aragorn only smirked in reply.
"Yeah well, sadistic or not, we have to get home before the chibis begin to
freak out and the parental units go on the rampage."
Faramir reminded his brother as Legolas snuggled up to the human boy, a
gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Boromir and Aragorn. They exchanged a look,
but refrained from commenting on it. Instead, they just agreed with Faramir and
walked over to the far side of the school where Aragorn had parked his beloved
Royal Blue P.O.S. Dodge that had been a present for his seventeenth birthday.
Once they had gotten to the car and managed to arrange themselves comfortably
enough, they then headed off to Boromir and Faramir's house amidst a loud
cacophony of their voices, shuffling books, paper baggies and weezer's
"Pinkerton." blaring from the speakers.
"Boromir!" Pippin squealed as Boromir appeared in the doorway. Without
wasting another moment, he ran towards the tall human and wrapped himself around
his legs, hugging him with all his might.
"Hey Chibi!" Boromir greeted him, reaching down and ruffling the small
hobbits' hair.
"You're late." Merry reproached him as he greeted him, his actions a bit more
restrained but still infused with much warmth as he hugged Boromir, then ran
towards Faramir and wrapped himself around his legs instead.
"Sorry Chibi. We had a play to tryout for." Faramir told the little one.
Merry made a face at being called "chibi", since he felt that at nine, he
was too old to be considered little more than a baby like Pippin was. But he
secretly liked the fact that the two humans had bothered to take the time and
give them a nickname. It proved to them that Boromir and Faramir believed them
to be more than nuisances and that little fact cemented a binding loyalty
between them.
"The elf lady is putting supper on." Pippin informed Boromir as he tried to
climb up the older human's leg and into his arms, but failing miserably, since
Boromir wasn't exactly like the trees he found easy to climb.
"Aa. I guess we came just in time, right?" Boromir asked as he peeled Pippin
from his legs and lifted him up to perch comfortably on his hip.
"Yup." The hobbit agreed before he leaned in and whispered in what he
supposed was a quiet voice.
"She made chow mein tonight. And we got tiramistu too." He added, his blue
eyes sparkling at the thought of eating the sweet, chocolatey dessert.
Aragorn and Boromir looked at each other and barely managed to hide the
smiles that were creeping up on their faces at the hobbits' actions. Even though
they thought he was adorable, it would probably hurt his feelings if he thought
that his hero and his Auntie Estel were laughing at him.
"It's actually Tiramisu." Merry told Faramir as he led Faramir and Uncle
Legolas to the dining area that had a great view of the kitchen and all that was
being made there. Which of course made it one of the favourite places of the
hobbits to be at.
The two hobbits had somewhat adjusted to living with the two elves and the
two humans. Although they had several fears that couldn't be easily laid to
rest, they had done their best to find their place in the dynamics of the house.
This was done fairly quickly after they had gotten over their fear of being
hit or tormented in any way by Celeborn and Galadriel. They had also managed to
find a slow affection for them and had learnt to trust them like they trusted
the two boys that they incessantly followed around if given the chance. Which
had led to some embarrassing moments when Boromir and Aragorn had tried to grab
some time together when they were over at Boromir's house.
Like Pippin walking in on them when they were this close to actually
doing something, which although made Boromir laugh, made Aragorn grit his teeth
and wonder if it was part of some cosmic plot to make sure that he would die a
virgin if it kept up any longer. Even though it was cute that the little hobbit,
in his overalls and t-shirts would come bounding in and jump on Boromir's bed to
show him something he had just drawn, it was getting damned annoying having to
quickly roll over and zip up his pants while Boromir distracted the little curly
haired wonder.
He watched then, as Galadriel greeted all of them with that quiet and serene
manner of hers and bade Faramir and Merry to set more places at the table.
Celeborn came in from the basement, a bottle of Sprite in one hand and a smudge
across his nose. He nodded at the boys and was about to put the pop on the table
when something that only he could sense nearly made him drop the pop.
The slight mishap made Galadriel look up from the pastry she was putting the
finishing touches on. Celeborn met her eyes and shook his head ever so slightly,
making her nod. The boys didn't notice the signals and just sat down at the
table, each boy with his partner and surplus hobbit sitting beside him. Once the
adult elves had sat down, the food began to be passed around and conversation
was the usual supper kind, although for some reason, Celeborn and Galadriel
didn't seem to want to speak much and Faramir looked like he was struggling with
something under the table for most of the time.
After supper had been finished and the table had been cleared off, Pippin
and Merry were herded off to finish their homework while Legolas and Aragorn
declined to stay. Usually, they swooped down on the house and sometimes stayed
so late that they would just sleep over and head out to school the morning
after. But tonight, they had way too much homework to do and they both new that
if they stayed, no one would get anything done.
So that left Faramir and Boromir nothing to do but to go downstairs and just
chill, since they had finished their work in the spare that they shared during
After they had locked the door to their room, Boromir switched the stereo on
and put in "London Calling" before he settled down on his and Faramir's bed and
pulled out his novel from his discarded backpack and began to read.
Faramir just hurled himself on his side of the bed and stared at the ceiling
before finally getting bored and pulling out a sketchpad to doodle on while he
waited for the right time to bring up a topic that had been weighing heavily on
his mind ever since Legolas and Aragorn had gone home.
He had noticed that Legolas was...well, more affectionate than usual. Quite a
lot more, in fact. He had had a hard time keeping the elf's hands from going
down his pants during dinner. It wasn't like he didn't want them to be there,
but he figured that getting a hand-job at the dinner table while eating tiramisu
beside your dad would probably be considered a pretty bad show of manners.
All he hoped for was that everyone would just think that he had been fighting
with Lembas the whole time rather than his boyfriends' fairly grabby hands.
Because if the story ever got out, he didn't think he would be able to live it
"Spit it out, Faramir." Boromir finally ordered his brother as he put his
book down and looked at his brother, who was still staring at the blank page in
front of him as he tried to make sense or tail of the thoughts running around
in his head regarding the elf.
Blinking slightly, Faramir looked up at his brother, who was giving him that
"look" that only older brothers wearing wire rimmed reading glasses can give
you. The look that makes you feel like an idiot for trying to solve your
problems when the guy in front of you, who has had more experience in the damned
situation. Which in this case was true, since he was pretty sure that Legolas
and Boromir had gone all the way during the brief time that they had been
Realizing this, he then decided to take the plunge and tell Boromir of what
had passed between him and Legolas during supper. Taking a deep breath, he then
told him of what Legolas had been doing and of the elf's strange behaviour ever
since they had gotten in the car.
After he was done, he had to wonder if he had said something wrong to
Boromir, who looked as stunned as Lemmy, the neighbour's pet lemur, when they
had accidentally pitched a waffle ball over the fence and conked the poor bugger
and knocked him out of the tree he had been perched in.
Faramir blinked several times and was about to prod his brother into talking
when he spoke out of his own volition.
"I don't know exactly what the hell is going on with him, but I know that he
wasn't acting like that when we were together."
He frowned as he then put his book away. He was sure that Lee's behaviour
was explainable, but he couldn't recall the information someone had shared with
him that would help clear up the mystery. He knew that it had to do with a
particular kind of elf, but he wasn't utterly sure of exactly what the hell it
pertained to. All he could recall was that it had to do with sex.
"Well, why the hell is he acting like that right now? I mean, don't get me
wrong, I like it a hell of a lot, but it's kind of unnerving having an elf
acting like the school bicycle while you're trying to eat supper with your
Faramir said as he put the sketchbook away and looked at Boromir, hoping he'd
be enlightened by his older brother.
"I think it's got something to do with sex." Boromir replied carefully. "I'm
not sure what, but I think it just affects some elves. I guess."
Faramir raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean you guess?"
Boromir threw a pillow at him for being insolent.
"Exactly that. I was stoned when I was told about it, you twit."
Faramir dodged the pillow and hurled his own at Boromir, who gave him the
finger before catching it and hurling it back at him.
Grabbing another pillow, he then twatted his brother a hard one that nearly
knocked him off the bed.
"Jerk!" Boromir yelled as he grabbed a discarded pillow and began defending
himself with it, giving Faramir several hard blows before the pillow was
snatched out of his hands and thrown back at him.
"Twit!" Faramir yelled back before he whomped Boromir a hard one that sent
him flying onto the hard cement floor of the basement.
"You SUCK!" Faramir called to his brother who was lying on the floor,
laughing and flipping his brother the bird as he tried to rouse himself up
enough to get up and onto the bed again.
"Fuck you!" Was the tart reply as Boromir finally managed to make himself
climb up into bed again and give Faramir a hard punch in the shoulder.
"I love you to." Faramir replied sweetly before he lay down and began to look
at the poster of Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Night" that Boromir had tacked
up on the ceiling.
"Yeah. Yeah." Boromir said as he picked up his novel and prepared to be
immersed in it once again when Faramir spoke up again.
"Does it hurt the first time?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the ceiling as
he spoke.
Boromir groaned inwardly. He knew that such a topic would have to eventually
come up, but he really didn't feel like explaining the ins and outs of gay sex
to his little brother. It just somehow felt, well, wrong. The idea of Faramir
having sex was just so alien to him that it made him cringe when his little
brother himself brought it up.
But there really was no way around it, unless he wanted his brother to have
it as hard and not as comfortable as he had had it the first time with that
fucker. Thank god that Legolas had been there afterwards. If he hadn't been,
chances would be that he'd probably would have gone even more insane than he
already was.
Taking a deep breath Boromir then put his book away again and looked at his
"Yeah. It hurts. Well.. It's not the same..eh...let me explain it..."
"Hey, Estel, Boromir!" Legolas whispered to the two humans sitting in front
of him in English.
"What?" Aragorn asked, letting his head drop backwards onto the Elf's desk.
"The cast list is up in the main hallway." Legolas replied, tapping his
brother's nose lightly.
Aragorn smirked at the elf and was about to make a run for the main hallway when
the door slammed shut, signalling that Mr. Elrond had just entered the vicinity
and he would have to wait yet another block to know whether he had scored a part
or not. Sighing, he reluctantly lifted his head from the desk and looked at the
front of the class. It seemed that both his sex life and his personal life were
terribly intent on frustrating him and then some.
Even though there were signs that Boromir was willing, there were also signs
that something just wasn't right. Like when they would get into it, Boromir
would become utterly passive. But not the kind of passiveness that would signal
consent. Rather, it was the passiveness of someone that cannot get away from
whatever will come next.
Although he tried to get Boromir to get past that by letting him initiate
any intimacy, as soon as Aragorn would touch him, he would just turn extremely
passive. That, along with a muted jumpiness when they were alone were enough to
make him suspect that Casey had done more than just broken Boromir's heart.
He hadn't wanted to think about it. Hadn't wanted to even acknowledge the
possibility of it ever having occurred. He didn't want to voice it, not even to
himself lest he make it true by giving it a form with words. But as the signs
kept pointing to that particular direction, he knew that he couldn't keep
closing his eyes to the truth that was sitting on the doorstep of his mind and
yowling to get in.
He didn't want to bring it up with him, but he knew that if he was planning
to actually have a decent and healthy relationship with Boromir, he was going to
have to prod into the dark waters of a very painful past and see what he could
possibly do help heal the wounds that were still there below the surface. He
wasn't about to let Boromir slip through his fingers because of something that
he could have helped him with. Something that would, in time, tear him apart
from the inside out if it wasn't dealt with soon.
He sighed as he pulled out his anthology and notebook. Maybe Legolas was
right. He did brood too much. Over everything, he decided as he snuck a look at
his brother.
Legolas was fidgeting like there was no tomorrow in his seat, something that
made him wonder if the elf had snuck some pot brownies when he wasn't paying
attention. Usually, Legolas would stay pretty still in class, a thing that made
Aragorn wonder if he had actually paid attention to any lectures at all, since
he knew that his brother had a tendency to fall asleep in school once in awhile.
But today was totally different, it seemed. Legolas was agitated over
something. The way he kept on looking at the clock and at Boromir was very
suspicious indeed. What the hell had taken over Legolas to make him like so? It
wasn't a thing to get the calvary out about, but it was sure as hell unnerving.
Very unnerving. Maybe it had been some kind of elvish puberty thing that he
hadn't been told about by Glor, Danny and Max.
Thinking his hypothesis over, Aragorn decided that it was probably just that.
Legolas wouldn't appreciate it if he went and stuck his nose into it, so he'd
just kick back and hope that he wouldn't die of impatience in the meantime.
Besides, he was probably taking on way too much to deal with at this time. If
Legolas needed his help, he would come to him for it.
"Let's see it!" Legolas shouted over the crowd that surrounded the list. He
had been held back by a concerned Elrond at the end of class and had been too
late to sneak a look at the list without people pressing down on him all over
the place.
"You're Phoebe, Legless." Danny told him, turning away from the list, a small
smirk on his lips.
Legolas glared at the taller elf. He hated being called "Legless" and today
it was much more irritating than it had ever been, although he couldn't figure
"Shut up." Legolas replied as he began shoving people this way and that to
get to the list.
"What the hell's wrong with him?" Danny muttered to Glorfindel, who bit his
lip at the question and shook his head. Neither of them had seen Legolas be so
bitchy or aggressive and it was kind of odd to see the usually level headed elf
be like that.
"PMS." Max told his brother in a stage whisper. Which earned him the one
finger salute from Lee.
"So what parts did you guys get?" Boromir asked the three elves as they moved
away from the list.
"Duke senior and Adam." Glor replied, his eyes bright as he spoke.
"Jaques." Max replied, grinning slightly. Jaques was a plum part and he was
very pleased to get it.
"Touchstone" Danny replied. "And joys of joys, I get to marry Rose Cotton at
the end. I am thrilled." He added, his voice flat.
"Which part did you get?" He then asked Boromir. "Oh wait. You didn't try
out, did you?"
"Actually, it seems that I did. And Mrs. Luthien gave me the part of
Danny nodded. "Makes sense. I saw you and Aragorn throwing lines back and forth.
No one else could have done it better. Considering the fact that Aragorn was a
shoo-in for Orlando, it makes sense. Trust me man, Mrs. Luthien knows what the
hell she's doing. Even though it may not seem like it, she's doing all of us a
Boromir shrugged. "I guess. It's still going to feel weird doing it though. I
mean I got the female lead, for christ's sake! How many chicks do you think are
going to be pissed about that?"
Max snorted. "Maybe Arwen will be. She always gets the female leads.
Besides, the gender-bending doesn't matter. I mean, have you looked at the rest
of the list? Arwen's going to play two roles that are traditionally male.
Legolas is to play Phoebe. I think the only two girls that actually got girl's
roles are Eowyn and Rose, so whatever."
"Yeah. I guess. But it's still sort of weird, you know. I've never really
been one for plays, so being in one is just weird." He ended lamely, not sure
what to say or think about the odd trick of fate that had landed the opportunity
to spend even more time with Aragorn and also be one of the leads in the
school's play.
"Did you see the list?" Aragorn asked excitedly as he swooped down on the
group and immediately grabbed Boromir and kissed him right on the lips in plain
view of everyone in the school.
"I take it you got the part?" Glor asked as Aragorn let go of Boromir and
proceeded to squeeze the stuffing out of Danny, who looked like he was going to
suffocate from the embrace.
"Yes! And I don't have to worry about Arwen being Rosalind either! I feel
Aragorn nearly yelled as he released Danny and moved back to Boromir, who was
trying his best not to laugh at Aragorn's exuberant behaviour.
"That's good to know. But you won't be feeling great if we're late for
Haldir's class."
Legolas pointed out right before the bell rang, signalling the end of the
five-minute class break.
"Oh shit!" Aragorn yelled as he disentangled himself from Boromir and bolted
to his locker to get his history text book.
For some odd reason, Aragorn always forgot his history text-book and
always ended up slipping into class just a minute shy of the second bell ringing
and infuriating Haldir to no end. The teacher hated that little quirk of
Aragorn's, but usually let it pass, since Aragorn was fairly quiet and was one
of his top students. The other ones were Boromir, Legolas, Max, Glor and Arwen.
Danny wasn't in the humanities, since he preferred maths and sciences and was
astonishingly good at it.
"What part did you get?" Legolas asked Boromir as they rushed to Haldir's
"Rosalind. You?" Legolas made a face at the question, but he answered it
"Phoebe. It seems that we shall be wearing dresses this next two months
He commented crisply as he sat down and opened his books quickly. Even though
he was feeling bitchy and cranky, Legolas knew better than to try and get on the
bad side of Haldir. Even though he was fairly calm most of the time, Haldir was
a force to be reckoned with. Mr. Yuy and Fujiyama had nothing on Haldir when he
was really pissed off. So most kids tread lightly around the blonde elf.
Boromir followed suit and nodded at the comment, but didn't reply, since
Aragorn had rushed in at that moment and plunked himself down, signalling the
beginning of class.
Legolas was glad to finally get to his Art class. Although he was kind of
stumped as to what he was going to paint, he was only looking forward to it
because Faramir was there.
He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop thinking about him ever since they
had declared their mutual attraction to each other. Every time he called up his
image, or his laughter, or something about him, he felt his face heat up and his
heart race madly, as if he had been running non-stop.
He also felt the most keen need to have him claim him. In the physical sense
of the word. He was nearly exploding over the lust that was taking over his
brain. Even though elves had fairly good control of their emotions, the tidal
wave that were his hormones would make even the most sexless elf relent. And he
was far from sexless, which led to his current situation.
Groaning softly, Legolas resolved not to think about his rampant libido and
instead, focussed on the blank canvas and tubes of paint and his paint-brushes
as he waited for inspiration to hit him.
But it seemed that the same fate that was conspiring against Aragorn was
also intent on screwing around with him as well. He was positive of this when
two things happened that pretty much dictated his eventual doom. For one thing,
the art teacher, Mr Kinneas, had to leave right after they got there, which
meant that he, Faramir, Max, Glor, Eowyn and Frodo had the class all to
themselves. The second thing was that Faramir was working on developing some
pictures he had taken and he wanted for Legolas to come and help him, since
Legolas had a talent for making pictures turn out perfectly in the school's
photo lab.
He was trapped and he knew it, since there was no good way to extricate
himself from Faramir's plea. He hadn't started any work, nor had he any other
valid excuse to refuse. He was going to have to go in there and hope to god that
his mind wouldn't turn to mush from being in a small space with the object of
his rampant lust.
So he took a deep breath, agreed to help Faramir and put his materials away.
It wasn't like he could get much done in the seventy minutes left of class
"Okay." Faramir said after they had entered the medium-sized room and flicked
on the red light.
He didn't notice that Legolas was looking at him as if he was the answer to
all his prayers. He was, unlike the other students in class, actually serious
about having some work completed. He loved Photography, so it was a dream come
true that he was able to use the lab at school whenever he wanted. It was also a
pretty cool thing that Legolas was always willing to help him, even though the
elf's tastes ran to painting and sketching most of the time.
So it was quite a surprise to him when Legolas literally knocked him onto the
floor of the lab and began to hungrily kiss him.
His first though was: "Oh shit! I won't get the pictures developed!"
His second thought was: "Holy Christ! Does he want to get laid in the school
photo lab?"
He was going to get up and push Legolas away from him, but the elf's hands
had somehow found their way down his boxers and were being put to a fairly good
use that made his brain turn to mush.
Ignoring the screams of the rational part of his brain, Faramir began kissing
Legolas back as his hands roamed over the elf's body, feeling the way that the
sinewy muscles moved under the soft flesh not covered by the velvet or silks
that Legolas usually dressed in. The supple body on top of him also made him
moan and press his mouth harder against the soft petal lips as they tried to
fight for dominance between them.
Facing this resistance, Legolas growled softly and tightened his grip on
Faramir's cock, making his partner gasp and arch his body against Lee's, which
made the elf let out a sound like a muted caterwaul. Pausing in his ravaging of
Faramir's mouth, Legolas removed his hands from Faramir's cock and placed them
above the human's head in order to give himself leverage as he ground his hips
into Faramir's.
The friction of their cocks against both fabric and each other made them both
gasp out in pain and desire. It was such an intense sensation that Faramir was
afraid that he was going to come if he didn't do anything to relieve the ache
that had pooled deeply in his groin. God! He hadn't been this horny in ages!
What the hell had Legolas done to him in that short span of time?
"I want you!!" Legolas hissed as he quickly tore off his clothes to reveal a
pale and perfect body only lightly sprinkled with hair. "I want you inside me
and I want it now!"
Faramir's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets as Legolas then moved on to
take his pants and boxers off. He didn't mind getting hot and heavy with his
boyfriend. At school, that was the only thing that they could do, really. That
was cool. But Fucking in the school was a different matter altogether. It
just wasn't that it felt wrong, but if they got caught, there would be hell to
Besides, there was the matter of being a virgin and despite the detailed
descriptions of what to do from both his brother and gay erotica, he wasn't
really sure if he was going to live up to expectations, since the elf was a bit
more experienced than he was in these matters.
He was going to open his mouth and tell Legolas his concerns. Really, he
was. But when Legolas knelt down in front of him and wrapped his mouth around
his cock, his mind turned to mush yet again.
All he could think of to say was: "You got any lube?"
Legolas pulled his mouth from his cock and dug around in the pile of his
clothing until he came up with a tube of Bonne bell lipgloss and gave it to
Faramir, who only took a few minutes to get himself out of his daze and crawl
over to where the elf was kneeling, his legs spread as he waited for Faramir to
prepare him and ride him.
Taking his cue, Faramir unscrewed the cap and poured a small amount of gloss
in his palm. Carefully, he then touched Legolas's entrance, making the elf moan
loudly. Feeling encouraged, he then applied the lube and began to massage the
tight entrance, wincing slightly when he felt Lee jerk away at a particularly
careless move on his part. But so far, things had been going good, so he
carefully inserted one finger in.
He guessed he was doing the right thing by the strangled moans that the elf
was giving. He moved his finger around in order to stretch it a bit more and
brushed against a hard bump that made Legolas nearly scream in pleasure.
"More." The elf panted once he had regained his powers of speech. "More."
Eager to please the elf, he then added another finger and then another and
began to move them faster as well as thrust them in and out of Lee's body,
making the elf breathe heavily and impale himself on Faramir's fingers.
"Now! I need you!" Lee panted, sweat springing all over his body in a fine
sheen that made it glow in the red light.
Faramir didn't need to be told twice. After removing his hand from Lee's
body, he put some of the lip-gloss on his aching cock and carefully positioned
the tip at the entrance. Grabbing a secure hold of the elf, he then began to
move inside, careful not to hurt the elf too much with his penetration.
"Just fuck me!" Lee moaned as he felt Faramir's ever so careful entry inside
of him.
Following orders, he thrust in hard, making Lee throw his head back in both
ecstasy and pain.
"More!" The elf begged. "More!"
Faramir swallowed hard and began to thrust. First gently, but at the elf's
insistence, harder and harder until the elf was moaning and crying out in
incoherent elvish, his passion at a fever pitch as he was filled repeatedly.
With each thrust, Legolas became more and more wild, as if he was being consumed
by the desire inside of him.
Faramir then, was utterly stunned when he swore he saw lights behind his eyes
and he came right after Legolas clawed at the floor before his seed was
splattered all over the place and he collapsed, his body and brain having been
sated of their intense need.
"Do you think they're actually fucking in there?" Danny whispered to Glor as
the blonde elf painted.
Glor shrugged, not willing to actually voice his suspicions, especially when
Frodo was around.
Although they really couldn't hear any sounds coming from the lab, Glor just had
a feeling, like everyone else in the class that Faramir and Legolas had scored
in the lab. But he really didn't want to say anything since he felt something
just wasn't quite right about the whole situation. He didn't know why, but he
was sure it was because Lee's behaviour had been so erratic all day that the
whole thing just didn't feel like it should.
So he kept quiet and worked on his painting, not bothering to join in the
cheering and clapping that the other students greeted a sheepish and
dishevelled Faramir and Lee when they emerged from the lab. He only watched as
they took their usual seats and began to half-heartedly work on some sketches
while they murmured to each other.
As he watched them, he noticed that Legolas was his cool, calm self again
and that made him even more worried. So worried that he made a mental note to go
to the library at lunch.
In the meantime, he concentrated on his painting.
"So when are rehearsal starting?" Faramir asked Aragorn as they dug into the
sandwiches and pop that made up the groups' lunch. All around them, the Usual
Suspects, as they called themselves sat in a loose circle as they ate their
lunches and enjoyed the crisp weather.
Aragorn swallowed a bite of his sandwich before replying.
"Umm. Not until next week, because Elrond and Luthien have to find a place
for us to rehearse, since the drama room was given to the band geeks to practice
in and the gyms are all tied up due to the volleyball and basketball teams
having to prepare for the Hibbert and Troy Tournaments."
Aragorn told him before he took a swig from the communal pop bottle before
passing it to Danny, who was anxiously waiting for it.
"Oh." Faramir replied, not sure whether to be disappointed or not. On one
hand, he was sorry not to get the chance to jump into the play right away. On
the other, he was glad to have the chance to spend a bit more quality time with
Legolas, who was still giving him the eye as they ate their lunch.
"So you're coming over tonight?" Legolas asked Faramir, his voice low as he
Faramir didn't answer. He just looked at Boromir, who had finished eating
and was now looking up at the sky, a pensive look on his face as he did so.
"Maybe, if someone can look after the chibis for me." He said a bit loudly
as he turned the puppy-eyed look on his older brother.
Boromir rolled over onto his side and looked at Faramir, his eyes narrowed as
he contemplated his brother. He had heard about the little incident in the photo
lab from Danny and Glor and although he was severely amused by it, he wasn't
really willing to let his little brother get off scot-free for it.
He was really going to say no and tell him to find a bush to screw Legolas
silly in when Aragorn tapped him on the shoulder and gave him the "look" before
leaning close enough to whisper in his ear something that made him grin like an
utter mad-man.
"Fine. But you owe me. Big time." He told his brother as he then flopped back
down on his back and let Aragorn pet his hair as he half-closed his eyes and
relaxed under the soft touch of his boyfriend's hand. He'd deal with his errant
brother later.
"Thanks, Bor!" Faramir called out, getting the bird from his brother in
Arwen sat in the car seat, a joint dangling from her lips as she watched
Boromir and Aragorn get into Aragorn's car and drive off.
She hated them. Never mind the dream that she had nurtured for so long. She
really hated Aragorn about now. And that little cock-sucker he called a
boyfriend too.
Ever since that bastard and his brother had arrived at St. Ig's, her whole
life had been ruined. Not only had the fucken faggot and his brother taken the
two most desirable guys in the school, they had also ruined her reputation and
her chances for the school play.
She had always gotten the lead in the plays, and now, she had been relegated
to insignificant parts that didn't mean a lick.
Oh yes. She hated them. With a passion that seemed to want to burn itself out
of her skin and consume her alive.
"You going to pass that joint?" She took a drag from the joint and passed it
over to Theoden, who was looking at her with a calculated hunger in his eyes
that she would have noticed if she had been sober.
"Do you want to do something, baby?" He asked as he as he took the last hoots
off the joint, killed it and slowly began to undo the buttons of her cream
Arwen turned her head and looked at Theoden. He wasn't really beautiful, like
Aragorn was, but he had a cold handsomeness. With his bright blonde hair, dark
blue eyes and chiselled features, he was all right. He looked like a more
polished version of Eomer, so it wouldn't be too bad if he wanted to fuck her
silly right then and there. Besides, she needed the fuck.
"Sure. Just not here, okay?" She replied as she put her hand on his to stop
him from undoing anymore of her buttons.
"Where do you want to go then?" Theoden asked as he pulled away from her and
started the car.
"Rundle park. No one's going to bother us there."
Theoden smiled at her request.
"Sure baby."
Boromir threw the ball at Pippin, who barely managed to catch it. Even though
he loved to play catch, the small hobbit was afraid of the ball and most often
than not, would end up dropping it and having to chase after it.
Especially in the front yard of their house, which was fairly large and faced
a main road that ran between the housing complex that they all lived in. Even
though the Lothloriens made enough money to live comfortably elsewhere, because
they had four children that had been province wards, they had to live in there
until all of the kids turned eighteen, or were adopted by other families.
Since they had adopted Boromir and Faramir and the hobbits, it meant that
they would pretty much be living there almost indefinitely. Although it wasn't a
bad place to live, it wasn't really a good one either. There were very little
places for the hobbits to play in and they had to make do with playing in the
yard with either Boromir and Faramir watching them lest they run in the road and
into the path of an incoming vehicle.
Although he found it cute, Boromir didn't dare laugh. Pippin was very touchy
about his mishaps and would sulk if he believed he was being laughed at by his
hero. So Boromir tried his best to not laugh and often worked tirelessly with
the little hobbit to improve his catching skills. Which was why Boromir was
outside and not in the basement receiving what Aragorn promised him at lunch.
"Room for two more?" Aragorn called out as he came out of the house with a
scowling Merry.
"Sure!!" Pippin called out as he threw the ball back at Boromir.
"I don't want to play." Merry said sulkily as he flopped down on the ground.
Aragorn rolled his eyes at the hobbit's behaviour.
"Merry, come on. It's only a small game." Aragorn tried to persuade the sulky
hobbit to join in.
"Faramir isn't here." Merry informed Aragorn. "So I'm not playing."
Aragorn looked at Boromir, who only shook his head.
"No use in making him play." He mouthed to his boyfriend before he threw the
ball at Pippin.
Aragorn frowned and looked at the older hobbit, who sat with his legs crossed
and his arms folded against his chest, scowling at the sky, as if it was
responsible for keeping his beloved Faramir away.
"Are you sure?" Aragorn mouthed back to Boromir, who nodded.
Pippin looked at his brother and sighed. He wished that he would play with
him like he used to, before Faramir became the centre of his universe. Even
though Boromir played with him, it wasn't the same as it used to be when Merry
would play. All that Merry would do nowadays was to trail around Faramir and be
extremely jealous when anyone or anything would take his attention away from
Even though he didn't really understand, he knew that Merry was deeply
attached to Faramir in a way that he didn't understand. A way that was leaving
him behind and shutting him out, a feeling that was as depressing as it was
uncomfortable. Merry had always shared everything with him, and now, he was
being shut out without rhyme or reason and Pippin hated that.
He never understood why he decided to pitch the ball at his brother. Even
when things were at their darkest, he had never had the compulsion to lash out
at anyone. Especially not at Merry. So it was quite a surprise to him when he
threw the ball at Merry, hitting him right in the face.
"Pippin!" Aragorn cried out when the ball bounced off of Merry's lap and his
nose started gushing blood. Boromir turned around and just stared numbly at the
scene before him.
Pippin stood as if he was turned to stone. He was as shocked at what he had
done. He never meant to hurt Merry! Honestly! He wanted to tell them that. To
say sorry for his actions, but he was numb.
He remained numb until Merry began to cry over the blood that was pouring out
of his nose and onto his shirt. Listening to that instinct that is present in
all horrified beings, he ran away.
It wouldn't have mattered. Normally, the traffic was fairly slow during the
early afternoon. He would have probably ended up in the Barton's yard and hid
there until after supper.
The factor that none of them had been counting on was the car that came
seemingly out of nowhere and that was travelling at too high a speed in a
residential area and was now heading directly for the hobbit, who had heard the
screeching tires and had predictably frozen in the middle of the road like the
proverbial deer caught in the headlights.
"PIPPIN!" Boromir shouted, his heart leaping into his mouth when he saw that
the hobbit in danger.
He didn't think twice about what he was going to do. He just knew that he had
to move fast unless Pippin got hurt. There was no question that he had to save
So he ran. As fast as he possibly could. Luckily for Pippin, Boromir's speed
saved him from a fate that could have very likely would have involved death. But
because Boromir had been so fast, he had been pushed out of the way and all he
ended up with was a couple of nasty scrapes and bruises when he unceremoniously
met the pavement.
Boromir didn't know what happened in that small space of time that it had
taken for him to push Pippin out of the way. All he was aware of was the
shocking pain that coursed through all of his body, the way that the world had
suddenly turned upside down, the crunch of metal and the high crinkling of glass
before he landed on the pavement with a loud thud. Estel screaming what could
have been his name. Then the sudden blackness as if a candle had been burnt out.
Warnings: Hmm. Swearing. implied sex. Sex. Loonly Elves. cars.
Pairings: Aragorn/Boromir, Glor/Danny, and more as they come. Feedback: Begging on my knees. PLease? Archiving: Yes! Please! Disclaimer: Simon Tolkien owns the lot. Weezer owns the song. A huge thanks to Steph, who has read my ramblings in the past. If there are any mistakes, they are mine and mine alone. I was so anxious to get this out to you folks, that I by-passed her. I have done my best to edit it, but if there are any mistkaes, my own fault. To Celebrithil, who helped with the races of elves. one again, any mistakes are mine. To the usual suspects..thanks. you know who you are. Oh, and all the stuf that was contained in the story... some of it did actually happen. I may have been there, i may have not. Not telling which ones I could have been there for. |
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