It seems he has always been thus, poised between family and duty.
And yet he does not grudge his position.
Gondor's fall draws ever nearer and he will do what he must to
preserve his people's way of life, to preserve his brother's very
being, even embark on this mad quest for Imladris.
Clutching the hope that he will see his city and brother again, he
sets off on his search.
Perhaps it is because he can hear fear under Boromir's words, see
vulnerability behind his soldier's stance. Perhaps it is because he
knows that Boromir's dearest wish is for the safety of the city that
has sent him to find answers and allies.
Boromir is a good man. But not a long-lived one. Aragorn can sense
the currents of destiny preparing to overwhelm him.
And perhaps it is that destiny, more than his goodness, that draws
Aragorn toward the Steward's son.
His ranger. But for how long?
One of their party has been lost already. Death may await them all
around the river's next bend.
And if they live? If they avoid the blades of Sauron's dread Orcs,
if they halt the Enemy's plans to unleash darkness upon the world,
still they must be parted. For Aragorn is betrothed to the Evenstar
and Boromir will not stand between them.
The touch of soft lips on his mouth pulls him from thoughts of loss
and back to the moment's joy.
Title: Ephemera Author: P.R. Zed Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir Disclaimer: The characters belong to the Professor; the idea belongs to me Archive: FellowShip, przed.com/fic, Rugbytackle Note: The full, multi-fandom Ephemera drabble series can be found here: http://przed.com/fic/ephemera/index.html
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