Hope Remains
by Raederle

"And the Tower Guard shall take up the call: The Lords of Gondor have returned."

Aragorn sat quietly, but he could not leave Boromir in despair or false hope. "Before Gandalf fell, I planned to come to your city. I believe the dream that sent you to Rivendell was meant to call me to Gondor. But now..." he trailed off.

Boromir nodded, "I understand."

Aragorn gripped the other man's arm and turned Boromir to face him. "But I swear that I will never abandon you or Gondor! Heed me, Boromir!"

The Steward's Son nodded, "I believe you. Perhaps there is some hope after all."


"I have made my decision, Aragorn, I must leave this Fellowship, before the Ring can sow anymore dissension."

Aragorn sank to his knees, "We would have gone with you into the very fires of Mordor."

Frodo gave a tearful smile, "I know."

Aragorn suddenly noticed Sting glowing blue, "Orcs! Go Frodo, we will hold them back!" He and his companion drew their swords and ran to face the hordes of Uruk-Hai charging up the hill.

The Uruks suddenly bolted and fled back through the woods. Aragorn gave chase and saw Merry and Pippin alive, borne away by Saruman's soldiers.


Aragorn and his friends jumped onto the quay, drawing weapons as they ran.

"When I said our paths would lead us here one day, this is not what I meant," Aragorn's best friend said as he sliced an Orc in two.

"What do you mean?" Aragorn grunted, shoving a goblin off his blade.

"The Army of the Dead behind us, and all the forces of Mordor between us and the gate!"

"Yes, I remember you promised me silver trumpets!"

Boromir laughed for pure joy in the midst of battle.

Aragorn knew that darkness could never defeat such a spirit.



Title: Hope Remains
Author: Raederle
Pairing: A/B
Rating: G
Feedback: Yes!
Archive: Rugbytackling, FellowShip
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit
Notes: For the Might-Have-Been challenge.
This is my favorite alternative and those who know me, know what that is.

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