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My Own Private Gondor
There is a mouldy spot on the ceiling that wasn't there yesterday...
I hate this fucking ceiling; gives me the feeling that I'm going to
rot here.
Now a fat black spider crawled over the ugly spot and into a corner
where it had its web. Helpless, there struggled a tiny bug,
desperately it tried to escape but got weaker more and more. Slowly,
the spider approached, many hairy legs tentatively touched the
wriggling prey, before the cruel weaver began to spin new threads to
bind its victim tighter. Pure panic seemed to fill the little bug
when it felt the additional threads and its sticky glistening body
twitched convulsively. The moves soon came to an end, when the spider
had the deplorable creature entirely woven into a dirty-grey cocoon.
Gondor had one little bug less...
A deep sigh drew my attention away from the fascinating scene that
happened in the room's dark corner. Alarmed, I looked at the bed
beside mine, where a tuft of dishevelled blond hair was all that was
revealed under the threadbare sheets. Trying to make no noise when I
walked over to my brother's bed, I sat down on the edge. It was cold
in our room, and only clad in underwear, I shivered a little.
Faramir seemed still asleep. Carefully, I drew the blanket down to
reveal his face and he grumbled, tugging at the sheet. Grinning, I
let go of the thin cover and he pulled it up to his ears again. I
gave a low laugh and affectionately, I ruffled his blond locks.
Sleepily, he opened his eyes now and yawned heartily. When he saw me
sitting on his bed, he presented me with a broad smile.
"Morning, little bro'...", I grinned, "slept well?"
He nodded. "I dreamed of you."
"And? Was I a brave warrior again?" I asked him and laughed.
He snickered, too. "Indeed you were, no one could match you. And our
father was Steward of Gondor!"
I had to laugh louder. "Over whole Gondor? Oh, that's great." I
winked at him.
Playfully he gave me a punch. "Don't mock me."
I ruffled his hair again. "I do not. Really, I love your stories,
your dreams wish I had some dreams like yours, would make my sleep
more pleasant." I sighed and he gave me a hug.
"What will you do today?" I asked him and he shifted uneasily.
"I thought I could hang around with Legolas a little." he mumbled,
and I wrinkled my forehead in disapproval.
"Faramir, please, Legolas isn't good for you. The boy is crazy,
believe me, and he smokes too much of those intoxicating herbs. Stay
away from him, I beg you."
Of course he didn't want to hear that. He was in love with the Elf, I
knew. And I had to tell myself, that although Faramir is five years
younger than I, he was no mere child with his 20 years. I couldn't
lead him by the string, couldn't tell him what to do and what to
leave anymore, but I tried. I had to protect him, it was the only
thing that mattered for me.
Sometimes in my dreams I can still hear her laughing, can I smell the
sweet soothing scent of her hair and skin when she caressed me. In my
memory, she is like the shinning sun, there was no darkness with her.
No monsters, no demons, just love.
Flashback: 15 years ago
I'm not even sure about her name anymore. She was just 'mommy' for
me. But I think I remember right that other people called
her 'Finduilas'.
But they had many names for her, the men who came to the tavern and
called for ale and wine, and the men who came to her at night.
We had a little room at the tavern. Mother worked for the always
drunken looking inn-keeper all the day to get us through, for there
was no man at her side who supported us. I cannot think of any moment
where she did not look tired and exhausted.
Sometimes a man came to our home, a soldier I think, the huge sword
at his side and the crest embroidered tunic gave a hint of it. He
seemed to be a noble one, all clad in fine garments.
Once, mother said to me that he was my father.
I didn't like him very much. He was too stern and grim looking, too
cold. I don't think that he liked me. Somehow that made me sad, for
should a father not love his son? But mommy said that no one must
know that he was my father, that it had to be a secret.
Of course, I didn't understand why. I knew nothing about social
status and that my father probably was married with a woman of his
own rank. I was 5 years old and couldn't realize that he just used my
mother for his pleasure, that it wasn't love, and that he saw me and
Faramir as an accident. After Faramir was born, he didn't come to our
home anymore. It broke my mother, she had really loved this man.
I think she gave up after this. She became more and more weak, pale
and skinny. But she knew that we would be lost without her and so she
held on to life, five years more, by then all her strength had left
Will I ever forget the feeling of her ice-cold skin against my little
Her gaze frozen in death?
The sorrow and pain that was still written on her face?
I cried and begged her to get up, tugged at her arms, shook her body,
and when all this was futile, I crawled into the bed beside her. I
made myself as small as I could, buried into her stiff form, and
searched desperately for the warmth that had been always there, that
had soothed me so many times. But now a frightening coldness bit at
me, increased my panic.
Then I heard my brother wake up. He sniffed slightly, babbling
something with his squeaky voice and began to cry when no one came to
him. I felt so incredibly tired, but my brother's demanding call
caused me to look after him.
He stood in our bed and looked towards mother with big
eyes. "Mommy?" he asked and I just took him into my arms and held
him tight. "Mommy 's gone." I said.
"When will she come back?" he asked, already sobbing.
"She will never come back, Fara."
I laid down onto the bed and pressed his little body to mine. "Mommy
has left us alone."
My brother's tiny fingers clutched my shirt, his little hands
clenched to fists, while he whimpered and cried. I stroked gently
over the soft hair of his head. He was so small, so vulnerable, I had
to protect him...
"Don't be afraid, Faramir.", I whispered to him, "We still have each
other, you know. I will care for you now."
And I did.
Sometimes I wonder if you remember anything of that night, Faramir?
The night Elrond found us?
I'm sure we would have died without his help. His help...yes... perhaps
we would have better died this day...
After mother's death, the inn-keeper had kept us to work in his
tavern. To help in the kitchen, to clean the rooms, to do all the
things the others didn't want to do. The work was too hard for you.
You couldn't stand it and became sick.
And then the beating... They beat us every time something went wrong.
When we were not fast enough, when we broke something, or when the
others were just in the mood to beat someone who couldn't defend
I couldn't let you stay there, little one, you deserved better. And
so I decided to run away with you.
But there was no place for us in Gondor's streets. The traders and
guards expelled us from the shining places, and in the end, we had no
other choice than to go into the dark stinking alleys, searching for
a place to sleep. It was horrible. The people there looked mad and
frightening and the forthcoming night brought cold rain that soaked
our clothes instantly.
You were so pale and already feverish. I knew I would loose you, too.
But you wouldn't have to go alone. 'We are going to mommy.' I said it
to soothe you, to take you the fear, and somehow I wished it would be
so. I missed her so much.
I held you in my arms, sitting trembling at a dirty street-corner,
and there was no way that my cold damp body could warm you.
Some rough, ragged men were watching us, nastily grinning and
whispering to each other. We wept in fear when they approached us
And then... then Elrond came...
He was like a sparkling light; so beautiful, so powerful. I hadn't
seen an Elf until then, and I thought I would dreamor die. If the
Valars had send him to us?
Elrond angrily shouted at the men, almost snarled, and they hurried
back into the darkness of the street. I didn't think twice when the
Elf stretched his fine slender hand invitingly towards me, smiling,
to take us with him to his home.
Do you remember how he gave us something to eat, let us bathe and get
us new clothes?
He spoke some strange sounding words to you, gently caressing your
face, and your fever-clouded eyes became clear and your breath more
steady. I looked at him in wonder and was convinced now that he had
to be a good spirit, send from the Valars to help us. Oh Faramir,
already this night he let me pay for our both 'rescue'! He showed me
all of his 'elvan beauty' and I could never look with this wondrous
amazement at Elves again.
You slept when I crawled into the bed that he had given to us. I
tried to weep silently, but there was no way to suppress the sobs
that shook my body. You were awakened by this, and I cannot forget
the expression on your face when you saw me crying. You tried to
figure out what had happened, but you were merely 5 years old and
couldn't understand.
And I couldn't even understand it myself! I didn't know what had
happened to me, what he had done to me. I had no words for it, but I
knew I didn't want it to happen ever again.
This night you hold me; your little arms around me, trying to soothe
although you were so scared and afraid by yourself.
The next night I lay in Elrond's bed again; helpless against his
importunity, his friendly smile and the honey-sweet voice, against
his promises to care for us if I would be 'just a little nice' to
I knew that we would die alone on the streets, knew we needed him,
his protection. So I was 'nice' to him, this night and the others
that followed, and just a few weeks later, to his special friends,
who would return at every night from thenceforth.
I was ten years old and realized that there were no good spirits who
helped little children; I learned that fairy tales didn't exist and
that it was my own private hell I would live in until my dying day.
'My own private Gondor.'
End Flashback
Faramir was still speaking to me, mumbling something about Legolas
and his own business and I had to concentrate to turn my thoughts
back to here and now. It's better to not remember the past.
After a while our little fight was over and I could convince my
brother that I would not interfere in his relationship with Legolas.
Of course I will do, and we both knew it. But at the moment, Faramir
was contented with my promise. I gave him a hug and began to dress,
it was time to go to 'work'.
Faramir watched me with sorrow in his pale green eyes. He doesn't
like what I'm doing and wishes that I haven't to do it. But we have
no choice. If we want to have something to eat and to live somehow,
then one of us has to work for it. And Valar he will not be the one
to do 'this job', not as long as I have a bit of life in me!
I was already on the door when he called me back. His hand reached
for my face and tenderly his long fingers touched my cheek, his eyes
looked pleadingly into mine. "Please, Boromir, be careful, yes?! I
can't bear it when you get hurt."
I laid my hand over his and squeezed gently. "Don't be afraid. What
happened last week... Things like this happen, Faramir, don't think
about it any longer, I for myself have already forget it. But I will
be more careful, I promise."
He gave a bitter nod. "Yes, you always say so.And then you come
home again, or better 'crawl home', bleeding and beaten black and
He was almost crying now, gripping my shoulders hard and lightly
shaking me. "By the Valar, Boromir, you were half dead the last time
and I'm not sure if I can stand that any longer. Always hoping that
this night no drunken bastard rapes you and beats you into a bloody
pulp just for fun! Please... please, Boromir, I couldn't stand to lose
you! Please..."
The tears pearled down his cheeks before he could stop them, his body
trembled, showing the deepness of his emotions. I swallowed, unable
to answer and took him into my arms instead.
"I love you" he sobbed and let his head fall onto my shoulder.
"I love you, too, Faramir. You know that you mean everything for me,
little brother. Everything! Don't be afraid... "
Soothingly, I stroked over his hair, whispering words of comfort and
promises that I couldn't keep.
After a while he got calm and with an fearful expression on his face
he sat down onto his bed, watching me with despair when I went.
Part Two The night had just begun and I was near a break-down already. Standing in front of an old ram-shackle house, I tried to compose myself. Faramir and I were in trouble. Big trouble, and I didn't know how to manage it. Still lightly trembling, I thought about my encounter with Elrond merely minutes ago and a cold hand seemed to squeeze my heart. Tears of despair and fear stung in my eyes, showing my helplessness. For what could I do, beside hoping for a wonder? Damn elvan bastard... "Boromir!" I winced. Fuck, that was Elrond. He surely wanted the rent and I didn't have the money, yet. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My thoughts were still in turmoil because of Faramir and the last thing I needed now was a discourse with Elrond. So I quickly placed an innocent smile on my lips and turned towards the Elf. "Elrond! Sorry, but I'm really busy. Waiting clients, you know." Hurriedly, I tried to pass him, but the Half-Elf stopped me with an incredible swift movement, his elegant fingers clawed into the thin fabric of my tunic. "Your clients have to wait a minute longer." he said coldly, and then the tirade began. "Boromir, you know as good as I that I cannot make any exceptions. At the beginning of a month, I want from my boys that they pay me my share. That's the deal for a nice little room in my house and my protection." <'Nice little room', yes, sure.>The room was so small that Faramir and I barely got our beds in it, and every morning we were glad that the cockroaches hadn't eat us while we were sleeping. I swallowed. My tongue seemed to stick to my palate, and I needed a moment before I could answer. "I know, but it wasn't going well for me last month. I... I was ill... and couldn't work for six days. " The lines of Elrond's face softened a little as he studied me closer. "A client? How bad was it? Shall I do something?" he asked carefully. As if he would really care about me! 'Old daddy' was surely just concerned about the quality of his ware. I sighed. "No, just leave it. I... I'm well again. But as I said, I couldn't work for six days. Shit, I couldn't even walk." I added with a humourless laugh. "So please, if you give me just a little respite I will..." Inexorably, Elrond shook his head. "No. You know the rules. I'm really sorry that you were hurt, and if you want me to 'take care' for the man who did it, I will, but you have to understand that I cannot make exceptions. If I allow this to you, then the other boys will come begging me as well, and I will lay in the gutter soon!" My gaze swept over his pale beautiful face and the fine clean garments he wore and his words became pure irony. Someone like Elrond doesn't end in the gutter, I knew that all too well. Early I had learned that those who were depraved and bad get even more rewarded for being mean. But what should I do? There was nothing I could say or do to change Elrond's opinion. I could almost feel how I lost all the color in my face and despair was slowly beginning to fill me. Of course, Elrond didn't miss that. His right hand slid through my hair and further to my neck, where his fingers began to stroke and to circle over my now ice-cold skin. With an insufferable caring expression on his oh-so-pretty face, he sweetly said "Look, why not let Faramir help you a little, hm? I told you more than once, that you both could live much easier if your brother..." <Damn Bastard!> I thought, but loud I shouted "No! I will rather die before Faramir has to do this, too. I do not care about me, Elrond, but believe meI will do everything I can, that my brother never has to sell his ass!" Angrily, I glared at the Elf, who disapprovingly drew one of his eyebrows up because of my outburst but did not speak further. Weakly now and in an apologising voice, I added "You will get your money tomorrow, I promise." Elrond sighed and gave me a warm smile. Possessively, his hand slipped under my tunic, lazily trailing over my chest and stomach while he chatted in a playful voice. "Better do so, my dear. You are one of my best boys in the stable, Boromir, and I would regret to lose you, but there are a lot of other pretty blondes who will take your job immediately, you know that." When he drew his hand back, I noticed, that I had tensed up, and I took a deep breath to relax. Don't know why, but lately I had difficulties with someone touching me. Of course, it's bad for business, normally it does not please the clients when you are a fearful shaking wreck. I knew I had to handle my problem, or Elrond would find out sooner or later and take care of it himself. Valar, the very last thing I needed was that Elrond gives me new 'lessons'! Relieved, I thought that he hadn't perceived my little shudder, because he patted my shoulder in a fatherly way and went up the stairs to his rooms. I was also about to go, when he turned to look at me again and said as incidentally "You haven't visited me in my rooms for a long time, Boromir... We should really do something about that, don't you think? So would you give me the pleasure of your company tomorrow night, my dear? " His eyes flashed, obviously he enjoyed his little game. <Like a cat playing with the mouse.> I thought. It made me feel sick. What had I done to deserve this life? I didn't understand why people feared everlasting pain in afterlife, I mean, it couldn't be more worse than a life like that, or? I heard myself saying "Sure, as you wish." and somehow I even managed to give the Half-Elf a smile. When I heard him stepping upstairs, I sank down at the wall, trembling all over. I felt like vomiting. Everything seemed to go wrong... And above all was the rent. How could I get that much money by tomorrow? Even if I would work the whole night, I couldn't get that much money! A desperate sigh escaped my lips. What now? I only wanted to crawl into my bed and never stand up again. But Faramir... I couldn't let him down. He is my little brother, so vulnerable and still so innocent, although he lives among scum. I couldn't allow them to break him, no, never... So I pulled myself together, and hoping that I would find a way as always, I stepped into the street, searching for men who would spend their money on me. And now I was standing in front of this old tenement and the really worse things were still to come. It was Tuesday, and that meant I had an appointment with "Trishn'Ushk". <Alright... breathe... you can do it... it's just an Orc.> It was a small room. Bare, except for a bed that creaked on every movement and an old unsteady chair that was now occupied by a very fat Orc. Indeed, Trishn'Ushk was so fat, that his huge buttocks had difficulty finding enough room on the wooden seat, that jarred most disapprovingly, when the Orc let himself fall on it. 'Ushk' was a guard, as were most of the Orcs who live in Minas Tirith. They aren't paid that bad and mostly they spent their money on ale and whores. I lived from clients like him. He paid well, and sometimes, when he had a good day, he even gave me some coins more than required. Of course, it didn't make the job easier. He was an Orc nevertheless, and although he was one of the good-natured kind, he also was one of the most ugly Orcs I had ever seen. I mean, his enormous dark belly was flabby, and black wire-like hairs were spreading all over it; his head was bald, except of the warts with which he was really richly presented; a wine-sour foul stench escaped him whenever he breathed; normally he smelled like dead fish and let's not talk about how he tasted... No, although he paid well, I couldn't say that I looked forward to our "encounters". But I had to pay the rent, and Faramir and I needed something to eat. So I was standing in Trishn'Ushk's room again, as I had every week in the last three years, and after a few words about how his job was going (he just grunted) and how unfair it was that again he didn't get the position of a captain (he grunted a little more), we came to the business part. I think, Ushk didn't love the Humans very much for how they treat the Orcs, but he loved to take his pleasure from them. We are so different to his kind. Sometimes he told me that I'm pretty, that he liked my looks. He said it in that creaky orcish voice and I knew he thought of himself as being 'higher standing' than I, because he paid me, because he used me. Although I think, he really liked me in a strange way, I'm sure it satisfied him that he could command and use a Human as he wished, taking revenge for his everyday humiliation in the city of Men. Now, he looked expectantly with lust-fevered eyes at me and I knew very well what he wanted. I knew how he liked it the best. Slowly, I took my tunic off, let it seductively slid over my shoulders and to the ground, allowing him to admire my smooth skin for a moment. Then I stepped closer towards him, positioned myself between his thighs, so he could touch me. Clumsily, his hands began to play with my chest. Ushk's fingers are thick and calloused, and it hurt when his broken nails scratched my nipples. He thought that I enjoyed it (as if anyone could!), because I made him believe so. Lazily, I closed my eyes and let my head fall back, thrusting my hips towards him. He chuckled, and one of his hands slid over my groin to my cock. He began to rub it through the fabric and my thoughts were drifting away. <Just don't think of this Orc rubbing you. Think of something nice, something really hot, something extremely arousing, think of... Aragorn! I held my breath. Oh shit, how did it come that I thought of him every time when I was...well, 'being with my clients'? That wasn't normal, was it? He was my friend, my buddy, we were like brothers! <Valar, I think I love him.> Looking down at Ushk, I had to bite back a grin, when I saw him helplessly fumbling with the leather strings on my trousers. With skilled hands, I helped him to loosen them and the trousers fell to the ground. Ushk grunted joyfully, and greedily his hand grabbed my cock. I bit my lip and tried to imagine how it would feel with Aragorn doing this to me. Yes, this was a pleasant thought, and very arousing, too. I moaned, and Ushk felt apparently invited by this, for he let his sticky tongue join his hand and began to lick roughly over this pulsing and well-experienced part of my body. This was definitely too real to be ignored and my imagination shattered and faded. I trembled a little with discomfort, but Ushk misinterpreted it as always. He grunted with his strange orcish voice. "Yes... don't hold back, boy." He was sweet, wasn't he? And I didn't disappoint him. Whimpering with faked need, I thrust violently into his fist until I came with a loud groan. He liked it when the seed hit him, because he liked it when I had to lick it off from him. It was his turn now and I dropped onto my knees. Sometimes I'm glad that he is too fat and lazy to actually fuck me, but when I had his huge member in front of my face I always considered otherwise. Exerted, I tried to block out that he was warty 'there', too, and let my tongue swirl around my lips to wet them, before I took his cock into my mouth and began professionally to suck him off. Did I tell, that he has his earlobes pierced? I mean it's common that Orcs do so, but in Ushk's earlobes was so much metal that they hang down onto his shoulders! It gave him a very odd and scary look. Now these earlobes were swinging back and forth, matching the rhythm the Orc's hips thrust, when he tried to get deeper into my mouth. I would find it funny, if it wouldn't be me who had to suck his huge, throbbing, smelly, fucking warty prick... My hands rested on his flanks and I stroked the sweat-sticky flesh while my mouth slid up and down on him again and again, forcing the huge cock deep down my throat. Ushk moaned and made that scary gargling sounds those made my flesh creep. I tried hard to finish him, sucking and licking his cock like mad, hoping that he would have his release soon. <The sooner he gets it, the sooner I'm out of this room!> In a corner hummed dozens of flies, which were busy working on a rotting piece of meat. Surely it stank terribly, but the Orc's 'scent' eclipsed that. The 'idyllic atmosphere' was completed by the bawling of Ushk's neighbor, who obviously beat his wife up again. Her painful whimpers effortlessly carried through the thin walls. I was distracted from the scene, when Ushk pushed his cock into my mouth till his wrinkled hairy balls slapped heavily against my chin. With deep guttural sounds, the Orc came, his big claw-hands tugged painfully at my hair. I'm used to Ushk, but still I had to suppress the retching, every time the Orc's black foully tasting seed flowed down my throat. But I swallowed and moaned as if I couldn't get enough of it, knowing that it would please him. When he was done, he dropped a few coins at me and let himself fall onto the bed, grunting satisfied while he spread himself on it. I fastened my trousers and wiped my mouth clean, hesitating for a moment and considering if I should ask him for a little more money or not. I decided to give it a try and stepped towards the Orc. who became obviously sleepy now. "Uhm, Ushk?" I pleaded with my well-tried honey voice. "Could you perhaps give me some more coins this time, please? You know, I haven't paid the rent yet and Elrond is getting impatient. Please? You get one night for free next time, I swear!" During my speech, I tenderly caressed the sweaty skin of the Orc, drawing patterns on his wobbling belly. The Orc grunted in his good- natured manner. "One for free?" he asked, but hesitated a little. "One for free." I confirmed. "And you can bring a friend with you, if you like." I whispered promising. Now Ushk was grinning. With his thick fingers, he fished for the additional coins. "Just because I like you, boy." he murmured when he gave them to me. Quickly, I let the money disappear in my pocket. "Thank you, Ushk, you are the best!" I happily smiled at him. He just grumbled, but I knew it was his manner to show emotions. Immediately, I left the room without looking back. I would meet the Orc again soon enough, when the other would come to claim his promised night. And it would be a long and hard night, far beyond the money I had gotten just now. Ushk would make good use of that night, that's for sure. But I needed the money so badly, I couldn't risk that Elrond threw Faramir and me out. Back on the street, I put my clothes in order and hastily chewed a few times on a piece of root that was used by the whores to get rid of the persistent taste of semen. Then I walked in the direction of the market place that surrounding dark alleys would now awake to shameless, sinful life. I knew these stinking alleys well. Often enough I had felt their cold cruel presence creep into me, when I was with my knees on the dirty ground, serving nameless men in dark corners. Yes, I had walked nearly every one of those streets, knew the most of the men here not by their faces but by their cocks. Only one alley I avoided.The one where all began. That I couldn't bear. I didn't want to think about how everything could have ended here, or have gone a different way... I came to a street that after awhile opened to a small circular place, with a little well in the center. It was a popular meeting point for the street whores, because they could clean themselves up here after they were with a client, and also have a little chat with the others. Tiredly, I went on, paying no attention to the bunch of people that noisily chattered and laughed. But then I heard a chuckle that was very well-known to me and my heart made a leap. "Aragorn!" I smiled and turned in his direction. "Yes, it's me." he laughed, appearing from a group of boys with which he had shared a pipe. "How did you know?" Playfully I punched him into the stomach and winked at him. "I smelled you." I teased and he laughed more and ruffled my hair in friendly affection. A sweet smelling cloud waved towards me, when a tall slender figure walked with a expression of utterly joy over to us. Legolas. And there was no doubt that he was totally high again. "Boromir!" he shouted and hugged me as if he hadn't seen me in years. I rolled my eyes at Aragorn, who grinned, and wriggled myself free. "Silly Elfboy." I gave him a playful slap on his head and he snickered. "Where is Fara?" I asked suspiciously, and Legolas smiled meaningfully. "I report, he is already back at home, because he was tired as he said.So I brought him to bed." He giggled and I knew exactly what he meant. Protectiveness for my brother began to stir in me, but Legolas reconciliatory put an arm around me and gave me a smacker on the cheek. "Don't worry, 'daddy', Faramir is well." Still slightly worried, I started to say something, but Aragorn stepped beside me, putting one arm around me as well. "Sooo, now that this is settled what will we do tonight? Do you fancy do go for an ale?" Valar, how I wanted to do that with Aragorn! To do 'anything' with Aragorn. But I couldn't. I had to work. "No, I'm sorry, I would like to, but I have to work. Elrond wants his share tomorrow." Understandingly, Aragorn looked at me. "Too bad. But perhaps tomorrow? I mean, you won't miss the party, or?" The party? I must have looked really puzzled, because Legolas giggled and poked me into the side. "Haven't you heard, yet?" he asked, and I shook my head and looked at him with a dutiful curious expression. "Gandalf is in town!" the Elf announced, as if it were a big surprise and Gandalf a long awaited messiah. Legolas throw his head back and laughed, jumping around me as if he were mad. <He 'is' mad.> I corrected myself with a grin. I could feel my brows draw upwards. "The old pointy-hat is back?" I asked disbelievingly and Aragorn answered with a deep, somehow dreamy, sigh. "Yes. The good old Gandalf...That means fun!" he said with sparkling eyes. "I will pick you up by your place in the afternoon, alright?" I nodded. Hopefully, I could resolve my problem with Elrond before then. "See you tomorrow." I said, more to Aragorn than to Legolas, but the Elfboy already was joining the other boys again anyways, reaching for the pipe. Aragorn gave my arm a squeeze and smiled. "I hope so. Man, I'm so glad that tonight I don't have to work anymore. Had my share of fat stinky old man already!" He gave me a hug and then walked towards the others. Longingly, I stared after him for a moment, my gaze fixed on his back, wandering slowly downwards... <Pull yourself together, Boromir!> I warned myself and rubbed over my tired eyes. I scooped some cloudy water from the well and had a wash, trying to clean myself from Ushk's scent and touch. At least, I could wash away the physical traces... the dirt... all that dirt... Then it was high time to hook myself a new client. I decided to try my luck near the white walls today. It wasn't Elrond's domain, but I knew that the more well-off men were looking for their pleasure there. It was dangerous to poach in someone other's domain, but if I had luck, I would get far more coins for only one fuck than I would normally get for three. I had no other choice than to try it. Continued... |
Title: "My Own Private Gondor"
Author: Vagabond Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they own me. Pairing: Many, but main-pairing will be Boromir/Aragorn. Rating/Warnings: Rating will change during this series. This part is R, because it mentions child-abuse (10-year old Boromir becoming a whore) and mentions rape. Notes/Warnings: This is an AU, that means the characters live in an 'alternate universe' and will maybe act different! The story is told from Boromir's POV and he is about 25 and Aragorn about 27 in this AU. The idea for this Fic came from the wonderful slashy movie "My own private Idaho", but of course this story will be different in some ways. Summary: Boromir and Aragorn are whores in Minas Tirith, but they have very different reasons why they prostitute themselves... Beta: Alex_CatThank you, dear! :-) Feedback: Sure. ;-) Archive: Yes, just ask, please. Credits: To Beryll, the sponsor of 'Ushk' :-) |
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