Boromir shouts the accusation, gripping my clothes. His breath heats my skin. I
know his words to be true, and feel shame at my cowardice.
Yet I also know that he does not understand. I do not shirk from battle, nor the
responsibilities of rule. It is not lack of love for Men that holds me aloof.
I love this one far too well.
I cannot permit myself this temptation. The Ring and I must go to Mordor. Now.
Date: 10/23/02 Title: Honor Author: Your Cruise Director (cruisedirector@littlereview.com) Rating: PG Pairing: A/B Spoiler Warnings: FOTR extended edition Summary: Boromir accuses Aragorn of hiding. He's right. Dedication: This story is for Cinzia, who inspired it. Notes: These characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and to the movie universe of Peter Jackson. More of same: http://www.littlereview.com/fanfic/lotr.htm LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/cruisedirector More of the same: http://www.littlereview.com/fanfic/lotr.htm |
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