"You should be sitting here," Flamingo said. "Why me?" Ro asked. "Because you're the editor." "Nononononono—I take no responsibility for this! You're the editor of this masterpiece!" Ro insisted. "No, you're the guilty party," Flamingo told her. "Wanna make Anne the editor?" Ro asked. "She hasn't even read any of the stories . . ." Flamingo said. "But . . . she has done some proof-reading. Copy-editor, editor, what's the dif?" "I rule!" Anne announced, pumping her fist in the air. "Okay, let's get serious," Flamingo said. "Not in this zine," Ro muttered. And she's right. This is just a little glimpse into what passes for "zine production" in the Flamingo-Anne-CrowRow asylum. Well, it's 2002 and we're throwing another SHareCon, which just goes to show that insanity is a progressive disease that just gets worse with time. We're expecting at least a hundred other lunatics to be released from their holding facilities so they can enjoy themselves at our "tiny, intimate" con the weekend of October 25, 26, & 27. If you haven't received this at the con, then you must be one of those really hard-cases that couldn't get released for the weekend. We'll try to get you released in 2004 when, rumor is, we're going to do this again. Apparently, we haven't learned our lesson, and we're going to keep doing it and doing it until we get it right. And since this isn't a perfect world . . . We want to thank all the wonderful contributors who have sent us some terrific stuff for this little "give-away" zine. We've got new writers and veteran hard-cases and new artists and veteran artists and new poets and all kinds of groovy stuff. It's a terrific little zine, and you all made it that way. We just assembled it. With a lot of arguing. Some yelling. A few thrown items, but they were always soft things. It's okay, really. The good news is, that if you're reading this that means we got it done in time and got it to the con. Which likely means we got there ourselves. If we haven't, please come visit us in our padded cells at breaks between panels. (This is the only time you'll hear Flamingo complain about restraints!) Enjoy the zine. Enjoy the con! Make friends. Make memories. Have fun. And stay safe for the next two years. We want to see you back here again. Y'all come back real soon, heah . . . . Ooops. Wrong fandom. That's the kind of week it's been.
Jean Holmes died this year from a fast moving cancer. She was a long time SH fan, and she will be missed by her many friends. Jean may have been quiet, but she was a doer in fandom. When the editor of the long-running SH letterzine, Frienz, needed to pass the zine on, Jean took it over. She was also a major contributor to the SH Lending Library. Jean was a quiet person. She wasn't that well known. But she loved Starsky & Hutch, and she worked hard to promote the fandom and give other fans avenues to continue enjoying the fandom even when it wasn't on the air. Jean was a member of our SH family -- part of our neighborhood -- and we have lost someone special in her passing. |
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From Elaine H.: Jean was a major S&H and Sentinel fan. She produced the S&H Letterzine for a number of years in the 90's, and also the S&H Ad Zine, and she loved to attend cons. She was a very quiet person, and loved to sit in the back of a room of fans and listen to what everybody else had to say. But she always loved to be where the action was. From Kath Moonshine: I can't express how important Jean's contribution to fandom was to me--I belonged to Frienz, that beloved ole paper letterzine. It was so exciting to find it in my mailbox! I remember how wonderfully connected I felt to my fandom, even fans in far away countries, when I would open up the letterzine and see names old and new. It was such a pleasure to craft a response to the last issue's comments. It even inspired me to draw a Starsky & Hutch cartoon. The fact that Jean kept Frienz going for so long--long enough for me to discover it not long before the explosion of net fandom--is something I'll always appreciate. God speed, Jean. Your frienz will always remember you. From Linda Cabrillo: Jean was very reserved, but she loved Starsky and Hutch and did a lot for the fandom. When the show hadn't been aired in about a decade and fandom had become very small, she cooperated with me on the production of a "We're Alive!" flyer to be distributed at cons. Anyone remember "Yes, Virginia, there IS a fandom for Starsky and Hutch"? She allowed her name to be listed as a contact person for those interested in finding more about Starsky and Hutch. As you say, she published the letterzine for years, in addition to sending out regular listings of SH zines available. And when we decided to start a Lending Library, she was right there, running ads in Frienz and contributing to copying so we could expand our inventory. I'm glad I had the chance to get to know Jean. I'll miss her! From Candy Apple: Jean . . . was one of my early contacts in S&H, as I subscribed to the adzine and found the information to order some of my first zines back in 1995 and 96, when I was just getting my feet wet in fandom. She was a woman of few words, but she was always helpful, friendly, and willing to provide information to clueless newbies. ;) I saw Jean at MediaWest a few times, and wish now I'd taken more time to draw her out to chat a little. Knowing she had passed on, I noticed her absence at the S&H panels this year. She was a quiet person, and didn't draw a lot of attention to herself, but she had a wonderful spirit of service toward the fandom. And service without the need for a lot of resulting attention or credit is something really special. Thanks for all you did, Jean. We'll miss you. |