Title: Morning Sickness Author: J. Juls (jjuls @ tbc.net) Parts: NEW 1/1 Series: DS9 Rating: NC-17 Codes: G/B, O Summary: To win Julian's hand, Garak must do a favor for Morn. Beta: Mark Stanley. Actually, I'll call him an Alpha-reader for reading it in a very sucky draft. I'm not worthy! All mistakes are mine. Note: Written for the G/B Fuh-q Fest. Morning Sickness One thing about humanoid behavior: it usually was eminently predictable. Responses to stimuli as reflexive as a Belzoidian flea's. But the humanoids had been acting peculiar lately. That's why Odo was yet again busy being a chair in Quark's bar. Peculiarity number one: Morn was not at the bar. Hadn't been there in over a day. Peculiarity number two: Garak was at the bar asking Quark about Morn. "Don't know. Haven't seen him." This was the usual answer from Quark. Provisionally, Odo marked him off the oddities list. Quark continued to polish various items until Garak casually placed his hand on his money belt, a motion Quark couldn't help but notice. Odo saw Quark's eyes follow Garak's gesture, but his answer was not what Odo had expected. "No, really, Garak. Haven't seen him at all since night before last." So, Quark was holding out on Garak. Little Ferengi had some nerve! Garak grumbled something and took out a strip of latinum. His ominous glare made it clear that this was his final offer. Quark sighed. I'm telling the truth, Garak. But, if you *must* know -- " He swiped the latinum -- "I did see him with Julian last week. At Chez Zimmerman. They were sitting very, *very* close. If you find Julian, you'll probably find Morn." "I already ... " growled Garak. Then he looked around and lowered his voice. "I already *know* that, Quark. But Julian's taken his commbadge off, and no one knows where he is. He's taken a 'personal leave.' Why do you think I'm looking for that idiot Lurian?" Realization dawned on Quark's face; Odo saw him mentally filing this bit of gossip away as Garak turned and stalked toward the exit, scowling. "If ... if you find Morn, let me know, would you?" Quark called toward the Cardassian's back. "I'm worried about him, too! He's my best customer!" But Garak was already gone. Odo quickly changed back to humanoid form, eliciting a double take from Quark. He strolled out of the room, making sure he was some distance behind Garak. When he felt sure of where they were headed, he changed into a Cardassian vole and took a shortcut to Chez Zimmerman. Here he again became a chair, albeit of the red velvet variety. He was concentrating on getting the dark, shiny wood tone and plush upholstery just right when he heard two voices: one soft and musical, the other harsh. "But, Garak! Surely you must admit it looks marvelous on me." "Actually, it makes you look like a ... never mind. Let's sit." So they were both here! Wonderful! Odd how one got used to the humanoid form after taking it so often -- Odo had the strangest urge to smile, and felt pent-up emotion at not being able. They were coming his way now, Julian Bashir and his black-clad shadow, together at last! And Julian was a sight, to say the least! No wonder he wasn't wearing his commbadge -- where would he keep it on such a getup? From the ancient-style leather cowboy boots, to the worn trousers, possibly "jeans," although Odo wasn't sure, to the leather vest, with large gold chains all around, Julian looked absolutely nothing like, well, Julian. "I'll have you know, Garak, not everyone agrees with you. Why, there's a very special someone on this station who thinks I look divine." Odo pondered. Julian was a young, impressionable boy. When he had first come to the station, he had been infatuated with Dax. When she had made it clear that nothing would happen between the two of them, he had immediately switched to Garak. But both Dax and Garak were military types who loved a man in uniform. Morn wasn't. And obviously, Morn had influenced him into wearing this gauche wardrobe. Strange. And maybe worse was yet to come. The two were very near by now -- Julian sat on Odo, his buttocks making two small, rounded dents in Odo's red velvet. He had to admit, it felt pleasant enough. And Garak sat next to him, his hard boot against Odo's leg, possessive. He spoke. "So, you've been with ... " Julian's face lit up in a beatific smile. "Morn! Oh, Morn -- Garak, I didn't know how *wonderful* and *sensitive* he could be." Julian leaned against Odo's back and put one hand to his brow. "Oh, Garak, I don't know how to describe it! We *talk* and *talk* -- he seems to know what's down deep in my soul; every word he says; it's just mind-reading! He tells me what I'm feeling before I even know." Julian closed his eyes and sighed, a contented smile etched upon his features. "But ... Morn ... he's so ... so ... " "Unique? Sophisticated?" "Um, those weren't the exact words I was thinking ... " "And well-traveled! He's been to over 120 planets! Why, he's on Space Station LB1 right now; that's near Earth, actually. I *so* wanted to go with him, so I took a leave of absence. But, well ... he said it was something he had to do, with business or some such, and I'd just find it boring, so ... " Julian sighed then, looking slightly crestfallen. But he brightened up again right away. "But ... what a man, what a *man*! Strong, suave, and he has two, um, well ... he's a peach!" Garak, looking as surprised as one so guarded could ever look, sat back and folded his arms across his chest. "I'm ... glad ... you're so happy with him." Just then, the waiter came over to take their order. "I'll have a Tarkalean tea," said Julian. "What'll you have, Garak? It's my treat!" The sunny smile still plastered itself over Julian's face; he seemed unaware of how much it was irking Garak. "I'm not thirsty." With that, Garak got up and left, Julian staring after him in confusion. Odo knew Garak was off doing something fishy, but he couldn't leave as long as Julian was sitting on him. So he resolved to enjoy the occasion. And enjoy it he did, feeling the delicious curve of Julian's posterior ebb and flow across his padded velvet surface, feeling Julian's leg occasionally slide past his own, caressing. He had almost forgotten about Garak by the time Julian got up to leave. Odo was sneaking through the restaurant, disguised as thick red carpeting, when he sensed the call of the commbadge hidden inside his body mass. "Smyyp to Constable Odo. Somebody's stolen all the latinum from the machines in the Replimat." So it was; duty called. *** Several hours later, he had completed the investigation, seized the culprits, and turned them over to the Arbiter's office. O'Brien told him that Morn's ship had returned. And so it was that he headed back to Quark's. Quark was busy serving his best customer another Saurian brandy when Odo arrived, disguised as a Threllian ant. Quark looked as relieved as any Ferengi would in this situation -- easy money, back safe and sound. Garak was talking to Morn, so Odo sat on the bar and unobtrusively changed into a coaster. Morn was staring at a picture of Julian while Garak talked. "Morn, I really don't know how to say this, but ... do you ... care ... for Julian?" Morn kissed his first two fingers and pressed them to Julian's picture. Garak leaned forward, staring at Morn with almost frightening intensity. "I have to know, Morn. What are your intentions toward Julian?" Morn never turned to look at Garak's menacing posture; instead, he hugged Julian's picture to his chest. "But, Morn." Garak looked around the room, apparently for inspiration. Quark brought him a kanaar and set it on Odo. Ouch! Garak glared at Quark until he disappeared. "Morn, I don't like to admit this, but I've grown ... attached ... to Julian." He seemed more sincere than Odo had ever seen him. "If there's anything else, or any*one* else, that I can get you, I'd be more than happy to ... " He looked around again. "I want Julian," he whispered. Morn took a long draught of his brandy, then paused to look around the room, as if embarrassed at the idea of something -- something that he wanted, but wanted to keep secret. He then reached deep into an inner pocket of his shirt and pulled out ... a picture? But Odo couldn't see it from this angle, as Morn kept his hand over it and showed it only to Garak. Confusion slowly turned to light on Garak's face. "I ... see." He pondered. "That's one hard bargain you drive, sir. One hard bargain indeed. I should have known." Morn started and glared at him. "I mean, since you've just been to Space Station LB1. I'm sure most people wouldn't guess. I wouldn't if you hadn't shown me." Morn seemed satisfied and turned back to his drink. Garak sat and sipped half his kanaar, then got up and left. Odo wondered what to do next. He should follow Garak again, but how to get out of the bar without Morn or anyone else noticing? He at least had to wait until Quark removed the kanaar glass. Presently, Quark did arrive and take the glass; he also took a swipe at Odo with his polishing cloth. Then he looked again and wiped again. With a start, Odo realized that he had started to become liquid around the edges. He hadn't been in his resting state for over fifteen hours! Shocked, he quickly solidified himself before Quark could get suspicious. In a few minutes he was placed on a pile of coasters; he was then able to make his getaway and head for his office and his bucket. *** "Garak! What are you doing in my quarters?" Julian stood in his doorway, stunned, gaping at the Cardassian on his bunk. Garak methodically removed his boots, letting them thud to the deck. "Morn doesn't want you anymore," he said, his piercing stare fixed to Julian's body. "He said I could have you instead." Tears sprang to Julian's eyes. "Oh, Garak, Garak! How could he? How could he?" Julian seemed to crumble as Garak rose to hold him, almost as a sehlat holds its next meal. "There, there, Julian, don't cry. Shhhhh ... " Garak dipped his face to taste the tears on Julian's face, then lower to caress with his tongue the juncture of delicate human neck and shoulder. He drew his hands gently over Julian's body, steadily peeling away layers of clothing until Julian stood naked with a pool of fabric around his ankles. Garak picked him up; Julian hugged Garak's large, scaly neck as he was carried to the bunk. They were both nude now, lying on their sides on the narrow bunk, Julian's face buried in Garak's broad chest. "I'll make you forget all about him, Julian," Garak whispered as he began to gently massage Julian's small human penis with his tough fingertips. In his other hand, he took one of Julian's hands and guided it slowly to his cloacal opening, where a silvery-white phallus was starting to emerge. Julian stroked, tentative. "Harder. Grab it harder, Julian. Squeeze!" They both moaned as they stroked each other, Garak with delicate grace, Julian with more and more robustness. "Ohhhh, Garak, I never knew it could be this way! You know just what to do to a human, better than ... ohh!" They writhed and moaned and yanked and stroked and writhed, rocking the bunk, their actions getting more intense ... Odo came to a rapid boil, there in his office, bubbles shooting through his body mass, leaving a thick coat of froth over his surface and a few splatters on the wall beside his bucket. He lay formless, caught between regeneration and wakefulness, as his surface continued to roil and spit for some time. Finally he was able to extrude a towel and gather the lost material back to himself, able to compress the froth until he was his normal self again. He could feel himself sloshing back and forth as he pondered. Why was he so obsessed with the mating behavior of these organisms? It should be none of his business ... except that everything happening on the station was his business by definition. And that there was something more happening here than it seemed at first glance, something just under the surface. And he'd find it. *** A large crowd had gathered around the Dabo table by the time Odo got to Quark's. Taking advantage of the noisy crowd, he saw, was Garak once again. But this time he had co-conspiritors -- O'Brien and Dax. Sneaking through the mob of gamblers, Odo got near their table before changing into a potted plant to listen. "Actually, I had thought I might take him off the station altogether, to Ferris Prime, perhaps. They say it's an interesting planet." "Hmmmm," O'Brien mused. "That *would* be convenient. His energy can be pretty overbearing." "Tell me about it," said Dax. "He was all over me for the longest time. Sure, he's given up on me now, but who knows when he'll start again?" "Then it's settled. All I need are some minor adjustments ... ah, there's Rom." Garak beckoned him over. "Rom, my good friend!" "Uhhhh, good friend? Since when?" "Rom, I need your advice. O'Brien and Dax here think it might be possible to ... was that plant there before?" They all looked at Odo. "Dabo!" someone shouted. Great celebration broke out in the bar. More people came running in to crowd around the lucky winner. Odo watched as the four co-conspirators slipped away. *** Odo changed back to his usual form and looked around the bar. Among all the disgusting gamblers and partiers, Morn still sat at the bar, alone. Wait, here was Julian! And he looked even worse than he had before, because now his hair was done up in a spiky manner, somewhat like the spines on a Bajoran tree snake, and the ends were bleached an icky, fake blonde. He still had the same array of gold chains but now wore a white tank top and leather trousers. He kissed Morn deeply on the lips, straddling his knee without breaking the kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other in a lewd, lewd embrace. Obvously they weren't paying any attention to him, so he sat at a nearby table. "Morn, how *are* you?" Julian asked, casting a longing gaze on his friend. "You haven't been to visit me today. I was worried." Morn patted Bashir's buttock in response. "Oh, Morn, you're so romantic!" He giggled and leaned in for another kiss. Odo decided to leave. He hadn't made it three meters through the promenade, though, when his communicator chirped. "Sisko to Odo. Report to Ops immediately." Sisko's voice had sounded tense, on edge. Odo broke into a dead run. Even on his way across the promenade, though, he could see through the windows what the trouble was about. The wormhole was changing. *** When Odo arrived at Ops, he saw Sisko bent over a scanner, watching the wormhole's readings intently. Kira was on the comm with Bajoran security, discussing the deployment of forces in the area. And all the other senior officers were gone! Backup officers Blrb and Smiip were frantically modulating shield nutations and scanning the wormhole with azitronic waves. He ran up to Sisko. "What's happening to the wormhole?" Sisko stood back and wiped his brow in frustration. "I don't know! It started emitting a stream of chronitons and then started pulsating. And most of my senior officers are gone on a field trip to the Gamma Quadrant. They could be in the wormhole right now!" Suddenly it all seemed to make sense to Odo. "Commander." Sisko glowered at him. "I believe we'll find our answer -- on Space Station LB1." He addressed the computer. "Computer! Access historical records regarding Space Station LB1." As they stood back to watch the display, an old-fashioned station appeared. "Accessing. Space Station LB1 was built in the Sol system on Stardate 1013 to replace the antiquated base known as the International Space Station. It was named after the first Earth cosmonaut to disappear in space. Construction plans were ... " Odo knew now that he was close to the answer. "Computer! More information on this cosmonaut." "Cosmonaut was named Lance Bass, also known as the first pop star in space. He disappeared in Old Earth Year 2004 from the International Space Station. Cause was unexplained." The screen showed a young man whose coiffure and attire were much too familiar to Odo. Sisko and Odo exchanged glances; Sisko continued. "Computer. Display contemporary audio-visual records regarding his disappearance." Blurry, discolored images came to life on the display; the scene looked like a military debriefing, with uniforms and badges all around. "It was the strangest thing I've ever seen, sir. One second he was floating there, and then there was a loud whining noise and a gold mist that looked like maybe static discharge. And then he was gone!" "Computer, pause," said Sisko. "Constable, what does this have to do with anything?!" "Hmmmm, loud noise ... gold mist ... ." He turned to Sisko. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, Commander. Shall we go to the docking ring?" *** Odo wasn't surprised at all to see Morn waiting by the airlock. Sisko stared at the Lurian. "What's Morn doing here?" "He's here to meet someone, if I know Garak." "Garak! What does he have to do with this?" "Blrb to Commander Sisko. Sir, the wormhole's back to normal!" Absently, looking overwhelmed, Sisko acknowledged. Just then, the airlock ground open. Miles, Dax, and Rom strolled out. "Uh, Commander Sisko, how nice to see you!" Dax said, but she didn't seem that happy. "We'll be going now." They hurried away. Several moments passed, during which Sisko paced back and forth, before the last passengers entered the station: Garak, accompanied by a strange young man -- the young man they had just seen on the display! Indeed, he looked very much as Julian had recently. He gawked at the walls and ceiling. "Woah, duuuuuude, this is way kewl!" "Garak! Constable! Will someone tell me exactly what is going on?" demanded an agitated Sisko. The young man then caught sight of Morn. "Duuuuuude! What's that? It's way kewl!" Garak, looking paternal with his hand on the young man's shoulder, led his charge over to Morn. "Lance, this is Morn. He's a Lurian. And Morn, of course you know Lance." Morn smiled a big, big smile at Lance and made a low rumble deep in his throat. He caught Lance in a chaste hug. "Duuuude!" Lance said from under Morn's armpit, "I touched an alien! That's the second one today!" They held their embrace for a moment before Morn bent to place a tender kiss on Lance's forehead. Just then, who would come down the corridor but Julian? "Morn, I know you said to wait, but ... what's this?" Julian stood looking at Morn and Lance, stricken. His big, brown eyes grew misty, then teary. He started to sob right there in the docking ring. Garak strode to his side. "There, there, darling. Lurians are never faithful, you know. Come with me; I'll make it alllll better." Julian crumbled into Garak's chest, sobbing as Garak led him away. Odo sensed it was time to go. "I'll, uh, see you later, Commander. I have ... an appointment." With that, he followed the couple. His reward was now in sight. *** Reaching Julian's quarters, Garak bundled the distraught doctor inside and let the door shut behind them. "You were too good for him anyway, my sweet. Let me treat you the way a rare gem should be treated." Garak produced a vacu-beam to dry Julian's tears. "Oh, Garak, you're so understanding!" Julian tried a tentative smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you." "You'll never have to do without me, dear." Garak fondled Julian's tank top and began to pull it up. Julian cooperated like a little boy letting his mommy undress him as Garak pulled the shirt over his head. Garak then began a trail of kisses starting on Julian's forehead, proceeding to his nose, lips, throat (where Julian let go a tiny moan), chest, and belly. Both of them then worked together, at increased speed, to unseal Julian's shiny black trousers, to push them and his black thong underwear off and leave him naked from the ankles up. Tenderly, Garak took Julian's delicate, partially-firm penis in his rough hands and massaged it to attention with surprising gentleness. Julian's breathing grew ragged, and he sagged against Garak's strong back. Garak abruptly stood, picking Julian up over his shoulder and proceeding through the open doorway to the bedroom. "Oh, Garak, you're so fun!" Julian giggled. Wordlessly, Garak laid Julian on the unmade bunk and pulled off his boots and uniform, tossing them aside. Julian gazed in adoration. "Now you, Garak. Slowly. I want to watch." "No." Garak pulled his own clothing off forthwith and lay beside Julian, very close beside Julian on the narrow bunk. "I couldn't wait to get my hands on you again, Julian, dear." And indeed, his hands were already back on Julian, caressing the tender human skin of arms and chest and thighs. A low growl escaped him then as his own phallus began to protrude from its hiding place. Shyly, Julian began to touch Garak, trailing fingers over the scaly ridges of his face, his shoulders, his chest. Julian tasted Garak's chest ridges with his wet tongue, exploring, as his hands moved ever lower toward Garak's large organ. "Oh! It's so big, and armored! Not like Mo ... mmph" Garak planted a firm kiss on Julian's mouth, firm enough to forestall any talk. When he finally broke the kiss, all Julian could do was moan in pleasure, for Garak had moved again to gingerly caress Julian's small, pink, human penis. "Julian, my Earth flower. So delicate ... ohhh," Garak moaned as Julian finally moved to touch his phallus. "Harder, Julian. Faster." Julian complied as Garak continued his own caresses. Eventually, both men started to sweat -- a good, hot sweat that began to wet the sheet below them. Twin droplets of white liquid fell to the sheet also, soaking in and mingling with their sweat. Garak rubbed Julian slowly, gently, while Julian worked harder and faster at Garak, digging his fingers between the scaly protective plates, making them bristle. "Oh, Julian ... " "Garak!" And then the sheet was dampened again with the results of their urgent activity as they convulsed together in ecstasy. They fell into each others arms and lay panting, exhausted, until sleep took them. They never did notice that there was an extra sheet under them, a very happy extra sheet. They didn't notice when it slipped out of the bed and away, back to its office and its bucket. END