Title: Changes Author: Kim Riley a.k.a. MYSTIC / MysticMcknight Pairing: AU G/B Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, the belong to Paramount and the Star Trek world, All I'm doing is taking them 'out of the closet' and letting them find the true happiness that canon would not allow Credit: This story is a Sequel to All You Can Be, which was inspired by the reading of Distant Depths and Subtlways by Mary Knasinski (mkk2@csd.uwm.edu). They can be found at Sidcity. Also, I credit Mrs. Diane Bloomfield for her inspirational work, which I just had to 'borrow' the word 'Jahkim' her Cardassian word for (beloved). http://members.tripod.com/~Slashgirl/index.html Rated: PG-13, but does contain M/M love between our boy's G/B (The AU ones) Feedback: Please, I need the encouragement and the input. Email: mysticmcknight@hotmail.com Summery: Events of what happens to Captain Justin Julian Bashir when he returns to his world, now enhanced by his brother and trained in the Obsidian Order basics. "Changes" //Four Months of hell, just because that little fool had to go and get himself killed.// A glass smashed against the wall of the tiny quarters of Elim Garak, ranking officer in the Obsidian Order. He sighed. //It's not that I have not been able to get most of the information required, but he did make my job so much easier. It also would have been better to have the amplifier, oh Gull, I can't believe I'm actually missing that pathetic human. Sure he aided in some ways, and did a fair job of keeping my bed warm-- ah, there it is. He was a good lover, once he was trained how to be, and he was delicious to the taste as well to behold. Oh well, just as well, it saves me the trouble of feeling put out, after dispatching him once I'm gone from here? then again had he lived? oh! This is foolish. I should be thinking on how to deal with O'Brien, the human tyrant, who has kept me so far out of things, I have to work overtime to keep up. Well, I'll just wait to see what the Order wants for I'm more than ready to deal this station its final blow.// Garak's attention was brought to awareness of a crackle in his communicator on his wall. He walked over and hit the button. "Yes." He said flatly. "Ya said you'd help with the rewiring of the damn computers, so why the hell are you lounging around in ya quarters?" O'Brien gripped. "Get your Cardi ass up here now!" "Yes sir, I'm on my way." //Perhaps I won't wait for the Order to respond and kill you myself just because!// Garak took a few meditative breaths and left his quarters. *********** Up on the bridge, everything was a mess with all the repairs. It didn't help that the station had survived a few skirmishes, or that they haven't had any new supplies in months, due to their last shipment being lost. There were rumors going around that Bashir took them and split back to earth or something. Others say he was either captured or dead; they didn't care either way, but wished the supplies had reached them first. Tension was thick and nerves were raw. Jadzia stood up from under her panel and let shouts of relief escape her throat. "I swear; if there is a being watching over us, I'm begging you, send us a miracle now!" As if on demand a bright swirl of light and color opened in space not far from the station and as quickly as it came it left. "What the bloody hell was that?" O'Brien demanded. Jadzia moved to the working console and pushed some of the buttons and read the readouts carefully before replying, "I don't know." Then something caught her eye. "Sir, I'm picking up a shuttle coming from that same location?" her eyes widened in disbelief "Sir! It's the Aurora!" "Bloody hell! You telling me that son-of-a-Bitch has the nerve to come back here after four months!" Jadzia didn't like Captain Bashir either, but she did know that no one knew what happened and it was unfair to judge the man till the facts were known. "We don't know what happened to him?" "Sir, Captain Bashir is hailing us," said a young woman sitting in front of another panel. "Put it through." Growled O'Brien. "Bashir ya Bastered! Where the hell have you been?" His voice was not irritated or weak like it always seemed to be in the past. Now it sounded clear and strong, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but that's ok, I brought proof. I also have fresh supplies and medicines." "How the--" "Sir, I'll explain and give you the proof later, but I would like to land." O'Brien looked at Jadzia for confirmation of any problems. "It appears okay as far as I can tell. These sensors are crap!" "Alright Bashir, you land your sorry ass and I'll be down to see if there is any reason why I shouldn't throw you out the nearest airlock, O'Brien out." Not long after the hail came in, word was out that Bashir had returned and many headed down to the shuttle bay, unsure of how they would react to the not so well like Captain. O'Brien brought some armed men just in case, and didn't care whether or not Garak followed. The only thing that curbed his temper was seeing the Aurora in brand new condition. Something was defiantly up here and he was going to find out. When the shuttle hatch opened he could see that it was packed to the roof with supplies, and that its pilot had to squeeze out. Then when Miles O'Brien caught sight of Captain Bashir, he knew something was wrong. Justin Julian Bashir stepped from the shuttle with two carry bags on his right shoulder and one case on his left hand. He stood to face the unwelcome party and saw more than he ever wanted to. But now he was ready to deal with it, and he had his own plans that would more than make up for this cold reception. He watched as O'Brien marched himself over in tempered fashion. //Ah, ah. You will find things very different.// "You stupid son-of-a-Bitch, what the hell happen to ya?" He shouted gesturing to the new black jump suit that Bashir was wearing and the neatly trimmed goatee. "Julian, of all the?" Calmly, but firmly he interrupted O'Brien. "Justin!" "What?" "I said Justin. For intent and purpose I've gone with my middle name and it's Justin. Second, I will no longer tolerate you insulting me because you are in need of sounding board. If you want respect, then show it. Third, I have a message from Captain Sisko, yes Sisko. It explains everything you need to know and it also provides a list of extra supplies and parts that 'we' may find new to our understanding." Still remaining calm he hands the data chip over to a stunned O'Brien along with a data pad to read the message. He took a deep breath to keep his emotions under control. "Now, I'm quite sure that you gave my quarters away, yes?" "Ah, um, yes, we thought you were dead, but there are a few on the lower decks?" "Don't concern your self over it; I would have done the same thing in your position. So, if you don't mind, I would like to go get settled in then I'll report back and help with the supplies and the installation of the new equipment, Sir." With a nod of his head, Justin took his bags and moved by the stunned crowd, making sure to lock eyes with Garak and smile a sly smile. //That will bring you to my door.// ************ A room was a room, as far as Justin was concern. The lower levels were in shambles and he managed to find the only room that would take the least to be livable. It was only a minute later that he turned to face who was about to come in when the doors open. Justin stood erect and his hands behind his back, like his trainer had taught him, and bowed his head to the Cardassian. This was a sign of respect and submission to his authority, and Justin waited for whatever was to occur. He then noticed the dark boots of Garak only inches away, but remained still, for he was not ordered to do anything different. "Look at me." He hissed, and Justin did so without hesitation. Garak couldn't help but notice that this was not the same child like fool that left here four months ago. He was different, completely different, and how did he know how too greet him in Order Fashion. "Do I need to beat it out of you or will you tell me voluntarily?" The question was asked as his hand flew and smacked across the human's face. He then saw and almost disbelieved it. The human took it without a sound and came back to attention, waiting? waiting for? //Like Order fashion?// "Report!" It was only then did Justin relax his stance and moved to the case he had been carrying. "It seems that a window to the other universe was true. While there I took advantage of the situation and gathered what I could. I hope this will please you, since the amplifier was destroyed along with the original shuttle." Justin opened the case and pulled some cloths out and lifted the device up for Garak's inspection. "It can do the job you require ten times more efficient and does not have to go through the stations com array. It is also has ten times the range and ten times more difficult to detect, maybe even more since this technology does not exist here. Garak couldn't help being impressed, but there was more he needed to know. "Continue." Justin went on to explain almost everything, except he omitted his brother and their activities and the result of his enhancement. He did mention the other Garak and how he had been privileged to be given some training, so he could return and not be a liability anymore. Justin chose his words to sound humble, not letting on that more than his emotional state was changed, but he knew that Garak would know. "Did he bed you?' "No." Again Garak's hand flew and struck the young man before him. "I'll ask again. Did he bed you?" Justin bowed his head and stood at attention a moment before looking up to respond. "He already had someone to share his bed with and I did not compare. He did however give me some knowledge that he though would please you." "I will be the judge of that!" "Of course," Justin said softly, looking down again. Garak thought about all that was said. //My little human trained in the basics of the Order.// He chuckled to himself. //This may prove not only useful but amusing as well. I did miss him, though I'll never let him know that or anyone else for that matter.// "You will." Just then a communication beep interrupted, "Bashir!" Shouted O'Brien Justin nodded to Garak then moved to the com link in his new quarters. "I'm on my way, Chief--err, Sir." He turned to face Garak again when the link disconnected. "Will there be anything else, Sir," he asked in a proper tone of a lower addressing a superior, and waited for the reply without moving. "For the moment it would be best to let you integrate yourself once again with the rebels." Garak couldn't suppress the smile he felt seeing this human agree without question. "Later, however? you will contact me and we 'will' continue with your report. Do you understand?" He snapped. He saw Justin give the proper bow, indicating he 'did' understand. "Dismissed." Without a word Justin turned and exited the room. Garak, on the other hand, decided that now would be a good time to see what his little human brought back with him, perhaps a message from his other self, //Interesting, I wonder how well I fair on the other side?Hmm.// ***************** Justin reached the shuttle bay to see all the cargo had been unloaded from his ship, and that which could either not be opened or made sense of was still there, along with a very annoyed Incharge. As soon as he arrived and faced O'Brien he stood erect, "Sorry, Sir. It took longer than I thought to find quarters with life support still intact." A partial lie, but it served its purpose. "I'm sure you're wondering about these locked containers," he continued and moved over to one the size of a 20th century refrigerator. "I presume you read the message, Sir?" Miles O'Brien couldn't help but look stunned at Bashir. This was NOT the man that left here four months ago. No whining, bitching, complaining? No, now he was... competent, mature, and... and... pleasant. //I don't like it. Though I couldn't stand the man's guts, at least I understood him; this? is ? just too weird. I wonder just what Sisko did that I never tried, perhaps sometime I'll ask him.// "Sir?" "Ah, right the message. Yes, yes I did. But it didn't say anything about those crates and the other boxes," he pointed around the shuttle bay. "That's because, Captain Sisko didn't want too much to fall into enemy hands should things go wrong in my arrival back. The other boxes are upgrades for the station which I'll over see too, if that is ok with you?" "Didn't think you had the brains for?" Justin's glare stopped his incharge in mid-sentence, giving him a reminder of his earlier declaration of how he would no longer tolerate being insulted and berated like the stations verbal punching bag. O'Brien saw the look and to some degree he knew Bashir was right. It was unfair of him to verbally abuse him all the time, especially when he was making such an effort to get his act together. "Sorry,' he mumbled. "I meant to say, I didn't know you knew any engineering out side of a ship." "Before I left I didn't, but since I had four months Captain Sisko had me trained in how to install the equipment. Turns out I actually have a bit of a talent for it," he grinned, but trying not to look arrogant, just content. O'Brien bit his lip to hold back his sharp tongue; it was then that he realized just how much he was use to downgrading this man. "Well, I suppose since you 'are' the only one who has a clue to this mess, I don't see why you shouldn't take charge of it." //I'll give him a chance, but one screw up and?. Ah, hell!// "What about the rest?" "The large crates have a special lock on them that only I can disarm. This way if it fell into enemy hands, the contents and the enemy would be blown to bits." He noticed the snort of dissatisfaction of the idea that Justin was the only one keeping these crates from exploding. "It was Captain Sisko's idea," he said to relax O'Brien's mind. As he was talking, he moved over to the lock on the huge create and placed in a code and then leaned down for a retina scan. After the small red light scanned his eye a computer voice asked for voice verification. "Captain Justin Julian Bashir" he said in a strong voice, more so for O'Brien and everyone else in the Shuttle bay than for the computer chip. A 'hissing' came from the box as the lid snapped a release. Justin opened the box wide so all could see what 'goodies' he brought. O'Brien walked over and let his jaw drop. "What? what type of weapons are these?" he stammered, looking at the sleek new design and the sheer numbers stuffed in this one crate alone. "These are pulse riffles. The other containers have power backs, and I have the equipment necessary for re-energizing the packs. Also, there are some phaser cannons, as well." Then he walked over to the biggest create of them all, taking a good chunk of space in the tiny ship, and laid a hand on it. "In here, disassembled for transport, is all we need to up date the weapons and the shields of the station. Sisko crammed everything he could into my ship, while not bringing too much attention to 'his' superiors. It seems this is against their protocol," Justin grinned. O'Brien snorted. He was thrilled with the miracle, but not so thrilled with who he knew was going to be overseeing the installations. "I suppose Sisko trained you how to install this stuff as well?" Seeing the sarcasm he dropped the smile and simply answered, "Yes." "I assure you Sir, Captain Sisko kept me quite busy, and 'I' won't let you down." He gave all the sincerity he had into his eyes, for he had no intentions of letting this station fall. He had plans, plans of his own, which may or may not fit in with O'Brien or Garak. //"To truly keep his interest is to truly keep him guessing, what 'your' real motives are."// the words of his friend and mentor rang through his head. Julian's Garak told him that he would need more than blind loyalty, much less love to keep the interest of the Obsidian Order version of himself. He would need to have his own schemes and plots, but at the same time still benefit his love and the State. Justin took that advice and came up with a wonderful idea, so good, he didn't see why he couldn't have his cake and eat it too; but part of that plan was to work on getting this Mile O'Brien to trust him, if not to some degree even like him. "Well?" O'Brien started to say then paused. "Alright. Get who ya can to help ya get this stuff out of the shuttle bay and in working order." He turned and started to walk out, then stopped and turned. "How long do you think?" Anticipating the question he answered before O'Brien finished asking. "By hook or by crook, I'll have the stations weapon's and shields up by the end of the week," he smiled rocking on his heels, hands behind his back. "Hook or by?" "Um, it means I'll have it done no matter what," Justin said after clearing the grin from his face a bit. O'Brien was uncomfortable with him and just nodded his irritation. "I'm holding you to that!" he exclaimed and turned and quickly made his way out of the shuttle bay. Justin moved over to some of the crew still hanging around and gave some instructions on which equipment should be moved to what cargo bay or deck level. They grudgingly followed instructions for he did out rank them and they did have a bit of respect for his ability as a pilot, not that it meant that much, they just didn't want to deal with O'Brien. For the moment this attitude didn't disturb him, in fact he was glad of it. This kept the others from paying too close attention to what he was up to as he walked back into the shuttle. He moved to the back of the pilot seat and reached underneath and retrieved a thin tool, like a crowbar. He then proceeded to lift up some floor panels near by, to reveal hidden bounty. He removed three briefcase size boxes and a rectangular box covered in wrapping and a bow then replaced the floor panels. He peeked outside of the tiny ship to see the way was clear and took his retrieved belongings and moved to an airshaft. The panel in front was loose from previous displacement and with a bit of effort he and his packages were inside and the cover back on. ********************** The tiny lamp used to light the hidden chamber aboard this station fell over as a foot kicked it by accident. Captain Bashir was working on installing equipment on a side panel very much like he did on DS9. Once he was satisfied that all was, as it should be, he placed the receiver, transmitter in and turned it on. //Here we go,// he thought to himself. With a switch of a button the device indicated it was ready to record. "My dear sweet brother, how I do pray this will find you and find you well. I've only been here hours and miss you terribly. We never did get a chance talk before my departure in any length and I do have some things you should know. Ah, where to begin. I could see that you and your Elim had a chemistry that needed to be... explored between the two of you, that's why the little set up." laughter fills the chamber. "I'm sure by the smiles and the words of affection that I was all too correct on my assumptions and am more than happy to give you something back for all that you gave me. Now, I know your first response is going to be? no, no I don't need to give you anything for I've given you enough, blah blah blah. I know it all to well. But I do and did feel I should give you the opportunity to know the dreams in your heart as you have helped me to find a way to know mine." Clears throat. "I need to confess something, so don't be too mad. But that night when I didn't come back? I did more than meditate... you might say I put something's into... practice." Clears throat again. "Um... I went to the ship and, and restocked its contents. I... I took all the replimat parts that Sisko had authorized and all the non-essential food and extra parts and, well, I boxed them up and labeled them to be shipped to the war orphans on Bajor. At this point I know you're wondering why I did that and most of all what I replaced them with?" Hesitation for few moments, "I plundered the weapons supply, but only those in excess and I made a few deals with Quark. The details I'll supply you with incase you ever need to hold it over his head." Mix laughter and nervousness. "I also took enough specs and information to update the weapons of the station and the shields. I know that with the Defiant and the cloaking technology we hold fair, but the station is one of the main points of the rebellion and if it goes?." A deep sigh. "You have every right to be upset, but I know you will understand. I know what you may be thinking... if I'm only going to be working for the Cardassians why bother? Well, I've decided that's not quite what I'm going to be doing. I am going to be working for Garak, and he will be working for Cardassia, but I'm also going to work for myself. I've got an idea that I developed from my time on your side. It's important to get Smiley to trust me, which is tough considering the first thing I've told him was a lie. I told him that Sisko sanctioned the weapons and equipment, but he believed me because... Because he wanted to." Another deep sigh. "I'm not as sure about things now as I was before, but..." A beep over the intercom. "Bashir, get your ass up to the bridge, we've got a problem." The com switched off. "Got to go bro. good thing I installed the signal devirter here too. Be well, and?" Pause, "Don't stop believing in me, I love you." He turned off the recorder then put the data chip in to the transmitter and sent his message. Then with another push of a switch later, the lights were off and he exited the secret room. ************** The hour was late when Bashir entered his new room. He knew instantly, even in the dark that he was not alone. "Computer, quarter lights." The lights rose slightly to reveal Garak siting on the edge of his bed, an expression of inpatient on his face. He slowly lifted himself from the bed and walked toward Justin, each step a threat in itself. "I have been waiting for over an hour." His voice was like ice and his tone cold. Justin reacted the safest way he knew how; he stood at attention, shoulders square, eyes down, and hands behind his back and waited. "Well?" It was not a question but a demand. He raised his head and eyes to look at Garak; "There's no excuse. I was not free to return till I had overseen the new equipment to their specific locations then oversee their installation schedule. I was also required to install some of the new components on the bridge. O'Brien only just dismissed me at Jadzia's suggestion that I'd need the rest or I'll..." He hesitated. "Screw it up? Hmmm." Garak stepped inches away from Bashir's face. "Finish your report, and 'if' it is to 'my' satisfaction I may withhold punishment. Start with, the new equipment that you are talking about." "Sisko from the other side sent some equipment and parts to upgrade and replace worn parts on the station. Since he was uncertain about the--" he thought, //he doesn't need to know how much I know, besides, he'd find it to suspicious.// then continued. "The... fit, he had me shown on how to install them. This will give an increase to the efficiency of the stations functions." //Not a total lie, but half-truths go the farthest.// "Is there 'anything' else?" "No, Sir." Garak paced awhile. Then looked at Bashir from across the room a decision made. "I found the message from my other self. If it had been from anyone but 'me' I'd be sick from the glowing report he gave of you. He say's you have a great deal of potential. I, however, am not so easily convinced, but I am willing to give you the opportunity to prove yourself, if... if you want it?" He raised an eyeridge toward Bashir to see his expression. Garak wondered just how much or how far his little human would be willing to prove himself or if this was some trick, but now would be the test. He watched Bashir's eyes widen and look at him, wanting to respond to the question with enthusiasm. Garak nodded his permission to speak. "If the opportunity is offered, 'I' very much want to prove myself to you..." he paused then quickly added, "and the Order." //I want you to know Garak that it's you I do this for, more than anything else.// Garak stepped back toward Justin and locked eyes with him and gave a hard start, knowing what was to occur as it did and Justin lowered his eyes. "You said my counterpart gave you some... knowledge that would... benefit me?" Bashir nodded the affirmative. "Show me." He ordered in a soft firm voice. Justin took a moment then lifted his hands to Garak's shoulders and caressed his lower neck ridges as he moved his hands down the tunic, undoing the buttons as he went. When the shirt was undone, he moved behind Garak and slipped the shirt off and started to massage Garak's back He gently maneuvered his hands over the muscular back of the man he so desperately desired. He wanted to kiss him, touch him in a passionate manor, but that was not what was being asked of him. The words of his mentor ran through his head once again. //"The best domineer comes from first being the best submissive. Learn to crawl before you control the crawl before you control who does the crawling.// He would follow this advice to the letter... for so long as it seemed to work. When he felt the tension ease from Garak's back Bashir moved to the front and lowered himself to his knees. He undid the facets holding the pants together and placed small kisses where skin was now being shown. He could see that Garak was aroused and continued his pace of kisses and caresses. He put pressure where he now knew would bring pleasure to his love and was rewarded with a mild response of a moan from Garak. When his mouth reached its destination he opened his mouth and took it in fully. Justin almost lost himself in the pleasure of tasting the man he desired that he was slightly startled by Garak's push that sent him back on his but. He looked up to see the flames of desire burning hot in Garak's eyes and knew what he wanted. He stood and moved to the bed while undressing. First the boots then the pants, not believing he would have time to undress the other way, he was correct. As soon as his pants were down he was pushed on to his knees on top of the bed. He knew what was in stored for him and braced himself to be entered roughly. He so much wanted to enjoy this, the feeling of Garak filling him, inside him?//To enjoy is a privilege, to enjoy is a privilege// he chanted in his head, while Garak rode him long and hard till he was spent. Garak watched as Bashir eased himself to the bed quietly and noticed that there was no attempt to ease that painfully hard erection between his legs. Garak also noticed that this time things went as it should go for a superior and a subordinate, no attempts to kiss, passionate pleas, wild chaotic spontaneous behavior that had always occurred before. Then it occurred to Garak that he was torn between being pleased at how well Bashir was trained to irritation that what he was expecting did not occur. He brought his hand down hard on Justin's soft round behind and watched Bashir jump to a sitting position with a confused look in his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" he panted, still aroused himself, but trying to bring it under control. Garak grabbed him and pushed him hard against the head wall over the bed and growled. "You will do as 'I' tell you to do, is this not correct?" All Bashir could do was nod yes, concern and some fear filling his own eyes. Garak seemed like he was about to explode. "Then hear me, for 'I' will 'only' say this once." He breathed, "I want you to be?" He couldn't believe he was saying this, but it was what he wanted, damn it. "You are to be yourself not a drone when I give you the privilege of my company, do 'you' understand this?" Justin couldn't help a small smile, but suppressed it enough and shook his head yes. He then felt Garak release his hold and he slid down the wall to the bed. //At least I don't need to control my erection anymore// for it had gone soft from fear. He saw Garak shift on the bed his back toward Justin. "I'm sorry, I thought that 'was' what was expected from me," Justin said softly, his throat sore from the grab. "Hmm." Was all Garak said. Justin Julian Bashir moved up slowly behind Garak and placed his hands gently on Garak's shoulders and a small kiss at the nap of his neck. "Would you let me have another chance to prove myself to you?I promise to get it right this time," he asked seductively through small kisses on Garak's back, the way he use to do before he left. He kissed all the way down and up again before being suddenly grabbed by Garak and pushed on his back on the bed and Garak's mouth driving home his desire in a kiss. Through kisses, "Prove to me that you're worth a second chance, Captain." Justin wrapped his arms around Garak and kissed back with all the passion he had, still careful not to reveal too much of his new condition, but he still made it good for Garak's sake. ******************* "What the hell is the matter with you, you rotten son-of-a-bitch. Your not back one day and already you're..." The intercom squealed as the flow of obscenities came flying through. Justin startled awake looked first at Garak in his bed then to the intercom and took a deep breath to wake himself enough to deal with this development. "Computer half-lights" then Bashir climbed out of the bed to the intercom and pushed to button, but not before giving Garak an 'I can handle this look'. Then his face twisted into anger and faced the squealing intercom. "That is just about enough, Captain!" The intercom stopped squealing. "For your information I am 'not' pounding on Garak. I was--" he stopped and noticed the time on the computer readout. "I invited him to an early breakfast to apologize for my inexcusable behavior toward him prior to my departure." During his round with O'Brien Garak climbed out of bed to come up from behind Bashir and start nibbling on his neck, teasing him to see if he could continue with his focus while his body was being pleasantly assaulted. Over the intercom came O'Brien's voice. "You bloody well expect me to believe that?" "Yes! I am 'not' the same man I was before; I did manage to learn a few things over there! But if you can't then ask him yourself." It took a lot of focus not to moan as Garak's hands were caressing his chest and nuzzling his neck. "This is true, Captain. Captain Bashir has been most gracious in his apology of his uncivilized behavior of the past. Otherwise I would not still be here, knowing how you told me to inform you of his discrepancies of the past." Garak went immediately back to what he was doing. Only mumbling came over the intercom followed by O'Brien informing Bashir that he better not be late, for he had a whole 'shit load' to do before things would be up to speed. Then the intercom went dead and Bashir moaned in pleasure. "Oh, Elim that feels good." It was only seconds after saying it that he realized his mistake. Suddenly he was peeling himself from the wall that had been behind him a moment ago, and wiping the blood from his mouth from the impact. He could see the glare Garak was giving him and stood slowly his head down, but still aware. "I'm? I'm sorry." He stammered softly. Garak took a moment to control himself and think. After a few moments he walked up and lifted Justin's chin to look at his face. "For reasons I will 'not' explain, I will give you the opportunity now to ask for two privileges, make them good, but remember just because you ask for them doesn't mean you'll get it." Justin thought about it then looked into Garak's eyes and spoke soft but decisive. "If and when punishment is called for, could it be possible that it not be so obvious?" he asked as he wiped more blood from his swollen lip. The second thing he asked for he was not as decisive about in its wording. "I... I would like..." he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I would like to be able to express myself to 'you' fully." His eyes shying away from Garak's strong stare and waited. Garak looked at the beautiful golden face that now had a swollen lip from being thrown into a wall. If he wasn't careful he could really damage his little treasure. "You are right. If your punishments are too... physically obvious, the members of this station will only continue to think your a klutz and at the moment that will not do. Your first request since it is reasonable? is granted. The second?" He remained silent for a long while. Letting Justin squirm under the wait, but saw only a little and was pleased that his human did indeed learn self discipline "Such a privilege will have to be earned and when and if it is, I shall only say that you privilege is granted. Do you understand this?" Bashir nodded yes. "Do you 'want' to earn this privilege?" Bashir nodded yes again and smiled. "We shall see." He let go of Bashir's chin and moved back to sit on the bed. "I have a job for you; do you think you are up to it?" Bashir straightened himself and replied, "Yes, what do you require of me?" Garak gave a wicked, almost evil grin. "I require the death of one Smiley O'Brien." It took every once of being not to protest and shout 'no way', but remain silent and then proceeded with caution of his words. "I am 'not' questioning, but may I ask why you want him dead?" The wording was well done and well controlled and Garak smiled. "Let me just say that I have not been able to get a handle on the rebels due to the fact O'Brien is uncooperative to say the least. With him out of the way?" Justin had to move quickly and knew the risk, but he had to take it. "Jadzia would take over and she would be more uncooperative. Sir, if you let me I have--" He never finished for he lost his breath from the punch to his midsection. "How dare you interrupt me!" Storming upward to stand over Bashir. From his bent over position Bashir continued his risk. "Forgive me," he said through gasps of air. "But if you would let me, I have a plan that could get you the control you're looking for without killing anyone." Garak was about to hit him again, but the words were quick and confident. He lowered his hand and relaxed his posture and sat back down on the bed. He waited a moment. "Speak, and 'it' better be good." He did have to make it good without spilling his entire plan to Garak. "Through me," he gasped. "If given some time I know I can get O'Brien to trust me, really trust me and then I'll be able to influence things around here. I'll be able to get you what you want. Beside..." he was finally able to stand and filled his words with confidence and a touch of arrogant assurance. "If O'Brien is killed even in an accident right now, it would spiral the rebels out of control?" "So?" "Do you not see, Sir?" He knew he was pushing it again, but a point needed to be made. "If the rebels are gone then there are no fly's to distract to others from Cardassia and their plans for the quadrant." He could see that Garak didn't expect him to have figured this part out and continued during this hesitation of enlightenment. "The rebels, if together, will only attack their main threat, and though they will from time to time bother with Cardassian bases, if however, the Cardassians say backed off the rebels would focus on the Bajoran and Klingon territories." It took a moment to see what his human was suggesting. //Could it be that simple?// But aloud he only said, "continue." "If the rebels can become a royal throne in the side of Bajor and the Klingon sections, Cardassia will be free to come in the back door. Plus, since the rebels will still hit only 'certain' areas under 'our' control, they will remain innocent in the eyes of the rest of the Alliance." "What you are suggesting is use the rebels as a distraction for the sake of Cardassian rule. Am I correct in this?" He stood up and looked the Captain in the eyes wondering if he really heard correctly. That his human was out about talking full-fledged treason. "Exactly." He said. //Well, as far as you and Cardassia are concerned I am.// He thought. "But I need some time to achieve this-- and I can achieve this for you-- ah, for Cardassia." Garak eyed him suspiciously for a moment. "What do you want out of this?" It was with this question that he saw Bashir's eyes shift down, his body flush, and heard a whisper that he could not make out. "I didn't hear you." "You" he repeated in a breath of air. Garak was taken back by this revelation. He thought he controlled his human well, but to know that he really did completely own him was overwhelming. Calmly he asked, "me?' and saw that Bashir could only nod his reply. He lifted the sweet chin of his golden child and looked into the dark depths and saw it was the truth. Something changed inside him that moment that he could not explain, no matter how much he was tortured or tried himself. Elim Garak realized that he cherished this human more than anything. This being unacceptable to Garak released Justin's chin and moved away. "Your idea has some merit to it. I will give you some time... three months?" He saw Bashir was about to protest and raised a hand to signal silence. "Three months and if you are not able to keep you word of achieving what you have stated, I will not only take out O'Brien myself, but you along with him, do 'I' make myself clear? Good! I will also grant you free access to do whatever is needed to achieve this, but-- I will be watching." Bashir understood all to well what was at stake, and for some reason was being allowed by the power of the fates or the 'prophets' the opportunity to put his plan into action. "I understand, and 'I' won't let you down." **************** A week had pasted since his return and the station was actually running smoothly. Justin Julian Bashir hated all the engineering work, he rather fly or lead than poke, prod, and bleed. But no matter his personal feelings, he had to admit working with Smiley on a new level was? enlightening. He couldn't help but notice some likable traits of Chief O'Brien in the good Captain as well, and a slow beginning of an actual understanding of each other was developing. Justin's first clear sign happened earlier this morning, when the power to the new shields came on and the readings were beyond initial expectations. Everyone cheered and clasped hands, hugged-- it was a hug from O'Brien of all people that made it clear he was making headway with his plan of befriending the man, and others if he could. Now the two were crawled into a tight cramp crawl space working on the wiring of the new weapons for the station. A voice of some woman echoed upward to catch their attention. "Captain?" In stereo, "Yes?" "Um, Captain O'Brien, that shipment of rations your were expecting just came in, I was asked to inform you." "Okay, take them to medical and have them checked; we don't need any more spoiled rations around here than we already have." O'Brien yelled down from his position. Then a second later yelped a barrel of obscenities from a spark from one of the wires he was working on. "Cardi piece of junk!" He yelped again but this time his head hit Bashir's and now both men yelped, then laughed from the tension of their work. Justin took a deep breath to settle his laughter, "Smiley, you all right?" "I'll be fine Justin." He then rubbed his own head and sucked on the minor burnt finger. "You know, I've been meaning to talk to you about something." "What?" O'Brien asked still with one finger in his mouth. "We have a lot of mix ups like that." "Like what?" He shifted his head to sort of look at Bashir, while they still worked on the huge mess of wire before them. "Well, everyone is either a Captain or crew, no? 'Real' sense of rank? if you know what I mean." "Yeah, well, you know how that goes. There's not much that can be done about that." "Are you so sure?" He shifted a bit to look at O'Brien "Now that we are growing, do you not think that perhaps? we should enact a rank system? It would make things much simpler to structure things and start having a sense of order amongst all this chaos." A laugh came from Smiley O'Brien, "sounds good enough, but something like that would take a lot of thinking and would not be as easy to carry out, since all the fractions want their 'say' in all things." "Hmmm, not that much thinking." He reached into the brown Jumpsuit he was wearing and pulled out a data rod and reached above his head to hand it to O'Brien. "It's an outline similar to what the other side had, but with modifications to fit our current structure." He smiled. "It's a given that most of the fractions have agreed to follow you, so? it makes sense that you become our leader and let the fraction leaders be your seconds and so on and so forth. Also, I don't think just because one can fly one should be called Captain, which should be given to those who either bring a ship and crew or earn one. What do you think?" O'Brien took the rod and slipped it into a pocket, no place to read it here, and thought about what was being said. "I don't mean this the wrong way, but... you really have changed since you came back." Justin gave, a sigh and went back to work for a moment than stopped. "I had a chance to see something on the otherside that... rocked my world," he said in a calm cool and serious voice. //I met my brother, my other half of my soul and he showed me all I could become if I tried// he thought. He could feel the moment pass knowing Smiley would be wondering just what it was, but would not ask. "I got to see myself through different eyes." He put down the instrument he was using and arched his head to look at Smiley. "They gave me a chance and overlooked my--" he eyes shifted down, "my arrogant temper or klutzy stupidity. They believed in me and soon I found I could believe in myself." He looked up at Smiley confident in himself. "It also helped me to believe that I could be a benefit to our cause and not continue to feel like a needed burden." It was O'Brien's turn to look away from Bashir. "I'm sorry. You're right, I was putting so much of the blame of things going wrong on you, even knowing it was far from your fault" He look up to Bashir, "You're a damn good pilot and we wouldn't be were we are today without you, and instead of saying so, I-- I just let you become my salt stone to all the wounds here." He paused with thought; "Do you think it's too late to start again?" Bashir laughed, "No, Smiley, I don't think it's never too late to start again." They both laughed, "Tell you what Smiley; you can buy me a drink after were done here and we'll toast our new beginning." "Sounds like a plan. Oh, I'll give your suggestion some thought and run it by Jadzia, if you don't mine?" "Nope, don't mind at all. Let's get this done or we'll have to wait until tomorrow to start our friendship," he said laughing, and both men went back to work. Later that evening, Bashir and O'Brien were walking into the medical bay at the urgency of Jadzia. When they arrived they could see that they were destroying ration cartons. O'Brien's natural smile fell and Bashir was stunned. Jadzia turned to see O'Brien. "Over half of the shipment is worthless, and the other half was vole infested, which means we got screwed!" O'Brien looked livid. "We paid a bloody fortune for that shipment! Now what, we only have enough to hold out another two three months, if were lucky. If I ever get my hands on that Tarillian, I'm going toooooooooo?.AAAAAgg." he screamed with anger and frustration. "We have no choice, we'll have to make a raid and soon," said Jadzia after destroying another useless box of rations. "I still have some connections as do some of the people who came here with me. Let me see what I can dig up," Justin stated. "Aye, you do that; we'll do the same and meet on the bridge in what? an hour?" O'Brien looked for confirmation of his time frame suggestion. "Um, make it two, I would want to try and verify any information I got, okay?" Bashir saw a nod from O'Brien and exited the medical bay. "You trust him?" came Jadzia's inquiry. "Um, yeah." He looked at her understanding where she was coming from. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But let's face it, he has changed, and I never really gave him much of a chance to prove himself up till now, and we have to face that too, he has been proving himself quite well." Jadzia put another box in the trash unit and looked over to O'Brien to see that he did mean every word he said. "Well, his sudden change still gives me the creeps, but?" sigh "your right. When I'm done here I'll see what I can dig up too for this raid, better let everyone know we're still on limited rations." She watched O'Brien nod and walked out of the bay, still livid over the loss of rations, and money. A moment later she heard another familiar voice from behind her. "My dear, why ever are you doing with those ration boxes?" She turned to see Garak with a genuine surprise on his face. "The entire shipment is no good and I'm dumping them before someone gets desperate enough to use one and get deathly ill, care to help?" Garak though about this a moment then started grabbing boxes and shoving them into the trash disposal as well. "May I inquire just whom did you get these worthless packages from?" "Trarillian's." "Ah, figures. My sympathy to your cause," he said in an almost professional manor. "Not just my cause anymore, Garak. Unless you've forgotten your considered one of 'us' now and if we starve, you do too." "Excellent point, my dear, excellent point." //When will this misery ever end?// He thought to himself and continued to help destroy the remaining shipment. **************** A half an-hour later, Garak was resting in his quarters after helping Jadzia dispose of the rotten shipment. When his door chimed. "Come." He turned to see Bashir enter. "What can I do for you?" he asked kindly for the door was still open anyone could be nearby to over hear him. Bashir waited until the door closed and stood at attention. "I have a request." Garak approached him and met his eyes steadily, and waited until he saw Bashir's eyes shift down as was to be the order of things. "Make your request." "Permission to speak freely?" Garak considered this for a few seconds, "Granted, for now." Justin relaxed and faced Garak. "You've probably heard by now that the last food supply shipment was worthless, right?" He could see Garak had from the look in his eyes. "For the rebels to continue to be?as it were, a thorn in the Bajoran, Klingon sides, we... they need to keep functioning, this means they have to make a raid, and I thought..." he let momentum of the idea propel itself toward Garak. Garak wasn't too sure he knew where this request was going, but it didn't sound to promising. "You thought what?" Seeing Garak did not get it, he continued. "If Cardassia would turn a blind eye to a few shipments with minimum loss, the rebels could continue to exist. And since Bajor along with the Klingons are being of most threat, the rebels would continue to strike them first and foremost, leaving Cardassia as I've said before, free to maneuver in from the back door, however if the rebels fell..." Garak got it now, "Then they all would start paying more attention to each other. I see. Did you have any specific location in mind for this 'mock' raid of yours?" "Yes, Eros 3, delta six section. From last reports it contains everything we need and would be a minimal loss to Cardassia, but still look like a good shot in the arm to provide sympathy from Bajor and the Klingons... a good cover as it were. Can you arrange it?" "Possibly, how soon?" "The sooner the better. I can stall a while, how long do you think it'll be before you know if they will go along with this?" "An hour." Garak could see Bashir had thought his plan out well and it made perfect sense, but as with all things, this idea like any other good idea would become his as far as the Order was concerned. "Where will you be?" "In an hour and a half from now, on the bridge making plans. Until then, I'll be going over as many details I can to keep this as simple a raid as possible, and other possible options should the Order see my idea as not? possible." //He wanted to say as clear as they should, but held his tongue.// Garak walked up to him and kissed him hard then released him. "You have been doing very well, and I just wanted to let you know that, dismissed." After Bashir walked out he locked the door then went to the hidden panel and pulled out the case Justin brought back from the otherside. ***************** In his secret room Bashir was sitting down on a make shift bed he made for himself and was going over some figures on a PADD. Next to him was a much newer version of Kukalaka. He moved over to the transmitter/receiver and hit record. "I know you won't get this for a while for we agreed we only send a message once a month, but I'm inclined to change that arrangement" laughs, "and I know you'll agree. I'm glad you were not too upset about my little stunt, but it is paying off well for both of us. Your orphans get the food source they desperately needed and I've actually made some headway with Smiley." More laughter, "Yep, that's right, me and Smiley actually found some common ground and we've agreed to start things over between us and try being friends. Amazing isn't?" A deep sigh. "What I'm doing is dangerous. I've tried to persuade Garak that Cardassia would benefit from keeping the Rebels around for now, as a distraction so they can make their move on Bajor and the Klingons. Sort of us being just enough of pest to keep them looking the wrong way while Cardassia makes their move. But before you balk, listen, I have no intentions of letting the rebel cause fall, which means I'm playing both sides and eventually I'm going to get burned, I just hope it is not the rebels I take with me, but it is a necessary evil." A sigh of regret. "We're desperate for supplies even after the shipment I brought back? yes I know, If I didn't cut it we wouldn't be so bad off, but yet? If I left things as they were not only would I not be friends with Smiley, the station would be in worse shape than it is now to defend ourselves from attack. Some regret but only some." He pauses. "I've attempted to convince Garak to set up with Cardassia a 'mock' raid, so the rebels get their supplies, Cardassia look's the victim in the eyes of the others and well, I'm sure you get my point. I don't want anyone hurt or killed, and I still have some fear that Garak has seen right through me and I'll be setting everyone up?but it's my idea, my game, my responsibility." Another pause. "I find strangely enough that I've become a touch spiritual, I've prayed to the prophets at lest ten times this week alone." Chuckling. "Funny, to another Terran or Bajoran, I've committed either treason or sacrilege, but I really think someone out there is listening to me... strange, no? But it does make me feel better. Perhaps it's knowing that what is perceived as bad here is a good thing there, and just maybe, maybe the prophets are good, just being misused. I know, I know, it sounds weird coming from me, but? I don't think our meeting was an accident and" his voice trails off to stifle a sob. "I miss you so much and it is the only thing that brings me any real comfort. Garak still moves my soul, but it no longer fills the gap in which you have filled. Thinking that someone capable of bring us together is watching over me helps keep me strong, as does your voice. Oh, I almost forgot, another reason I'm pushing for all this? if I fail in bring myself in line with Smiley and obtain some control over the rebels, Garak will have O'Brien killed, possibly along with me. Actually he ordered me to kill him already, but I persuaded him that this idea served him and Cardassia better; he gave me three months to pull it off. I made a promise to you my sweet, precious, brother; I shall do everything in my power to keep it. Wish me luck, and if it's not too presumptuous of me have the Major light a candle in the temple for me and you, I prefer on your side, they seem to listen better there." Laugher. "All my love Julian. I'll keep you posted." ************** "If we take the Defiant, the station will be too vulnerable, it's not worth the risk," Captain Bashir said to the room of leaders now gathered on the bridge to discuss the raid. "The raiders along with the two shuttles will be enough to get in fast and carry all we need." He could see some of the other leaders agreeing and others not, he knew now more than ever order was needed. "Smiley, certainly you can see what I mean?" O'Brien looked over his options. A raid on Eros 3 delta six would not be easy but would get them all they needed in one fair swoop, if all went well. The Defiant was their best ship and he could see that Bashir didn't want to let it be too far out of range if it was needed to protect the stations, yes he could see the point. "Indeed I do. We'll take the Aurora and the Istenek." "Right, I'll get the Aurora ready." Bashir said with enthusiasm. "Hold on a minute." O'Brien said to Justin. "I'll be taking the Aurora; I'll need you in your raider overseeing the raid. This is your baby, Captain; I'm leaving it in you hands." Justin was shocked, stunned, overwhelmed, outraged as well as thrilled all at the same time. Smiley O'Brien was not only trusting him but putting him in charge of the raid, but was annoyed that he would not be handling his new baby, the Aurora, but yet, if he trusted anyone to over see it, it would be O'Brien. This was do or die time and things were serious, he felt all eyes on him as the moment lasted forever from what O'Brien said to what his response would be. He fully turned around with confidence to face O'Brien, "Yes, Sir!" and moved back to the table to coordinate all those who would be going. After everyone was on his or her way to their ships, he stopped O'Brien and pulled him to the side. "What is it?" "Captain, don't you think it would be wiser for you to stay here, it's going to be dangerous and we can't afford to lose you, sir." O'Brien saw the sincerity in Bashir's eyes of his concern and was touched. With his usual charm he smiled up to Captain Bashir, "Well then ya damn well make sure nothing happens to me," and with a pat on the shoulder was off to the Aurora. Captain Justin Julian Bashir was on his way to his raider when he spotted Garak and made a side trip so they could meet. "What's up?" he asked the Cardassian. They still could be seen if not heard so formalities were kept at bay. Garak looked around some more before proceeding. "I've been informed that only 'one' of your shuttles is permitted to escape and one to be captured. They want the Aurora since it's been rebuild from the other side; they believe it may contain new technology." Since they were in a corridor he could risk more than if alone when facing Garak, "Smiley is piloting that one, and we can't afford to lose him, you know that. Plus, I told you, the other side was very specific in not using new technology in the rebuilding of the Aurora!" Garak had to restrain from hitting him right then and there, as someone passed not to far way down the hall. His voice was cold and hard. "You have been given orders and you will obey them or you will face me!" "These orders do not serve!" "Serve who, you are Cardassia?" The pressure of the moment being faced with a disastrous decision, his words were out before he could curtail them to his need. "Both!" Garak straightened his posture at the revelation that his little human was playing a dangerous game indeed and was torn between anger at being played and pride at being played. His voice changed to that of the charming interrogator, "Just what are you playing at, my dear Captain?" Bashir new he couldn't lie, he allowed himself to be too open with his emotions and Garak was important to him, but for the first time he realized just how important. He needed to choose his words carefully, "Garak, O'Brien is vital to the rebel cause, we both know that, and as much as I know what I'm doing benefit's Cardassia, I swore my allegiance to 'you' not them. I plan to help you in every way raise yourself in the eyes of the Order, and I know fully what that entails. My plan has a great deal of merit, hell, it's brilliant and you know it!" He could see Garak's eyes shift from anger to amusement to outrage, to steel and unreadable. "If you mean what you say about your allegiance being mine, than follow your orders." "You don't understand, that will unravel everything," he responded in a pleading voice. "Let me put it this way. If the Aurora makes it back here and not in the hands of Cardassia, you will face me, if not charges of treason by your own people should you decide to 'confess', Do you understand what I'm saying to you?' Bashir realized he lost, he was too arrogant in his plan and now he lost, and he had to make a choice. "I understand perfectly,'' his crisp voice replied. He took two steps away from Garak then turned and faced him again, "I know this won't mean anything to you, but I'll always love you, no matter what." He turned again so not to see Garak's face and made his way to his raider, it was clear his choice was already made; he had to make one unscheduled stop before it was too late. ****************** Things were going smoothly, too smoothly for his taste. Captain Bashir triple checked everything and everyone as they approached Eros 3 Delta six. To make certain no back door surprises were coming he made some last minute changes, sending scouts to the far end of the small planet and some tail end to scout. Only he knew that they were being expected, but the reception could have changed since his unexpected meeting with Garak just before leaving. The scouts reported all clear and as nervous as he was; he gave the go ahead, hoping beyond hope that they wouldn't have had enough time to reinforce the compound after going to so much trouble to make it penetrable. "This is Black leader, the mission is a go, repeat a go!" he ordered out loud, //and may the Prophets or whom ever is on our side watch your back as well.// he prayed. He watched the three squadrons separate to move into position to make their run on the base. "BlackStar one to Black leader, we've been picked up on sensors, moving into attack formation? now." "Black leader to BlackStar one, have the estimated figures for response changed any?" "Negative, Sir." "Black leader to BlackWing one, keep your eyes open for undetected ground troops, I've got a bad feeling about this." "Got my eyes peeled," she said over the intercom. "Now's not the time to be getting bad feelings, Justin," Came Smiley's voice with just enough warmth to break the tension building in Bashir's stomach. "Aye, aye, Sir. But afraid it's to late, the feeling is there, so keep you eye's open and ready to get the hell out of here if need be." He could see the base through the now breaking clouds of the tiny planet. He was about to comment further when-- "BlackWing one to Black leader! We've got ground troops heading in from the north, seems we caught them a bit off guard, but if those troops get to the base?." "I read you BlackWing one. BlackStar, take them in and move fast, we have company from the north." "Yes, Sir. BlackStar one, taking them in, over an out." "Black leader to BlackKnight one, how's our back looking?" "BlackKnight one, to Black leader, so far so good, any additional orders?" "No, just keep our escape route clear and your eyes open, with those many ground troops they have to have something around here that can fly." "You got it! BlackKnight one, out." "Black leader to BlackWing one, it's you and me babe time to rumble!" "Yes, Sir! Whoooooooooweeeee!" The ground troops were kept busy from BlackWing squadron and Black leader, shooting, flying low to kick up a dust storm so the Cardassians were shooting blind. Most of the low flying was done by Black leader, for he threaten anyone who dropped within ground shot range, and survived would have to face him and he wouldn't be as merciful as anyone on the ground was being; however, considering they were not being merciful at all and the seriousness of Captain Bashir's order, they followed suit and played target practice, while the good Captain dove, spun and twisted his raider like hell on wings so there was so much sand, dirt, and rocks flying in the air, the ground troops where practically useless. "BlackKnight to Black leader, we've got a problem up here." //Damn he cursed softly to himself// "This is Black leader, go ahead BlackKnight one." "We've just picked up a Cardassian battle cruiser heading this way. It's about forty minutes away, but heading in our direction fast." "Black leader to BlackStar one, what's your status?" "BlackStar one, we've entered the compound fairly easy, we're in the process of loading now, ETA to completions is? fifteen minutes at best." "Well, we've got heave company coming, you've got fifteen minutes tops then I want you all out of there, is that understood?" "Yes, Sir. " "The Ground troops are staying at bay by BlackWing, Take necessities first; I'm going to scout the other directions to see if we have anymore company, Black leader out." With that, a single raider, flying low to the ground spun fast to the east over the compound. He arrived over the rocky ridges of the mountains that laid to the east of the compound just in time to see some small attack crafts coming out from a hidden hanger. He dropped fast and low, feeling the G-forces pushing against body, it was always worse flying a raider in an atmosphere than in space, but he had done both and now he could do it better. With lighting reflexes he maneuvered his raider over the exiting plane and fired photons and moved off before the craft exploded blocking the entrance so no other crafts could exit. However, a few of the Cardassian crafts did make it into the air and were heading his way. "Black leader to BlackWing, we've got six flying lizards heading inward from the east. I'll keep them busy, but keep you eye's wide!" Her voice squealed with excitement. "Alright, a real challenge! The ground troops are buried, Sir. I'm letting BlackWing two oversee them and heading your way for the assist, and don't tell me no!" //Ah that woman! For a Romulan, she was quite the wild warrior.// "Wouldn't dream of it BlackWing one, welcome to the mix!" From the ground at the compound they couldn't see what was happening to the north due to the building and the artificial dust storm, but they could see the dog fight high above the mountains to the east. Smiley was overseeing the loading of the two shuttles keeping a close eye on the time and the battle. //3 to 1 odds, poor bastards don't stand a chance!// He laughed, for he knew his two best pilots were more than a match for their attackers. He watched as the rebel raiders did incredible feats of aeronautic acrobatics and knocked the Cardassians out of the air one by one. "Thirteen minuets people, time to lock and load and get the hell out of here, now!" Everyone ran with their boxes and shoved them into the shuttles then except for Smiley and Jadzia, who was piloting the second shuttle, ran for their raiders. They were all up in the air by the time the last of the six enemy craft were taken out. "BlackStar one to Black leader, we're on our way now, Sir. Breaking atmosphere in three minutes." "Very good. Black leader to BlackWing two, round your squadron up and join BlackStar, BlackWing one will be with you shortly." "Yes, sir," came the softer female voice of BlackStar two. "BlackKnight one, this is Black leader, were on our way up, how's it looking up there now?" "Sir, they've increased speed. New ETA is fifteen minutes." //Damn, Damn, Damn! The shuttles won't be able to break away far enough for the cruiser not to catch up. // "BlackKnight one, BlackWing one, rendezvous with me at the following coordinates immediately," he stated as he sent the coordinates to his squadron leaders. A double "Yes, Sir!" "Black leader to BlackStar one, and Shuttles Aurora and Istenek, if you haven't heard we've got big trouble. BlackWing, BlackKnight and I are going to slow that cruiser down, your job is to get those supplies back to the station, is that understood!" "BlackStar one, to Black leader, I won't let you down, Sir." "Are you crazy man!" exclaimed O'Brien. "That's bloody suicide!" "You put me in charge of this mission, and by damn I'm going to see to it that it doesn't fail. You know as well as I the shuttles can't out run that cruiser and the rebels not only need those supplies but you as well Smiley, so get over it. Black leader over and out!" The last thing O'Brien saw were two small squadrons and Captain Bashir heading to face a Cardassian cruiser head on. He said a prayer for them, though he didn't know who might be listening or who would care, but he did. He shifted his chair and squeezed every once of speed out of Aurora. He could feel it not want to leave its Captain behind, even if he was in another ship. "I know the feeling, my darling." He said with a sad smile. "But we both have learned not to underestimate him as of late, so let's us not start assuming the worst, he wouldn't want that." From a good distance he could see the light show as the raiders combat the cruiser. Then he was too far to see anything, so he shifted his attention forward to getting these supplies home. **************** Six hours had passed and no word from any of the Black Squadrons. Smiley was pacing the bridge when Jadzia entered from the lift. "Any word?" It took only a look from O'Brien to see there was none. "I should send another scout out, but if that cruiser is heading this way?" "Be patient," she whispered. "By the way, I caught Garak trying to take one of the spare shuttles. I think he heard about the Cruiser and panicked, so I had him taken to the brig." "If the damn fool wants to leave, that's his business, it won't be in one of our ships, no matter how spare it might be!" he screamed. "That's what I told him. He's cooling himself in the brig, didn't say much." "You've got him under watch?" "Yep, and call it a gut feeling, I doubled it." "Good lass, Jadzia. Justin can deal with him when--" his voice failed him. "When he gets back. Yes, Sir." She smiled for she addressed him in the same fashion Bashir had been doing for over a week, and she knew he liked it, and him. "Sir!" came a young man's voice from behind a console. O'Brien whirled around to face him. "What is it?" "I'm picking up something-- no wait-- I'm picking up a lot of something." "Can you tell what it is?" "Sir, incoming transmissions," said another male on the bridge. "Sir! It's Captain Bashir!" Hoops and hollers filled the bridge, but O'Brien hushed them with a "shut up! Put him through." The static came over the intercom and broke the sudden silence that resulted from O'Brien. "Captain O'Brien, I hope you don't mind us being late for the party, but we had a party crasher we had to take care of. I do believe they got the message and will not be coming." More hoops and hollers filled the bridge as O'Brien smiled and hugged Jadzia. "Well, welcome home Captain and tell your crew a mighty fine job, a mighty fine Job." "Aye, Sir, will do. We should be docking in ten minutes, permission to land." "Permission granted, Captain. We'll see you in ten." ************** Grief was mixed with joy as the two Black squadrons emerged from their docking bays. They were heroes for the mission success, but the pain of lost friends and comrades tinged the feelings of everyone there. The crowd now filled to the capacity of over half the station, hands slapping, hugs all around, and shouts of joy over shadowed tears of sadness. Then Captain Justin Julian Bashir exited from the landing bay and the crowed roared enthusiasm at his arrival. He couldn't get two feet before being picked up and placed on the shoulders of his comrades. The overwhelming joy of appreciation from these people after so much hardship moved him to tears. He wiped his face in time to meet face to face with Smiley O'Brien when he was finally put down. "I know we did a good job, Sir, but this is a bit much." He shouted with a smile toward O'Brien. "Hey, Its all I could do not to have the entire station here. We've got enough supplies from that raid to last us for well over a year, the Cardies were jammed pack and now? they're not." O'Brien laughed and smacked Bashir on the back then gave him a hug. The station rejoiced. ********** Garak couldn't believe it. He let his guard down and now, now he, him of all people was locked in a cell, not of his own choosing. He paced back and forth wondering what was happening. He knew about the cruiser, he tried to talk the Order out of it, even tried to explain the reason for not taking the Aurora much less taking out the raiders, it didn't work. He was ordered to leave, but for some reason he didn't leave when he could have. He chose to wait? either for word or the return on the raid. When the shuttles returned with a single squadron, he felt he knew the outcome of the rest of the situation and decided then to make his leave. To be caught by Jadzia of all people was most humiliating. He heard the shouts of the people echoing through the cell walls, thinking that the cruiser must be here and soon he like them would be dead. But after a few minutes when the shouts continued, and no alarms went off or no shaking of the station, he knew something was wrong. The shouts continued for awhile longer, he pressed himself close to the force field to see if he could figure out what was going on. The last person he expected to see was walking toward him. Captain Bashir looked toward the guards, "I've got it from here, go enjoy the celebration." "But, Sir? You're the one..." one of the guard's tried to mutter. "Nonsense," Bashir smiled, "Go on, Garak was just nervous no real harm done here, I've got it," and with a hand he waved them off and out the door, then locked it before returning down the hall to Garak's cell. Then the smile and joy was gone from his face as he faced the Cardassian behind the force field. Then he reached up put in a code and lowered the field. "If you want to kill me, now is the time, but I doubt you'll get off the station in one piece," he said defiantly, angry, and hurt. Garak took a step passed the field to face Bashir, stunned. "How are you?? A cruiser was? I thought you were?" it was unlike him to stutter but he believed that Bashir and the other raiders were dead and the station was soon to follow. Now this human was standing before him, daring him to carry out his threat to him, //Amazing!// Bashir did not notice the stunned look for he was to full with his own anger. "Oh, yes?" he smiled smugly, "The cruiser? the cruiser will 'not' be coming, in fact, it won't be going anywhere ever again!" he exclaimed with an arrogantly triumphed voice and folded his arms and leaned on the wall behind him. "You took out a cruiser?" The disbelief and shock was evident in Garak's tone. The grin on Bashir's face grew like a Cheshire cat, "That's right, Garak, we did." Then the grin faded to anger. "But a lot of people lost their lives doing it!" He shouted. Caught off balance for one of the few times in his life Garak responded before thinking, "I tried to get them to listen... but they just... I thought you were--dead." This sudden development of stammering his replies was totally unacceptable and he turned his back in order to compose himself. Bashir heard the words but not sure of the meaning, persisted in the conversation. "You tried what? To-- to get them to understand? You damn well knew they wouldn't, why the hell couldn't you just leave it alone or trust me?" he shouted. "Trust you!" Garak Shouted as he whirled around to face Bashir again. "Trust 'you'. What kind of joke is that, to trust a man who would betray his own people? Have you lost all your senses?" he snapped. Bashir took the verbal smack and the sting showed on his face. "Contrary to what you may believe, what I was and what I am are no longer the same. Your right, they all were right, I have changed Garak. I learned two very important things on the other side; the first came from your counterpart. He told me you could never 'Never' respect someone who didn't have their own agenda in life, so I came up with one. It may surprise you that I want your respect, Elim Garak, but I do--did, but I find that it's taking a back seat to what else I learned." Garak eyed Justin and met his gaze steadily, "enlighten me," he said coolly. The sting of tears was in his eyes from the emotional surge he was feeling. "I met the most miraculous person in both universes, and he showed me how to see what matters." "And that would be?" "My people, Garak, my people and their cause to be free. I had no intentions of letting the rebels fall when I came back and I still don't, but what I don't understand is why... why you can't see it doesn't have to be winner take all?" "Meaning?" "Meaning, my dear Garak, that why must Cardassia have it all, or Bajor, or Klingons? My plan was simple, it would have worked, it would have benefited both of us, why couldn't you see it?" he pleaded. Garak looked at Bashir a moment then turned away, "I did, but to late." He said quietly. "Then... what are you going to do now? You can discredit me if you like, but I don't think they'll believe you, and even if they do or you have some proof, the rebels are stronger today than ever and I would be just an insignificant set back, but they'll carry on; for regardless of their anger as long as I breath I'll continue to see that they stay together and become strong, do you understand me, Garak?" He paused and took a deep breath and approached Garak from behind, but not touching him. "You could kill me, but we both know that won't get you far and it will only make me a martyr, or you could leave and forget all about this... though..." his voice failed him. Garak turns again to look into moist dark eyes, full of strength, sadness, and, something else, "Though what?" he couldn't believe what this human thought mattered, but it did, and as much as he was trying to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't deny it anymore while looking into those beautiful dark eyes. "I would miss you, Elim. But if you can't see what we can do and be together as more important then the greedy power corruption of an Empire that would sooner shoot you than respect you as an individual, then... then I will miss you, but I will not fold up. I am not like I was when I let you beat me just so I could be near you..." his voice began to tremble. "That's right, Garak, I 'let' you beat me. I wanted to be in your arms so much I didn't care if it hurt or if I had to crawl to get it, but I care now and by the Prophets 'NEVER' again." He said in a quiet firm determined voice. "Your people can't even stand you and calling on the 'Prophets' of all things would be enough for them to turn you out alone!" flew the verbal sting. Garak couldn't help react, he was not use to feeling this way much less be talked to this way. "Well, I can stand them, and I care about them, plus, I don't think that's true anymore," he smiled. "And as for the tiny religious sec on Bajor, if the rest of the populous would have listened, they would have realized that they are making the same mistake our once-empire did, by not respecting the individual and the powers that be. Oh, I don't want to discuss this with you." With a deep sigh he turned and walked to the side panel of the cell. "Till the celebration dies down, it may be safer for you to stay here; a Cardassian would not be well met by drunken Terran's. I'll clear things with O'Brien, he's under the impression that you heard about the cruiser and panicked, I'll just confirm it. When I come back, have your decision on what you want to do. If you want to leave I'll a range it, if you want to bring me down say so and I'll bring O'Brien here." Garak stepped back into the cell, for Bashir was right, a Cardassian would not be safe with a bunch of drunken Terran's after their current victory. "You would bring Captain O'Brien?" he asked in disbelief. "If you doubt me, Garak, then you really don't have a clue to who I am, for I'd rather face it head on then run, so, yes, I would." With that he punched in another code and the force field was back up and Bashir left the brig. ****************** The hour was really late and the party was just starting to settle down. Bashir was overwhelmed at how people were calling him a hero, and rumors of the impossible flying achievements that he supposedly performed during the dogfight over the mountains east of the compound and during the cruiser attack preceded him. He tried to deny it, even if some of it was true he didn't want the truth out so he kept denying it, he protested them cheering Julian Bashir, for he changed it Justin, but after a few dozen protest fell on deaf ears he let it go; He was Julian Justin Bashir in this universe, he just got use to be Justin when he was on the other side. Tired and done in, he started back to his quarters. //I'll let him go in the morning, // he thought to himself, and made it to the lift where Jadzia greeted him, and she didn't look too happy. "The Captain wants to see you, now." Her voice was serious but low. He followed her into the lift and off the level that led to Smiley's quarters. She beeped the door and both entered as the door opened. Bashir saw O'Brien sitting behind a desk in what served for his living area of the larger quarters. He didn't look happy, in fact the man looked livid and ready to kill and at the same time ready to burst into tears. "You wanted to see me?' asked Bashir, trying to stand at attention though his body was worn out. O'Brien shifted in his chair, evident that he was trying to keep his emotions in check. He lifted a data rod from the desk in front of him and threw it at him, hard, "Jadzia had a suspicion that there was more going on between you and that-- that--" he turned red, "Damn it to hell you bastard! What the hell were you thinking, or where you thinking? just...Ahh!" he shouted slamming down on his desk, placing a small crack on the top surface. It took a full five minutes of absolute stillness on everyone's behalf before Smiley O'Brien could control his temper and sit back in his chair. He looked up to see no one had moved a muscle, not Jadzia, and definitely not Bashir. "Just tell me this, if you can?" he paused, tears mixed with hurt and anger looked up at Julian Justin Bashir, "who's side are you on?" the question was spoken so low it was almost impossible to hear. Bashir was too tired for games and the pain and anguish he saw in his new found friend pained him deeply. By the time Smiley asked his soft-spoken question, Bashir had tears of his own rolling down his face. It was over, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone, he just wanted the best... but he had been selfish and now he had to pay the price. His voice trembled trying to hold back sobs from his throat as he spoke. "If you've listen to it then you know that I would have 'never' let this station fall, I... Jadzia cut him off, "Oh, but your willing to hand it over to the damn Cardi's on a silver platter!" "That's not true! They don't know what this stations now capable of, I didn't go to..." he let his voice trail off, the confession so close to his lips. "You didn't... what?" demanded O'Brien. As much as he wanted to pull back into being Justin, he was Julian, but not the old one, the new one; he just found his heart again and it was breaking. Julian lifted his hand and wiped his face from the tears before replying. "Since I'm making confessions, you should know that Sisko didn't give me any of the weapons or the shield upgrades, I took them. Though he did give the spare parts and had the Chief show me how to install them. Don't you see? I did it for us, not them!" His hand gestured to the port window. "We're supposed to believe you? after you crawled into bed with that sand sucker!" Jadzia shouted, furious. Bashir whirled to face Jadzia, "Yes, yes I expect you to believe me, not because of what I said, but because of what I've done. Oh, and yes!" he fumed, "I went into that 'sand suckers' bed, willingly and you want to know something? Hmmm, I 'Liked it'!" he shouted "And if it wasn't for my little trip across the great beyond I would have continued to be his little pet that he beat at his leisure and rolled over when he told me to, taking all of you with me, but I 'did' go!" His face turned blue from lack of breath till he finished then stormed himself to face the port window and lean his head on the transparent wall, holding that sensitive spot between the eyes above the nose with his left hand. From over his shoulder he heard O'Brien's voice. "And just what miracle happened there?" his voice sour. Still with his head on the wall, head down eyes closed, "I though you said you listened to our conversation, everything I said there was true." He voice seemed weak and defeated. "Oh, yes this miraculous man." Smiley said mockingly. "And just who would that be?" He watched some strength return to Bashir as he stood up still facing the window then turn, it was in the way he held his face and eyes that gave O'Brien the inclination of who it was. "Dr. Bashir," he said surprisingly. It was Captain Bashir's turn to be surprised. "You know him?" Jadzia was looking angry and confused at this strange turn of the conversation and looked at O'Brien for assistance. O'Brien looked like a light bulb had literally shined with in him as some recognition filled his eyes. "My being here at all is largely due to the good Doctor. If it wasn't for him I'd still be..." "Then you know," Bashir said softly. "He showed me too; he showed me how to stand, and even though I was shown by another how to use things, he showed me how to use my heart. He showed me how to find out what is important, and I came back here with a plan to take a rag tag bunch of rebels and unite them-- Jadzia was still angry and even more confused still interjected, "We tried that during the Empire, and..." "WE, screwed it up!" Shot back Bashir. "I wasn't talking about making all the same mistakes that we did in the past. I was talking about taking the cue from our counterparts and unite with respect of the individual and not the state." "It's a bloody pipe dream, Julian--er Just--oh hell, Julian!" O'Brien shouted. "Oh, if it's such a pipe dream then why the hell are any of us here? Hmm! It's possible, we just need to get organized, pull our resources together so we can convince other non-Alliance worlds to join us because we'll be able to show then were capable of standing our ground." "And just how were you planning to do that from a Cardassian bed?" Jadzia arched her brow in disgust. "Yeah, Julian, just what were you doing?" O'Brien was now of mixed feelings again. "By the Prophets, doesn't anyone have any vision besides me?" "Going Bojoran too?" Jadzia snipped. It was O'Brien who responded, "That's not fair, you know the religious fraction on Bajor has been outlawed, that's why we took on those Vedek's when they asked for sanctuary." All Jadzia did was adjust her shoulders not liking being corrected in front of Bashir. "There are Vedek's on the station?" Julian looked puzzled. "They came in while you were gone and keep to the lower decks to avoid trouble, but I believe that is getting off the subject." Captain Julian Justin Bashir braced himself to give a full but brief explanation. "First off, Cardassia is trying to pull a power play on Bajor and the Klingon Governments. It was my idea that if they, the Cardassians backed off and say, seem to take a few hits that didn't hurt them much but benefited us greatly, it would keep them from becoming too suspicious to the other two Governments. While we grew strong and did some real damage on the home front of Bajoran and the Klingon territories, Cardassia would be moving in the back door setting up their own little over throw. When they moved into over throw the other two Governments, they would be in for a surprise to find that their little 'pests' known as rebels had grown into something far more substantial and a force to be reckoned with." "And just when were you planning to let me in on this little plan of yours?" Inquired O'Brien still filled with mixed emotions but much calmer than he was a while ago. "And how do you suppose we impress the non-Alliance worlds with a station, one battle ship and several dozen handfuls of raiders and shuttles? hmm?" Jadzia had no intention of letting Bashir off the hook, no matter how interested O'Brien seemed to be in the idea. "I didn't expect you to listen to me at all when I came back, so... slowly. Step by step, hoping you would see where I was going with my suggestions and take them on as your own, it? it was well intended." His eyes shifted away from O'Brien guilty for his part in manipulating him, even if he did have the rebels' best intentions in mind. Then he looked up again and faced Jadzia. "It was my intention to pull our resources and rectify that problem." "Oh, and what exactly did you have in mind, hot shot?" Jadzia snapped back. Both of them were startled by the laughter that came from O'Brien. "I--I" he chuckled some more, "I bet you anything Jadzia, he has a plan already in mind, don't you Julian?" Julian didn't know how to take this sudden change in O'Brien's demeanor and looked at him quizzically, "Ah, why yes, actually I do." "Tell her," he said sitting back in his chair content to hear the up coming explanation. Julian faced Jadzia; "It was my intentions to ask Smiley to approach the QuoNallies" "The QuoNallies are way far from the Alliance territories, what good could they do us?" "Ships!" "Ships? Are you nuts! The ships they build are totally backwater; it would be a waste of time and resources for a pile of junk!" "Jadzia, you know as well as I that it is the QuoNallies designs that are 'backwater' as you put it. But we both also know that their quality is top notch and their resources of building materials are almost limitless. It's only because everyone has been too stupid or afraid to share their designs that the QuoNallies ships remain second rate." "Oh and just what are we suppose to ask them to build, a few more Defiant, the ships good, but--" "Jadzia," said O'Brien calmly, too calm; even a bit of a smile on his face. She stopped and looked at him. "Jadzia, let him finish." Her eyes opened wide, she couldn't believe he was listening to this drivel, but he was the incharge so she silenced her self. "He's right, I didn't finish. Though the plans are out dated for our counterparts, they are just what we need and I brought dozens of schematics with me from the other side. We approach them as a united force, and offer to share our designs in exchange for their building the ships. As long as we stay united they'll be in an agreement with us and they are far enough away that the Alliance won't detect the build up until we're ready to move. Besides, if everything went well, they would be too busy dealing with their own backyard to give us too much concern, when the number of ships would become evident." He let out a deep breath. "Don't you see? It's perfect!" he pleaded. He looked at O'Brien then Jadzia who was holding her posture like an angry Vulcan, but cooling off. He sighed again, feeling a sense of defeat. "Look, if you want, I'll leave the station quietly, I'll even leave my ships, I really don't want this to?" He didn't have any words left, and he was tired so he just plopped into a chair that was near him and waited to hear his fate. "Well?" O'Brien asked Jadzia. She rocked back and forth looking coolly at Julian for awhile before speaking, "I think... I think he should be promoted." "What?" Bashir asked stunned. "Ah, Julian," she said the anger gone from her face as she stepped forward and kneeled in front of Bashir. "We really did listen to what you said to Garak, we just needed to be sure, and I for one believe you, you son-of-a-bitch." She smiled and punched him in the arm. "I was upset to hear all this, but, I knew that even though I made some mistakes, my instincts about you couldn't be too far off. I too couldn't believe it and had to know for sure," said O'Brien as he moved from around his desk to stand next to Julian, who now sat in tears, confused. He looked down at Julian, "Now that we do know about your plan and the dangerous ploy you were transacting in, what are you going to do now?" Bashir looked from Jadzia to O'Brien. He couldn't believe the turn of events. He thought for sure he was at best going to be exiled from the station, but no, they understood to a degree what he was doing, and-- and was standing by him? "What do you want me to do?" he asked, not able to hold back the sob from all the tension and sorrow he felt. O'Brien pulled another chair next to Bashir and sat down, and rested a hand on his shoulder. "First thing I want is nothing but the truth from you. Second, I want to know what 'you' plan to do with Garak, and third I want to know if you're willing to work with us not around us with these ideas of yours?" Bashir wiped his face again and nodded that he understood the request. "The raid?" he said through tears, "the raid was set up to succeed, but--" He saw both faces turn colors in front of him, but they wanted the truth. "We lost good people in that raid so you could look like a--" Jadzia started to shout but was interrupted by Bashir. "No! It was supposed to be a cake walk, but then... then they demanded something unacceptable and when they found out they were not going to get it they really tried to kill us!" "And just what was 'so' unacceptable that it was worth the lives of our friends?" O'Brien's cold voice inquired. Bashir looked Smiley right in the eye, "You and the Aurora, and the supplies." "What?" came a double retort to the news. "That's right. They wanted the Captain and the Aurora and the supplies in that shuttle to be left behind, captured, and there was no way in hell I was about to do that. The cause need's you Smiley Miles Edward O'Brien, more than they need anyone else or me. We've all agreed that this is true when we all agreed to follow you." "Couldn't you just of said something?" asked O'Brien. "I didn't find out that they were making a change in the arrangements until last moment." "It was still damn foolish letting us go in there with them knowing we were coming, they could have..." Bashir cut Jadzia off, finishing her statement, "set us up. Yes, I knew it was a risk, but that's why I sent the scouts, and in fact they did try to set us up. I know I was playing both sides, but-- but--" he let his head fall in shame. O'Brien and Jadzia let out a deep sigh together. Jadzia grabbed another seat and pulled it over to sit down too. The three of them sat in silence for a while. O'Brien finally got up, and walked to a cabinet and retrieved three glasses and a large bottle of amber liquid. He walked back and handed Jadzia and Julian a glass and proceeded to pour their drinks; then he poured himself one and sat back down. After all of them had drunk at least half their glasses, O'Brien was the first to speak. "What the hell do we do now?" "I could still leave," Julian said quietly. "Oh, yeah, and who the hell is suppose to make heads or tails of this plan of yours?" Smiley joked, too tired to be angry anymore. "You mean you? you really?" he was too stunned and looked at Jadzia and Smiley. "We need to get something's cleared up first. If we are doing this together, then it is 'together', understand, Julian?" Jadzia asked. Julian almost smiled as he shook his head yes. "But we still need to know? Garak? You sounded like you..." she didn't know how to phrase the question, but Bashir did. "Like I loved him?" He could see that was what she and O'Brien wanted to know. //No lies, they ask and I'll tell, but they still have to ask him.// It was this personal revelation that caused his deep sighs, and not the reason the others would interpret from this action, though they were not too far off on that assumption either. "Yes, I do love him, but, I made my choice that my people came first, he knows that now when I defied the orders to let Smiley and my shuttle get captured. I don't know how to prove that to you anymore than I've done, but I'm willing to try." "Are you still able to finagle your plans if you're not working both sides? I mean, do you think we can still achieve this 'pipe' dream of ours" he smiled, "With out you posing as a puppet for Cardassians?" "Yes, but it would lessen our odds dramatically." "Do you really think you could do it? I mean-- you know what I mean," Jadzia asked. "I've already been doing it, but yes I know what you mean. I'll only do it if you want me to, but otherwise... if you could... I would like to just let him go." "Are you mad?" O'Brien exclaimed. "Let him go? He looked over to Jadzia and she sat back in her chair and shrugged a "why not? Unless we bring Julian through the mud with him, we don't have anything to convict him off." Irritated he looks at Bashir. "Fine! If you can't do your part let me know, and we'll let him go. But remember, though I'm going out on a mighty big limb for you, that doesn't mean I'm not going to be keeping an extra close eye on you." O'Brien stated. Bashir smiled. "Agreed. I told him I would let him out of the cell and he'll make his decision whether or not to ? continue. It still will be chancy, the //he almost said Obsidian Order// Cardassian Government may still throw me a few hoops to jump through, but I'll feel a thousand times better knowing I can work that out with you guys." He smiled. "Alright genius, so what do we do first?" O'Brien asked pouring another round of drinks. "Did you look at that data rod I gave you the other day?" "What data rod?" Jadzia asked. "Umm," finishing a drink. "Our brainchild here wants us to start employing a ranking system, to keep order. Admirals, Captains, and so on and so forth to ensigns and petty officers, I think. I think he was too affected by his time on the other side." He chuckled. "It's not that bad of an idea, Smiley," Jadzia injected. "We are having a lot of trouble keeping order and at the rate were growing it will get even harder to organize later down the road." "My point exactly!" Bashir jumped in. "We need to get organized in a manor that will not only be recognized by non-Alliance worlds but one that will be able to grow with us. Our leader being you, Smiley!" "Me?" "He's right, Smiley, for now you're the only one who could be given that title and the others would respect it." Jadzia smiled over her now half empty second helping of drink. "After we get the ranking system in order, we'll work on pooling our resources then find an appropriate reason for your short absence, so you can contact the QuoNallies about building the ships. At the same time, we'll have to coordinate our attacks on Bajoran and Klingon sites and choose carefully our Cardassian targets." "You forget, Julian," Jadzia was saying, "what if your idea of playing the Cardassians to, quietly 'sponsor' us doesn't happen?" Julian gave a wicked mischievous grin, while Smiley gave a moan the said, "why am I not surprised at anything tonight?" Then all three of the laughed. Julian cleared his throat. "If they don't play along, then we make it 'obvious' that our Cardassian targets are menial were as our Bajoran and Klingon ones are not." His smile widened. O'Brien looked confused but Jadzia understood and started laughing, "Brilliant. Don't you see Smiley, if the Cardassians don't really back us, we make everyone else in the Alliance think that they are." O'Brien caught on, "Then they'll have their hands full of accusations and we still have our major distraction while our fleet quietly grows in the QuoNallies territory, yeah, I see!" His smile became as large as the other two. "This calls for a toast!" "Here, here," Julian and Jadzia agreed, raising their glasses. "To the future of the--" he stopped and O'Brien lowered his glass in mid thought. "If were going to become organized, shouldn't we have a name other than, 'those pesky rotten stinking rebels?" The three of them looked at each other. "Well, Julian?" O'Brien asked. "This is 'your' brainchild?" "Um, I... Um.. I " he blushed. "I didn't think about a title of sorts." Jadzia and Smiley laughed so hard the started spilling their drinks. "It's nice to know he's still human!" snorted O'Brien. "I was wondering there for a moment!" Jadzia snickered back. Bashir smiled, but he knew just how close to not being the case they were. His knew enhancements were making this difference, and he swore he would use them for the benefit of his people, and someday the benefit of the Alpha Quadrant, his sweet brother Dr. Bashir would want it that way. "So? What do you think, um?? Unified Terran Resistance?" O'Brien asked. "We're not all Terran's fighting this war and we're not all Terran's that are going to be united," Jadzia reminded him. "How about? United Resistance?" "We're not going to be a resistance for ever. But I agree the first word is United; now we just need the rest. Um--United Freedom Alliance?" Bashir suggested. "Hmm," O'Brien said thinking about it. "United Free Alliance." "Yeah!" Jadzia and Julian said. Then they raised their glasses. O'Brien raised his and made the toast. "To the birth and the future of the United Free Alliance!" "To the United Free Alliance!" With a clink of glasses the three of them knocked back the rest of their drinks. "We just made history here tonight, gentlemen." Teased Jadzia. "By the Prophets! I sure hope that this nasty bit about-- you know what doesn't follow me in the record books..." Bashir gasps. "The rod I gave you is the 'only' copy. Erase it, and all is done and gone with. The rest of your history is up to you." O'Brien smiled. "Let's see?" Jadzia say's sitting back in her chair. "Our founding father was Benjamin Sisko who died for the cause, our rising leader and first... Admiral?" "Yeah, I think that's right, is it?" Bashir shook his head. "I didn't really read that data rod, but it sounds good enough for now, you do want room for a self promotions." He chirped in with a laugh. "Ok," laughed Jadzia, "Our first Admiral being Smiley O'Brien?" "Now wait one damn minute! I don't mine my friend calling me Smiley, but I refuse to go down in history as bloody Admiral Smiley O'Brien." "All right, all right, keep your shirt on, 'Admiral!" she teased. "And of course his lovely, beautiful and intelligent assistant," she snickered "Vice Admiral?" "Give it up." O'Brien said pouring a third round of drinks to see that Bashir has passed out in the chair and sound asleep. "It would seem that our grand heroic tactician and saving grace does not care to partake of his role in history anymore today." They both laughed and worked together to place Bashir on the sofa. "Seriously, Smiley. You up for all this, with him" she says pointing here head toward Bashir. He stood there a minute looking down at Bashir then back up to meet Jadzia's gaze. "Yep!" ************ Garak couldn't sleep. His mind was torn between his head and his heart. It had never happened to him before. His head told him to get out while he could, but he didn't go anywhere, he didn't even try to make a break for it. //Just a simple signal burst from my transmitter, but--// a big sigh. His mind was filled with haunting dark eyes, a warm smile and a sexy voice. //Elim Garak, you've finally done it. You've finely sunk to rock bottom and fell for a human. Could you sink any lower?// But he knew the answer to that was yes and shook the thought out of his head. //He's just a warm body, nothing more!// //Yeah right! How many do you know make you feel the way he does when your near him?// //He's just a worthless human!// //But that 'worthless' human out maneuvered you and has the courage to stand up to you while still professing he cares about you.// //Oh, shut up!// //A small tactic for a small mind, Garak// //Oh, a lot you know Elim. You're actually considering allowing your self to be 'used' by this human just so you can stay with him, if that is not disgusting, I don't know what is!// //Oh, yes you do. Being alone and doing things you really can't stand just because it's your job. This way, I could do my job and not be alone? even if it is only for a while.// //Ha! You see Elim; even you know it can't work so why bother?// //Why not? And besides, if his plan does work, it will benefit the Order, Cardassia as well as me? so what if the rebels get a few morsels to carry on for awhile longer.// //Keep believing that Elim, and you'll get us killed for sure. Besides, we were ordered to return.// //Yes, but they also thought they would crush the rebel raid and blast the station out of space, my still being here is proof that it didn't happen as they wished. Perhaps they will see wisdom in my staying and keeping an eye on the rebels, and they may even be more open to a few of my suggestions, considering I warned them?// //Ah, you didn't warn them, you tried to talk them out of it! Get it right!// //Well, they'll see it as a warning now, this I assure you.// //So be it, Elim. Just remember it's our head and our heart that's on the line here, literally, understand!// Only a small snicker was heard from Elim Garak for the rest of the night. Elim Garak was aware of the footsteps approaching his cell and opened his eyes and sat up to greet his visitor Captain Bashir who was still wearing his cloths from last night and looked like hell for the dark beauty he was. "Sorry, Garak." He punched in a code and the force field dropped, and he walked in. "Have you decided what you want." His eyes were hopeful, but his body was braced for the worst. "Can we discuss this somewhere else?" "Sure, where?" "Your quarters, if you don't mind." Garak kept his expression neutral as he got up from the bunk he had been sleeping on, only to be betrayed by a severe back spasm. "Ah!" Before he knew it, Bashir was by his side helping him up and rubbing out the cramping muscle "Is that better?" "Hmm, yes thank you. After you." Garak was a bit self-conscious of his proximity and touch of the young man by him and gestured that Bashir to lead the way. Back in Bashir's quarters, Julian didn't let his guard down. He wasn't totally sure of Garak, he still could try to kill him or anything, but it was what he felt inside that made him want to trust him on this matter. "Ok, we're here, what do you want to do?" he said calmly, though softly as well. Garak looked over the tall dark human that stood before him. He could tell a lot had changed, not only from his four months away, but even since last night. He had to admit, he too was changed. "Justin?" "Um, Julian." Garak raised an eyeridge, "Back to the old name?" "Yes, but the reasons are insignificant." His anticipation was written all over his face, a little thing about another name change wouldn't sway him off knowing what Garak had decided. Garak moved closer so only inches were between them and raised his right hand and caressed the smooth golden jaw line of Julian's face. He took his left hand and caressed his way up the slim strong chest then reached around the shoulder to touch the neck of the human before him. He could see a mixture of fear and desire in those dark eyes. He could see that Julian was unsure if he was going to be kissed or his neck broken, but stood there ready to accept it either way. //You could just kill him and get it over with, Elim// //Yeah and I could just as soon kill myself then lose my soul with his loss.// //A tad dramatic, don't you think?// //For once, Garak, listen to your heart, it's closest to your soul, and trust me when I say, we lose him we lose ourselves?// There is no more internal dialog for Garak has pressed his lips firmly on Julian's and their bodies intertwine for a deep passionate kiss. ****************** Three months later-- on the bridge of the station, most everyone seems to have adapted to a basic black and silver dress code. A young blond human woman exits the turbo lift and scans the faces on the bridge. The mixture surprises her, not because there are Vulcan's, Andorian's or such, but because there are some Bajorans wearing strange jewelry on their left ear, and one Cardassian. It is the strong Cardassian that notices the young woman and approaches. "Can I help you, Lieutenant?" She hesitates, but he is dressed like all the rest, but with a slightly higher rank than her own indicated my some silver strip on his collar. "Um, yes, Commander. I have a courier message for Captain Bashir from Admiral O'Brien." Garak walked over to a console and punched a button. "Excuse me, Sir. But you have a courier message from the Admiral." A firm clear voice came over the com, "Send them in, Commander." "Yes, Sir. Oh, by the way, you asked me to remind you about our lunch 'briefing" this afternoon." "Yes, of course, I've been? keeping it in mind. Thank you." Garak looked at the woman and gestured to the steps to the upper office. "He's expecting you Lieutenant." and with a slight touch on her hand to catch her attention, for she was still staring, he saw he jump. "Is any thing wrong Lieutenant.?" "Ah, No, Sir. Just your hand was cold? um..." Garak laughed, "You know what they say cold hands warm heart." "Um, yes, Sir." She skidded up the stairs and entered the Captains office. Garak was returning to his duties when he noticed one of the Bajoran Vedek's exiting off the lift. The young Bajoran was tall, with dark sandy brown hair and bright green eyes. His youthfully handsome good looks were only surpassed by his faith in the Prophets. "Can I help you, Vedek MaRin?" The urgency was evident in his eyes as he approached Garak. "Commander Garak, it is of most urgency that I see Captain Bashir." "May I inquire as to why?" "He is being called by the Prophets and he must go."