Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, the belong to Paramount and the Star Trek world, All I'm doing is taking them 'out of the closet' and letting them find the true happiness that canon would not allow Summery: the events of what happens between Julian and Garak, now their love revealed, when Cardassia abducts Garak with full intent of seeing him executed for treason as an example. Julian is left on his own for Star Fleet won't get involved and forbids him to get involved either, will love conquer all? Note: This is a parallel sequel to "All You Can Be". It co-insides with most of the events that are happening in "Changes" in that it starts two months after Captain Justin Julian Bashir left to return to his side of the mirror. Credit: I credit Mrs. Diane Bloomfield for her inspirational work, that I just had to 'borrow' the word 'Jahkim' her Cardassian word for (beloved). http://members.tripod.com/~Slashgirl/index.html Also, "By the Swords edge" can also be found at this site, and though it has nothing to do with the below story, I highly recommend it! Rated: R, but does contain M/M love between our boy's G/B Feedback: Please, I need the encouragement and the input. Email: mysticmcknight@hotmail.com "I Don't Think So!" Dr. Julian Bashir began to stir when the computer announced that it was 07:00 and it was time for him to get up. He felt the warmth of his lover beside him and rolled over to greet him good morning, but saw that Garak didn't even stir to the computer chime. //Poor love; I must have worn you out. // He grinned big time and then his smile turned mischievous. He started to sink below the covers near his lover, lower, lower till he reached his destination. "What in Great Gul!" Garak exclaimed in-between laughter and his instinctive reaction to move away from the source of torture. "Why, Julian, you little?" he reached down and pulled the covers off to see the grinning face of his Jahkim, now red from laughter. "Nothing like a little slap and tickle to get the blood flowing, heh?" he chuckled hard. Then found himself in defense mode as Garak launched a full-fledged attack of his own. Bashir dived backwards over the bed and headed to the bathroom, but found that Garak predicted that move and was in the process of cutting off that escape route. When he saw the interception he did a one-eighty and ran out into the living room to put a dining room table between himself and his pursuer. "Ah, Jahkim, are we playing fair?" Garak laughed, as he saw Julian's nimbleness just keeping him at bay from Garak's grasp. Julian whirled to face Elim with the table between them, "Ha! All's fair in love and war, is that right, mi Vida, mi Tesoro?" The odd terms of endearment was just the distraction Bashir was looking for to make his break back into the bedroom, though Garak was still hot on his heels. Julian was only a few feet away from the bathroom, when he lost his footing on his uniform, carelessly left on the floor and he went crashing down, hard! "Jahkim!" Garak cried, concerned for his love and knelt at Julian's side in time to see his lover role over laughing. With a sigh of relief he leaned down and kissed his love. "Perhaps, we should make sure our environment is more safe next time." He smiled. Julian still laughing, "If we did that, Elim, you'd never catch me," he teased. "Why you?." Garak tore into a tickle torturer like no other for his love and not till Bashir cried 'I give up' did he stop. The two of them cuddled there on the floor, catching their breath. "Jahkim, what was it you said out in the living room? Me veda or something like that. "Mi Vida, mi Tesoro it's ancient Spanish for my Life, my Treasure, and you are that!" he said with a kiss. "I got it from that pirate story I discovered in the data banks, called "By The Sword's Edge" By Diana Bloomfield & Joanne Spizzirri, it's incredible! You should read it, it's about two guys on opposite sides, one is a Royal British Officer the other a Pirate and how they meet and fall in love, and the pirate reminds me of you." He laughs and leans up to kiss him again. "You know, we may just have enough time for a shower and some breakfast before I have to report for duty, what do you think?" he turned on his sexy smile to encourage a favorable response. Garak saw this and laughed, //Ah, my love, you don't need to 'turn' on the charm, I'd follow you any where// but he didn't say a word, for he like to see Julian become seductive, and simply pulled his body close to his own and kissed him again. "I think we may get the shower in." he whispered between kisses. "Sisko to Bashir." A groan filled the room at Sisko's bad timing. Julian didn't need to move far for he still lay on top of his uniform from the fall. He tapped his communicator, "Bashir here, Sir." "Doctor, there's been an explosion in one of the main manufacturing plants and a lot of workers and civilians have been hurt. They've requested medical assistance to handle the overflow of wounded and StarFleet has approved the request. Major Kira will meet you at the infirmary to assist you and up date you on the details. Have your team ready to leave on the Defiant with in the hour, Sisko out." "Well, it looks like 'I' have time for a shower," he said disappointedly. "You shower and I'll fix you something you can take with you," replied Garak and kissed his love and they both got up and went their separate ways. Not long after Julian was standing by his quarter doors ready to exit, dressed in his uniform, his hair still wet and biting a danish. He turned to Garak who now wore his robe and kissed him deeply. "Mi Tesoro, I'll call you from Bajor if I find that I'm not going to be back tonight, ok?" "I will be expecting your call, Jahkim. Now go before I decide not to let you leave" Garak teased and gently pushed Julian out the door. Then he turned and walked over to the computer console, with a dreamy look on his face, and sat before it. "Computer, novelette, 'By the Sword' Edge." ************** It had been three gruesome day's down on Bajor between the hundreds injured from the accident, the lack of supplies on demand, and the fact that the best he could do was send a message here and there to Elim and didn't get one back after the first day didn't help matters. He was beyond exhaustion as he helped stow the last of the medical equipment back into the Defiant's infirmary. His persistent quirk of double and triple checking things kept him there another half hour before heading to his tiny quarters on the ship, he longed for sleep, but his first priority was to hear and see, if not touch, his love //Mi Vida// he smiled. //My life, oh how true that is!// The thought energized him and he hurried to his room. The disappointment of not reaching Elim in quarters or the shop left him drained. He had a nagging feeling for the last few days that something was wrong, but when he contacted Mile's yesterday, his friend said he'd look in on Garak and call him if there was a problem. He wished Miles would have called him regardless, better yet, he wished Elim called him. It was all too much for the young doctor, so between the stress of worry and the exhaustion of three days without sleep, his body gave into the call of slumber. Julian had been a sleep for some time that when his com badge beeped, it took several calls before he responded to hearing his name being called. "Sisko to Bashir." Being startled he scrambled around for a minute before he remembered he fell asleep in his uniform. "Ah, um, Bashir here." The Captain's voice was calm but was relieved to hear his CMO was only a sleep. "I know your tired, Julian, but as soon as the Defiant docks I need you to report to my office immediately." "Um? of course. Um, Sir? Can I ask what it's regarding?" "Well discuss it when you get here. See you in a little while, Sisko out." //A little while?// Julian got up and contacted the bridge, sure enough he had slept the entire trip home and the ship was in the process of docking currently. Julian went into the bathroom and cleaned himself up and when he felt the ship dock he headed off to see the Captain. ****************** Miles O'Brien exited the lift to Ops for he heard that Julian was back and wanted to be there to support his friend when he got the bad news, and it was bad. His eyes met with Jadzia's and Kira's and their expressions seemed tight with concern. "Is he in there?" Mile asked, but before either of the lady's could respond the answer became clear enough as Julian's voice penetrated the doors of the normally quiet office. "We just can't do nothing!" Miles walked over to join the two ladies by the nearest console by the Captain's door and stared alone with them as if they could see into the office, like the door was transparent. Miles could guess that Sisko was now in the process of calming Julian down. Everyone knew that the young officer was close to the resident tailor and wouldn't take the news of Garak being ambushed in his store and forced off the station back to Cardassia to face new charges of treason against the Cardassian state, very well. Miles felt bad when Sisko ordered him to keep the news quiet till Julian returned from Bajor. //"He's got enough on his plate with out the added worry about something he can do nothing about"// he remembered Sisko saying. For Julian's sake he protested on Garak's behalf, stating that no one deserved to be treated that way, and surely StarFleet wouldn't take it lightly having someone kidnapped off one of their station, but Sisko informed Mile's that he tried every option available to him. He even tried to call in a few favors; the bottom line was that there was a war brewing and with the Dominion now in Cardassian territory, one exiled Cardassian was expendable. Of course, knowing Julian, he would never see it that way, boy the young doctor was naive, so he was here with the others to help him deal with the inevitable of accepting the loss of a friend, a casualty of war. Miles like the others were more than ready to pick the shattered spirit up from the floor, if need be, but what happened caught them by surprise just as it did Captain Sisko. The doors opened because Bashir was close enough the sensor responded on its own accord. It was now clear for all to see that Julian was not ready to faint, but fight-- the Captain, StarFleet itself by the look on his face. Then he did the unthinkable he took his temper out on the Captain, "So, you're telling me that Star Fleet is going do nothing and YOU simply expect me--err-- us, to do the Same! I as hell don't Think So!" He was about to storm out the door when he was halted by the booming voice of his commanding officer. "Hold it right there!" He got up from he seat from behind his desk and marched himself to stand face to face with his CMO. The look on Sisko's face made it clear he did not like being talked to that way, especially from an officer, an officer he pulled a lot of strings for on many occasions, this one not being the exception, even if this time he failed. "Just you remember that 'you' are an officer and the last time I checked that also meant a gentlemen. For 'if' there is a next time where you forget that, 'I will' bring you up on charges of insubordination, do 'I' make my self clear?" he said in a firm, cold strong voice, never once needing to raise it to a yell, for it stung harder when it was kept under control. Bashir realized that he did indeed step over the line. He had to remind himself that as far as anyone in this station was concerned, except Sisko, Garak was only a close friend not the love of his life. //I should have told them; perhaps they would have understood.// He let his eyes shift down from his defiant stare at Sisko and relaxed his posture. "I apologize, Sir. I? I was out of line. It? it won't happen again." He said sincerely. Sisko took pity on the young officer, "Julian, I understand Garak was a 'very' close friend, but you must understand, it 'really' is out of my hands." He placed a comforting hand on Julian's shoulder, but the young officer would not look up at him. "If you would excuse me, Sir." He asked in a soft voice and gently moved away from Sisko. He didn't look up at anyone at Ops. He was still angry, but his chest was tight holding back the tears that welled in his soul. He moved quickly and quietly to the lift and waited for its arrival. He could feel all the eyes around him staring at him, but he had to keep control, he had to leave, go some where, some where and think. He was so deep in thought that he was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Miles, a look of concern on his face. He knew that Miles was ordered not to contact him about the situation, but he still felt betrayed none the less and he was angry at Miles-- hell he was angry at everything! Miles was about to offer words of comfort but was stunned by the raging glare coming from deep dark eyes that belonged to his best friend. He moved his hand off Julian slowly as the lift arrived and couldn't help stare back, locking eyes with Julian, wondering if he missed something. //Did he really look at me like I betrayed him? What's possessed him to act like this, he's lost people he knew just like we all have, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Damn Julian.// He turned to face the rest of Ops and could see they were just a puzzled by Julian's behavior as he was. Julian got off on the promenade deck but didn't move off the lift. He didn't know where to go, he wanted Elim, but he was not here; he needed to get away, he needed-- yes, he knew what he needed and dashed down the hall like a man on a mission. It took him a while to reach his secret room, his and his brother's secret room. A couple of hours later he laid on a little mat he made to relax on when listening to his brother's messages, but now he laid there in tears, his chest sobbing with emotion. He only gathered himself when he heard a small beep not far from him. He turned and moved his hand and switched the data rods in the transmitter/receiver and moved the rod into the player and pushed play, knowing his brother had answered his call. "My dear sweet Brother, Oh how my heart burns with anguish to know that you are suffering. Just say the word and I'll be there. I know your first reaction is to think how I have my hands full with organization of the United Free Alliance, but know if you need me, nothing stands before you. So, if you won't call me, then let me give you some tough love? Don't stand for it! You love Elim, I know how much, and we both know that among all the people in StarFleet, you Julian, you have all it takes to get him back. You have the brain power, the medical understanding of other species, StarFleet training, and all the other benefits of your abilities, not to mention you shared in the same Order training as I did? damn it Julian! Are you really going to lay there and take it? No, I don't think so. I couldn't sit by and do nothing and I know you won't be able to either. But before you let your heart control your head, remember? think. Use that same brain that did wonders for me, for all the War Orphans, and all the others you've benefited. Go to Quark, he owes me, and if that's not enough, blackmail him with my last transaction with him? remind him that they could charge me, but he would sit in the cell alone," a soft laugh. Julian smiles a bit as well. "My darling brother, get what information that you can, and let me know what you decide to do, and I swear I will do what ever you need me to do. Like I told you a while ago, I've been finding myself connecting with the Vedek's here, um, the Prophets?" sigh, "I'll say a pray for you and light a candle... perhaps... perhaps... it may do you some good too. All my love, Julian? I'll be on pins and needles as the saying goes till I hear from you about this." Julian smiled at the sound of his brother's voice and felt inspired from his words. He knew that Justin was right; he couldn't just sit here and do nothing. He couldn't listen to the orders that StarFleet had given for nothing to be done. Even remembering the order made the anger start up again. He also knew that if it wasn't for Justin's calm voice of reason, he would rush off blind as soon as he calmed down, and not only not get Elim free, but probably get himself killed or worse? //Oh, what could be worse than to exist another day with out Elim, mi Vida!// He forced himself into a meditation position and calmed himself. He needed to be in control of his faculties before he approached Quark, Most of the time Quark was able to get the best of him, but he realized that he allowed it, it help make him seem normal. However, it was not going to be, normal, which would save his Elim. He had advantages that he always kept in check, never let himself explore or exploit, outside his mind, and that only was done in his medical practice. He had to find a way in himself to let go? let go of his fear of being more than 'normal', let go and be all that he could be. ********************** Everyone on the station new about what happened to the tailor, it's all everyone's been talking about since it happened a couple day's ago. Now the new gossip was how Julian blew his cool at Captain Sisko, though no one would confirm it, they were not denying it either and that was good enough for Quark. He had bet's galore coming in, ranging from Julian folding up like a 'powderpuff' that some thought he was, to him running amok into the Cardassian/Dominion territory. Quark didn't believe Julian would do either, just mope, whine, and withdrawn, so of course that action had the lowest odds. He was serving Major Kira, LT. Commander Dax, and Chief O'Brien their second round of drinks, when he noticed the source of his current money making scheme walking in. His posture gave hint to the three officers that something was up and they too now looked at the entranceway and saw Julian entering. Again they were surprised at his behavior. Julian strode in the bar calmly. His hands were behind his back and his face calm and neutral, no sign of being upset or being angry, almost no emotion at all. He ignored the looks he was getting and surveyed the room till his eyes fell on Quark and he walked in that direction. He noticed his fellow officers and placed a meek smile on his face, for their benefit. When he reached the table he placed a hand on Miles shoulder and looked down at him, with some regret. "Miles, I'm sorry, I've behaved badly--" he sighed. "Hell, its ok, Julian. Do you want to sit, have a drink with us, and maybe talk about it?" Miles asked, encouraged that Julian was reaching out to his friends. Julian pursed his lips, "No thank you, Miles. I... I just need some time to deal with this, my way, you understand, don't you?" and looked at each of his friends as they nodded they did understand. Quark was still standing there witnessing Julian's behavior as to judge the winner in the betting pool. He wasn't sure this calmness was even covered, and if that was the case, more money for him. He then smiled with this sudden realization and approached the good Doctor. "Excuse me, Doctor, could I get you anything?" "Um, yes, my usual. I'll take it over at the bar, thank you." With that said Julian nodded to his friends and headed to the bar. Once there he took a seat farthest from anyone and waited for Quark to bring him his drink. "Here you go, Doctor. Under the circumstances, it's on the house." He tried to give a sincere smile, but he was thinking about all the money he just made and surly he could spare a drink, make it look good. He was about to turn away, "Quark, I need to talk with you." Julian said calm and quietly. "Of course, Doctor, how can I be of service?" "The number three holosuite I was using several days ago was not acting properly and I would appreciate it if you would take a look at it with me?" //Lame, but good enough.// Julian thought. "You know I don't do refunds?" "I wasn't looking for a refund. I want you to take a look at the problem with me?" he repeated quietly, still looking down at his drink. "Um that's really Rom's--" He stopped in mid sentence when he saw Bashir look up from his drink, a determined look in his eyes. //This is different? Oh, it serves you right for offering him a free drink, Well, if he want's to talk privately, so be it, you could always find a way to charge him for the suit another time.// "Very well, Doctor, lead on." He moved around from his bar and followed Bashir up the staircase an into the number three holosuite. The two of them stood in the middle of an empty holosuite and Quark looked at Bashir, "Would you like if I ran Vic's program for you?" He was not ready for what happened next. Julian turned with a mischievous look toward Quark, "No thank you, Quark. I have my own program. Computer, Bashir, scan one, alpha seven." The holosuite flickered into a whirl of lights covering every inch then when it was done, a table and two chairs formed in the middle. The computer stated, Then Bashir sat down and gestured for Quark to do the same. Quark was not comfortable and nerved by the Doctor's unusual behavior. "What was that all about?" he demanded. Bashir looked up with a small smile and cool confidence. "I wanted to make sure we were having a 'privet' conversation. You could say, 'Constable free' if you know what I mean." Quark looked amazed, "You can 'do' that?" "To a degree and only with Odo, but let's get down to why were here, shall we?" The cool grin on Julian's face kept Quark from ever knowing that it was a lie and a show for his benefit. *************** Several days had passed since Garak had been taken from the station with out a word to his condition, but today the word was out that in a week from today the notorious traitor would be given a public trial then executed the following week. The lame reasons they gave for extending the process only served to conceal the truth that they were going to 'milk it for all it's worth' as Mile O'Brien put it. The senior staff was then silent a moment and Julian felt all eyes on him, again. He had been keeping calm but to himself, very withdrawn but functionable. He looked at everyone and let out a sigh before letting his eyes fall to the floor. "Sir?" he cleared his throat trying to contain his emotion. "I have some vacation time-- I-- I would 'really' like 'not' to be here when this all goes down, he said softly. "Julian, you shouldn't be a lone at a time like this." Dax stated "Aye, I agree, this is where you should be." inject Miles. Julian lifted his head just enough for them to see his face, a tear was falling down his cheek. "Nothing personal, Miles, but this is the 'last' place I wish to be; besides I don't think I'll be much good to anyone till I get past this." He raised his left hand and wiped the tear from his face and then looked at Sisko, his eyes asking his question for leave all over again. He gave a simple smile when he saw his Captain nod his head in agreement. Sisko looked over his staff and felt the situations weighing heavily, but there was nothing to be done. "That's all for now, dismissed. Doctor, make what ever arrangements you need and let us know if there is anything we can do to help." "I will, Sir. Thank you." Julian turned and left the wardroom. The rest were also exiting the wardroom, "Odo, could you remain a moment?" "Yes, Captain, what is it?" Sisko waited till the doors were closed and the only two people in the room were Odo and himself. "I would like you to keep an eye on Dr. Bashir." Odo looked puzzled, "He doesn't seem like he's in any condition to cause any harm to anyone, and if you are concerned that he might?" "No, Odo. It's not like that. When it comes to Julian and his friends, we both know that he tends to pull out all the stops for them. He's pushed the envelope before and I'm concerned..." "That our good Doctors vacation request is more than what it seem. You really think Dr. Bashir would foolishly rush into Cardassian/Dominion space in attempts to rescue, Garak?" Sisko couldn't hold back a grin at that question, "Odo, this is Julian Bashir were talking about. The same man who face down the former head of the Obsidian Order to help Garak when he was dying. The same man who found a way to blackmailed an entire planet for the sake of Jadzia & Dax to remain as one, the same man." "I see your point and I withdraw the question. I'll keep and eye on him and help him with his plans, to 'make' sure he isn't giving into his typical flight of foolish passion." Odo smiled. "Thank you, Constable." **************** Dr. Bashir left that same evening, for he made his simple plans rather quickly. He didn't mind in the slightest that Odo help him with the reservation or book a flight to his destination. He met Odo and the others at the airlock and gave his good byes and that he'd see them? soon. Odo, helped him on board with his bags, even complaining that the good Doctor really should learn to travel light, but was only too relieved to see that Julian was on a crowed civilian shuttle, headed in the opposite direction of Cardassia, to a hotel where, Odo would be notified immediately if Julian did or did not check in by the designated time. Now that Bashir was safely on his was, Odo felt free to return to his number one priority, watching Quark, He knew the Ferengi was up to no good, for he was always up to no good. He left for the promenade after informing Sisko that all was well and no need to worry. Later that evening while in his office, Odo was going over the latest in-coming ship list and their cargo, attempting to see who may be bringing what without permission, when his com beeped. "Ops to Constable Odo." Said Kira. "Yes, Major, what can I do for you?" "Message coming in from Gaylord Hotel on Demes three." "Thank you, Major, patch it through." Odo waited a moment and his com chirped again, signal only; visual was not a luxury for all planets. "This is Constable Odo, go ahead." "Ah, Mr. Odo!" Came a strange male voice. "You asked me to contact you personally if Dr. Bashir check in, no? Well, he have and is settled. There be anything else?" Odo nodded to himself, pleased that Julian did go where he was supposed to. "Only that I would very much like to be informed when he checks out or if he does not return to the Hotel for more than a day, as before I'll see to it that your time will be well compensated." He said. "Ah, Mr. Odo, we aim to please. Yes, if Dr. Bashir check out or no return to Hotel for more than a day I will contact you personally. If there is nothing else, I say, good day, Mr. Odo." Odo heard the com channel close then hit his own com badge. "Odo to Sisko." "Sisko here, what seems to be the problem Constable?" "No problem, Sir. I just thought you would like to know my contact in the Gaylord Hotel on Demes three just contacted me and Julian did check in. He's going to contact me again when our good Doctor decides to check out or disappear for more than a day. Plus, I'm having daily reports of his credit account usage sent to me, this way if there is any sudden drop in activity or outrages amount being taken out, I'll be notified." "Sounds like you're on top of it as usual, Constable, but there is still six days till the trial and seven more till? Just keep me informed should anything come up, Sisko out." Odo went back to his list of cargo ships secure that all was well with Bashir and concentrated on how to finally catch Quark red handed. He then looked over the lists from the ships that had come in the last week, to double check and see if he missed something. He was about to but the list down when he noticed it, a small oversight on his part, a shipment of fine Kanar was some how lost between being boarded on a cargo ship, arriving here, but never reaching Quark's. //Interesting, though trivial. The only person on board DS9 who likes that stuff is Cardassians and Garak was no longer on board.// Again he was going to dismiss it when he noticed something else, //funny, this was ordered several days after Garak was gone from the station? Why would Quark make such an expensive order if he didn't have anyone to buy it?// "Hmmm" he said out loud, "small things lead to big. " //Besides, who would want to steal just the case, even if it is valuable, it's not the most important item listed? unless?// he was up out of his seat off to see Quark. *************** Quark was tending bar, as usual, when he saw Odo coming in with his, I-know-your-up-to-something- stride. Quark finished with his customer and move to the far end so not to have this typical conversation in earshot of his patrons. "What is it now, Odo?" he was tried and it clearly showed in his voice. "Oh, just some simple questions, Quark, the usual." Odo stood by the bar in parade stance waiting for Quarks usual comments, before beginning. "Not tonight, Odo, I'm tired. Perhaps if you're looking for some entertainment I could interest you in the new Holosuit program Vulcan love slaves part III?" Odo scoffed at Quarks comment. "Give it up Quark; you're losing your touch. Now, tell me about that 'very' expensive case of Kanar that's gone missing recently?" Quark not only looked offended he actually looked annoyed, "Hey, that's a real theft and I reported it to your deputies and filed all the paperwork. I lost out on a big profit with that shipment, and after all the trouble I went to get it." He barked at Odo. Odo almost didn't believe him, but after so many years he could tell if it was one of Quark's lies and this was not one. "Why did you order such an expensive version of Kanar in that large amount?" Quark looked even more annoyed then a bit sad, "He wanted to keep it privet, not that I can blame him." "Blame who?" Odo asked intrigued to know the identity of the potential purchaser, and maybe thief. Quark gave a deep sigh, "Dr. Bashir. He said it was part of the traditional Cardassian funeral rite ceremony. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him what happened," Quark shook his head. "He almost seemed devastated and angry that this would happen now. I think he took it as another sign of peoples general disrespect of Garak for he seemed like he was about to go on a 'holy' quest for the culprit, but then decided against it and left in a mass of silence. Truly pathetic, if you asked me." Odo responded with a disappointing, "Oh." For hearing that it was Dr. Bashir, he knew he didn't have his thief and that the theft was probably petty or simply cold hearted, and this left him no where near catching Quark involved in something illegal. "Very well. Is there anything distinguishable about this expensive Kanar that I could keep my eyes open too?" "Only that the stuff was in a beautifully traditional rainbow hue Cardassian glass decanters." "Hmmm," Odo said, "You must have pulled a lot of strings to get something that rare on such short notice?" Quark looked even more irritated at the Constable, "I didn't think pouring salt into the wound was your style, Odo?" "Oh, Quark, if I actually thought you were bleeding over this, I wouldn't have bothered. For I'm sure it was Dr. Bashir who really lost out here. Good day," Odo said and left the bar. ***************** The bar looked like a two bit set up out in the middle of nowhere. There was no color to add to the drab browns and grays that filled the spectrum of its furnishings. The dust was thick on the floor from the constant open and closing of the front door, customers wanting a place to get some refreshment or a seat before their ship left to where ever they were going. Because of the Cardassian/Dominion scenario the spectrum of aliens that moved through this little depot dive became less and less. Dozens of empty tables and booths waited patiently to be occupied, and only a few found their purpose fulfilled. The wooden bar was covered with all sorts of stains from old blood to all forms of alcohol, and dust that needed to be wiped off at the moment. Behind the bar was the typical glass set up and colorful bottles of various drink and a digital monitor currently announcing that there was only four days to the grand trial of Cardassia's greatest traitor, and only a few seats remained, so hurry or be left out. No patriot would want to miss this. The bar tender was in the far corner of the bar examining a beautiful rainbow huge Cardassian glass decanter. "It's very nice," said the Tarillian male, his big black eyes ogling the merchandise in his hands. "You must really want to get back home to part with such a? fine item such as this? Twenty strips." "Don't be insulting," came a clear but young Cardassian male voice. The Tarillian looked over the decanter again then looked up at the slim young Cardassian male before him. He was not the powerhouse most males were, but perhaps that's why he was all the way out here in the first place. The cool expression and steady rich blue eyes didn't reveal a thing about the young Cardassian's desire to return home and desperate for money to buy a seat on the next ship home. But the Tarillian new it to be the truth just the same and felt he could get a treasure for strips on the bar. "Perhaps I could see my way into giving you? Thirty strips, enough to buy a cheap seat, eh?" The young Cardassian's posture was well disciplined and gave no indication what so ever to the new offer, only his eyes revealed that he knew he was being taken advantage of. The bottle was worth a thousand strips or ten bars of gold press latinum, this offer indeed was an insult. "A hundred," he said firmly. The Tarillian bar tender was shaking his head no and did not notice the new customer walking up to the bar to observe the negotiation. "I'm being more than generous given the circumstances. Forty and that's my final offer." The Tarillian bartender smiled a warped grin feeling sure that he had the young Cardassian just where he wanted him. He was shocked to hear a third voice intervene and steal his triumph. "If that is 'Real' Royal Kannar, then I'll give you five bars, anything less would be an insult!" Came another Cardassian male's voice. Before the Tarillian could respond he heard the Young Cardassin male state, "Done." Loosing out like this did not please the bartender, but he didn't risk taking on two Cardassians, specially since the second one that just entered looked very much stereotypical and wore a military uniform unlike the younger male. "Can I get you anything?" he asked the new comer as he handed the bottle back to the younger one, to let him finish his own trade. "A couple of glasses if you don't mind. Plus, does this dump have any food?" The slightly older Cardassian smirked at the bartender. He was stockier than the young man before him and a bit shorter, but definitely gave off the aura of a powerhouse and capable solder. When the bar tender placed two glasses down and then pointed to a menu on the wall, the solder scoffed and thru a latinum strip down on the counter. "For the glasses." Then turned his attention to the young Cardassian male who now held the merchandise he was about to purchase. "That is real, isn't?" "Definitely. I am sure you would like to sample some to make sure," said the younger male and gave a small smile. Then moved back to the far corner where his stuff was seated and took a seat, but not before offering one to the solder. "After you." "Thank you," he said. As the solder took a seat he placed the two glasses he got from the bar in front of him. "If you don't mind me asking, why would you part with such a rare Kanar to the likes of him?" The younger male broke the seal on the decanter and took one of the glasses and poured the drink very carefully, giving the bottle a slight twist so not a single drop was spilt when he was done pouring. "Even now, flights home cost," he replied meekly letting his blue eyes shine up toward the solder as he handed him the drink. He watched the solder take the glass then looked over the drink, inspecting it, and then sniffed it, then finally a sip. The young man didn't know if the solder knew what he was doing or putting on a show, but was confident that this was a better transaction than he was going to get from the Tarillian. "Superb." The Solder replied. The Solder then reached down to the duffel that he had held on his shoulder, now by his feet and placed it on the table. He opened it and revealed a lot of PADD's that looked important and of course latinum, gold pressed bars ten to be exact. The young man's eyeridge went up at the sight before him, "Um, that seems like a lot-- a lot of paperwork to be carrying?" The solder looked up to meet the younger male's eyes and smiled, almost a tint of mischievousness in his own eyes. He felt that the younger man was really referring to the latinum. It was then that he noticed just how delightful the younger man was to behold. His ridges were delicate, almost like a woman's but full, like a man's. His eyes were very expressive and his lips were very full, the kissable type. It occurred to him that someone like this either was an undiscovered gem or the young man was attempting to get away from who ever did discover him. //Perhaps I can become more fortunate in my luck today,// he thought. "Well, you know how it goes now a days. You need passports to go just about anywhere, especially back to? where is it you were attempting to go?" he changed the subject as tactfully as any Cardassian would. The young male gave a smile and let a look of innocents cover his face, fully aware that the Solder witnessed it. "Why, home. Cardassia Prime. Where are you headed, if I may ask?" The blue eyes shined with incredible brightness back at the deep azure of the Solders. The solder was pleased that his newly sought after companion was quick witted and capable of being aloof for it would make for an interesting challenge indeed. He took the second glass and poured some of his Kanar and gave the glass along with the five bars of latinum. "It would seem that we have a destination in common," he smiled. Then if suddenly remembering, "where are my manors, I am Gul Takar, Sharden Takar, and you would be?" The young man smiled pleasantly, "no disrespect, but are you not a... bit young to be a Gul?" he asked, avoiding the question nicely. Then took the drink offered him and drank a small sip from it. Gul Takar enjoyed the reflection of his question and the body language of interest by the sip of the Kanar offered. His face still with only a slight smile replied, "Ah, war makes for strange bedfellows," as if that was all the answer needed for him to be understood. "Indeed," the young male answered in a soft voice, as if it was all that really did need to be said. "Does that mean you have your own ship?" he asked casually. Gul Takar laughed, this young man wasted no time, played his part well. "Ah, my dear young man, I do not have my own ship or I would not have been fortunate to have met you here today; I do have deluxe commendations on the soon to arrive transport and will enjoy much of the same once I arrive at my post on Cardassia Prime. I've just been assigned to Leggat Dumas of the Cardassian correction facility as his assistant. Not too bad a position at the moment, wouldn't you say?" Gul Takar beamed with pride in that he was certain that he impressed the young man before him with his importance. "Oh, I would say," smiled back the young man, now beaming as if truly impressed by the slightly older male before him. "By the way, I'm Mi'Le Karag," he smiled and raised his glass in a toast to Gul Takar. "It's an honor to meet such a..." he smiled his hesitation, "a capable man such as your self," then took another small sip. Gul Sharden Takar drank from his own glass with only a simple smile on his face. //Slowly, Sharden.// He warned himself. //Why have only a sample when you could have the whole thing if you play your role correctly. He's interested, but knows this is not the place for a typical flirtatious conversation. He's not military, and the family name in not known, so... I may just be exactly what he's looking for. Even a nobody with his looks could easily sleep his way to the top, once the top discovered him. Why not get the credit and the benefit of finding him first, and breaking him in,// he thought while suppressing a laugh. "So Mi'Le, have you booked passage yet?" Mi'Le's eyes shifted down. "Um, no. I just got the money for my passage only a few moments ago-- from you." Gul Takar was thrilled how things were going in his favor today. He poured another drink for himself and noticed that Mi'Le was still nursing his and gave another knowing smile to the young man. "Perhaps under the circumstances, you would be... open to a new offer?" he asked calmly. "What kind of offer?' Mi'Le asked cautiously. "Oh, just that, you need passage back to Cardassia Prime and I have a very, very large cabin. Plus, I thought that you might be looking for some work once you got there, since you're obviously 'not' the military type," he grinned. Mi'Le knew all too well what he was being offered, for it was quite common in Cardassian cultural. He let his eyes get coy and sipped from his glass again, knowing how best to play the part he was now choosing. "I would only consider 'serving'" he said choosing his words well, "a man 'worthy' of me." He let the challenge show in his face and let the smile slip just a bit so it was known that the challenge and the offer were to be taken seriously. //Ah, not as naive as I thought. Well, I don't have to be the first, but simply the victor.// Gul Takar wiped his smile from his face and placed the glass down on the table, with an insulted look on his face. "And what does an intrepid little thing like you consider a 'worthy' man?" Mi'Le leveled his eyes with Takar and raised the glass of Kanar up in a toast like fashion, "Oh, I've heard that 'only' real men can hold their own, especially with drink? what do you think?" again the words of challenge chosen well and the inflection perfect. "I know I can hold myself quite well, and would consider 'no' man worthy who could not best me." Takar looked almost seriously outraged at this type of challenge, especially from a nobody. He surveyed the younger man, his slight build, and chiseled features, and those full lips. //Though it would not be wise to become drunk at this time, surely it would only take a few drinks to surpass his frail form and claim my prize.// It took a few more moments before Takar made his decision known. "All right, but I set the rules. There will be a set number of glasses before each of us, and we drink one glass each at the same time. No one moves on to the next till either both glasses are empty or one yields. In case we both 'somehow' manage to reach the end, the first one to finish their last drink wins, agreed?" Mi'Le smiled, "Twelve glasses each of the strongest stuff they have, and yes, it's agreed." "Bar Tender!" **************** Over thirty minutes had passed since the two Cardassian males decided to have their drinking contest, and the bartender decided to attempt to see if they were in need of anything else. He could see that well over half of the Romulan ale that was chosen for the challenge was gone on both parties' behalf. He started to walk over and changed his mind when the younger of the two through an empty glass in his direction and saw the older male about to do the same. Had the bartender moved in a bit closer, he would have seen that the older Cardassian was passed out and his arm being manipulated by the younger one to ward off the bar keep. Mi'Le had three and a half drinks before him and Takar had three when he finally passed out. Mi'Le reached down to his own bags and opened the one that looked like a large suite case. He carefully made sure it was out of sight of the bartender, and proceeded to remove some of the clothes from within. He reached his hand in and pushed on something and a false bottom revealed itself and he removed the top allowing him access to its contents. It was full of what would appear Federation medical hypos and several other unusual instruments. He pulled out a small tricorder and ran it over Takar, making sure he was out, then himself. Then reached in and grabbed one of the hypos. He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention then injected himself with it. Then he grabbed a second and did the same thing again. Afterwards he placed back the empty hypos and carefully reached over and took Takar's bag and retrieved all the PADDS. He carefully took out one of the box like instruments and hooked it up to each PADD individually, pushing a few buttons and waited till the red light went green then repeated the process till all the PADD's were done. He then took Takar's hand and a second instrument and ran it over his fingertips, palm, and then up to his face to open one eye and ran the instrument there again. Satisfied with the results he placed everything back into the bottom of the bag and replaced the false bottom. He then placed back his Cardassian belongings and closed the bag. He then reached to another bag, similar in design and opened it to reveal multiple bottles of the Royal Kana in the delicate rainbow huge Cardassian glass decanter, each one individually wrapped. Here he gently placed the five bars of latinum inside and closed it as well, for timing could not be better, for Takar was starting to stir. Mi'Le took one of his full glasses and switched it with one Takar's empty ones then placed his own head down on the table, pretending to be passed out, though he was fully aware of his surroundings. He heard Takar rouse himself a bit disgusted with himself, but seeing the younger man out too, calmed himself. Mi'Le heard the glasses being switched around so that he would wake to find that he lost the challenge. It was expected and so it was to be. "Wake, Mi'Le or we will be late!" Gul Takar shouted a bit amusement in his voice. "Mmmm, ah--" Mi'Le blinked and placed a hand to his head to survey his surroundings then looked at Takar then the table. "Ah, it would seem that I lost," he smiled pleased, even though he lost the challenge. "Bartender, any word on the ship back to Cardassia Prime?" Takar demanded. "It landed ten minutes ago. It's not due to depart for another twenty minutes. I would have mentioned it if I thought you would have missed it," the bartender lied. No way would he go near two drunken Cardassians. "Come, Mi'Le. Let us board and get better aquatinted," Gul Takar smiled and grabbed his bag. He waited for Mi'Le to gather his own belongings and let him out of the bar to where the ship that would take them both to Cardassia Prime was waiting. ****************** It was most unfortunate that Gul Takar became ill during the long trip back to Cardassia Prime, but was glad that Mi'Le was present to nurse him back to health. He was just feeling himself when he heard the announcement that they had just landed and all passengers needed to depart. The two men exited the ship to the terminal and both were distressed to see so many Jem Hadar guarding the entrances and exits. Mi'Le stood close to Gul Takar as they both moved through the terminal. When they both stepped outside to move to the appropriate shuttle, they both seemed to notice how sterile the area had become. No words were spoken for Jem Hadar were every were and neither of them felt that words were needed in front of these alien intruders, this thought expressed by the looks in both their eyes as they boarded the shuttle. Once on board and the two were comfortably seated next to each other, Takar gently placed a hand on Mi'Le's knee, "So," he asked casually, "Do you have any family here?" he smiled warmly. Mi'Le turned to face Takar and gave a knowing smile in return, "You know that I do not. Thus the job offer?" "Ah, yes." Gul Takar said, rubbing Mi'Le's knee with great satisfaction. "Well, besides some of the more, 'obvious' talents that you possess, what else are you capable of?" "Besides the 'obvious' I can also be efficient, orderly, and loyal. I have an excellent memory and capable of carrying out your orders in 'all' departments of service, should it be required." Mi'Le replied with a slight purr in his voice. "I'm sure you will find me, quite the bargain." He smiled playfully. "We shall see," said Gul Takar, "we shall see. First I have to meet with Legget Dumas today. I'm confident that he will approve of my having an assistant. Then later we can? get ourselves settled. Do you have any complaints about this?" he asked, with an authority tone in his voice. Mi'Le adjusted himself to look proper in his seat, but still smiling, "No, Sir." And sat there quietly letting Takar rub up and down his upper thigh. The shuttle landed at the correction facility and Mi'Le took his own bags and Gul Takar's bag as well. This action pleased Takar as he stepped in front of the younger man and moved out of the shuttle. The building on which they landed on top of looked like a small military fortress. Guards at every turn. Electronic monitoring at every turn and an ID check at every entrance and exit. Some guards met the Gul that was expecting him. He introduced himself and Mi'Le as his assistant. The guards were not pleased by the extra-unknown person, but they were only solders and he was a Gul. They led the two men into the building to the Legget's office. Once inside the first part of the two part office, Mi'Le placed all the bag's in the far corner and stood next to Takar with a disciplined posture. This too pleased Takar, but did not let it show on his face, for it would then be known that this set up between Mi'Le and himself was rather new, and that would not do if he wanted to keep Mi'Le to himself for awhile. A fairly attractive Cardassian male in a military uniform was behind the desk when they had entered and now was exiting the Leggets personal office having informed him of the Gul's arrival and of course the unexpected assistant by the Gul's side. "He will see you now." The assistant said in a gruff voice before retaking his seat behind his desk again. The Legget was a much older man compared to the two men who stood before him now. He was a bit wide in the middle and very gray at the top. His blue eyes were dull with age and lack of adventure in his 'apparent' routine life. Though those eyes didn't remain dull when he got a look at the two men who entered, especially Mi'Le. "Welcome, Gul Takar." Legget Dumas said, standing to greet the Gul, though his eyes were mostly trained on the man next to him. "I've been informed that you brought someone with you?" he smiled, waiting to be introduced to the younger man. Sharden Takar couldn't help but smile at the possibilities of having the Legget smitten with 'his' assistant and it seemed numerous at the moment. "This is Mi'Le Karag, my 'personal' assistant. I do hope that this won't pose a difficulty for you, Legget?" he said all too properly. "Of course not. The pleasure is all mine," he said smiling to Mi'Le "Welcome aboard, Mr. Karag." "Mi'Le, please, Legget," said the younger man, a smile in his eyes shining through his long dark lashes. "Very well, Mi'Le. I'm sure Gul Takar will see to it that you are well settled here." Dumas realizing that he has to tend to business turns back to Takar. "I'll have my assistant show you to your office, and since you have your own assistant I won't feel obliged to assign you one," he smiled, again stealing a look at Mi'Le. "Then when you are ready, I'll give you a tour of the sections you will be responsible for, say in twenty minutes?" "Yes, Sir." Gul Takar said. Dumas sat in his chair and watched, as the two men were about to leave, "Oh, Takar?" "Yes, Sir?" he asked turning to face the Legget. "Your assistant is 'more' than welcome to join you on our tour." Dumas grinned, like the dirty old man he was. "Yes, Sir." Takar said, also with a knowing smile of the request made of him, then left to be shown his own office. ****************** The senior staff was gathered in the wardroom, with the exception of the CMO, as they were finishing up their current briefing. They were about to depart when Miles O'Brien asked the question that had been on everyone's mind since the meeting began. "Has anyone heard from Julian?" Most of the staff shook their heads no, and Sisko looked over at Odo. "According to the reports that I'm getting, he's having the time of his life on Demus three. To date, he as entertained several enchanting ladies and is spending a small fortune with his wine women and song attitude." Said Odo, obviously not approving of Bashir's behavior. "I can't believe it!" claimed Jadzia Dax. "That doesn't sound like Julian at all." "Come now, Commander," said O'Brien, "He's trying to forget, and I tell you, what a way to forget." He laughed and Sisko joined in the amusement, even under the glares of the women and Odo. "I really don't think it's any of our business what he does so long as he's not doing something stupid, like running off and trying to be stupid." Kira stated. Sisko having gathered himself from Mile's sense of humor turned to face everyone, "I tend to agree, Major. Odo is keeping us apprise of things so if he does do something stupid, we'll know. Dismissed." *************** The tour of the facility was tedious and boring for both Legget Dumas and Gul Takar. Only Mi'Le seemed to show a bit of interest in what the Legget was saying about the eight of the sixteen sections Gul Takar would be in charge over. They moved from section to section with painstaking repetition of information, but Legget Dumas was not about to end the tour so long has he held the attention of one young assistant to Gul Takar. They finally reached the last of the eight sections, special security sections 1A. Gul Takar was instantly bothered to see the section was empty of prisoners and turned to Legget Dumas for understanding. "Why is this section completely empty?" "Oh, this section is not 'completely' empty; you have a 'very' important guest, even though you don't have to worry too much about him." Dumas mused. "I don't understand," replied Takar. "Here let me show you." Dumas moved down to the lower cell section of the facility where it then became apparent that four guards were standing outside one cell. "Four guards, one cell, an entire section? What ever for?" inquired Takar. "Take a look, Takar." Mused Dumas as he gestured to the guards that their approach was allowed. Both Gul Takar and Mi'Le moved forward at the Legget's encouragement to see the prisoner held with in. Both men's eyes widen at the sight of Elim Garak half-beaten siting on a bunk attempting to drink some water through a swollen mouth. Garak couldn't help but smile at his new visitors, "Well, hello gentlemen, have we come for the show? I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for the next showing tomorrow," he smirked. He was about to look away when he couldn't help notice a pair of blue eyes that seemed ready to cry simply from looking at him. A sharp remark was on his lips when he fully turned to look at the young man and found his voice silent. There was something familiar about the young Cardassian, and yet at the same time he knew he never met the man, he just couldn't place it and so moved to find out who his guests where. With some effort he stood up and moved to the force field. "Legget Dumas, were are your manors. "Surly you are going to introduce you 'famous' exhibit to you guest?" "Introducing my 'exhibit' is my privilege, Garak. It would do you good to remember that." Came a booming voice from above them. When everyone one looked up, it was to see Gul DuKat making his way down the stairwell. Garak had noticed the pair of sympathetic blue eyes suddenly shift to murderous rage when he first saw DuKat than almost as quickly became nothing, neutral. Garak also noticed that no one else noticed the shift of emotions for they were completely under control by the time anyone looked in his direction. //Yes, there is something definitely 'up' with this young man. He's good at what ever he's trying to do, but he still could be better if 'I ' noticed. Ah, Elim, does it matter what game this young man is up to, it doesn't concern you. Though I would swear I know him, but from where.// Garak's thoughts shifted back to the moment when he saw DuKat come closer to the little group before his cell. "Ah, my dear Elmo. How have you been?" he asked, using DuKat's first name in the most inappropriate manor. Garak knew he'd suffer for it later, but since all he had to look forward to was death, he'd enjoy tormenting those around him for as long as he could. Garak watched with interest the formalities before him. DuKat gave the appropriate greeting to Legget Dumas and turned to be introduced to the other Gul next to him. "Ah, Gul DuKat, this is Gul Takar. He's my new in charge of this quadrant of the facility. Gul Takar, this is Gul DuKat, the man responsible for capturing our traitor there," Dumas said with a gesture over his shoulder, "He's also incharge of watching the prisoner. Though he knows he has to work with you, it is ultimately his responsibility to watch and care for that one. Understood?" Gul Takar looked from Legget Dumas to Gul DuKat then at Garak then shook his head in the affirmative. "Completely," he said, glad not to be saddled with such a responsibility were if something went wrong it would mean his entire career. "Hmm, and who do we have here?" mused DuKat, looking at the young man standing next to Gul Takar. DuKat snapped a glare at Garak who had attempted to suppress a snicker, but had failed, for he knew DuKat would notice the young man sooner or later. "Forgive his ruddiness, he's such an uncouth creature," DuKat stated to the young man waiting to be introduced. Garak realized that he was the only one who noticed that the young man became cold as ice around DuKat. He gave the appropriate greeting for his station as Gul Takar's 'personal' assistant, but no more. Garak couldn't but help muse to himself that if this young man played his role just right he could be running this place within a week, with the way the three older officers were lusting after him. It even became more interesting when the young man gave a very heart felt glance at Garak, undetected by the others, before leaving. //An ally? Not possible, perhaps a sympathizer. Well, as much as I appreciate it? oh wait, could DuKat sink that low? Send in someone to portray a sympathizer in hopes of either getting information out of me or? what? // this new development gave Garak something to think about other than his heartache of never being able to see his Julian again. //Oh, my Jahkim. I know how you are suffering for I suffer you hearts fate too. Be brave my love, for my spirit will always be with you.// Garak allowed only a single tear to fall for his love then laid himself down on his bunk and pondered on the new strangers. ******************* Late that evening, Takar and Mi'Le were finished getting settled into 'their' quarters. Fortunately, there were two bedrooms, and Mi'Le took the smaller one straight off. Then moved to unpack Takar's stuff in the larger room. He saw the Gul was unwinding from a long trip and a long first day on the job and was giving Mi'Le 'that' look . With Takar's stuff unpacked, Mi'Le brought the Royal Kanar out from the room and poured a glass for the Gul. "Here you go, Gul Takar," he said politely. Takar took the glass and smiled at Mi'Le, "Sharden. Call me Sharden when we're alone, if you don't mind." "Not at all, Sharden," replied Mi'Le with a warm welcoming smile. "You look tired, perhaps you should take a bath and relax." Sharden moved up to Mi'Le and placed a strong hand on the slim shoulder and caressed it, "Perhaps you could help me relax?" he mused. The sound that escaped Mi'Le's throat when he smiled sounded almost like a giggle and Takar looked at him pleasantly surprised. "What was that?" he asked with some laughter in his tone. "I'm sorry, " replied Mi'Le a bit shy now, " I... I sometimes can't help it--um." "Well, what ever that was, it sounded wonderful, don't be ashamed of it. It's probably as unique as you seem to be?" Takar purred moving even closer to Mi'Le. "Sharden, I'll go get your bath ready, and we'll see what happens tonight?hmm?" with a sly seductive grin Mi'Le moved off back into the master bedroom to the bathroom and starts running the bath water. Moments later he's out gently pushing Takar in, "I'll be in there in a few minutes, give me some time to get 'myself' together, ok?" he mused. Grudgingly Takar goes into the bathroom alone. Mi'Le makes a break for his own room. Once inside he locks the door and thrashes around his bags to get to the hidden department quickly, he's breathing is starting to become ragged and his coloring is becoming paler by the minute. Once he finds the hypos, he finds the correct one and injects the medicine into his system. Seconds later his appearance and breathing is back to looking normal, for a Cardassian. He sits on the edge of his bed and takes in a few deep-cleansing breaths. //What the hell are you thinking, Jules. The entire reason no one portray Cardassian's is not only because of the bizarre cultural complexity, but the medicine required to keep up the pretense under scrutiny is over taxing to the body. Enhancements or no enhancements, you won't be able to keep this up for long.// A few more deep cleansing breaths and Julian is feeling better. He puts every thing away except for a small bag in which he hides a couple of hypos that he plans on keeping with him just incase. When he's secure that all is away he sits again on the edge of the bed, just in time to hear Takar calling for him to join him in the bath. //Oh, my sweet love! To be so close to you and not let you know I was here was pure pain in itself, but to see what they have done to you.// Bashir's anger began to erupt as his thoughts of seeing Garak injured and then seeing the one responsible... DuKat! //I swear DuKat! You will pay for this. I shall free my love and 'YOU' will pay!// Julian look's toward the door when he hears Takar calling again. //Oh, shut up fool! Drink you Kanar and hope that when it knocks you out I remember to keep you from drowning!// Another deep cleansing breath. //I'm sorry Sharden, it is not your fault that any of this is happening, and that like so many others in this war you are being used by me. I didn't expect us to meet until aboard the ship. That's were I had planed it, in according to the information I got from Quark? Quark... I wonder if you'll ever piece together the fact that I wanted to know all about the prison, and new comers and such, and the sudden request for the Royal Kanar, suddenly stolen. I'm ashamed to say that I could never pay the amount you wanted and I needed what I learned from the other side as a "in" with Takar and others on Cardassia. It appears that they have the same 'weakness' for the stuff on the otherside, where Justin is? Ah, he's quiet, I better check on him; I don't want him to drown.// Bashir gets up and unlocks his door and starts moving to the master bedroom. He enters in time to see Takar is asleep and the glass in on the floor, empty. Julian carefully rinses off Takar and moves him into the bed. He finds the Cardassian's sleep wear and places it on the older man, then tucks him in and sits by his bed looking at the relaxed face now asleep. //You're not perfect, but you've done me no wrong. I'm glad that I won't have to blame this on you, for your sake. DuKat will pay the price, and I'll try to leave you as clear as I can.// "Rest well, Sharden." Julian said, and leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Then headed back to his tiny room and locked the door behind him. Julian pulled out his one of his bags and removed the hidden instruments and laid them out on his bed. He lit up one the small screens that projected a blueprint of the correction facility, and all its multiple levels. He examined them closely and went over all he learned from the drawn out tour he had earlier this afternoon. He had asked a lot of questions checking to see if what information he received from Justin's Garak on this facility was accurate to his universe's version of the facility. Julian made tiny alterations from what he was told from Dumas and what he observed to the projection. He also placed a marker to indicate Garak's cell and where he will be located being Takar's assistant. Suddenly he felt himself feel a little dizzy so he reached in his bag for his medical tricorder to scan himself only not to like what results he saw. //Damn! I can only keep this up for a few more days at best, unless I can keep myself relatively calm?.// A deep sigh, //Yeah right! Between three lusty males and trying not to lose control seeing Elim like that? I've got to get a ship. Since I met Takar sooner I didn't get to make the connection on the transport for the exit out, so? Damn! The only one I know who has their own shuttle that could handle the trip is... DuKat!// ************* //Sheesh!// Julian thought to himself as he left Gul Takar's office to run an errand. //Either that man has not been laid in quite a while or I better reevaluate my affect on Cardassian males.// Julian smirked to himself thinking how he had been keeping the insistent Gul at bay all morning, while walking down the hall. Then the smirk faded to a small hint of concern, //If he's this persistent now, just how am I going to keep him busy and away from me tonight?// Julian thought. He didn't want to use anyone any more than he had to, but he definitely didn't want to be unfaithful to Elim, even under these conditions. Julian pushed the concern aside, he needed to keep his observations high, and his wits about him as he moved through the facility. He was glad to stumble on an errand that would lead to the taking of a report right into DuKat's hands. He didn't want anything especially to do with the man, not only because he despised the Cardassian, but because DuKat could possibly see through Julian's disguise-- a risk he had to take, for his Elim's sake. Julian was able to determine in a brief conversation with Legget Dumas early this morning, another Cardassian hot for him that DuKat did in fact have a shuttle worthy of space travel that he traveled in to and from his ship in orbit around Cardassia Prime. Julian was not sure how he was going to use this information as of yet, but he was running out of time. Besides the slight medical problem being forced on his body, Julian had so desired to get Garak out of here before the very public trial they had in stored for him. Julian knew full well, even before hearing it from Dumas and Takar, that they had every intention of humiliating Garak to the fullest. Julian couldn't let this happen, his love could never live it down, and it would shatter Elim's spirit. The trial was in three days, //and here I am walking the hall of the prison my love is at, fully determined to rescue him and I don't have a plan? Ah, brother, I did it again?but at least not as bad as it could have been. If only I could talk with Elim, I know he would be able to help me?// Julian had to suppress the desire to sigh, for he didn't want to bring any unwanted attention to himself. Julian as Mi'Le, Gul Takar's assistant had all the proper authorization to enter into the secure section where Garak's cell and DuKat's chosen office was located. He moved casually but slowly along the top level looking down so to steal a view of his love and froze. Apparently Garak was up to his old tricks with his sarcastic mouth and the guards were now lowering the force field to deal the prisoner their physical response. Julian became mortified to see his love being beaten, much less so brutally that his body moved while his mind was still processing the information. He was down the stairwell in a flash, and just about on top of the four guards that were unmercifully beating Elim, when he yelled, still in Kardassi, "STOP IT! YOUR KILLING--" The guards were taken back by the sudden intrusion that when they turned to look around their attention on Garak abandoned them. The young man was right by them when they turned, his look so furious at them that he did not see Garak's actions, and neither did Garak, for he was fighting blind, defending himself, swinging wildly, that he didn't even notice immediately that it was not a guard's chest that his full punch landed in. It was only when one of the guards yelled, their all too late warning of stay back, did Garak open his eyes to see what had happen. To his horror he saw Mi'Le tumble back and roll several feet on the ground finally stopping with his face, pained where Garak could see it. Garak felt the Guards start to hit him again, but his attention was on the young man who now seemed unable to catch his breath while crawling to the sidewall way from the entire scene. "What is going on here!" DuKat's voice boomed from top of the stairwell. Just then the guards stopped their assault on Garak, but still kept a hold of him as they turned to see their commanding officer striding down the stairs and over toward the cell. The guards took a quick look at Garak who seemed all too passive at the moment and with a shove toward the back wall, they moved out and reinstalled the force field. "Garak, what trouble have you?" Garak could only see that the young male was in respiratory distress, his color was turning horrid, while he still crawled toward the farthest part of the wall away from his cell. He also noticed neither DuKat nor any of the guards saw what was happening, "DuKat!" Garak yelled interrupting the Gul. Then gestured with his head toward the suffering Mi'Le. Normally such a blow would not have this affect on Julian, but between the medicine, his elevated vitals from losing his temper, then the fall, it had proven to be too much. Julian's breathing was becoming more and more ragged, he had what he needed to fix the problem but he couldn't use a Federation hypo out in front of everyone, so was attempting to crawl to the wall, where his back could provide some cover. He didn't expect to be suddenly grabbed and cradled by all people, DuKat. Julian tried to push away from him, but it was no use, at this rate his hyperventilating had triggered minor lung spasms, leaving him virtually slowly suffocating. "Get a Healer!" DuKat ordered. "No." rasped Mi'Le between short quick breaths. //I'd rather die than let you find out the truth, DuKat!// He thought. Garak was observing the entire scene; again the only one to notice that the guard still did not move for the healer, but more importantly that Mi'Le's attempts to get to the wall was not an irrational action after all. Garak saw that the young man was about to retrieve something from a small pouch on his hip when DuKat's actions stopped him. This information along with the quite rejection from the young man was enough for Garak to make a deduction as DuKat was attempting to inform the young man that he was in no condition to be making such decisions. "My dear, Mi'Le. You are in no condition to be making such decisions--" "DuKat." Garak yelled again. When he noticed the Gul look in his direction he finished his statement quickly before yelling at the guard to get the doctor, "A condition, DuKat." DuKat was just about to yell at the guard for not responding to his orders when he heard what Garak said, and turned to Mi'Le with possible realization on his face. "Is it a condition that you can... take care of?" he asked uncomfortably. DuKat was relieved to see Mi'Le nods his head yes. It was then that the full picture of what he had interrupted occurred to him. Having a condition that needed regular treatment was considered a weakness and Mi'Le was attempting to conserve some of his dignity. The best DuKat could do now was preserve what he could, so he laid Mi'Le on his side his back to everyone and stood to face his guards. He saw Garak turning his back to give the young man his privacy, but the guards still starred, "Turn around, you fools!" DuKat shouted. "It's all right, Mi'Le. We will respect your privacy in this matter, but please do hurry you did not look to well." This sediment of respect may have touched Julian had he not been entirely focused on not passing out and extracting the hypo carefully from the bag and injecting himself with it, quietly. There was a second one that would assist him further, but if something else occurred today like this, he'd be truly out of luck, and so decided not to chance it. He put the hypo away immediately, while still struggling to breathe what felt like long excruciating minutes, but a deep breath finally did fill his lungs. At the sound of a deep full breath, DuKat and Garak turned around to look at the young man still on the ground. DuKat knelt down to help Mi'Le to sit up while still cradling him protectively. "Are you feeling better," he asked quietly. When the young man nodded yes, DuKat gave a warm smile that faded once he looked up to see his guards staring in his and the young mans direction again. "Just exactly happened here!" He demanded, though never raising his voice. One of the guards stepped forth, "The prisoner got out of line and we were in the midst of disciplining him when that 'one'," the guard pointed at Mi'Le "interfered, thus getting to close and the prisoner attacked him." Garak saw the murderous look that DuKat shot him, but since the Gul would not believe a word he would utter, Garak didn't bother to say that it was an accident. He found himself quite bothered by the fact that the young man had almost been seriously injured by what he had done. He still wasn't sure why, but it did. Garak just moved to his bunk to sit and wait to see what would happen next, to him and the young man. He was surprised to hear the young man speak so soon, much less what he had to say. "No." Mi'Le rasped. "They could have killed him!" he said with conviction. Then noticing the puzzled amused look on DuKat's face he added, "He is to stand public trial for his crimes. Your guards almost did the state a disservice. Though I did get too close while the prisoner was 'blindly' lashing out in self defense." Julian's throat was very soar, and desperately needed some water, but he didn't want DuKat to punish Elim for what happened, nor did he want to look like a sympathizer. Julian noticed that DuKat still looked furious over the situation, but still gave a warm smile in his direction. //I need to distract him before this gets any further out of hand,// he thought, and placed a strategic hand on DuKat's thigh while trying to stand up, "I need some water," he rasped. The distraction worked perfectly, for DuKat's full attention fell onto the handsome young Cardassian that he was now helping to stand. "My dear, Mi'Le. My office is not far from here, do you think you can make it?" DuKat asked, allowing the young man to lean on him, only stopping for Mi'Le to pick up a PADD that he apparently dropped earlier. DuKat glared a threat at his guards that clearly meant that nothing else better happen or they would pay, before leading the young man up the stairs back to his office. Julian felt the moisture from his eyes lesson, as he was being lead into DuKat's Office. His body was still shaking, weak from the close call he just experienced, and to his regret had to lean against the Cardassian till he was finally seated on a sofa. He then watched DuKat move over to the replicator to get the water Julian had requested earlier, "Now I know your secret." Julian heard DuKat say over his shoulder while gathering the cool glass of water that had just appeared. It took all of Julian's resolve to not blurt or babble his words, "what secret?" DuKat turned and brought the glass over to the young Cardassian sitting on his couch, still attempting to gather himself from almost exasperating himself a little while ago. He handed the glass over while he sat next to the young man, "The reason why someone as... intelligent, charming, and capable, would not be in the military." DuKat couldn't help but smile at the look the young man gave him, a look of what are you talking about, //oh, how even now, you still cling to your pride. Yes, I could use someone like you by my side, better? in my bed.// This thought lead to another, which left an opposing question, " Does your 'condition', interfere in--" DuKat cleared his throat. Talking about the condition which explained so much, why the young man before him was thinly built, more like a woman, and not in the military, still made the Gul uncomfortable. "Forgive my indulgence, but your condition, is it related to over exertion?" It took a few minutes before the picture became clear to Julian. Everyone who witnessed his attack was under the belief that he suffered from a 'condition' and even though such things were considered a weakness, it was a given explanation, one Julian could work with. Julian looked up briefly to meet DuKat's gaze after his question, seeing the real question all too clear pouring out of the Guls face, //You really are a bastard, DuKat. I almost die, as far as you are concerned, and all you want to know is if my 'condition' would interfere with our having sex.// All Julian gave in response was a sigh then looked away and sipped his water. //Well, Julian, you're running out of time, you wanted to get information out of DuKat and he's given you a method on how to do it? For the love of Elim, put your conscience away and play the role to the fullest!// After another sip of water, his throat feeling better, Julian looked over to DuKat and gave a small smile; "My 'condition' only interferes with 'unexpected' ordeals of overexertion. When I can plan a head, there is 'no' problems and I can handle myself quite well." Julian was still shaky, but the game had started, and he wasn't done with his turn, so slowly he raised himself and moved over to lookout the window, overseeing part of the Facility. "I was speaking with Legget Dumas," he said changing the subject as was expected of him, "and he made brief mention that you didn't stay on the planet at night, but he didn't mentioned where you go?" DuKat mused at the skill the young man posed, the obvious flirting in such a flat tone while tossing his connection with Dumas at him, while mentioning that he was the subject of their communication. The young man was letting him know that he respected power but was not impressed by Dumas; that the Legget must have let something slip that gained this young man's attention even more than the in charge of Cardassia's Correction Facility had to offer. //Indeed, being a Gul of a ship does have more to offer,// DuKat mused again to himself as he now raised off the couch to stand beside the young man. He spoke as if his words were of no importance, "Oh, I simply take my shuttle back to my ship, which is in orbit right now. You've never been on a military vessel before, have you?" he asked very casually. "No." Mi'Le said simply still staring out the window, sipping the water, almost gone now. "I've never had the chance to travel much of anywhere." He said flatly. Then his eyes brightened as he turned to look at DuKat, "Why so far away?" he asked, waiting for the expected response that DuKat would have to give. "Why so far away from? what?" "From your shuttle?" Julian mused, "Considering how large this facility is, to chose an office in the middle? well, you know." It was a dumb question, but the only one Julian could think of to get what answers he was hoping for. He was not sure if the chuckle he heard coming from DuKat all of a sudden was good or bad, but was relieved when he heard the Gul's reply. "My dear Mi'Le, I chose this office because it was close to the cell of choice I would have that scum inhabit, till his final day arrives. As for the tediousness of traveling from here to my shuttle, well, let us say that there is a privilege or two in being a Gul, one with his own ship." He smiled widely. Julian let his eyes meet DuKat's and force a smile to reflect there, if not on his lips, //Come on you arrogant bastard, spill! You know you're dying to impress me, do it!// He became aware that he was holding his breath waiting to see if Gul DuKat would explain himself, and breathed a sigh of silent relief when the Cardassian followed his true nature, impressing himself on the young man before him. "You see, my dear Mi'Le. Even with all the restrictions on teleportation on and around Cardassia, I'm given the respect of my position, which allots me to beam to and from my office to my shuttle at will." He smirked; sure that he did indeed impress the young man. Looking away and finishing his water, "Why your shuttle and not to and from your ship?" DuKat was suddenly torn between mused enjoyment and annoyance; was this little nobody questioning his word, his position? It was only when he caught the subtle glimmer in the young mans face did he understand. "Why my shuttle allows me more freedom to go where 'ever' I wish with out having to constantly get clearance to beam down to each location I should suddenly chose to visit. Have you ever been to KorTendra, the hills are quite something to see this time of year?" he asked suggestively. The question was not lost on Julian. He knew he was being asked to go off with DuKat off Cardassia Prime to KorTendra for a sexual romp. His stomach churned, but he needed to remain in control and play his role. "Like I said, I've never had a chance to travel much of anywhere. Would you have your 'ship' beam us to your shuttle? " He asked, emphasizing that such actions would not be discrete. DuKat laughed, "The only thing my crew needs to know is that I'm taking my shuttle to KorTendra, the rest is none of their business." Then he reached into his pocket and brought forth a small device. "This allows me to teleport back and forth to my shuttle easily," he grinned. He was pleased to see the large impressed smile cross the young Cardassian's face. //Bless your arrogant little heart!// Julian smiled brightly before composing himself, as was traditional. He turned from the window to walk toward the replicator to place the empty glass back in for recycling. Then moved toward the door to exit then stopped. "I believe I can get a much extended lunch tomorrow, if you think that would do?" he said flatly. DuKat mused to himself as he turned to look at the young man about to exit his office, "Why yes, I think that would do nicely. Say, noon?" Julian shook his head no; "13:30," he said, "and I'll take care of the refreshments." He said with a seductive knowing smile and exited through the door. ****************** That night Julian made whatever final arrangement he could, using Gul Takar's clearances, before the two men headed back to their quarters. Julian was able to convince Sharden to take another bath, but not enjoy any of his favorite Kanar. //Could he perhaps became suspicious that it is in fact drugged?" thought Julian, but he was not worried. While Takar was in the bath Julian gathered all but some of the clothes and some odd and ends that Mi'Le brought with him into one suitcase and one duffel bag, and sneaked it out to the transport car Takar was using to get back and forth from the facility. He returned in time to hear Takar calling for him, and Julian made his way back into the head bedroom, a plan already formed in his mind. He saw Takar exit the bathroom while tightening a towel around his thick waist. //You know, compared to my Elim, you're not half-bad looking, Sharden.// Julian smiled. He allowed Sharden to grab him around the waist and pull him to the bed, but with a quick twist, Julian was able to land on top of Sharden. A very seductive look crossed his face as he beamed down at the Cardassian now lying on the bed beneath him. "Roll over." He said, "I think you need to relax a bit more before, 'we' play." Julian purred and placed a small kiss on Sharden's cheek, while rolling him over to start messaging his back. "Why do you insist on these 'simple' games," Takar hissed, but still allowing Mi'Le to get his wish. "At the risk of being crude, I don't want a simple sex romp with you," he purred into Takar's ear. "I want more, much more." Takar was very excited by this revelation, and was about to whirl over on Mi'Le when he suddenly felt something cold touch the back of his neck, then all he felt was total bliss and darkness. Julian leaned up with the hypo in hand, smiling at the blissfully sleeping Cardassian beneath him. He shifted the man's body so his arm was under his cheek, still lying prone on the mattress. Julian took the time to mess up the sheets and tossed the towel across the room, allowing himself a moment to indulge in the view of the now naked Cardassian. Then when all was ready he returned to his room to finalize his plans for tomorrow, along with confiscating the drugged bottle of Kanar to be replaced with a half empty 'normal' version of the drink. When Julian was sure all was ready that could possibly be done from the quarters, he relaxed in the living room, meditating, for sleep would elude him till his Elim was back safe in his arms. //Oh, my sweet brother, how I do hope you are right that the Prophets are looking over us. If I should fail tomorrow? No, when I succeed tomorrow, I will light a candle of thanks once we return to DS9, like you asked of me. I do suddenly feel what you were talking about?being watched over?but is it the medication in my system or is it really spiritual? But ever since you mentioned it, I tried to deny it, stating that it's solely your belief in your circumstances, but? I need your strength brother! What I do? what I've done is so not like me? Be it the Prophets that have overseen what has transpired so far, may they continue to oversee me? us? safely home. // ************ Takar woke up feeling good, disoriented, but good. He turned to see he was alone but the shower was just being turned off in his bathroom, he smiled. He sat up in time to see Mi'Le exits his bathroom, towel around his slim waist drying his hair. "Good morning," he smiled. "Morning," Mi'Le smile back as he walked out the bedroom. //Even after last night, he still plays coy.// Takar mused to himself, before heading into the bathroom himself. Later when he had finished showering, and dressing he entered the living room to see breakfast was waiting for him. "Are you going to join me?" he inquired of Mi'Le who was placing the last touch, a glass of juice, on the table. Takar moved up along side the young man, wrapped his hands around his waist, and pulled him on to his lap as he sat down at the breakfast table. "I've eaten already, but if you allow me?" Mi'Le said seductively, as he reached for a piece of black bread on the plate. He then proceeded to feed Takar his meal, piece by piece, while the Gul indulged his hands caressing the slim, strong body on his lap. That is until his stomach started to churn, and he had to make a mad dash to the bathroom, to bring up what had just went down. "Tsk, tsk." Julian said quietly from the living room to himself. "These sudden illnesses of yours Takar, is a real bitch." He smirked. The smug look was quickly replaced by one of concern as he entered the Guls bedroom then into the restroom. He knew full well the Gul would not be going to work today, it was the best way to keep him safe from implications that soon would be flying, if? if all went as planned today. **************** Elim Garak lay on his bunk in the cold cell, trying to compose his thoughts. Tomorrow he would be paraded in front of all Cardassia and pronounced a traitor. //No simple five minutes trial followed by a quick execution for me? nooooo, DuKat had to see to it that it was dragged out as much as possible.// Garak's anger was not so much at what his nemesis was doing to him, but what this was most likely doing to his chosen one, his Jahkim. Thoughts of Julian were Elim's only sanctuary from the madness that surrounded him as well as his truest pain. He wished he could at least speak to his love at least once more, to say good bye, to see to it Julian would be all right in the long run. He knew Julian was of strong character, but the young man lived by his passions, his heart, and he knew this would? could destroy that heart. //Be strong, my Jahkim. For me, be strong.// He prayed in his thoughts. Julian was all that mattered now, but there was nothing he could do but pray, and keep faith that Julian's friends could keep him strong enough to heal from this. The slurs coming from the guards from time to time no longer provided him a past time, they were repetitious, dull, like the men they came from, so Garak now simply drowned them out. But what the guard was saying now did indeed get Garak's attention. Not just five minutes ago, he and the guards noticed Mi'Le heading for DuKat's office carrying a duffel bag, and a suitcase. The guards' crude comments on the observation actually saddened the tailor, for he had thought better of the young man, then to fall for DuKat's lies. Now the young man was coming down the stairwell with a tray of drinks and very expensive decanter of Kanar //What are you up to, Mi'Le?// Garak pondered, watching the events unfold before him. "What do you want, woman?" demanded one of the guards with an evil chuckle. The young man was unmoved by the comment, and continued his decent, with the four drink in hand, and a smile on his face. He approached the four guards and lowed his head a bit, a sign of humility. "This is my apology for any trouble I may have caused you. You have Gul DuKat's permission, since you know I just came from his office," he smiled his lie. He waited till the head guard came forth and inspected the tray and the decanter. "Royal Kanar, for us?" The Guard inquired, pleased but puzzled. "Oh, it's nothing compared to what Gul DuKat is receiving," Mi'Le said slyly. "Please, with my compliments." He handed over the tray then the decanter to the head guard, lingering only a moment before making his way back up the stairway and around the corner where his stuff was waiting for him. He gathered up his stuff and made his way to DuKat's office. True to the arrogant nature that was Gul DuKat there were no guards in the hall by his office. He placed his bag down and pulled out another decanter of Royal Kanar, a soft cloth wrapped around it. He closed the bag, left his stuff by the sidewall then knocked on the door. "Enter." Julian entered into the office to see DuKat's face, pleased at his punctuality. "I do hope you like Kanar?" he smiled as he came in heading to the replicator, calling forth two glasses. He felt DuKat's eyes burn through him, already undressing him as he poured the drink. He turned to find DuKat was already up behind him, reaching for the glass of Kanar. Their eyes met while DuKat drank with a deep gulp the Kanar offered. Julian had to suppress a disdained look, for such behavior was unbecoming of a cultured man. It was DuKat's sudden surprised look that aided Julian in switching disdain to amusement in his eyes. DuKat spat trying to pull air into his lungs, from the fine burn of tasting a large amount of 'good' stuff. "My? My dear? That really 'is' Royal Kanar!" he muttered in surprise. "My dear, DuKat, would you expect me to bring 'you' anything less?" he mused, while moving away from the Gul back toward the door, by the sofa, turned with a seductive grin. "Did you like it?" It took only a moment for the Gul to recompose himself, and then turned his attention back to his conquest. "May I inquire how 'you' managed to get a hold of Royal Kanar in the middle of a war, when even 'I' can not achieve such things?" He placed a serious look on his face, but he was indeed impressed with the young man, and his taste in gifts, as he moved up close to Mi'Le looking deep into those expressively large blue eyes. Mi'Le turned partially to place the decanter down on the table in front of the sofa along with his glass, still untouched. Then with a very sly and mischievous look turned back toward DuKat, "would you like me to tell you? or show you," he said and wrapped his arms around DuKat's shoulders. "How about both," DuKat said leaning inward to claim the lips of the young man before him. Before DuKat could place his lips on Julian's he shifted his face so he could whisper into DuKat's ear, "I stole it from Quark." He said in standard. Julian felt DuKat's muscles stiffen under his embrace; hands suddenly grab him, a look of shock, anger on his face, before the realization that Julian had just finished applying a hypo to the back of his neck crossed his face. Julian then braced DuKat's limp body, looking from his position to the door, he calculated the angle then tossed DuKat with great force, imitating the act of a man trying to push someone away from being attacked by a disrupter by an enemy standing in the door way. When DuKat landed with a hard thud, hitting his head on the desk, Julian moved to the door to gather his belongings. Once he had his bags inside, he pulled out a tricorder then moved over to DuKat. //Good you're not dead!// He thought. He left the wound on his head untouched. Then Julian took the Gul's Disrupter from his side and the transporter device, which he placed the latter in his own pocket. Julian moved back to his bag and pulled out a small package that seemed to contain cloth, black hair, and other materials. He placed the small bag on the approximate spot on which he had been standing when he was holding DuKat then moved back to the door. Using the disrupter he fired on the package, and watched it dissolve. "Poor Mi'Le." He said with mock sorrow. "He gave his life for the likes of you DuKat, who would of thought." Julian sneered. Then he moved back to his bag and gathered another hypo, this time he injected himself. //This better work, for I can't maintain this much longer,// thought Julian, and sat for a moment allowing a wave of dizziness surpass him. Then when he was able Julian surveyed the scene. Just then Julian remembered the glass and the decanter. He reached into the suitcase and pulled out replacement (with no drug traces). Then with the suitcase in hand, leaving the duffel he headed out the door back to Garak's cell. *********** Garak was silently amused to watch how quickly the guards seemed to become drunk, and not even notice that they had only two drinks each. //Could some organization really want to help me or do they just want the privilege of my death all to themselves.// Garak thought watching what was occurring before him. //Well, whichever may be true, perhaps an unforeseen opportunity will present itself?// Garak knew that was a long shot, but here something was definitely happening. Garak decided to assist in this mater by distracting the guards with mindless chatter, so none of the dim-wits fired up a brain cell and contact someone. One by one they passed out to the ground. The now empty decanter rolled across the floor toward the stairwell, where a foot stopped it. Garak saw that it was Mi'Le, who was holding a suitcase. The young man's look was cold, calculated, and focused. He picked up the decanter while wearing gloves and walked toward the guards. Once close enough he watched the young man gather up the four glasses and place them in the case with the decanter, to be replaced with identical ones. Any alcohol left on the ground was wiped up, and the remains from the new decanter took its place. Then the young man gathered up the case, and moved to the cell door punching in a code, which released the force field. It was then that Garak noticed that the focus had left the young man, replaced by? joy, pain? love? "Are you all right, Tesoro?" Mi'Le said, but his voice was soft, the accent not Kardassi, and the words were standard. Garak was stunned, "What did you say?' he asked. He watched the young man he knew as Mi'Le walked toward him closing the gap between them. The pained look turned to that of amused joy. "I asked, if you are all right, mi Tesoro." Julian said, using his regular voice and inflections. "We must hurry." But even at his own words of concern for time he could not resist, he had to embrace his love. He was surprised to find Elim still unmoved even with his arms around his love's body. He pulled back to see that Garak was still staring at him, stunned. Julian smiled, "Yes, mi Vida, mi Tesoro, my love,' he laughed, "it's really is me." Julian then realized that he didn't have the luxury of enjoying this revelation of Garak's, so with another hug, he then pulled Elim by the sleeve out of the cell. Julian grabbed his case along with one of the guard's disrupters, and pulled Garak up the stairs to DuKat's office. Once inside when Garak could see his nemesis out cold, did his senses start to fully return. "Julian?" he said, watching the young man grabbing a duffel bag over his shoulder. "Yes, my love?" he said, a smile on his lips. "StarFleet?" he inquired. Julian kept his smile, but knew his Garak would see the shift in his expression, "We'll talk later, but we're not out of this just yet." Julian placed back one of the disrupters in DuKat's holder then took a hold of Garak's arm while pulling out the transporter device. A few seconds later the two of them were inside of DuKat's personal shuttle. "Are you up to piloting this craft?" Julian asked, while placing his bags down. "Of course." Garak said with pride and moved to take the helm. "I believe DuKat has informed his crew that he was going to be taking a trip to KorTendra, so?" "Setting a temporary course to KorTendra." Garak smiled. It was then that he noticed that Julian was not looking too well as the young man sat in the co-pilots chair. "I think I should be asking if you are all right?" Garak asked with concern. Julian closed his eyes, allowing the feeling of the ship taking off sooth the wave of nausea that he felt. "No," he said softly, "But I have what I need to fix this condition, but I though it best to wait till we were out of this mess." "Jahkim," Garak said, placing a free hand on Julian's knee, "if we don't get out of this 'mess'?" he let the statement fill it self. He was pleased to see Julian open his eyes understanding what was being said. Julian moved from the seat to gather his case, and then sat down again in the co-pilot seat. He reached in and took out several hypos that were taped together, and sealed. The seal was broken, and then one by one he injected himself. After the last one was given, Julian then reached into the bag and pulled out a larger bag, which in seconds was filling with his vomit. Garak was anything but pleased to see his love ill, but all he could do was ignore it, for he had to concentrate on getting the shuttle out of Cardassia Primes orbit, heading toward KorTendra, then adjust course and head out to Federation space, without being detected. He didn't have too much faith of this succeeding, but then he reminded himself, he didn't have faith that he ever see his love again? and wasn't he here with him now? even if he was getting sick in a bag. Julian felt awful, but at least all that stuff was out of his system, and he knew he would be all right. If Julian didn't fear a possible medical scan, he would never have taken it, but it wasn't worth the risk of being caught, and the initial scan on getting in and out of the facility each morning, made it worthwhile. His awareness of their location returned. "Where are we?" he asked, his throat sore. Garak was pleased to see that his love was feeling better, and unaware that he had been stared at for over twenty minutes, "approaching KorTendra." "Good." He rasped. Then Julian pulled a data rod from his pocket and handed it to Garak, "Follow this flight plan. I filed it via Legget Dumas's office. They'll think that DuKat had Takar, got Dumas to get him this clearance." A cough mixed with a chuckled. Of course once they investigate it, they'll find that neither Takar or his assistant had anything to do with it; the blame will fall fully at DuKat's feet. Garak took the rod and down loaded the data allowing the shuttle to automatically adjust its course. Then Elim looked over the information with a prideful smile. "You are going to explain things to me, Jahkim." "Jahkim?" He turned to see that Julian was out cold. Concerned Garak moved over to check him out, and was relieved to see he was only asleep. Since the ship was on auto pilot he stood up, then lifted Julian up into his arms and moved the young man to the back where a bunk could be used so Julian could sleep better. Garak also noticed that Julian was in a deep sleep, for he didn't stir when being moved, or when Garak caressed the aesthetic ridges that adorned his face. //It would seem that no mater what race you would portray, you would be a beauty, Jahkim// he smiled. ****************** Garak couldn't help but feel a sense of joy; they were now in Federation space, and he was going to wake his love when he heard movement from the back. He turned to see Julian coming forward, wearing civilian clothes and looking human, his beautiful eyes back to the golden amber he so adored. A huge smile crossed Garak's face, especially when Julian came and sat in his lap, applying the deepest kiss they ever shared. If air were not a necessity to life, the kiss would have lasted forever yet they parted, Garak could see, feel, the love Julian had for him. "My love, are we to meet up with the Defiant?" What Garak thought was a naturally assumed outcome to their situation he was surprised to see Julian look away, guilty. "What is it, Jahkim?" //How can I tell him? How can I not, I've done enough lying as it is. I just hope he won't hate me.// Julian thought, as tears started to fill his eyes. Garak was startled by this reaction, "Jahkim?" Julian crawled into Garak's lap even more, attempting to make himself as small as possible, then started his confession. He started, not after Garak being kidnapped, but with the arrival of Justin. He told of his part in destroying the shuttle, and the faking of Justin's health so he could up grade his brother's DNA to match his own. While knowing about the Order training, he used it to sabotage the rebuilding of the second shuttle, and the arrangement he worked out with Justin so they could keep in contact. He then told Garak about how StarFleet had ordered nothing to be done, and how he couldn't live with that. How he and Justin schemed together, blackmailing Quark to gather information on the facility. Thus learning of Gul Takar, and his preferences, thus making planes to use him. Gathering planes of the facility from the other side from Garak's counterpart. Having Quark order the Royal Kanar, before blackmailing him, then stealing it for he could never pay what the shipment really cost, much less what Quark demanded. How he hired a double to portray him on Demus three, knowing they didn't have visual technology, so any description of him would fit the double, and he set a limit in his personal account, so the double could only spend so much, but enough to keep Odo convinced that he was indeed on Demus three. Then through more tears he confessed the events that took place on Cardassia Prime, making sure that Elim knew that Julian remained faithful. He finished his confession by telling Garak that when anyone investigates the matter, they will only find that the men and DuKat were drinking, the drug will be long gone from their systems, "when you took advantage and somehow broke out." He cringed, "I forget to fix the control panel-- some genius I turned out to be." Garak told him it was unimportant and to continue, which he did. He then informed Garak that it was suppose to look like Mi'Le was with a drunk DuKat when "you broke in and fired the disrupter, but hitting the young man instead. Being that the disrupter was set to kill, they will only find registered DNA traces of the young man. You then steal DuKat's transporter device and the rest? Well, the rest is were we are now," he said, tears staining his face, not looking up at Elim at all, afraid what he might see. Garak was stunned, shocked, and full of disbelief that 'his' Julian was capable of so much. He wasn't even angry that Julian had kept things from him, his obvious grief was a true sign that there was no intent against him. A brief wave of anger did mix in with his emotions thinking about how Justin was sharing his lessons with Julian. He wanted his Bashir to remain as innocent for as long as life would allow from his dark past; to discover that his Julian was not quite as innocent as even he, Elim Garak former Obsidian Order spy, believed, was truly a shock. The only question that his mind could rationalize was, "Why?" "Why what?" he whispered, wanting Garak to be specific so he could answer the question. "Why did you... change?" Garak's voice was full of puzzlement, not anger. Julian dared to sit up and look into Garak's face for the first time since his confession began. He saw the bewildered look in his love's eyes, and though relieved not to see anger, or rejection, he couldn't understand what Garak was referring too, "What do you mean, change?" Still stunned at the revolutionary understanding of his love, "Change. You know as well as I? I think, that not that many months ago you would have... never done... why?" he stammered. Realization dawned on Julian. He gently removed himself from Garak's lap to stand up, and wipe his face, the tears in check. A couple of steps along with some deep breaths helped clear Julian's mind so he could answer the given question. "You're right," he said facing Elim. "Before Justin showed up on the station I wouldn't have done any of the things I just did. I would have? just taken it, like I always did. The result would be as it always had been, me spouting bravado but still an easy victim to the universe around me." His anguish from his deceptions now replaced by controlled anger. "Julian, you were never a victim," Garak tried to say. "That's were your wrong, Elim. I, like Justin was always at the mercy of those around us, for when push came to shove in most cases, we didn't fight back, at least not for ourselves. Well," fresh tears starting to flow along with the anger, "I swore that night I found out what happened to Justin? no more." His teeth grinned together, "No more." "Though I may be ashamed of some of my actions, I know as sure as I'm standing here, that if I didn't act, we not only wouldn't have been together on the station you would still be sitting in that damn cell!" Julian took a couple of breaths to control his rising emotion, redness already through out his face and body. "I fought for my life, Garak. Surly, you of all people can understand that? For you 'are' my life," he said walking closer back to Garak and falling on his knees before him, tears flowing uninterrupted from his now, back to normal, dark eyes. Garak's eyes too were filled with tears at seeing his loves pain, anger, and plea. He of all people did understand fighting for one's life, and though he never looked at Julian as a victim, Julian did and that prompted the change. "I understand, Jahkim," he whispered, taking a hold of Julian's face, caressing it gently. "I understand all too well" he leaned over a kissed the young man's forehead, then his cheek, "Know, that there is 'nothing' you have done that needs my forgiveness. You are my chosen one, my Jahkim, and I will 'always' stand by you. This 'I' swear." Then Garak was on his knees embracing his love with all he had to offer. **************** Sisko was sitting in the wardroom, waiting for his Science Officer to show up for the morning briefing. By the tension on everyone's face that was already present, the fact of Elim Garak's day of trial arriving hadn't been far from anyone's mind, especially Sisko. Even after being ordered not to do anything, he still tried to pull in a few favors, to no avail. His mood was poor at best, and Dax being late was not helping matters. He looked up to see Dax bursting through the door, smiling? "Benjamin! We have to contact Julian!" "What is this all about, Old man?" he inquired, at the comment, the odd mood, and the lateness. "I just came from talking with a friend of mine, who does trade near the Cardassian border, anyway?" she had to take a breath, excited from the news she was about to share. "It seems that Garak broke out of prison yesterday, and is no were to be found. It is also being said that the Cardassian council was publicly informed via a non-traceable source, that Garak didn't violate his exile conditions as was originally thought, but that DuKat kidnapped him off the station. On top of all this," she had to breath again, "DuKat was the one on duty when Garak broke out, and was found drunk along with his guards, and is himself facing charges, of dereliction of duty, that lead to the death of a civilian employee. The last charge being pressed by Legget Dumas personally! Can you believe it?" The room filled with positive sounds of disbelief, happy to hear that Garak was free, but was that what really happened. Sisko still didn't make a sound himself, taking in all that Dax had told him. "Are you sure that this information is correct," he asked, guarding his spirit from possible disappointment. "That's why I was late. If it had been wrong, then the trial would have gone as scheduled, since it was to be broadcasted. The only thing that I could find was a sincere apology for the inconvenience to the citizens of Cardassia, and a public listing of charges against DuKat. So? It has to be true." Said Dax, convinced that joy was the order for the day. "Do you think Garak would head back here?" inquired O'Brien. "I mean, they would be able to find him so easily, and..." "Like I said Miles. Since Garak was kidnapped from the station he didn't violate his exile conditions and there for the charges against him were false. The whole thing shouldn't have happened in the first place. Now, even though he broke out of prison, I'm sure that Cardassia is way too embarrassed as it is to pursue the matter anymore, so? Yes, I think Garak will head back here." She turns to Benjamin, "So, can I contact Julian with the good news?" Captain Sisko was considering this, for he wouldn't want to get his CMO's hopes up if it were not true, but then Julian did have the right to know. Just then Odo's com badge beeped, stealing Sisko away from his thoughts. "Ops to Constable Odo." "Odo here." "In coming message from Demes three." "Put it thought." Odo said. A second later a strange but familiar voice came over the com. "Ah, is a Mr. Odo there?" "I'm here. What can I do for you?" "I contact you as you ask. Dr. Bashir check out late last night. Not know till this morning. He left no word, no nothing." "Last night?" asked Sisko intrigued by the timing. "Ah, is someone else there, Mr. Odo? "It's all right. Do you have any idea what time last night?" "Best I tell you is he get message late then I think leave, exact time, unknown, sorry Mr. Odo." Odo looked over at Sisko who nodded that there were no further questions at the moment. "Well, thank you. I'll see that our agreement is fulfilled and completed on our part. Thank you." "Ah, thank you, Mr. Odo. We aim to please." The com closed. Everyone was startled as well as surprised to see Sisko of all people snickering, with a wide grin on his face, "It would seem, Old man, that Dr. Bashir already knows." This revelation brought smiles to everyone's face. Sisko sat up right in his chair looking at his staff, "Now, I believe we have a briefing to attend to, as well as a homecoming to arrange." Dax sat down still filled with glee; "I'm with you on that, Benjamin." "Aye. Garak may not be my favorite person, be he sure didn't deserve what he got, count me in too,: O'Brien stated. "Me too," said Kira. She didn't give an explanation, nor did Worf who also agreed to help. ************* Almost two weeks later Julian laid with his head snuggled against Elim's chest looking out the widow of 'their' secret room, listening to Justin's latest message to his brother. All on DS9 had gone well, there was a welcome home party given in Garak's honor that shocked the Cardassian to no end, and Quark was informed that half of the stolen shipment had surfaced. Of course, since Garak was back, Julian didn't want the order, but paid a small finder's fee none the less, and Garak bought one bottle. Things were going wonderful. Though he and Elim still decided it was best to keep their relationship a secret, for now, both were optimistic that when the time came to be open, both would find 'their' friends supportive. Justin's voice filled the air, "So, Lt. Commander Garak and I have arranged afternoon briefings," he laughed. "We may not discuss literature like the two of you, but the meaning is defiantly the same. I glad you have found another level of trust with your Elim, brother. I hope someday I will find one too, for if it is the will of the Prophets that we are together, then we will be. Did you light that candle I asked you to do?" "Yes," Julian said lazily, as if his brother could hear him. "And I prayed the chant you gave me also, for additional five minutes above the first five." "Of course you did, but did you do the chant?" came Justin's voice again. Since it was only a recording it really couldn't respond to Julian's comments. "Remember, it's for five minutes. I know I know? your spiritual beliefs are yours and mine are mine. Ah, I'm being hailed back to the bridge. Till later my sweet brother. My love always." The message ends. Garak hugs Julian tight, "Did you really chant a Bajoran prayer?" he inquired. Julian looked up, eyes smiling, "Yes. Though I didn't believe before the whole ordeal with you being taken from me, I do now. I know now, that there was no way I could have done all that I did if I wasn't being watched over, so? yes, I did. But not to worry, Elim. I have no intentions of placing my beliefs on you," he gave a crooked smile, "just my body." Julian then shifted on top of Garak and the two men started making out like a couple of teenagers. ********** Mean while Major Kira waited by the airlock wearing her best uniform. It was part of her job to meet with dignitaries or anyone of importance that arrived from Bajor. The airlock opened to reveal a young Bajorn Vedek. He was tall, with dark sandy brown hair and bright green eyes. His youthfully handsome good looks were only surpassed by his faith in the Prophets. "Vedek MaRin, it is an honor to have you here on DS9. How can I be of service?" Kira asked. There was a sense of urgency in his eyes as he approached Major Kira. "Major, I must speak with Dr. Bashir." "May I inquire as to why?" "He is being called by the Prophets and he must go." "Our Children's Tears" Two universes are at stake, only the sacrifices of the Amaket (chosen healer) & Amdemsi' (Chosen warrior) can bring the children of the Prophets together. New revelations that will startle all involved on both sides threaten the very fabric of what both sides have come to understand is their universe. Can one soul, even in the form of two bodies truly fight against the darkness and heal ancient wounds? [WILL THIS EVER BE WRITTEN???]