Title: Alterations
Author: T'Lin ( LinkyS@aol.com )
Series: DS9
Code: G/B
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In answer to the challenge scenario - Bashir is surgically altered to appear Cardassian for a Starfleet mission. He turns to Garak to train him to behave like a Cardassian. (Thanatos)
Goes with photo-manip garak-bashir-cardassians.jpg (I've indicated in the story where I'd like the image inserted when posted to the archive, if at all possible)
Archiving: GBFF, ASC* and my own web page -- http://www.geocities.com/tlin_s/ -- all others, please ask first.
Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own the TREK universe, I just like to play there. I promise to return everyone to their proper place, unharmed, when I'm done with them. I make no money off of my efforts here, nor do I intend any copyright infringement. Although these characters are not mine, this story is. T'Lin, 13 December, 2003.


by T'Lin -- 0312.13

Garak impatiently paced ... the small office space making his task virtually impossible, but he was unable to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. The suspense was killing him. Bashir had reported to sickbay several hours ago, where he was undergoing a surgical procedure that would alter his appearance. He should have returned nearly an hour ago ... and Garak was growing more concerned over his well-being by the minute.

But this was only the beginning of his worries. Some lame-brained fool in Section 31 had convinced Julian that he should impersonate Damar, in order to acquire information on the alliance between the Cardassians and the Dominion.

Luckily, height and build were the same, or nearly so. What Julian lacked in upper body bulk could easily be concealed by the uniform. The doctors were confident that they could make him look exactly like the Cardassian. But there was more to this subterfuge than simply appearing the same ... Julian would have to *act* the same.

For that, they had enlisted Garak's help. He had spent the past several weeks training Julian. They watched endless surveillance tapes of the station, where Damar's image had been captured; analyzing his body language and, whenever possible, his speech patterns. When alone, they spoke Cardassi -- Julian's knowledge of the language, taught to him over the years by Garak, was one of the reasons Section 31 chose him for this mission.

But after weeks of preparation, Garak was still not convinced that Julian would be able to pull this off. Damar was too well known -- it would have been far better, in his opinion, to infiltrate the inner sanctum as a nondescript and nearly invisible aide to someone like Damar.

Of course, time was of the essence, and a complete stranger showing up at the office one day would never be trusted in a position where sensitive information was being discussed, which is why Section 31 insisted on this current plan. Garak didn't like it, and in a way, he doubted that Julian did, either ... although there *was* a certain degree of danger which the human seemed to thrive on ...

With that thought running through his mind, Garak heard the door to his office slide open, and turned to see Julian, the only person who knew the code besides himself. At first glance, he could have sworn that Damar stood before him ... but a closer look to the eyes, and the silly grin on his face, told him otherwise ... this *was* Julian, magnificently altered.

Julian as Cardassian, Garak

Garak inspected Julian with the practiced eye of a tailor. Julian stood, anxiously awaiting his judgment. As the older Cardassian circled his friend, he asked a few questions; suddenly, the voice and words fell into place ... had he not known that the man before him was Julian Bashir, and not Damar, he never would have suspected.

To Garak, there was only one more test to make. He stood behind Julian, placing his hands on the broad shoulders, and pressed his body close to Julian's back. Breathing deep, he inhaled the musky scent -- he smelled like Julian, but altered ... most definitely Cardassian now and not Human. Garak became aroused as he licked the tender spot just below Julian's ear.

He smiled as the neck ridges flushed a darker shade of gray, just as they should. Suddenly, Julian turned, and became the aggressor ... pinning Garak to the wall with one hand, as he reached with the other to open his lovers trousers. Holding Garak in place with a passionate kiss, Julian slid Garak's trousers down passed his knees, then opened his own, releasing his engorged flesh.

"On your knees," Julian ordered in Damar's voice, and Garak eagerly complied. He began to suck Julian's cock, his hands on his lovers ass, preventing him from pulling out of his eager mouth. Within seconds, Julian came.

When he was completely spent, Garak released him, and stood, smiling as he said, "It's a good thing you won't be seeing Damar's wife, for I understand she is a very demanding female ... you're disguise would never survive her ministrations."

Julian blushed ... his neck ridges darkening to a lovely shade of gray ... while his exposed lower body was as pink as the day he was born. Looking at Garak's exposed genitalia, then to his own, he said, "There are some things I will not do for crown and country ... and as much as I love you, I wouldn't trade this," here, he grabbed his partially erect penis, "for anything."

"I am so glad to hear that, my dear," Garak said, as he fingered the slit where a Cardassian female inserted her genitalia during copulation. Although a Human male was far larger than a Cardassian female, he had learned to accommodate Julian, and doubted he'd ever be satisfied with a female ever again.

~the end~