The Glitter Jungle:

Alternative Family
We are family... I got all my brothers with me... sing it, girl!... Horsemen fic.


Kronos was nothing if not a reasonable man. After a while, Methos' words penetrated his head; Methos wanted them to be together again, brothers riding and all, but he just didn't want the violence, the pain, and the apocalypse.

"Maybe just kill - -"


"Maybe then..."


For a guy who didn't want violence, Methos resorted to rather violent means to make his point come across. Kronos rubbed the back of his head gingerly.

"We can just live together, and ride horses. Like a commune. With horses." Kronos looked pleadingly at his brother.

"Oh, alright then."


"Caspian. Where did Mrs Matilda's cat disappear to?"

The large man shrugged innocently. And then burped.

"What did we say about the neighbours' pets, Caspian?"


There were no sharp objects in the house. Methos had insisted.

Duncan looked at his plate, confused but polite. "So how do I cut my steak?"

Methos glanced. "...Steak?"

Kronos glared at Caspian.


Planning a raid was just so much easier than this. Kronos felt a headache coming.

"Caspian, put that down. This is Silas', and I don't care who saw it first."

He soaped and washed another plate.

"Do you want me to tell Methos when he comes back? Do you?!"

There was blessed silence behind his back for at least five minutes, during which he finished most of the forks and spoons. Methos had no idea what kind of pain one can cause with a fork. Actually, he did, but. Luckily he always came in after everyone was already healed.

"Don't threaten your brother!"


"I thought you said no more violence, no more bloodshed." Kronos looked accusingly at his brother.

Methos sighed. "An Immortal came after my head. I had no choice."

Kronos stood quietly, absorbing the information.

Moments passed.

"So," Kronos was back to his old self, all businesslike, "how do I remove blood stains from an off-white sweater?"


"Silas, I told you we're here just for curtains."

Silas ignored Methos, silently and insistently pointing at the Superman print linen set.

"He's not a child, you know." Methos, Kronos, and Silas himself were surprised to hear Caspian stick up for his brother. "And those are on sale. And we have enough money, what with the - - " A glare from Kronos stopped him short. Methos looked suspicious, but decided that a Don't Ask Don't Tell approach would probably be better for his peace of mind. Not like Duncan was checking up on their accounts.

They ended up buying two of the Superman sets. And curtains that matched their plastic-covered couch.


Kronos rested his head on Methos' chest and smiled softly. They were sitting on their couch, watching television after dinner; Silas and Caspian were playing peacefully on the carpet in front of them.

Later they would go to their room and there would be chains and blades and a cute little cat o' nine tails made of the finest leather.

Kronos thought to himself, I could sure get used to this.

