The Glitter Jungle:

Passion For Christ
Learning new things. Clark/Lex

Lex just had a demonstration of the Doppler effect. Something whooshed past
him, so fast he couldn't even tell what it was. But he did hear it. Even
felt the wind.

Things were weird here, in Smallville. He reflected on his life, standing
in the corn field where he found Clark three years ago. Things were weird
back in Metropolis, too; in fact, things have been weird all his life. But
since his move to Smallville, things... 'weird' might not be adequate anymore.

He smelled something chemical in the fresh green scent of the field; insect
repellent, probably, to keep pests off the corn. He hoped Clark would get
here soon; his friend told him he had something important to tell him. That
they had to meet. Here. After Clark finished doing the dishes. Lex could
hear Jonathan in the background when he spoke to Clark over the phone,
spouting platitudes about business before pleasure and about doing your
chores like a good boy. Lex had despised the man more and more with time.

Ah, there's Clark. Running towards him, the picture of health and physical
shape; he didn't even break a sweat.

"Lex, I have something to tell you." Clark was slightly out of breath, but
that could've been excitement rather then exertion.

Lex waited to hear the most exciting news anyone on the planet earth had
ever heard.

A fantastic story about adopting a child who came from the sky. A tale
retold of the crucifixion; something comes from the heavens to earth, and
the humans' first response is to string it up in the middle of a field in
hope it dies.

"My parents didn't want me to tell anyone. They were afraid... you know.
Alien horror movies, labs and dissections and... stuff."

Lex nodded. He completely understood. Honesty is important, but survival is
a considerable matter as well.

"Now I'm eighteen." Clark grinned. "And you're the first person I told to."
The relief on his face reminded Lex the day he came out of the closet to
his father, and was *not* disowned.

"I'm honoured, Clark. And also, kinda shaky."

Clark smiled brightly.

"I thought you would be. I brought you these."

"Drugs?" Lex took the little medicine bottle from Clark and looked at it
suspiciously. Clark didn't seem to be the type to promote drug use. On the
other hand, he didn't seem to be the type to not be human, so you never know.

"Passiflora pills. It's the passion flower." Lex raised an eyebrow. "It's
relaxing. And it's one hundred percent natural herb."

So naïve, so beautiful. Lex had some herbal relaxation medicine of his own
in his room, taped under the bed. Not that he thought his father wouldn't
know it's there; in fact, he suspected that Lionel used to smoke
occasionally himself. He took a pill from Clark and swallowed it, though.

"Why do they call it passion flower?" Clark looked at the label.


"If it's relaxing, and not, you know." Eighteen, and still blushing. Beautiful.

"Something about a passion for Christ, and stoned Spanish missionaries in
the 17th century." Lex always liked teaching his young friend things he
didn't know, but right now he was far more eager to learn. "So tell me more
about this alien thing?"

"Okay." Clark looked disappointed, and Lex didn't understand. His reaction
was as accepting as they came. He did everything he possibly could to make
Clark feel comfortable. He was the perfect friend.


"What more do you want to know about the passion flower, Clark?" Stop being
the perfect friend; try being the pervy older friend, the flirtatious one,
the obviously interested one. Lex's grin turned just on this side of predatory.

Clark smiled.


Improv #4 (by Cat): Insect repellent - doing the dishes - crucifixion - passiflora (passion flower) - the Doppler effect
