The Glitter Jungle:


Some say pain is your friend because it allows you to know where the wound is, or because it makes you know you're still alive, or whatever other healthy excuse they can muster to find a way to face what hurts them.

They are wrong.

Pain is your friend because, like a good friend, it shows you new and interesting things about yourself, things you didn't know before. It's your friend because it allows you to be yourself, completely, to be open and honest.

Pain... is more than a friend; it's a lover, welcoming you into its hot wide arms. And like a lover, you crave it, seek it out in yourself and in others. Pain is what keeps you warm at night, and pain is what stops your heart from growing cold in the harsh light of day.

Agony on a stranger's face, knowing it was your power that put it there, that caused this intense sensation that this man will never forget for the rest of his life - if he lives. The wide shocked eyes and gasp of the dying when a sword goes through their flesh, or when the horse's hooves mangle their body, or when the demons of disease take them away in unspeakable torment.

Such an exquisite feeling. Such a refined exhilaration. Pain.


Possibly Kronos.
