The Glitter Jungle:

Lex's lips. Lex/Other [m/m], Clark/Lex UST

Lex's lips were almost colourless. Not just when Clark pulled him out of the water and breathed life into him, but sometimes, just every day, when he'd smile at Clark and drink coffee and talk about dead Greek guys, his lips were almost the same colour as the skin of his face. Pale. Creamy. Soft.

The little scar was almost invisible sometimes, but some other times it was clear, cutting the smooth lines, interrupting the flow of the curves, catching your eye and not letting go. Clark would stare at it until he'd feel Lex staring back at him and then he'd blush and stutter and say something to distract Lex, so that Lex wouldn't think Clark is staring at his mouth.

Sometimes though, Lex's lips were dark pink, almost red, the scar unnoticeable under the wet sheen. His mouth was open, gasping for air, not in that desperate way he had after the river, but in a whole other way, less scary. Or maybe more scary, just different.

Scary, because there is this man Clark doesn't know, but he's pretty sure this man is responsible for the way Lex's face looks, with the lips all open and wet and red, with the big eyes and the heavy breathing and only now Clark notices the rest of Lex which is....


Clark takes a hesitant step back.

Naked chest, smooth, wide surface of the pale creamy skin Clark liked so much, only interrupted for two small, round nipples and for the back of the man's head right below Lex's belly button, moving up and down and slurping, and Clark gets a pretty good idea of what Lex's lips and chin are covered with.

Okay, so maybe not all naked, because Lex is still wearing pants, dark grey dress pants and Clark wonders why his brain notices such details when it's so obvious the fly is open and much more interesting things than fashion tips are happening.

Slurpy things.

Lex still hasn't noticed him, which makes sense because he's busy right now, and maybe Clark should come back later. But he can't stop looking at the wet lips and think about all the things he could do with them; things he had thought about before, of course, but it was always clear that Lex doesn't do those sort of things, except now it's clear that he does do them, so Clark's thoughts about Lex's lips are somehow becoming more... detailed.

And when he leaves the office, Clark has lots of new things to think about Lex's lips.
