The Glitter Jungle:

My Hero
Fairy tale. Clark/Lex

A giant lizard was exposed to toxic amounts of green meteor rocks and was terrorising town. It roared, waving its tail about and hitting several people in the process. Lex chose a really bad day to go for coffee in town.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Clark jumped on the lizard's head. He wrapped his arms around its thick neck, avoiding the venom it spat - harmless to humans, but glowing green and nauseating to aliens. He fought, bracing himself and using all his strength to squeeze and turn and break the monster's neck with a sickening crunching noise.

The large green scaly animal was lying lifeless on the ground. Clark slid off of the body to find Lex, getting up slowly from the pavement.

"Are you okay?" Clark asked, worried.

"Did you just..." Lex surveyed the scene, "Did you just slay a dragon for me?"
