The Glitter Jungle:

Never Again
Bad habits. Superman/Lex

Never again.

Lex sat on his bunk, hugging his knees, staring at the grey wall.

It was Superman who put him here in the first place. He must remember that, must hold the grudge. What would he have in his life if not for thought of revenge?

Locked in his little cell with no visitors, well, only this one, dropping in whenever he could and Lex should curse him, resist, maybe throw something at him, as futile as that would be. Should yell, insult, should tell Superman to get the fuck out of here.

Instead, he falls into the alien's arms, grateful for another person's presence in his monotonous, confined world. And Superman kisses the top of his head, and then his lips, and Lex just... lets him.

He can keep telling himself that, but the truth is, he kisses back. He initiates as much as Superman does and never once even hinted that he doesn't want this, never once resisted or told Superman that he hated him, that it was all his fault.

If he dug even deeper he might be able to admit that it's not just the touch he craves, the pretence everything is normal, but that he really wants Superman.

So it happens each time. Making love - Lex would never use this term to describe it, but Superman insisted that this is what it was - on the bunk and Superman whispers in his ear that it will all be better when Lex is paroled, that he himself will recommend it, that Lex doesn't have much long left. That he shouldn't try to break free, not now, because no matter what happens between them, Superman will not let him escape. He'd hunt him down and put him back in prison, and wouldn't it be much better to wait for the system, wait until Lex could legally be out of here and then they could be together. Really together.

And Lex doesn't believe it would happen. Every time after Superman leaves, Lex sits on his bunk and thinks. This wasn't love. Superman was just using him. Keeping him docile and caged. A lover would help him out of prison, no? A lover would not say he'd hunt him down.

Every time, he swore, never again.

And every time, when Superman entered his cell...

He'd fall into the alien's arms.
