The Glitter Jungle:

The Only Time
Drunk Lex breaks taboos. Luthorcest

Lex is drunk. Been a rough week, lots of juggling reports to keep the company going and Clark was angry with him because apparently his dad went to talk to Jonathan Kent - he didn't know anything about it, but Clark still held him responsible.

Fuck that. Not a real friend anyway. Only one person he can trust. Well, he can trust that person to fuck him over and be mean and unpleasant and... mean, but at least that's predictable. Lex bursts into the office.

"I'm so in love with you right now..." He mutters it in the vague direction of the desk.

"Lex?" His father is surprised, and that's already a step forward because it's so hard to make him express... oh, god, Lex doesn't want to think about it, proper behaviour in front of everyone. They're alone in the room, and Lex doesn't care about morals and family and some of the biggest taboos in Western society.

He grabs his father's wrist. The man doesn't even try to avoid his grip, and Lex pulls him out of the chair and half across the room before Lionel resists and stops. Lex laughs, motions to the million little cameras hidden everywhere, and Lionel nods and walks after him suspiciously.

They end up in the underground garage, near one of Lionel's few cars, and Lex decides to throw all caution to the wind, and just do it. This one time.

He pushes his father against the car and Lionel barely has time to open his mouth in question before there are lips on his and a tongue and maybe he tries to struggle but alcohol and anger make Lex stronger, and he pushes harder. Threads his fingers in Lionel's hair and holds him, and the hands on his arms that try to keep him away slowly weaken until Lionel is just holding onto him. Not exactly kissing back, but not fighting anymore.

And when Lex presses forward, he feels a hard length in his father's thin wool slacks.

This is new, and exciting, and possibly the only thing that Lex never had, that is still forbidden, still wrong, even for a man who can do everything and get away with it. The thrill is more than Lex had in years, maybe more than he ever had because the word 'no' was never really an issue with anything else. And also because he's closer to his father, somehow, and he's winning something here which he doesn't understand but it's what he needs.

He moves back and takes a look. Lionel's skin is cool and sweaty, hair plastered to his face and looking all rumpled and possibly just a tiny bit afraid. Shocked maybe, but completely focused on Lex and *respects* him.

Lex wants to get inside this, have it all. Society's rules don't mean anything anymore, haven't meant anything since he entered the office, and he just reaches and tears Lionel's shirt, the sound harsh and disturbingly vulnerable in the cold dark emptiness. And this is another new thing. Lionel's chest, skin and hair, and Lex bites a nipple viciously and Lionel gasps. Lex feels a spark inside him he hasn't felt in a long time, and how fucked up is that? Hurting daddy in such unclean ways makes him feel alive, makes him the winner. Lionel still hasn't said a word, he's very pale, and Lex thinks he's really in shock but his eyes say he's still here and consciously letting this happen, and maybe this is even more fucked up.

Lex smirks. One hand opens the car's door - no one ever locks anything around here - the other clutches Lionel's bicep and hauls him into the back seat of the limo. Lex's cars are always sleek and fast, Lionel's are always spacious and luxurious, and Lex appreciated the irony of taking this in his father's ride. Then he pushes Lionel on the floor between the seats, and moves in after him, shutting the door behind them.

They grapple on the plush carpeting and Lex is not exactly drunk anymore, just high on this new game and this new power. Ends up on top and then rolls, taking Lionel with him, and holds onto him with legs and arms. Can't resist thrusting upward and isn't at all surprised when Lionel answers with a thrust.

"Wanna fuck me?" Lex doesn't utter the word 'dad' that's already on his lips. Lionel flinches anyway, closes his eyes to hide his feelings but he can't fool Lex. Not when he responds to the kiss and deepens it, not when he caresses his son's face.

They undress in a hurry, not looking at each other in the small cramped space of the limousine - as big as this vehicle is, it's still just a car, and neither man can stand up straight or stretch comfortably. They end up on their knees facing each other and Lex twists gracefully and he's on his back, holding his legs up expectantly and smirking.

Feels in love again, and tells Lionel that. Something in his dad's eyes breaks at that moment, and Lex can see the man joins him in that place where they don't have to care, where they can do anything. A place where Lionel doesn't shake and recoil from his touch but instead surges forward and fucks Lex, and Lex encourages, Lex controls it, lying down and goading his dad with heels drumming on his back, with hands clutching at his hair, with a sweet filthy mouth. Has to control it, has to stay on top of everything with Lionel on top of him, has to win.

Knows he won't when Lionel whispers his name and comes, shuddering, weak. Only then Lex allows himself to end this, to come, to let go for just one second.

Lionel leans back and then smiles and kisses his son on the forehead.

Lex closes his eyes.


Inspiration: NIN
