The Glitter Jungle:

An act of extreme intimacy. Brimstone, Lucifer/Zeke

This is why I do this. I like to make the boy beg, ache for it. He doesn't bow down before my powers; only this makes him kneel, open up. Want it. This is what makes him go wild with the third finger, when he knows I'm not just preparing him, when he realises I have something special planned for tonight. When he's getting ready, relaxing, letting me in, letting my fist do that to him. He makes high keening noises. He shudders and then moans when he comes, and that's when he's at his weakest, when by all rights I should be taking advantage, take from him what I can, but I don't. Because just then he's also at his strongest and I can't spoil this, this almost sacred, almost holy moment.

"Next time, Ezekiel," I whisper when he's already asleep, a tired, blissful smile on his haggard face. "Next time."


Dedication: Cat

Inspiring fridgeporn:

make the boy beg
wild for this fist
