The Glitter Jungle:

Painted Mouth
Bart plays with Tim and Kon.

"What a beautiful boy," Tim whispers. Not that anyone's listening; it just seems right in the context. Reverence, admiration. Quiet adoration.

"Makes a gorgeous girl," Kon says. Not as quiet as Tim is, but still more respectful than he normally is towards Imp - Kid Flash - Bart.

Painted mouth opens, soft pink lips move. They stare, and only after, they hear the words.

"Is Allen a girl name?"

They circle him, and his hands smooth down the dress, demure, maybe nervous.

Tim says, "Bart, if you don't want to do this - "

And Bart pulls up the lacy hem of the dress to show lace-edged panties with a noticeable bulge, and smiles, a big smile, innocent, trusting, and just on this side of dirty.


Inspiring fridgeporn:

painted mouth
and bulging panties
my beautiful boy
makes a gorgeous girl
