The Glitter Jungle:

No rush. Giles/Ethan

"We need to work on our problems," Giles said and removed his glasses to wipe them clean, and to avoid Ethan's eyes for another precious moment. "We can't resort to - to mischief, to magic and tricks and, and *alcohol*."

The moment passed and Ethan hadn't replied. Giles put his glasses back on and looked up to see Ethan still sitting there, quiet, a serious look on his face but a hint of amusement in the almost imperceptible quirk of his mouth.

"I want this as much as you do," Giles said. "But we're not the people we were then. We have to learn everything again, we have to rebuild trust. We can't do this without trust, Ethan. On both sides."

Ethan nodded soberly.

"We need to learn to fit in each other's lives again, Ethan." Giles said. "It's a long and important process."

"I understand," Ethan finally spoke, "and I agree. Now shut up and get on top of me."


Dedication: Tara

Inspiring fridgeporn:

shut up
get on top
